HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.gm.700 S Galena St.1982 March 1, 1982 \ TO: The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission Mr. Cantrup has not asked nor have we given him, "permission to place the retention system on (our) adjacent property", as required in the Schnabel Report, which concerns the tieback system. If Mr. Cantrup does not use tieback but instead internal rakers, his engineering plans are of no concern to us, except insofar as you determine they are structurally sound. However if the recommended tieback system is used, and it is the best system, it will extend as far as 20 feet into our property. In that event, before granting permission for tieback right-of-way, we would first require a perform- ance bond in the amount of $100,000 payable to us in case of damage to our house, or in the event that Mr. Cantrup does not conform precisely to predetermined specifications. These specifications should include a stamp of approval by Schnabel on all engineering work as well as approval by Dr. Charles Robinson, wromwe have retained as a consulting engineering geologist. He wishes to inspect the site at the time that forms are pulled and the tiebacks tightened and before any structure is built on top or there is fill. Secondly, we respectfully request a detailed final roof design. Since Mr. Cantrup, for economic reasons, is using every square inch of his property and it might indeed include required use of our property for tiebacks, and because we have spent several thousand dollars investigating this Cantrup Project, we feel that we should be allowed to consider the architectural plans for the roof which will be approximately 10 feet from our balcony and 5 feet below. We also believe the and request a right from our property. for landscaping our retaining wall will affect the natural grade and planting, to approve the design of the wall, insofar as it is visible We also believe Mr. Cantrup should provide adequate top soil side of this wall. Mr. Cantrup's foreman, Mark Danielson, has verbally promised me that HBC has made arrangements to remove the horrible power pole. We feel this is a plus in Mr. Cantrup's plans and we are willing to cooperate with him to our mutual advantage if he constructs the wall in a reasonable time and in strict conformity with specified and preapproved engineering plans, and as long as he takes into account our concerns as to roof and wall design. If these matters are not legally addressed and guaranteed by a performance bond, we see no reason to grant permission for a tieback system. Sincerely, \(-tl'\\.-- C~~~\..'-'(,)\VVv,----- , i Joan Anderman cjp DRAFT: 700 S. Galena Preliminary Plat Applicant's agreement for the benefit of surrounding and nearby property owners The Commission's approval of the applicant's Preliminary Plat is conditioned upon the applicant's agreement to the following. 1. During and subsequent to excavation for the project the applicant will allow the City Engineering Department and/or landowners within 400 feet of the project site to conduct at reasonable hours and in a manner occasioning as little inconvenience to constructIDon as possible, soil and water tests on the project site to determine if any condition not determined by prior tests exists which, directly or indirectly, would adversely affect surrounding and nearby property, including diversion of underground water resulting in decreased support. 2. If any such condition is indicated by such a test, the City Council, this Commission, and/or the Building Department of the City of Aspen may halt the applicant's projec~ immediately and prevent further excavation or construction until this Commission, at a hearing held within ten (10) days of the stop work order, is satisfied that such condition, not known to the Commission at the time of Preliminary Plat co~ditional approval, will not cause damage or danger to the project or surrounding and nearby property, and/or ad~quate measures will be taken to eliminate any such damage or danger. The Com- mission may require changes in construction of the project to accommodate the newly discovered condition which may , increase the project's cost to the applicant. Instead of making the required changes in construction, the applicant may elect to discontinue the project, immediately making the project site safe and attractive and correcting any condition which constitutes a danger to the project or surrounding or nearby property. 3. The applicant acknowledges the difficulty of construction on the project site and agrees to compensate any person damaged by reason of flooding, mudslide, loss of land support, erosion or ather injury occasioned directly or indirectly by its excavation and construction; the applicant shall have strict liability, i.e., liability notwithstanding lack of negligence on the part of the applicant, for all damage occasioned by its project's creation on the site. The ~~?nning and Zoning Commission may enforce this paragraph by enjoining work on the project if the applicant fails to make compensation under this paragraph; the Commission shall conduct a hearing, granting the aggrieved landowner and the applicant notice and an opportunity to be heard,-on the issue of noncompliance prior to issuing a stop order under this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to preclude any other remedy for damage available to any aggrieved party, by reason of any matter addressed in this paragraph. 4. The applicant shall purchase insurance in the amount of $ , naming the surrounding and nearby landowners of the project as beneficiaries, which shall pay benefits cotaem fQD,~amage to their property ar~sing from the excavation and/or construction of the applicant's project. . " '"' .' . ." 'c "'._..-~-_." "c'" ~"" "__,.___,.-_____~._~~ ,_. " ~;Ic. I I ~. ~ , -- -_....' No. !J 7- g I CASELOAD SUMr'IARY SHEET City of Aspen 1. DATE CERTIFIED COMPLETE: STAFF:' 111iN /)JUi ,S 2. APPLICAln:_Jbns T, Ci.'4f'tp ,~ )ltilP tdlf )\_1(1 i'tl"l/ P-- ;. /i I \-t b.i 1, 'r \ "I.' hi:;" I 1,'1) j ,C~)~')I(JI;~ldt ~tHl Jurf':rV 3. REPRESENTATIVE: 010fK ~i'I;(isuu U - i& I(). 4. PROJECT NAME: 5. LOCATION: (\",1/1/1 .<'{( 1~)'o"Yt Prj '( e ,rf ,1/).:; I.f, k 1- /0 v Va.!" l'f I 13 , I ( \;(6(:. I ? OC/::";:)j 6. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 4 Step: L.GMP (~~'I~\0Y\'\;o.l PUD ( ~Subdivision 11 's:./-' 2 Step: lSubdivision Exception ( CllIf GMP Excep t ion C Rezoning ( J' ) IjlJl(J7(/;;i97 -; ) } -Se~. 00;\ "W, --.."'\. .'.j .:' I'" I -, ) -,. \.. ", .. \ iU J~'~(..j i;;, ) <,-/I. 7i1J) -Y-,e.', (;PW ;~; i'eftl . SPA , 1 Step: Use Determination Conditional Use Speci.a 1 Review l ) No. of Steps: __~PC Other: 7. CONCEPTUAL REFERRALS: ~Attorney ____Sanitation District ~Engineering Dept. Mountain Bell ____Housing Parks Water Holy Cross Electric ____City Electric ~ire Marshal/Building Dept. 8. DISPOSITION - CONCEPTUAL REVIEW: AlJd 11.'1.01/,:'';'' .Ie /' -. . /,'(~-" P & Z \/ Appreved ./ Denied Date~>:'" "l.T I:. (on(f'(}!u::,\ ;1';I.'('_~_!.'_~'J' ,j /!,f[~.}ti f ",.,( " " '1' ,,'i-. .',., _ ~ ' ' , ',I t::. I _ J 1 , .,.I ~...I ^ ____School District ____Rocky Mtn. Nat. Gas ____State Highway Dept. Other 1: 1 I .::1._1. 'ii:) . The applicant must obtain necessary easements from utility com[l(lnies l'lhere project construction vli11 encroach upon these eaSClllcnts. The appl icant must be responsible for any required rerouting of utilities resulting from the use of the easements. ---1. ------ 2. The parking facility must be appropriately designed to handle the difficult (jl'i1GeS and the Jcute anqle at the intersection \:ith S. (,,,Jella Street. - -----.--- - _."-_.~ ------------ --.-.---.--,." ------ ""'" /" , , ........ 3. The applicant must clearly indicate in the site design how the southeast corner of the property which is in excess of a 30% slope, will be graded and/or retained. . 4. An easily accessible trash area must be incorporated into the site design. 5. Prior to obtaining a'certificate of occupancy, the applicant must fuHi.11 all obligations that he committed to in the complete, amended application including, but not limi.ted to the following: a) The parking plan including 26 underground parking spaces; b) Drainage control facilities dry wells, retention wells, sion berm; including a series of and a planted diver- I c) Energy features such as solar collectors for hot water heating, energy efficient fireplaces, insulation exceeding regulated standards; d) Social facilities including a child care center, recycling facilities and an indoor/outdoor pool; e) Site design as shown in the amended application using a three story straight line configuration which will maximize solar utilization. f) Sidewalks along S. Galena Street; g) Elevators and stairs to serve the three stories from the parking garage; h) Site and buil di ng des i gn to permit unobs tructed movement for wheel chair confined or other handi- capped persons; i) The twelve employee units at 925 Durant (part of this joint application) must be deed restricted to low income housing and,a certificate of occupancy issued prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy on the units at 500 S. Galena. j) All other obligations established in the complete amended application for 500 S. Galena. k) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the plans shall be submitted to the Planning Office for confi,rmation of their consistency with this amended GNP application. 6. The applicant recognizes that approval of the GMP amendment does not signify any acceptance, nor create any reliance, upon a subsequent RBO on other applica- tions. HOI,ever, at the preliminary plat stage, the applicant shall submit plans with a design anticipating RBO approval and one which works without the RBO. 7. Applicant is aware of the intent to cOndition approval on obtairling a building permit to require consttuction to start as soon as soils allow and to agree to a completion schedule l'lhich I,ill be determined at the preliminary plat stage based on the tenns found in the Unifonn Cui lding Code." r~: 'I 1 , , " '\.. \ \ ....... ....,/ RECOI1D OF PI10CEEDINGS 100 L('av(~s il I. I I r . '011>1" C.'o ..~tr~n..'." l. C1. - -":'':''=:''--= '! l~ n ~( :~ ~ March 3, 1982 Plann'ing and Zoning COl1uuission meeting Minutcs cxcerpt ~ I .' Lee Pardee,moved the planning and zoning commission grant approval of the prelimInary plat for 700 South Galena Street Project subject to the following conditions: (1) in order to insure slope stabilization the following is requircd; (a) comprehensive design for both temporary and perman~nt earth retaining structures with the final desing reviewed, sign and sealed by a geological engineer and approved by the cngineering office prior to building permit issuance and that all retaining acitivites be monitored throughout construction; (b) the applicant must obtain permission and construction easements from affected property owners if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineer prior to temporary shoring which extend beyond the subject property bo~ndary; (c) the applicant shall obtain permission and cooperation from the adjacent land o"~ers if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineers in order to provide the necessary underpinning of adjacent building foundations in addition to or as a part of the required storing system. :~ .! I' ,~ i I : I I (2) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the method used for handling both surface and subsurface drainage during construction and in the permanent final design shall:', be approved by a geotechnical consultant. The design shall, incorporate on-site retention of storm flows to minimize impacts on dO~1hill property and both during construction and during permanent channeling of water into the sewer system said water shall be filtered . (3) Prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must fill all obliga- tions that he commited to in the complete, amended application included but not limited to the following: (a) 27 per cent of the site shall be retained as open space: (b) drainage control facilities shall be provided on the site, including dry wells, retention wells and diversion berm; (c) energy conservation features shall be incorporated in the building including energy efficient fireplaces, insulation exceeding regulated standards and gas fired hot water heaters with demand control to limit energy use ,and increased R factor on the roof to compensate in an equivalent fashion to the energy that would have been saved had the original solar panels been used; (d) social facilities shall be provided within the project, including a child care center, recycling facilities and an indoor/outdoor pool; (e) site design shall be as shmm in the amended application using a three-story straight line configuration (f) heated side"alks shall be constructed along south Galena street: (g) elevators and stairs shall be provided to serve the three stories from the parking garage; (h) site and building design shall permit unobstructed movement for wheel chair confined or other handicapped persons; (i) the twelve employee units at 925 Durant ( part of this joint applicant) must be deed restricted to 1m, income and a c/o obtained prior to obtaining a c/o on the units at 700 south Galena; (j) all other obligations not listc'd above but established in the complete amended applciation for 700 south Galena shall be provided; (k) prior to issuance of a building permit, the plans shall be submitted '~ ,I,e planning office for confirmation of their consistency with the amended G~W ',cc,,-,',' -' '"n as approvcd by P & Z and City Council. {I,) The applicant recof',nizes that prcliminary pIal: approval does not signify any accept- :'T)("C'. .Jlllxrr(':lf'p .::l1Y TcJi...........,...11pon a subsequent RBO on other applicntiolls. ) " " ,:d I IIIL.1.011 on the IJO south G~llena fitrcet project must- stnrt as' cnrly in the .# . . r.prlng of 1982 <lS th(~ ~ol]H .1) ]ow<IncJ the appJ Jennt 1!lU~;t a~rce to the completion schedulc found .in !;(.'ctioil 7-J/,1 of the Nllll.icJp:tl Code. This cch(!du]c: indicate!:: tll:1t ten l'('r cent of tIll' lot~ll ev:dlwtion of the proj(.ct mUf;t COJllpl(~l(>d cZlch (1(J clays. (()) Till> [lpplj c.:lnt" 1ll\l~;t pray.' de 7,() \llldeq'.rCltlllc1 p:lrv. i ng r;paccH nnc1 one r;UrLIC(~ park! ng r.P,lC(' .'If ,Of) ~:I\111 h c.\lr'IU. ! 1: ,I \ ~ 11 :1111 r;,;"I\I ~; 1 y. ....;. ~'.. ~ ./1;-:,'. '..l ..J. I , ., ..--. Council v' Approved D~nied__ Date 0?(.c)1Y1Ixr IL/ /qS/ \ C L\\C "'0(,..1 ,..I C\y.\V~ i (:,-+ 11',(\ '"j\ .P~ C ~'I ' ,;, " " /1-'('1',1 \-1,' '..... '" .11'\(:),;-,/ . I' ,\:, - I" .:"'I b: ,_'t~ b , 'tiT" ?1-fr\"r,~_II~':\T\~ 4') \ (-{T\P ((.1' '\ r'k;n') 11:;j p d. In 1(" :...... ] , -; .,1 '1 9. PRELIMINARY PLAT REFERRALS: ./ Attorney v Sanitation District ~Engineering Dept, ~ Mountain Bell _____Housing Park~ /Water /HolY Cross Electric _____City Electric ~ire Marshal/Building Dept. 10. PRELIMINARY PLAT -- PUBLIC HEARING P & z./ Approved if Denied 0. - - ,\\().<' Schoo 1 D1S tn ct l)J' - ,,{ _...______, --',..- ()Oo\)\'c ___Rocky Htn, Nat. Gas t \ ',;L _State Highway Dept. ':';""1 Other Da te iY\ c"r- 2 ,q.gz.... , Approu(>..( nO fh~ 'I ('J-l'\. t.eJ pC<.{.(( () += ~lAhJ p t I-- -t'.;> iht~ F'1e... -ft...a ~ (Dnol.i+ion ( I "1-/.ed Approved / Denied Date April " C~t~ ~ $lA.btl.lui~~ 1)".1'{~2 OD..~ 11. FINAL PLAT Counci 1 ./ Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the final plat for the 700 South Galena street project including the cQ_~,ditions.9J~11e sub, i subdivision a ernent therefore amended as follows; (1) paragraph 3 is amen ed to eliminate the cash escrow option of providing security thereunder and expressly providing tllc subdivision the options of sec'.Jring the required improvements by irrevocable site draft or letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender: further Council directs that language be added to the paragraph t~at any guarantee given by the subdivider under paragraph 3 be in a forn and amount appro\"cd . by the city attorney and city engineer 'Upon recotn..1'.enda-::'ions as to the al':1.ounl:. necessary I given by the applicant's consulting enginGers: (2) that paragraph 4 shall be a~endcd to provide that a performance bond be required, that it be executed prior to iS5uance of a I building permit; that the language of the bond provide for a cash payment to the city sufficient to allow the.ci~y to contract to.demolis~ ~ny 7ons~ructio~ anc rctu:n ~he _____., '.___ ___.......__ -~...~- _.......,.,........t-.~ bu~ldlr.q 12. ROUTING: Attorney J BUildi~g '" {__~n(Jineering Dther -- :' (,. (7\ ! , I r f ,.) ,- .~; _,:- \: \ .' ,,0, { ._-_.._--_._.~~~-~~- '\ \ ~ I _! I.. . , 1;\ ;~:,\ .,/ -:"1.' .-;, (, I r-,rll l,,- ! r ,', "f" ('.,'/- . - --.~.'~~- , ~(JK 425 tALE "/21 ~ . i' " :, 1'1 ~ ~: .. I a \ 1 I I 1 '1 i .,->-. ..~~.~~.,..= -,,..", ... r~d cl 1:5"d c\l...-:!,f./.'., APB "':L8._1982- f:ccept'on No.d-Y09/ s..-- , Loretia 2':';)11,"", ,i(i,l C.,. r-ccordcr ~~ :>~ ~~r- ~ __.. ~..-o K.>;; -'-~ tlo. c=- ~t1 ..n;. SUBDIVISION AGREEHENT ~ c9 ..- ~)~ ~ r~~ d:P. .. -Q.2. ~ - THIS AGREE/1EtlT, made this ~JL~ day of ~~L. ~{)f 1982 ,CJ1 by and between the City of Aspen, Colorado (herei~tc~referrcd to as City) and HBC Investments (hereinafter referred to as Subdivider) i);:; J WIT N E SSE T H: . . I I WHEREAS, the Subdivider has submitted to the City for approval, execution, and recordation, a final plat (hereinafter referred to as the "Plat") concerning the developr.1ent of a project known as the "700 South C;alena Street" project ("Project") on a parcel of real property owned by the subdivider and located at 700 South Galena Street, and formally described as Lot 16 and Parcel B, Block 2, Anthony Acres Subdivisions, City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, State of Colorado; and I I, I I (. r , WHEREAS, on March 2, 1982, the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission granted preliminary plat approval for the Project subject to certain specific conditions; and WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council will approve, execute, and accept for recordation the plat on the further condition that Subdivider execute this Agreement formally acknowledging it acceptance of all the conditions and requirements imposed by the City. I I , , , ! t , ' , ! ! -, I i t I ! NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, and the approval, execution and acceptance of the plat for recordation by the City of Aspen, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the improvements on the above-described property, the Subdivider shall,provide as follows: a. With regard to slope stabilization during excavation and construction, the Subdivider shall provide a comprehensive engineering design for both tempora:r:'y and permanent earth-retaining structures (and the monitoring thereof during excavation and construction). Said design and monitoring system shall be signed and sealed by a licensed geotechnical engineer and-approved by the City Engineer. , i I'; I ! I ' , ' If the earth-retaining design ~inally approved by the City Engineer requires tempor~ry or permanent .~----~_. ..~ '. ~.....,". ',- , -- rO', "-.; ,.7 , '" SOOK 4.25 r.lct 722 '- .. encroachment on neighboring property or City right-of-way, the Subdivider shall secure all of the permits, licenses and/or casements of the neighboring property owners and/or the City as required by law. b. With regard to surface and subsurface drainage 'during excavation, construction and occupancy, the Subdivider shall provide a co~prehensive engineering design for said drainage. Sajd design shall include provisions for on-site retention of storm flows (including dry wells, retention wells, and planted diversion berm) and for filtration of the drainage to remove mud and construction debris.' Said design shall be signed and sealed by a licensed geotechnical engineer and approved by the City Engineer. , I If the drainage design finally approved by the City Engineer requires an overflow connection to storm sewer, the Subdivider shall enter into a separate agreement with the City to extend, 'all at Subdivider's cost, the existing storm sewer up Galena Street to the Project, all to the City's specifications for such storm sewer , i i I I , i , I I I c. With regard to consistency of the amended GHP application and Cit~ approvals with the building plans to be submitted, the Subdivider shall submit said building plans to the City Planning Office for verifi6ation of compliance of those plans with the amended Gnp application and the binding plat approvals of the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. ' d. With regard to all utilities required for the project, if the submitted project construction plans or City or utility company requirements provide for utility installations in property locations not now burdened by easements, Subdivider shall be required to convey the relevant utility easements in standard form at no cost to the City or utility companies. 2. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy ("CO") for the Project, the Subdivider shall provide as follol,rs: I r , a. The twelve employee units at the 925 East Durant phase of this joint project must be built, deed-restricted to City low-income, Iental/rcsale guidelines and covered by valid Ci ty certii::',~;a..tt s ci'. :e,:;cupancy . b. The PrO-;t'r:i:1'Jll.si.t"~'ntain all design features and amenities as identifiHl in the amended GI1P application for the Project and required as conditions of approval in the p&Z and City Council incJ,ll(],;,ng, but not limited to, the follol'ling :' i _._-~--..,--------_.^ , , - ,~, 1 " ,,_...., i ; . . . ~ .-., "B\)OK 425 tALL "'23 , (i) Twenty-six (26) underground parking sp~ces and one (1) surf~ce parking space, until such Lime as the 10 spaces for the Continental Inn are removed pursuant to a separate written agreement by the subdivider and approved by the City of Aspen. . (ii) Twenty-seven percent (27%) ot the site retained as open space. (iii) Energy conservation features (with, required R-values) as required by the P&Z in its preliminary plat 'approv~l of March 2, 1982. (iv) Social facilities including a day care center, recycling facilities and indoor/outdoor pool. \ , ! (v) site design as a three-story straight line configuration, as presented in the amended GMP application and approved by Aspen City Council. (vi) Heated sidewalks, six feet in width, along the entire South Street frontage. (vii) Curb and gutter along the enti:r::e .south Galena Street'frontage. (viii) Elevators and stairs from the underground garage to all three floors and building and site design to facilitate access for handicapped persons. ! I i , , i I I I ! I ~ 3. With respect to the follOvling improvements: temporary and permanent earth retaining structures, and temporary and permanent water drainage systems as described in paragraph 1 above, and curb and gutter and the heated sidewalks as described in paragraph 2 above, to the extent required by Section 20-16 of the Aspen Municipal Code, Subdivider agrees to provide a guarranty for no less than one hundred (100) per cent of the current estimated cost of the improvements, as that cost shall be computed by the City Engineer or approved by the City Engineer based on cost estimates supplied to him by the applicant's engineers or technical representatives. Said guaranty shall be provided to the City prior to delivery to' Subdivider of a building permit for this project. Said guarranty shall be in such form and amount as approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer but shall provide' at least as follows: The guaranty shall be in the form of an irrevocable sight draft from a financially responsible lender or an irrevocable letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender; and said guaranty shall give the City the unconditional right, upon default by the Subdivider, to withdraw funds upon demand to partially or fully comp]~te and/or pay for any improvement or pay any outstanding bills for work done thereon by any party: In addition, subdivider hereby agrees to warrant 1 , I I I I ! I , , -, - ...,_.-_.~.......'-" .-- ,...--,.~_..- ~.."V""~'" - -. .,---" - ,'._,- .------.---.--" r". A')~ "'26 ~,OK 'lo:.-~ I.'.L~ / 1. '""'" ....,..,/ for one year all such improvements that may be accepted by the ,City under section 20-16. 4. Construction on the 700 South Galena phase of the joint project must begin as early in 1982 as is practicable, allowing for the spring soil conditions. The Subdivider acknowledges thc~t he is 'bound by the construction completion schedule and permit e>:pira tion provisions found in Section 7-141(d) of the Aspen Hunicipal Code (which amends Section 302(d) of the Uniform Building Code). Subdivider also agrees that prior to delivery to him of the building permit (although the permit ~ay be issued) either (i) Subdivider's contractor shall purchase, execute and be bound by a performance completion bond, or (ii) Subdivider himself will obtain such a bond as required by the final plat approval of the Aspen City Council. Any such completion bond shall be sufficient to complete the project as approved upon default of either Subdivider or his contractor and shall name the City as a beneficiary and a copy shall be delivered to the City. If Subdivider violates said Section 7-l4l(d), then the Subdivider, in addition to the penalties provided under that section, shall pay to the City as liquidated damages $200.00 per day for each day he is in ,violation of the provisions of Section 7-l41(d) ,even if such violation is excused or a variance granted therefore by appropriate City official? or boards. Such damages have been agreed to between the parties hereto as required to mitigate the impact on the neighborhood caused by such delay in construction. I i I I I I 5. Subdivider acknowledges that final plat appreval for this Project (and prior preliminary approvals) creates no right of reasonable reliance as to a favorable determination or other independent approvals required including, but not limited to, a Residential Bonus Overlay application or requests for permits, licenses and casements from the City as provided in paragraph "l.a." hereinabove, although an RBO has always been anticipated and planned by the subdivider in conjunction with this project and the 925 East Durant Street site, and such plans made known to the City of Aspen. I' , 6. The provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Subdivider and the City and their resp~ctive successors and assigns. 7. This Agreemen~ ,sh~ll be subject to and construed in accordance with th2 .lilVi.;..,.o.f, .the State of Colorado and the Municipal Codeof,tb~ City nf-Aspen. ! B. If any DJ :Lhe -provird:rms of this Agreement or any paragraph, sentence, clause ,phrase, ~lord or section or the application thereof, jn any circumstances is i.nvalidated, such invalidity shaJI not ilffect the validity of the remainder of the Agreement and ~hc va~idity of~'IY such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause ,phI2!O,'=' ,','Drd or section under any other circumstance shall not be ~ffccted thereby. i I ii .!i I' 'I i j I _-. ..... .. -- -~.. ,. '~., ....- ~.-' .-".,'"-r <, -~ ,~...." ,.... '-.. -' '. ""' ,....., A2' 7rc- ~10K /1 J l,\~l ~I.J " '" .... 9. The Subdivision Agreement cont~ins the entire underst~nding ~nd agrcement betwecn the parties herein with respect to the transactions contemplated hereunder and may be altered or amended from time to time only by written instrument executed by each of the parties hereto. '10. Any notices required to be given to the parties to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given if personally given or deposited in the United States mail to the parties by regist~red or certified mail at the addresses indicpted below: City of Aspen: City Hanager 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado Street 81611 Subdivider or its Successors or Assigns; nBC Investments P.O. Box 388 Aspen, Colorado 81612 g~ , 71{Hi ;:""1 - - - '-.... .",,>,- "-~..,...~".,.......----.....---..~---~--"'-' - '...... I .....j , 1 .:-. e\lOK 425 i.\G~ '726 IN IHTNESS I'llIE REm' , the parties hereto have hereunto executed this Agreement on the year and date hereinabove set fo,rth. ,,' . ......, CITY OF ASPEN, a Colorado . Municipal Corporation ~~ ~,,~..., ....:",. --..>~ :) , . ",:;..- ',' , , ..," . ,.'._\ "~~.'.(.:..;'...:: ~"..'>,w:.""'." .,.. .... By: ',.....,~.}. ..:~. .1'..~.,.>;.__.;'~.~;......;.... - .. . " : ": .' ~ .', ,'l ' .! ; ~+'rJ;:S,T:. \ ~ ; ;.~;,.~ ~;.. Lt; :: ,.' -/ . ~ v!. \. /.fd!(~/7~) o/ll'lJ.&j~ .' ..... at .F.y'n W Koch,' City Clerk ' . '1"" . .:A;PROV~C ",:.; 'TO' FORl-Y1 ~/'2 . Pl.d.11.-cJ)J~t., kf1?l':i(jii!<,,"",,< rli k-"*1. Paul J. Taddune, 7 (\~ ' ~gy ~Atto~ne~ ~., )' ";",:'3:,:.A':\:::..= .... . ::~ ;;;:::t~ \. ".... i / ~; , \.\,} :.... : ' . .. . '.'~. . \.'" . .,..:c.ATT~ST:.,..';,' .,:.' " . '..' .::',..,:,:.',:..~:,'..:::':~:>< . : " "'. :~.. d2 - .,' , STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. ) County of Pitkin . The foregoing Subdivision A2jeement acknOl-lledged before me this c1~AI. day of Herman Edel. Hayor, City of Aspen. w~ ~'?~;:} to and ~ ' 1982, by ~'. . '.. " WITNESS 11Y HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. >JY "OmroiSdO~~XP'-'"S:, 3.1..J-. ~(/f'~/ 4'"' , " ~, 1~Z-;ln!.-tj!/ ;:74 _---"-~ oUlry Public jJ I fA' ) Addrcs s : ...L,~Q~~--t<-O'--" , . 2L.~!"-..6.J/ eo _ :iij.!p // , ;1 ! I j i i , 1 , i I - -..' -, '-"'-~._"- --. -,........' .,,_. ..- .-. - .. " , . ~ SThTE OF COLORADO county of pitkin , . ,- ) ) ~s. ) ~" The foregoing Subdivision ~rement acknow.1edged before me this Z -- day Ilans B. Cantrup, for HBC Investments. was-A\>/OJ;l of -ry/1 lUTNESS MY HAND hND OFFICIAL SEAL. " ":'; .l~', j , " . ';,,}.iy' commission expires: ':...... .. ,.0""lIllf"" ~'f .' ." " .....- .\ \l t~ 4\ .I, ...,..... ." -\.,. ........ '{A- ....... l .......... ....'......~... ... '4-- ~~ ;',\CTA/?,- \" \ :2' .." \ r- - " . -(-(;>-<- ;.: \"~',,/->UGl\\' /0 J ", ...... ' , ' <J :' ". ^ . '... ' " ,\' " " , ^ \,,' '_,. \.',1:' c;:\' - ." ...'....,...:11...... , :'I~':' "," 1 '. ." ...... .f ',' ".: , . -."':', . ..--. -.--..- ..._--~...._.,' roOK 425 r:'L:.12'? to and , 1982, by /f-r~- g' { g~~~,tJ~ Not~Y Public Address: lr:;O ~ ~' ,-/. \.~ A {" -: (!-IJ ' pt ......... ",",' 700 South Galena Street Orihect Project Description The project site is primarily vacant land with one small dwelling unit that shall be removed prior to construction. The site is flat and does not contain any significant vegetation, The 700 South Galena Street Project is located within the L-2 zone, where residential multi-family dwelling units are a permitted use, Surrounding land uses are a mix of lodges, commercial facilities, multi-family and single family units. Immediately surrounding complexes are the Tippler Inn and Lodge, Continental Inn, Alpenblick Inn, and Durant Condominiums. The proposed project consists of sixteen (16) residential multi-family units and one (1) employee unit. All the multi-family units consist of one bedroom apartments. The sixteen one-bedroom units are located in seven 3-story high columns, each accessible via elevator and stairwell, from the parking garage. The three units on the north end are 1,140 square feet each. All other units are 1,310 square feet each, The two southernmost columns contain three units each one story in height. The other five columns contain only two units, each unit having a twelve foot high ceiling, The employee unit is a one bedroom apartment located on the terrace level of the project. There is a child care facility located in the project on the terrace level. Twenty six parking spaces are located underground, and one surface parking space has been added near the trash facilities toward the south end of the property. This was done to accommodate a previous agreement between June and Hans Cantrup that ten parking spaces be allowed on the Galena property for the Continental Inn. This agreement has been rewritten and executed so as to allow those ten (surface) parking spaces to be located in the underground parking garage. Inasmuch as the project requires 17 parking spaces, and the agreement reserves 10 parking spaces, the 27 spaces provided satisfies all requirements. Trash facilities have been located toward the southern end of the property, immediately accessible from Galena Street. The driveway ramp has been modified to improve traffic flow to and from the underground parking garage. This has been accomplished by changing ~l'_'-":'.~." the slopes for eas i er" reduction of turns on the ramp for eas i er maneuveri ng , and provision of a ramp walk for pedestrians. As mentioned in the previous submission. the ramp will contain a snow-melting system. The adjacent property owners strongly urged the elimination of the rooftop solar Project Description (cont'd) Page 2 due primarily to visual impacts. Studies by solar consultants (Dr. James Brooke of Colorado Engineering Associates) done to date have indicated the inefficiency of such a solar system due to the project's location. Consequently, the Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the Preliminary Plat with the con- dition that solar panels be eliminated, and roof insulation be increased to maintain energy efficiency. The applicant agrees with this approach and is willing to comply. The applicant is willing to accept the other conditions as set forth in the Planning and Zoning Commission approval. In accordance with Section 19-102, "variations in curb cuts allowed for unusual conditions," it is requested that the City Engineering Department grant the 700 South Galena Street Project a variance from the requ'irements of Section 19-101 (e) (2). The request is to allow two (2) eighteenfoot wide curb cuts. Special conditions exist with regard to both the particular land parcel and project development that necessitate the additional curb cut. The project site is only accessible from Galena Street. The parcel does not have any alleys or other means of access. The project development needs the additional curb cut to provide access to the underground parking garage which maintains parking in a safe, protected area that creates absolutely no visual impact or additional pavement. The first curb cut provides easy access to the trash facilities and the only surface parking space of the entire project. For these reasons the variance is needed. and the engineering department suggests that we request such approval at this time. Where depth of excavation and soils require it, shoring techniques of either tie- backs or internally braced systems shall be employed. A geo-technical engineering firm is being retained to engineer the system. The review process has thus been able to refine and improve the project in several areas. The additional studies requested and completed show conclusively that the project is appropriate as planned and that shoring and construction techniques are sufficient to protect adjacent property owners and build the project as designed. JI"-",,", "",- _#'- Final Plat Application 700 South Galena Street Project Project Sun1l1ary 1. Applicant: 2. Project Name: 3. Project Location: 4. Parcel Size: 5, Current Zoning District: 6. Zone under which application is filed: 7. flaximum buildout under current zone: 8. Proposed buildout: 9. Size of units: 10. Open Space: 11. Parkin9: Hans B. Cantrup and June Allen Moss Cantrup, c/o H.B.C. Invest- ments, 450 S. Ga 1 ena Street, Suite 202. Aspen, Colorado 81611 (303) 925-9365; (303) 925-8610 700 South Galena Lot 16 and Parcel B, Block 2, Anthony Acres Subdivision, City of Aspen 21,602 square feet L-2 zone with RMF Permitted use, City of Aspen L-2 zone wi th RflF Permi tted use 21,602 square feet 21.595 square feet in 16 one- bedroom units and one employee unit (3) 1,140 sq. ft. R/,'F units (13) 1.31D sq. ft. RMF units (1) 800 sq. ft. employee unit 27% 26 underground spaces; 1 surface space; 27 total parking spaces ,..,.', ..., ../ Colorado Engineering Associates, Ine, 790 West Tennessee Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 USA 303/777-9817 January 19, 1982 Mark Danielsen, Consultant R.E. Planning & Development 450 S. Galena St., Suite 202 Aspen, CO 81611 Ref.: 700 S. Galena Project Dear Sir: I have recently been in telephone contact with Mr. Jeff Franke, Electrical Engineer, Holy Cross Electric Association, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, regarding an apparent interference between the 700 S. Galena project and an overhead electrical distribution line running south from the corner of S. Galena and Dean St. through the property, Mr. Franke has confirmed that the line is owned by Holy Cross and that their present plans call for the removal and relocation of this line. The new proposed location of this line will not interfere with the 700 S. Galena project. It is highly recommended by C.E.A. that the construction schedule for the proposed project (700 S, Galena) be coordi- nated with Holy Cross to assure that the line will be moved before the project construction proceeds, Holy Cross has requested a copy of the basement electrical plan and the electrical one-line so that they might prepare an estimate and the purchase of the site transformer and incoming electrical service. Please advise, Sincerely, COLORADO ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, ri\C, ~G' o:;~~--p' Carl E, Erickson President CEE:at '!~ """:;,. 1il ,'1\ ;\\"1 .,' j}~~ ~ ~ " ... ./ AGREE~lENT This Agreement made this 18th day of January, 1982 by and between June Allen Moss Cantrup, party of the first part and Hans B. Cantrup, party of the second part. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, party of the first part is the owner of record of the following described lots or parcels of land lying and being situate in the City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, and State of Colorado and described in Exhibit A and hereinafter referred to as the "restricted parcels" which parcels were conveyed to the party of the first part by that certain Deed recorded in Book 304 Page 597 on July 28, 1975 Reception No. 170771 in the records of Pitkin County, Colorado, WHEREAS party of the second part is the owner of record of the Continental Inn, lying and being situate in the City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, State of Colorado, and described in Exhibit A and hereinafter referred to as "The Inn;" and WHEREAS, the parties have heretofore entered into an agreement with respect to the restricted parcels and The Inn which agreement is dated March 19, 1976 and recorded in Book 309 Qt Page 793 on March 19, 1976 Reception No. 182214; and WHEREAS, SQid agreement contains an erroneous legal description for The Inn; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to modify said Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein, and to correct said legal description. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions contained herein the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Party of the first part agrees to construct, as part of an underground parking garage for the project known as the "500 S. Galena St. project," ten (101 parking spaces and to reserve a perpetual right to use said spaces to accommodate the parking of ten (10) standard sized automobiles to be used by the party of the second part, The Inn, its invitees or guests. 2. The party of the second part agrees to release the party of the first part and the restricted parcels from those restrictions contained in the aforesaid agreement recorded in Book 309 at Page 793. 3. Any future transfer, conveyance, sale or lease of The Inn shall automatically transfer the above described right to use the ten (10) underground parking spaces for the benefit of the party of the second part, The Inn, its invitees or guests. 4. Any future transfer, conveyance, sale, or other demise of the restricted parcels shall include the above-granted perpetual right to use said ten (10) parking spaces, said use to run appurtenant to the restricted parcels. 5. The restricted parcels shall so remaln restricted until such time as the aforesaid ten (10) parking spaces are legally conveyed back to The Inn or another , ("....., ,", ,-I adjacent parcel to The Inn or until the offstreet parking requirements for The Inn by the Citv of Aspen is reduced by at least ten (10) spaces, or the parties arrive at some other suitable arrangement which shall have the prior written approval of the City of Aspen. 6. This Agreement shall extend to and become binding upon the heirs, executors, legal representatives, and assigns of the party of the first part and the partv of the second part. IN WITNESS \'IIIEREOF, the said parties have executed this Agreement on the year and date first above written. / '-- i j" f ~ne Allen Moss Cantrup , Party of the First Part ans B. Cantrup Party of the Second State of Colorado ss. County of Pitkin Subscribed and sworn to before me this /J' day of January, 1982 by June Allen Moss Cantrup, Party of the First Part. Witness my hand and official seal. 11y address is: / / It/x c , 'I (_ ,~ / ,(9 ,:.J,'/ J"" .,.,/ f2'u'I' ,;'c (' ,I' / {- / / -~ ~, - ~ - My commission expires: , 'rt:<.~Zu'~.c'- l f Notary Public ~ I c-- r i State of Colorado ss. County of pitkin Subscribed and sworn to before me this of January, 1982 by Hans B. Cantrup, party of the part. day second Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ,///1. ./ ~ly address is: ('.C'/ ( ;, x:.../<., f! ~_.;"_ / p--_/ /<_:_,. o( /"""'" - / -- ,/ ' // J i {.. , I-~ /,' !~(<" -! /"1"___ ( -/ Notary Public ~-../ :: / -f_{ l- I i ,I . ,.., '-.,"" Exhibit A "Restricted Parcels" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel A Lot 16 Block 2 ANTHONY ACRES SUBDIVISION and also: Parcel B A tract of land situated in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of section 18, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point whence the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land described in Deed recorded in Book 197 at Page 568 and in Book 198 at Page 110, bears North 15030' East 30.00 feet; thence South 15030' \'Iest 140.00 feet; thence North 75000' \lest 115.42 feet; thence North 15000' East 73.98 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 31.00 feet a distance of 39.50 feet, the chord of which bears North 51030' East 36.89 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 90.00 feet a distance of 62.05 feet, the chord of which bears North 68015' East 60.83 feet; thence South 75000' East 45.97 feet to the Point of Beginning. Both of above parcels being in pitkin County, Colorado The Inn Lots M, N, 0, P, Q, R, and S Block 91 CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN and Lots 1, 2, and 3 Block 1 ANTHONY ACRES SUBDIVISION Pitkin County, Colorado , MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Taddune, City Attorney City Engineering Department Herb Paddock, Building Department FROM: Alice Davis, Planning Office RE: Final Plat for 700 Sout>h Galena Street Project DATE: March 12, 1982 Attached is the 700 South Galena Street Project Final Plat sub- mitted by HBC Investments. Please note it is 'scheduled for the April 12 City Council Meeting. Therefore, I need comments from you by Monday, March 29, 1982. Thanks!! , J " ! " --""""~^-P" , ..________ -""' "'.... '....J Continued Meeting Aspen City Council March 24, 1982 Councilman Collins said the city is being asked to give up one more thing in this case; either funds for condemnation or give up land. Councilman Collins said this is cornororni- sing the growth management plan if the deal includes 6,000 square feet of additionai office space. Mayor Pro Tern Michael said she felt the C1ty was not giving anything up but facilitating for a public use that makes economic and cultural sense for the community. Councilman Collins said the voters have to decide whether to trade or what. Chapman reiterated that the question of condemnation or of trading for Cap's will have to go to the voters. Phoebe Ryerson said she wished the Council would allow the office space to be in the jail building. Mayor Pro Tern Michael said two Council were for the land trade and two on Council were for condemnation. Richie Cohen asked that the election be scheduled as soon as possible so that the Arts West will know which way to go and can start fund raising. Cohen requested that just the question of land trade be on the ballot. City Attorney Taddune submitted an ordi~ance which sets the date of the special election for June 15, 1982. This ordinance outlined five possible questions to be submitted to the voters. Cohen said he felt this land trade is important enough to be considered alone. This should be put to the voters in a straightforward manner and not have to compete with other questions like selling the Wheeler, selling Castle Ridge, hig?way through Thomas property. Chapman reminded Council they had voted three to two at Monday night's meeting to have only two questions on this special election ballot; the Charter amendment and Cap's land trade. Mayor Pro Tern Michael said these two issues are the ones farthest along; the other questions cannot be structured to have at the same election. Mayor Pro Tern Michael said she would like an election on the Charter amendment and the resolving of the Cap's Auto property, whichever way the majority of Council wants to present it to the v0ters, as soon as practically possible. Councilmembers Knech~, Parry and Collins agreed. Taddune asked Council if they wanted the question regarding the Thomas property on this ballot. Councilmembers Parry, Knecht and Mayor Pro Tern Michael said no. Councilman Collins said if there is time to draft the questions, the Council should take care of whatever questions at one election. Councilman Knecht said he felt there were too many political implications regarding the Thomas property to put this on the same ballot. Councilman Parry moved to read Ordinance #14, Series of 1982; seconded by Council~an Knecht. All in favor, motion carried. ORDINANCE #14 (Series of 1982) ii Ii " II I! Ii II Ii I ,I 'I 'I ! AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING QUESTIONS TO BE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF TilE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TilE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, THE 15TH DAY OF JUNE, 1982; DIRECTING THA'l' A QUESTIONS BE SUBMITTED TO QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TilE CITY OF ASPEN FOR TilE PURPOSE OF APPROVING OR REJECTING A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 13,4 OF TilE CIlARTER. WIlICH AMENDMENT WOULD REQUIRE VOTER APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE SALE ANDloR CHA'lGE IN USE OF PROPERTY OBTAINED FOR OPEN SPACE PURPOSES, RESERVING THE PREROGATIVE TO FURTHER SUBI1IT TO A VOTE OF TilE QUALIFIED ELECTORS AT SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION OTHER QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE, SALE OR DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES Oh'NED BY THE CITY OF ASPEN AND/OR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE CONSOLIDATION AND ACQUISITION OF A SITE FOR A PERFOilllING ARTS CENTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RIO GRANDE MASTER PLAN; SETTING FORTIl THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR TilE PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE; AND SETTING FORTH OTHER DETAILS IN REGARD TO SUCH ELECTION was read by the city clerk Councilman Parry moved to adopt Ordinance #14, Series of 1982, on first reading; seconded by Councilman Knecht. Roll call vote; Councilmernbers Knecht, aye; Collins, aye; Parry, aye; Mayor Pro Tern Michael, aye. Motion carried. Councilman Collins moved to adjourn at 6:35 p.m.; seconded by Councilman Knecht. All in favor, motion carried. /~Ju.~) ~c1L Kathryn KJfc , Ci cy Clerk Regular Meeting _AsI?en CitLCouncil_ April 12, 1982 Commissioner Klanderud called the joint meeting together at 4:00 p.m. with Commissioners Child, Blake, Kinsley and Madsen and Councilmembers Michael, Parry and Mayor Edel present. 1. Ruedi Reservoir Hydropower Study. City Manager Chapman told the Boards the Bureau of Reclamation wishes to establish procedures for conducting the feasibility study. They are aSking the city and county to agree to those procedures. The principle points are recogni tion of the Bureau's unprograntred costs. for theparticipation in the hydropower feasibility study; also, the access to the site and what the obligations are and limitations. Chapman said the most notable issue is financial, which is the city and county would agree to reimburse the BOR for their unprogrammed costs. The engineers estimate this is in the area of $2,000. Thses would come from the BaR reacting to reqUEsts for informa- tion they would 'not normally give out. Commissioner Klanderud asked what this would cover. Chapman said this $2,000 would cover copying costs, employees' time for preparing information the city requires. Commissioner Child asked bout item 4 on page 6, that the Bureau is in the process of marketing water from Reudi for municipal, domestic, and industrial purposes and asked the agricultural purposes be added to the list. Chapman said he did not think there would be a problem. Ms. Klanderud asked if this cost had been anticipated. Chapman said no; it is the city's position that the BOR should not be charging anything~ The city1s engineers negotiated with the BaR and felt it was more important to get the study going than to hold out for $2,000. Basically, the city will carry the costs. , I I I II Ii I II Ii 'I Ii jP" -- '\.,,; '-' Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 ._,.~'~.~.-'-- ~~---...~'-'"'- Mayor Edel said he was surprised the city was handling the costs. Chapman said when the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council asked the managers to fast track this program, the best source of financing ~he feasibility study was the city's electric fund. The electric fund will be the first repayee out of any receipts. Councilwoman moved to direct the city and county managers to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation establishing procedures for the Ruedi Reservoir Hydropower Feasibility study with the amendment of adding the word agricultural on page 6, section 4 after the word industrial; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. 2. Short term accommodations in Metro area. The planning office submitted to the Boards ;[ a draft report dealing w~th short term accommodations in the community. The purpose of this on the agenda is to explain what the report is, why the planning office did it, how to use it. The purpose of the report was to assemble in one place everything the plannin9 office knows about the short term accommodations in the communtiy. The report addresses ;: the existing inventory, the location and physical characteristics of current lodges, and . the relationship between ski capacity and the lodge base. Vann said this report contains a number of assumptions based primarily on approved reports to date. This report devel- ops a model to use -to talk about ski capacity i~ relationship to lodge base. Vann told the Boards that through the work session process, the planning office would like to develop consensus of opinions on the conclusions drawn by the planning office. From that point, the planning office would begin specific recommendations either regula- tory, policy plan amendments, growth management issues. Vann said regarding non-conform- ing lodges, one conclusion is that smaller lodges have a very viable place in the commun- ity. There are certain problems associated with them remaining as a viable influence. There are recommendations that could improve their position in the C0rnmunity. Mayor Edel said most of the conclusions in the report are general in nature except one on page 40, first paragraph regard~ng ski area expansion. Vann said this is a conclusion based on the adopted policies already in effect. Richman said one of the reasons for this conclusion is it leads along to the next conclusion regarding the need for moderate amount of lodging expansion and the location of this expansion. Richman told the Boards this will be presented to both P & Z's the next-night. 3. Resolution Supporting New Clean Air Act Bill. Tom Dunlop asked the Boards support the Clean Air Act; it is in jeopardy of being destroyed. There are currently two bills in the House of Representatives. Without the support of communities, there is a chance the less wanted bill will pass. Dunlop pointed out that Aspen and Pitkin County are dependent on the environment, and the environmental health department feels it is necessary to give formal requests to congress to support HR 5555 and to oppose HR 5252. RESOLUTION U 1 (Series of 1982) ] Councilwoman Michael moved to read Resolution #11, Series of -1982; seconded by Co~~issioner Child. Commissioner Child requested that in the third whereas that "and life itself" be added at the end of the whereas. Amendment accepted. All in favor, motion carried. II I' Ii 'I I: Ii " " II 'I II II Ii A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR HR 5555, BY CONGRESS~AN HENRY WA~~, AND OPPOSING HR 5252, BY JOHN DINGELL AND THOMAS LUKEN WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted the Federal Clean Air Act, as amended, to control air pollution nationwide and to protect the clear , air in parts of the country where it is relatively clean; and ii WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen and the County Commissioners I, of Pitkin County deem that air pollution is a problem of the utmost and gravest concern to the citizens of the City of Aspen and Pitkin County, inasmuch as it contributes to severe health problems, has a devastating impact on the environment, fish and wildlife, results in the creation of acide rain, impairs visibility, has a detrimental effect on the environmental quality which our tourist economy depends, and may even be altering the earth's climate, and WHEREAS, the City Council and County Commissioners recognize that clean air-for the citizens of the City of Aspen, Pitkin County, the State and the nation is essential to assuring and maintaining a high quality of life, and life itself, end . WHEREAS, oil stale development on ~le Colorado ~estern Slope has the potentiCll to create additior.al pollution problems which may jeopa:cdize the City of Aspen and Pitkin County as an environmentally attractive resort area, and WHEREAS, the City Council and County Commissioners are aware that the Clean Air Act is slated for reauthorization by the United States Congress and that the Dingell-Luken Bill, HR 5252, which has been introduced, would double carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide emissions from automobiles, and that automobiles cause 76% of the CO in Aspen, and that. Aspen has exceeded federal health standards for CO, and that automobiles cause 86% of the NOx in Aspen, and WHEREAS, HR 5252 eliminates Class II protection, including elimination of mandatory Class II areas, and the City of Aspen and Pitkin County are Class II areas and this protection is necessary for maintenance of the quality of life desired by residents of the area and required for our WHEREAS, HR 5252 lacks a fine particulate standard necessary in mountain areas with large concentrations of wood burning units, relaxes controls on new sources, lacks acid rain control, and has no controls on toxic pollutants, and WHEREAS, the Waxman Bill, HR 5555, retains current controls on automobile emissions and cleaner standards for high altitude cars, diesels, and trucks, retains Class II protection which wirl protect the air in Pitkin County and the City of Aspen, keeps current requirements for controls on new sources, sets a fine particulate standard necessary for mountain communities, controls acid rain and gives EPA authority to regulate hazardous pollutants, and J ,--...., - ,." - Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 I I Ii 'i II 'I .1: ;1 Ii 'I I I I, II ii WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen, on behalf of the citizens of the City and the County Commissioners of Pitkin County, on behalf of the citizens of Pitkin County, desire to express their support for a strong Clean Air Act which will assure and guarantee that the people of the City of Aspen, Pitkin County, the State and the nation enjoy clean air, NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, AND THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO: 1. On behalf o,f the citizens of the City of Aspen, Colorado, and the residents of Pitkin County in Colorado, the City Council and County Commissioners hereby express their support for the' Waxman bill, HR 5555, which they deem essential to avoid pollution and the problems caused thereby, and their strong opposition to the Dingell-Luken Bill, HR 5252, which they feel would have a devastating effect on the health and quality of life of the citizens of Aspen, Pitkin County, the State, and the Nation, and on the environment and climate; 2. The City Council and County Commissioners hereby request that each member of the Colorado delegation to the United States Congress advocate and vote for the Waxman Bill, HR 5555, and oppose and vote against the Dingell-Luken Bill, HR 5252, and any amendments to either bill which would have the effect of weakening the protections that th~ current Clean Air Act affords the citizens of the City of Aspen and Pitkin County. 3. The Mayor of the City of Aspen and the Chairwoman of the Board of County Commissioners of Pitkin County are hereby authorized and directed to express the City Council's and County Commissioners' concern and support for a strong federal Clean Air Act as embodied in HR 5555 and oppose then to the weakening of the Clearn Air Act as effected by HR 5252 and to forward a copy of this resolution to each member of the Colorado delegation to the United States Congress and such other State and Federal officials as they deem appropriate. was read by deputy city clerk Beall Commissioner Kinsley moved to approve Resolution #11, Series of 1982; seconded by Council- woman Michael. All in favor, motion carried. 4. Petition for and Agreement on Jail property. County Attorney Stuller presented an agreement regarding the jail property. The county payments out to date on the aden property are $98,553. Ms. Stuller said in the event the aden property reverts, the city should be compensated for any payments made while the city holds the property. Ms. Stuller asked that the county approve any terms the city may renegotiate during the time the city holds the Oden note. Ms. Stuller told the Boards it is undecided whether or not an election will be necessary to convey the property on the Rio Grande. Ms. Stuller suggested if the aden property reverts back to the county, perhaps the city should be released from the obligation to give the county office space on the Rio Grande. Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the agreement between the City of Aspen and the Board of County Commissioners on a land exchange, pending the City Attorney's approval and with the proposed amendments; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. Corr~issioner Kinsley moved for petition for vacation and acceptance of the agreement; seconded by Commissioner Child. All in favor, motion carried. COUNCIL MEETING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the accounts payable; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 1. David White said he had listened to many conversations about transportation and several years ago people said they wanted a light rail system. Now the Council is dis- cussing putting a bridge across Castle Creek for cars. White said he would like to see something done about light rail. Mayor Edel said the subject of light rail was subject of much controversy. White said he did not feel the transporation issue had been adequately addressed for the 1980's. Counc11man Parry said there is.a transportation committee which is listing the problems and trying to corne up with some solutions. Councilwoman Michael said the governments are looking at valley-wide transporation system. 2. Jack Frye told Council there are a lot of citizens present to talk about the golf course. Don Horton said the golf association would like to see the greens fees and season pass laid out so they know what is happening. City Manager Chapman said the staff has talked with the officers of both golf associations and explained what the greens fees will be. Chapman said the season pass will be $120, up $20 from 1981 with the provision that the $20 out of every pass will go directly into a capital improvement fund for the golf .course. Chapman said the capital improvement program will start this year and concentrate on putting in trees and benches with some other improvements. For the first time, the city is going to try is.a person buys a limited local's pass and buys three of them, after using up the third pass, the person can play for free. This is, in effect, a seasons pass for $360. ~hapman said the staff does not know what the impact of this will be. If this takes the golf course in the wrong direction, financially, the city will discontinue this. Curt Baar pointed out the golf association had many meetings with the staff at the end of last season, mainly concerned with t~e fee structure, which made it. impossible for some people to play the end of the season because they had already spent $300. Baar said he felt the golfers were being treated very poorly. A citizen suggested rather than t~ees and benches, ~he golfers want bathrooms. Chapman said that the Plum Tree facility wl.II be open for thl.s golf season ~ .__i-twill be a first class facility and will have rest- rooms. _._-~._,"- ~"-- #'-' "-/ .... - Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 Anne Ferguson asked Council why the tourist prices did not go up the same percentage as those of the locals. Mayor Edel pointed out the tourist prices went up 22 per cent and the locals went up 20 per cent. Ray Lucchini sa~d the tourist prices are raised way out of line from what people can play at other resorts for less money, resorts that are better and courses that are better. The price of S22 will chase people to other courses. Lucchini said he would like to see the city make money on the golf course so they can make it a first class facility. Don Horton presented a list of golf courses with season passes; Eagle-Vail and Vail have the highest season pass at S250; other courses go as low as S131. Mayor Edel pointed out that courses that were built years ago have lower operating and debt service costs. Bill Martin agreed that the city should be careful not to price the course out of the business. Chapman said the city is not sure that S22 is the right price; it could be too high. The city is working on package plans for the golf course. The objective is to get tourists to play one more round at the golf course. Chapman pointed out that trade off is that Aspen's course is at 65 per cent capacity; it is easier for locals to get a tee-time. , A citizen asked why city employees get to play golf free. Mayor Edel said it is a consideration given to employees that is done in whatever business the employees are in, such as a discount at a clothes store; meals free in a restaurant. Mayor Edel suggested the golf association set up a meeting with city staff to go over all the suggestions. This meeting was set up for Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS 1. Councilwoman Michael said that Steve Standiford of the local enegery group called and requested a representative for a group to do an inventory of energy needs. Mayor Edel said he would cover this. 2. Mayor Edel asked when the Plum Tree starts paying the city. City Manager Chapman said the city got their first payment of $50,000 on March 17th. 3. Councilwoman Michael moved to put Harry Truscott and the Housing Authority on the agenda; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. 4. Mayor Edel told Council he and Chapman had met with the new owners of the Aspen Skiing Company to discuss working relationship and each other's problems. Mayor Edel said one of the city's problem was the lack of money for the Wheeler Opera House. The Skiing Company has come back with a proposal for the Wheeler. Mayor Edel requested a special meeting to discuss this offer. Council scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, April 15th at noon. 5. Mayor Edel said he is still confused'about the Cap's issue and where it sits. Chapman said this issue is still unresolved. Council said they would discuss thi~ at their next meeting. ] HOUSING OFFICE TASK FORCE Harry Truscott, chairman of the task force on housing office consolidation, told Council the task force recommended that the three governments take the step towards combination of the three housing authorities into a single housing authority. The second recommenda- tion was to appoint five citizens to be the commissioners of the final authority when it was set up. These people would be given the responSibility to prepare the operating procedures for the Authority in relation to the governments. Truscott said this group would put together the budget required for the operation, and prepare the legal documents to bring about the transfer of authorities to the single housing authority. Truscott told Council the general reasons for recommending a general authority is that this will lead to efficiency improvements in the operation of housing authorities. This will reduce costs be combining the functions of the three authorities into a single authority. The task force felt that a single authority would look at the total needs of employee housing with a better chance to determine the overall needs. Truscott said they felt there would be a better chance of obtaining overall county-wide partnership relationship with the private sector in the area of employee housing. The task force concluded it Would be best if the authority were cOmposed of citizens rather than elected officials. Councilwoman Michael moved to start on a combined housing authority~ seconded by Council- man Parry. All in favor, motion carried. I ORDINANCE #11, SERIES OF 1982 - Floor Area Limitation I; Ii II I' [I II :' Councilmau Parry moved to read Ordinance #11, Series of 1982; seconded by Councilwoman Michael. All in favor, motion carried. ORDINANCE # 11 (Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 24-3 and 24-13 OF THE ASPEN MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE DEFINITIONS OF BASEMENT, SUBGRADE AND THE SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATION FOR MEASURING FLOOR AREA AND FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS; AND FURTHER AMENDING AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE MAXIMUM ALLLOWABLE FLOOR AREAS FOR SINGLE- FAMILY AND DUPLEX STRUCTURES IN THE R-6, R-1S, R-30, R~40 AND R/MF ZONE DISTRICTS was read by deputy city clerk Beall Sunny Vann, planning director, reminded Council ~his ordinance was tabled to include new recommendations for area and bulk and secondly, to give staff a chance to redraft some of the language. Councilman Parry asked what happens to peaked roofs in reducing the height from 28 feet to 25 feet. Vann said this was left exactly the way it was, with the additional five feet for peaked roofs. Vann presented a graph to illustrate finished grade of projects for basements, sub-grade and sub-basements. These definitions are already in the Code. In section 1, the definition of basement was changed to provide for a primary Use in a residential zone district. SUb-grade space has been exempted because it will have no additional visual impact. ; ,."" - - ......".... Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 Vann told Council that section 2 provides primary use in subgrade space and allows primary qse in residential zone districts. Section 3 provides more flexibility in response to criticisms r~ceived from the development community. The Code previously required a continuous aspect for open space; all open space had to be contiguous, which precluded the ability to build separate patios on the back of a building. Vann said section 4 contains the most work. In tracing the evolution of measurement of floor areas, a number of errors have shown up in the Code. The staff has tried to explain in a simpler manner how to calculate floor area. Subsection (1) is bascially the same and changed that floor area calculations will include above grade decks, stairways, balconies and any area under horizontal projection of a roof or balcony, even though they are not surrounded by exterior walls when such areas are necessary for the function of the building. Vann told Council that p & Z recommended these features be excluded in a building which principle use is residential; provided, however, those decks and balconies are less than or equal to 15 per cent of the maximum allowable floor area. In paragraph 3, there is a recommendation from P & Z to include garages in the calculations when they exceed a certain basic size; up to a maximum of 600 square feet, garages are excluded. Councilman Parry asked if this were per dwelling unit. Vann said he would check the P & Z discussion as it is not clear in the paragraph. Section 4 deals with calculations in all zone districts and how to measure it regardless of what the floor area limitation is. Vann explained a language change in this section to clarify that basement, sub-grade and sub-basement areas meeting the minimum require- ments for natural light, ventilation and emergency exit for the applicable occupancy group shall be included. Vann said all sub-grade space in residential zone districts will be excluded from calculations on the assumption it has no visual impacts as the space is below ground. There is no physical impact because there will not be additional dwelling units. In other zone districts this will continue to be counted as it could be used as lodge rooms, employee rooms. This is the same approach that has been used in the past and is being clarified here. Spencer Schiffer asked about a pur~ly residential use in L-2. Vann said since this is a district rather than R-6 through R/MF, sub-grade space would be counted if it met the minimum light, access standards. Schiffer pointed out the FAR for R/MF and L-2 are the same for multi-family; why make this distinction. Mayor Edel asked that the staff address this point before second reading. Schiffer said in L-I, L-2 and C/L he did not see the reason for precluding employee housing by having to count space below grade. Vann said the staff's position is that employee housing is a function of the commercial space~ the employee housing is provided to compete under GMP and the total square footage is impact related. There is a break on space with no occupancy; storage, parking, laundry room. j ~ i: II Ii , I ,I 'I I 'I , I ,I It I Vann told Council Section 5 is the same~ mechanical spaces in buildings are nat counted in floor area calculations. Section 6 is a new provision to take into account residential PUDs now floor area limitations are proposed for residential zone districts. This section proposes to take all land under PUD and divide by existing and proposed dwelling units to come up with an average lot size per dwelling unit. With the table, an applicant can then come up with an average size for an individual residential structure. There is a new section which reduces the height from 28 feet to 25 feet; p & Z recommended a unified height limitation in all residential zones. Gideon Kaufman pointed out that R/MF zone is the only residential zone that allows multi-family structures; reducing the heiqht would make it difficult to build what was intended, a multi-family structure. Kaufman said there is a need to keep the 28 feet for multi-family. Vann said the planning office was concerned about this. The P & Z wanted a uniform height restriction. The 25 foot limitation would require a developer to go.sub-grade with one floor. This could be occupied in a residential zone district exempt from the calculations. Al Blomquist, P & Z member, told Council they were concerned mainly about bulk above grade, and secondly, about preserving the views. Vann told Council the next section 7, deals with Council's decision at the last meeting, which is to adopt a second line for duplex structures, a 7 to 10 per cent increase in the size of duplexes. Blomquist urged Council not to include a larger line for duplexes as this may have a serious impact on tearing down smaller Victorians and building duplexes. Section 8 deals with the concern about being able to expand a non-conforming structure which has been individually historically designated. Council discussed sections 8 and 9 and asked staff to re-address this before second reading. Robin Molny pointed out that by excluding sub-grade in the R/MF, this is giving a density bonus from 1:1 to 1-1/2:1 and could be an upzoning. Vann said Council and P & Z have made the determination that area below ground does not affect the bulk; however, the planning office could support the request that sub-grade in R/MF be counted. Councilman Parry said he would like to keep .the height restriction in R/MF at 28 feet. Mayor Edel said he was for the change to 25 feet; Councilwoman Michael said she would look at this between now and second reading. Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt Ordinance #11, Series of 1982; seconded by Councilman Parry. Mayor Erlel, aye; Councilmernbers Michael, aye; Parry, aye. Mot~on carried. WHEELER OPERA HOUSE LOTS Councilwoman Michael moved to table this item and to continue the meeting to Thursday, April 15, 1982, at noon; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. ..' ." r;.... ....../ '>".... Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 ORDINANCE #15, SERIES OF 1982 - 1981 Budget Corrections Councilwoman Michael moved to read Ordinance #15, Series of 1982; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. I I: " II Ii FINAL PLAT - 700 South Galena Ii Alice Davis, planning office, presented the subdivision agreement and the planning office's Ii review. The conditions of the preliminary plat are included in the subdivision agreement. ,I The subdivision agreement ties together all the conditions and improvements the applicant if will be required to make. . In the subdivision agreement, numbers 3 and 4 deal with the improvements guarantee. The city is requiring a guarantee of no less than 100 per cent of the entire estimated cost of the improvements computed by the city engineer. This can be done by cash and escrow with the city or with a bank; an irrevocable site draft; a letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender. The planning office recommends that this guarantee be done in cash escrow. Mark Danielsen, representing the applicant, objected to this. The applicant is willing to go along with a performance bond; a cash form of escrow is a severe hardship for any developer. Danielsen said any of the methods lead to "~I the same end; Danielsen said they would be glad to get a letter of comrni tment from a financially responsible lender. ORDINANCE #15 (Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91, SERIES OF 1981, BY ADDING AN APPROPRIATION FOR A TRANSFER TO THE CASTLE RIDGE FUND ($45,000), EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT FUND EXPENDITURE AND REVENUES ($27,000 EACH), ICE GARDEN FUND EXPENDITURES ($9,000), WATER FUND DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FROM CURRENT YEAR FUND BALANCE ($140,000) WHICH APPROPRIATIONS WERE INADVERTENTLY DELETED FROM SAID ORDINANCE was read by the deputy city clerk Councilwoma~ Mich~el moved to adopt seconded by amunc~lman Parry. Roll MiChael, aye; Motion carried. Ordinance #15, Series of 1982, on first reading; call vote; Mayor Ede, aye; Councilmembers Parry, aye; Mayor 'Edel asked what happened if this project or applicant went bankrupt. City Attorney Taddune told Council the Code provides for an irrevocable letter of commitment, which means if the projects goes bankrupt there will be funds available in order to complete the improvements. For a cash escrow, the Code provides as the improvements are made, the City Engineer can authorize release of a certain percentage of the funds. Taddune said the Code gives the subdivider the option of how to take care of the improvements. Taddune Sj;j at the P & Z meeting, the applicant indicated they \','Quld be willing to abide by the cq:J: ':.31cnce of a performance bond. Spencer Schiffer said one of the problems is that the appli:::ant does not know how much the improvements are going to be, and it could be an exhorbitant amou~t of money to put up front. . Taddune told Council that an irrevocable letter of commitment or a site draft gives the beneficiary of that instrument the obligation to draw on the proceeds. Taddune said he did not see the difference between a cash escrow and a letter of commitment. The apolicant said they would give the city an irrevocable letter of commitment or a site draft. Mayor Edel said nothing will be done on this until the city has a specific figure in the contract, I, and prior to the issuance of a building permit. Ms. Davis told Council that the performance bond is a separate issue, which was required by P & Z, to cover the cost of restoring the project to its original condition. The number that will be reached will be a combination of the improvements and the performance bond. j Ms. Davis went through the changes since Council has seen this, which have been worked out with the P & Z, planning office and applicant. The first is the roof top solar panels; there was a lot of neighborhood input into this, that they were blocking views and this I is a bad site for solar use. The applicant has agreed to provide more insulation to ~:provide as much energy efficiency. The second change is the addition of an another parking ;;space to meet the requirement. There is a requirement to meet Code, which is 17, as well :1 as an agreement from the past for 10. Ii Ms. Davis told Council the third change is revision to the entry ramp on the recommendation I: from the engineering department, This is for an easier flow of traffic; the snow-melting "i system was in the original application. The fourth change is the location of the trash II facility, which is also on the recommendation of the engineering department. The fifth ijchange comes from much discussion at P & z. The applicant had many studies done regarding ,.a lot of site problems, slope, hydrological, geological problems. p & Z required these Ilstudies so the techniques would be available and the applicant would be held to the [itechniques, Ms. Davis said the city gets final approval; this is all prior to building 'permit issuance. Ii Mayor Edel asked what happens if the applicant gives a set of plans but does not build to i;those specifics. Danielsen said that is why the city has a performance bond.. City Attorney Taddune said this agreement gives the city a little more protection; this agreement is that the design has to be approved.by the city. However, even though the city is in their rights to halt a project which is not being built according to plan, the city could be sued. Danielsen said with a performance bond, this is two things. There is a performance bond to raze the project should the developer walk away from the project. There is another bond for the improvements for the site. City Manager Chapman said this is about "the strongest agreement the city can corne up with. Chapman said the only way to guarantee the building is as presented is to build it ourselves. Ms. Davis care of. ground if said the problems with the project encroaching Holy Cross has some overhead power lines which the applicant provides the easements. on utility easements has been taken will be removed and placed under .~-,..._~.--""-----~.-..~-- ,'-' """ "'-," ',,,,,.' Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 Ms. Davis said in the subdivision agreement are the requirements put on the GMP amendment and the obligations of the GMP application. The next decision is whether or not a perform- ance bond will be required. The other decision is what kind of format this should be in. Taddune said the performance bond would be in addition to the subdivision improvements agreement. Taddune told Council at the P & Z meeting he asked the applicant whether they would have any problems with a performance bond, and they indicated they would not. The idea is that if the applicant does not complete the project, the performance bond will return the site back to what it was. Mayor Edel asked the applicant if there was any problem with this type of performance bond; Danielsen answered no. J. D. Muller told Council the concern at P & Z by neighbors was that the construction schedule be adhered to. MUller asked what the applicant would agree to in terms of trigger- ing the default. Muller said something has to be in the bond as to when this will be invoked. Ms. Davis said the construction schedule is that outlined in the Code, whiCh is 10 per cent has to be completed every 60 days. Taddune said it should be spelled out in the performance bond, if the work is not completed the city will have the money and the ability to return the project to its original state. A citizen said the agreement should have the specific amounts of work to be done for each 60 days and the amount should be determined by the city. Ms. Davis reiterated the changes made by Council. In section 4 it is added that this has to be met prior to issuance of a building permit. Also in section 4 needs to include that the final p~rformance bond has to be approved by the city attorney, and some language regarding the applicant not meeting his obligation that the performance bond would provide the money for total restoration of the site. The amount will be determined by the city. Council directed staff to draft a carefully worded motion and table this motion until the end of the meeting. SUBDIVISION EXCEPTION - AndreWS/McFarlin Colette Penne, planning office, told Council the applicants would like approval to condo- miniumize both buildings. Building A, the masonry bUilding, does not have as many defi- ciencies as the metal building. Right now, only units in building A would be sold; the future of building B is not known with the Rio Grande plans; the building mayor may not be there. If the building is there, they will have condominium approval. They will have to bring this building totally up to code before any units can be sold. Ms. Penne told Council the engineering department would like to have a fee title dedication for an 80 foot right-of-way on Mill street. This will take out of some the present parking. This wold necessitate an entryway change and parking behind the buildings. There are letters working towards an agreement: Mayor Edel brought up the paragraph from the city attorney's office stating, "to preserve the city's right to coordinate the development in that area, perhap3 the purchasers 0= these individual condominium units might be required in advance of purchase to agree to relocate if, for instance, a Cap's trade-type proposal is implemented". Ms. Penne explained the idea behind this is if the Rio Grande plans gets bogged down, the applicant would like to go ahead and condominiumize the metal building, building B. If these units are sold, the buyers will purchase them on contingency of moving to equal space in an equal building. Taddune said this condominiumization should be evaluated on its own merits independent on the city's plans or intentions. Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the subdivision exception for the purposes of condo- miniumization for the buildings located at 410, 412, 414 north Mill subject to the follow- ing conditions; (I) that the conditions outlined by the P & Z and agreed to by the applicant are binding; (2) that the compensation issue associated with dedication of the Mill street right-Of-way be settled by a cooperative effott of the city attorney's office the city engineering department, the planning office and the applicant in a timely manner; (3) that the condominiumization agreement indicate that the buildings will be brought up to Code separately and units cannot be sold in a building until that building has been brought up to Code requirements; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. STOPLIGHT AT GALENA AND MAIN Mayor Edel said he thought this issue had already been decided and that the highway depart- ment was going to put this light in. Mayor Edel said he has been told the city has a choice. City engineer McArthur said last year Council decided to have installed two new lights on Main street. McArthur said if Council does not want the light at Galena and Main, now is the time to say so. Tom Dunlop, environmental health office, told Council they have checked with the highway department and have done some calculations to have an idea on any possible adverse impacts from a fourth street light. Dunlop told Council with the traffic flows, width of the streets, and local conditions, if cars were required to stop at an additional stoplight, approximately 60 kilograms per day of carbond monoxide would be added to the atmosphere. If another stoplight were added and cars'were required to stop for one cycle, this would add an additional 569 pounds of carbon monoxide, or relatively four times if the light is not installed. Dunlop said his department has noticed a disturbing pattern over this winter with the three lights with the fact that they are not synchronized. McArthur told Council the equipmen~ has been purchased, is being tested and will be installed May 3rd. Dunlop said studies in Denver show thqt cars stopping and idling for one cycle can cause 600/1,000,000 carbon monoxide. Councilwoman Michael said unfortunately this is late information. The highway department has given Council the count and Galena and Main is the second busiest intersection. Mayor Edel said when Council first considered the stoplights on Main, they were not considered in context of everything that will happen to the Rio Grande. Mayor Edel questioned if now is the appropriate time to put in a light when major things are happening there. ~ -- ..... '''" ."," Regular Meeting Aspen City Cowlcil April 12, 1982 Chapm~n pointed out that the Galena and Main intersection was the intersection that precipitated the request to the highway department to do a traffic study in Aspen. There were a lot of people who complained to Council about the Galena and Main intersection and the need for a stoplight. Councilmembers Parry and Michael supported the light at Galena. Councilwoman Michael said she would like to have a season to observe the stoplights when they are synchronized. Mayor Edel said he was against the light. . ORDINANCE #9, SERIES OF 1982 - Individual Designation of Historic Properties in already establ~shed Hlstoric Overlay Zones Councilman Parry moved to approve Ordinance #9, Series of 1982, on second reading; seconded by Councilwoman Michael. . Mayor Edel opened the public hearing. Colette Penne, 'planning office, presented a memo discussing parts of the ordinance that were discussed at first reading. These are histor- ic structures which are in historic districts; they can be indiVidually designated as they have historic merit on their own. There are some concerns in the planning office regard- ing GMP; these buildings can convert space to commercial space without going through GMP competition. ORDINANCE #12, SERIES OF 1982 - Purchase of Street Sweeper Roll call vote; Councilmernbers MiChael, aye; Parry, aye; Mayor Edel, aye. Motion carried. Mayor Edel opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Edel closed the public hearing. Councilman Parry moved to adopt Ordinance #12, Series of 1982, on second reading; seconded by Councilwoman Michael. Roll call vote; Councilmembers Parry, aye; Michael, aye; Mayor Edel, aye. Motion carried. ORD~NANCE #13, SERIES OF 1982 - Appropriations Mayor Edel opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Edel closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt Ordinance #13, Series of 1982, on second reading; seconded by Councilman Parry. Roll call-vote; Councilmembers MiChael, aye; Parry, aye; Mayor Edel, aye. Motion carried. City Attorney Taddune said Council had discussed limiting the special election to two issues; the proposed Charter amendment, and the Rio Grande plan, Cap's land exchange versus a condemnation. Taddune left the ordinance to allow Council the right to submit further questions, should they feel the necessity to do so. Taddune has called a special election by ordinance with a Charter amendment on the sale and use of open space. City Manager Chapman told Council by resolution at the May 10th meeting decide the wording of the Cap's issue and any other issue they may decide to submit. l I '~ ORDINANCE #14, SERIES OF 1982. - Special Electi:on Taddune told Council the open space people wanted included in the Charter amendment the "change of use" of open space also. Mayor Edel said that section bothered him and that is not what Council agreed to. Taddune explained if Council purchased property for open space and then changed the use would be a circumvention of the original purpose. Council- woman Michael said this section may interfere with practical matters, like an easement across a corner of land. Taddune said the open space people wanted this in the Charter so that future Council's would not change this. Taddune said there is no restriction in the Charter concerning the change in use in open space lands. Mayor Edel opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Edel closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt seconded by Councilman Parry. Roll Mayor Edel, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance #14, Series of 1982, on second reading; call vote; Councilmembers Parry, aye; Michael, aye; I i II II II 'I I I Councilman Parry told Council that Shades of Light wanted to move into town and contacted' Mason and Morse for available space On.North Mill. This was checked with planning and zoning to see if this was compatible and was told the business could and there could be limited retail. Most of Shades of Light's business is wholesale, like the other businesses. The business moved in and spent money to remodel. The building department .checked on this and interpreted the lqw differently. Taddune told Council the S/C/I zone does not allow retail sales. Councilman Parry said there are five businesses there doing limited retail. USES IN S/C/I ZONE Planning Director Sunny Vann told Council this is a service/commercial/industrial zone district intended to use land for the preservation of limited commercial 'purposes and industrial purposes with customary accessory uses which do not require or generate high customer traffic volume. In the permitted uses there is no mention of retail or whole- sale. Vann read the list of permitted uses. Vann said no one on his staff had told Mason and Morse that a light shade shop could go in there. Vann told Council this problem in the S/C/I zone comes up continually. The applicant, Phoebe, told Council that 10 to 13 per cent of her business is in sales; the rest is supported by maintenance men and companies for replacement and repair. ,...., ,-' Regular Meeting Aspen City Council April 12, 1982 Phoebe told Council that although her shop looked like a retail shop, there is not much customer traffic. Vann said the shop was represented to him as being retail; it this is a service/repair type agency, then there is not a big problem. Councilman Parry said there are five stores down there that are doing retailing to customers off the street. Vann said tIlis is a fine line issue; the difference bet~een a doughnut shop and a paint shop. The Code does say, "provided, however, that no permitted uses sell daily or frequentl bought items to the general public". Councilwoman Michael pointed out the reason for the S/C/I zone is for small service or small repair shops can exist in a zone protected from the high square footage rents in town. Vann said next on the planning office work program is to go through the use provisions of the Code and come back with recommendations to Council. Vann told Council the P & Z has the authority for a use determination hearing; if the applicant goes to P & Z and is turned down, they may appeal to Council. City Attorney Taddune said the staff is trying to accommodate the applicant until she can get a clear reading from P & z. City Manager Chapman suggested tolerating the use until the staff makes a final decision on the use provisions of t:-le Code. Taddunc said administratively the ,use is already being tolerated so Council does not need to take action. Chapman said the applicant may have to go through the P & Z after Council has their use review. MOTION - 700 SOUTH GALE:IA Gary Esary, assistant city attorney, told Council the motion is in the form of a direction as there is no way to completely wrap up the subdivision agreement. Until the engineers see the plans, they cannot tell what the form of the bond should be and how much it should be. Esary presented a motion for Council. Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the final plat for the 700 South Galena street project including the conditions of the submitted subdivision agreement therefore amended as follows; (1) paragraph 3 is amended to eliminate the cash escrow option of providing security thereunder and expressly providing tlle subdivision the options of securing the required improvements by irrevocable site draft or letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender; further Council directs that language be added to the paragraph that any guarantee given by the subdivider under paragraph 3 be in a form and amount approved by the city attorney and city engineer upon recommendations as to the amount necessary given by the applicant's consulting engincp.rs; (2) that paragraph 4 shall be amended to provide that a performance bond be required, that it be executed prior to issuance of a building permit: that the language of the bond provide for a cash payment to the city sufficient to allow the city to contract to demolish any construction and return the property site to grade in its pre-construction conditlon if'tnc applicant's building permit expires for failure to comply with section 302(d) of the Uniform Building Code as amended and/or other conditions of the binding city approval and/or the violations of the conditions of the subdivision agreement. Paragraph 4 further provides that any perform- ance bond thereunder be in such amount and form as a~proved by the city attorney and city engineer based upon recommendations as to the amount necessary given by the applicant's consulting engineers, architects and contractors; further Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the documents on behalf of the city; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. Councilwoman Michael moved to continue the meeting to Thursday, April 15, at noon; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried. Council left Chambers at 9:00 p.m. ~JL~ Kathryn .YKOcTI, Ci ty Clerk Continued l1eeting Aspen City Council April 15, 1982 Mayor Edel called the continued meeting to order at 12:25 p.m. with Councilmembers l1ichael and Collins present. Councilwoman Michael moved to put Lorna Alto annexation items on the agenda; seconded by Councilman Collins. All in favor, motion carried. City Attorney Taddune told Council he is trying to accommodate the concerns of the staff and of the applicant. Taddune has broken this down into three ordinances; one for annexation, second approving the water rights lease. Taddune told Council as an inducement to annexation, the applicant agreed to dedicate the water rights on the annexed property. In return, the applicant wanted a lease back in order to irrigate the parcel. Taddune said the city's water attorney is, reviewing this ordinance. The third ordinance is rezoning the land to R-ISA. Councilwoman-Michael moved to read Ordinance #16, Series of 1982: seconded by Councilman Collins. All in favor, motion carried. - ORDINANCE #16 (Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND KNOIVN AS LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, FERGUSON EXEMPTION PLAT, LOCATED IN PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, NHICH AllNEXATION IS ACCOMPLISHED PURSUANT TO TilE PROVISIONS OF THE COLORADO HUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT OF 1965 was read by the city clerk Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt Crdinance #16, Series of 1982; seconded by Councilman Collins. Roll call vote: Councilmembers Michael, aye; Collins, aye; Mayor Edel, aye. Motion carried. '....... ,,,.,.r .-. ...... -- --------.-----__________ _u _ ______~ Continued Meeting _~_____.A~p_~__~_~~~ .~~1!~~.~._____._____.,~p.~~~_ ~5-!._1982 Councilwoman Michael moved to read Ordinance #17, Series of 1982; seconded by Councilman Collins. All in favor, motion carried. ORDINANCE #l 7 (Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCE AU'r1IORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ON BEilALF OF THE CITY OF ASPEN A WATER RIGHTS LEASE IHTH LOMA AL~'O CORPORATION CONCERNING WATER RIGHTS IN THE RIVERSIDE DITCH was read by the city clerk Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt Ordinance #17, Series of 1982, On first reading; seconded by Councilman Collins. City Attorney Taddune said this should be subject to review by John Musick. Roll call vote; Councilmembers Collins, aye; Michael, aye; MAyor Edel, aye. Motion carried. Councilman Collins moved to read Ordinance #18, Series of 1982, dropping the reference to PUD; seconded by Councilwoman Michael. All in favor, motion carried ORDINANCE #18 (Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 24-2,2 (ZONING DISTRICT I1AP) BY REZONING A TRACT OF Lfu~D KNOWN AS LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, FERGUSION EXEMPTION PLAT, LOCATED IN PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, TO R-ISA was read by the city clerk Colette Penne, planning office, told Council the recommendation from both the planning office'and the P & Z is to zone the parcel R-lSA. Councilwoman Michael moved to adopt Ordinance #18, Series of 1982, on first reading dropping the reference to PUD; seconded by Councilman Collins. Roll call vote; Council- members Collins, aye; MiChael, aye; Mayor Edel, aye. Hotion carried. Councilwoman Michael moved to go into executive session in order to matters of the Wheeler Opera House; seconded by Councilman Collins. carried. Council went into executive session at 12:35 p.m. discuss the legal A~l in favor, motion ~~, J r ~'le No. !J 7-tl CASELOAD SUM~\ARY SHEET City of Aspen 1. DATE CERTIFIED COMPLETE: 2. APPLICANT:_ ~OXlS 1), (~li'''h'tl Y r ,t \' ~'.;hl 0111 ri<. .- ~ .)ulle ~ I ~nIJS1l'j.-u 3. REPRESENTATIVE: 4, PROJECT NAME: 5, LOCATION: ,9th) \ e /7 -;:::. kt 1(0 It:ltN: IE>. " JkLe 1:,;), 6. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 4 Step: LGMP (~~~A.eV\'\'i,d PUD ( X Subdivision 1.1 'S.,,:c2 Step: ~Subdivision Exception ( emf GMP Exception Rezoning ( ) ) 1I111tfl dJllf:ll f 1 -SeE, o~"n, ::;;f:'rlt.0 ~i I'~\ I' ) , liL( ',\.>i'd i~. \" "/ -/I, 7th) ''Ke " ,:;'PW Ame/ll, ) SPA 1 Step: Use Determination Conditional Use Specia 1 Review ( HPC No. of Steps: Other: 7. CONCEPTUAL REFERRALS: ~Attorney ____Sanitation District ~Engineering Dept. ____Mountain Bell _Housing --"arks Water Holy Cross Electric ____~ity Electric ~ire Marshal/Building Dept. 8. DISPOSITION - CONCEPTUAL REVIEW: lj'lrl Hrllenc/llle.ni<lcrJ1N? n3i'//i!((/--' P & Z \ / Approved \/ Denied Date_OEi( "nJ;6){ I!, 1"1'21 (on(:E'D-(\.\::d Afpro (jell t Apf({)ual {W( "mp r+rY\f2Ii:1I(,e015 , 3ubJP(i -Ie 1. The applicant must obtain necessary easements from uti.1ity companies where project construction will encroach upon these easements. The applicant must be responsible for any required rerouting of utilities ______ resulting from the use of the easements. School District ____Rocky Mtn. Nat. Gas _State Highway Dept. Other 'lil,f 2. The parking facility must be appropriately designed to handle the difficult grades and the acute angle at the i.ntersection with S. Galena Street. ' OU'Q\ (' <..'." i '~)I l( l I '-~--7 lO'1 (1 I{ 2s1 '62 3. The applicant must clearly indicate in the s,ite design how the southeast corner of the property which is in excess of a 30% slope, will be graded and/or retained. 4. An easily accessible trash area must be incorporated into the site design. 5. Prior to obtaining a'certificate of occupancy, the applicant must fulfi.ll all obligations that he committed to in the complete. amended application including, but not limIted to the fo II owi ng: a) The parking plan including 26 undergrolJnd parking spaces; b) Drainage control facilities including a series of dry wells, retention wells, and a planted diver- sion berm; ~ c) Energy features such as solar collectors for hot water heating, energy efficient fireplaces, insulation exceeding regulated standards; d) Social facilities including a child care center, recycling facilities and an indoor/outdoor pool; e) Site design as shown in the amended application using a three story straight line configuration which will maximize solar utilization. f) Sidewalks along S. Galena Street; g) Elevators and stairs to serve the three stories from the parking garage; h) Site and building design to permit unobstructed movement for wheel chair confined or other handi- capped persons; i) The twelve employee units at 925 Durant (part of this joint application) must be deed restricted to low income housing and a certificate of occupancy issued prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy on the units at 500 S. Galena. j) All other obligations established in the complete amended applicati.on for 500 S. Galena. k) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the plans shall be submitted to the Planning Office for confi,rmation of their consistency with this amended G~1P application. 6. The applicant recognizes that approval of the GMP amendment does not signifY any acceptance, nor create any reliance, upon a subsequent RBO on other applica- tions. However, at the preliminary plat stage, the applicant shall submit plans with a design anticipating RBO approval and one which works without the RBG. 7. Applica~t.is awar~ o~ the intent to condition approval on obtalnlng a bUlldlng permit to require construction to star~ as soon as soils allow and to agree to a completlon schedule which will be determined at the preliminary plat stage based on the terms found in the Uniform Building Code." E\:( 'J\ 510\ 'l~iG(/i '-I t( ;' 7 vYC/ Ii I !. ~- !!f~ i / h'1- /'i( u ." -.J. '.. \. ' / , f' i . I if , i , c,> Ive celt r , / / '!-. >- "/ . . .~ .-' / "; , ' ( I I-/,J .~ '-. 1...,_ i *- -I) ::; 5- - t.- I -/" I 1 1;'( 1 I I i . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves 'OIl"'... e. '.1l0rnHl R. R. II L eil. ~---_._- - ._--- '2- March 3, 1982 Plann'ing and Zoning COllunission meeting Minutes excerpt Lee Pardee moved the planning and zoning commission grant approval of the preliminary plat for 700 South Galena Street Project subject to the following conditions: (1) in order to insure slope stabilization the following is required; (a) comprehensive design for both temporary and permanent earth retaining structures with the final desing reviewed, sign and sealed by a geological engineer and approved by the engineering office prior to building permit issuance and that all retaining acitivites be monitored throughout construction; (b) the applicant must obtain permission and construction easements from affected property owners if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineer prior to temporary shoring which extend beyond the subject property boundary; (c) the applicant shall obtain permission and cooperation from the adjacent land o,~ers if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineers in order to provide the necessary underpinning of adjacent building foundations in addition to or as a part of the required storing system. (2) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the method used for handling both surface and subsurface drainage during construction and in the permanent final design shall:', be approved by a geotechnical consultant. The design shall i incorporate on-site retention of storm flows to minimize impacts on downhill property and both during construction and during permanent channeling of water into the sewer system said water shall be filtered . 1 (3) Prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must fill all obliga- tions that he commited to in the complete, amended application included but not limited to the following: (a) 27 per cent of the site ,shall be retained as open space; (b) drainage control facilities shall be provided on the site, including dry wells, retention wells and diversion berm; (c) energy conservation features shall be incorporated in the building including energy efficient fireplaces, insulation exceeding regulated standards and gas fired hot water heaters with demand control to limit energy use and increased R factor on the roof to compensate in an equivalent fashion to the energy that would have been saved had the original solar panels been used; (d) social facilities shall be provided within the project, including a child care center, recycling facilities and an indoor/outdoor pool; (e) site design shall be as shm~ in the amended application using a three-story straight line configuration (f) heated sidewalks shall be constructed along south Galena street; (g) elevators and stairs shall be provided to serve the three stories from the parking garage; (h) site and building design shall permit unobstructed movement for wheel chair confined or othe.r handicapped persons; (i) the twelve employee units at 925 Durant ( part of this joint applicant) must be deed restricted to low income and a c/o obtained prior to obtaining a c/o on the units at 700 south Galena; (j) all other obligations not listc'd above but established in the complete amended applciation for 700 south Galena shall be provided; (k) prior to issuance of a building permit, the plans shall be submitted "" ,he planning office for confirmation of their consistency with the amended GMP " r;';', ',' , ~~' c'n as approved by P & Z and City Council. t/,) The applicant recognizes that preliminary plat approval does not signify any accept' :-In('(>. .noT .t"Tf';lt"P .[my relL'OIT'l"'r:-. npon a subsequent REO on other applications. .. , :~,,)-(\):'Sll'licll.On on the lQO south Galena street project must start a.s' early in the spring of 1982 as the soils allow and the applic~nt must agree to the completion schedule found in >:ection 7-]/.1 of the Municipal Code. This schedule indicates that ten per cent of the total evaluation of the project must completed each 60 days. (6) The applicant lIIust provide 26 underground parking spaco>: and one surfnce parking sP':"J('.C' nt 700 !;outh C:1100.:1. :-: . lUt; ;.., r:tii'd unanimously. .. Council v" Approved D~nied Date QeCSl((llx( Ilf IQS/ ,-- LCf\(e(Jiucd ApP(()UDI .. ?4pP'llucd--.to OICl;llj ({rtIOf\ 7u\Jl ~({ ,to -fhQ. '7 ('utI \i'1Ion" P+:2. (HnnW <C:1'c1 cdlc,K\ abaVi' J I I \C11~ IT'C ?\.iY\QlY~n'Ql\:'- 'iO k ,,' IdiJd. In 9. PRELIMINARY PLAT REFERRALS: ~Attorney _~Engineering Dept. _Housing ./ Water _City Electric v Sanitation District ~ Mountain Bell Parks /HolY Cross Electric ~Fire Marshal/Building ,\ , 't ,\I().' School D1 s trl C vJ' ,,,{ -,n> c.Y'"'' ~ocky Mtn. Nat. Gas I _State Highway Dept. 'j";, Other Dept. 10. PRELIMINARY PLAT - PUBLIC HEARING P & Z./ Approved i/' Den ied Date iY\ C<.r 2 lC(i5Z- , Approu"-l on f.h.Q GjP-.(\.W po.((<- 0+ ~lAhJ.p t I-- -to -Ih.l~ ~e.... ~ & lj) n oI.i + ian ( I 'i-/.ed Approved / Denied Date A , ((,t>e ,.w, S\A.bli.ll)l~0 ~2 OA,~ 11. FINAL PLAT Council ./ Councilwoman Michael moved to approve the final plat for the 700 South Galena street project including the CQ.1}.ditio!l,s_,__o.J_".~~le submit:t-prl subdivision aareement therefore amended as follows; (1) parag~~p6 3 is amanded to elim~nate the cash escrow option of providing security thereunder and expressly providing the subdivision the options of securing the . required improvements by irrevocable site draft or letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender; further Council directs that language be added to the paragraph that any guarantee given by the subdivider under paragraph 3 be in a forr.'l. and amount appro\"ed by the city attorney and city engineer ~pon reco~~enda~ions as to the amount necessary given by the applicant's consulting engineers; (2) that paragraph 4 shall bo aQended to provide that a performance bond be required, that it be executed prior to issuance of a i building permit; that the language of the bond provide for a cash payment to the city sufficient to allow the city to contract to demolish any construction and return the . . ,-- ---~.~._- ,~. ~~- ~~~'i~~n~l~ buildi~q 12. ROUTING: Attorney j Building _,l_ Engi neeri ng Other W (-\1" (A' f{', (7' [ ~\r{!:et/\"'.p Jf\f. of- fur? s ubd i U I OJ 1'0,,- o :> GARfIELD & HECHT SPENCER F, SCHIFFER KATHERINE HENDRICKS (ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS ONt Y) WILLIAM K, GUEST ATTORNEYS AT LAW VICTORIAN SQUARE BUILDING 601 EAST HYMAN AVENUE ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE (303) 925,1936 TELECOPIER (303) 925-3008 CABLE ADDRESS "GARHEC" RONALD GARFIELD ANDREW V, HECHT February 25, 1982 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Sunny Vann Director of Planning City of Aspen 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Unit A-3, Aspen Club Condominium Dear Sunny: This is an application pursuant to Section 24-8.26(a) of the Municipal Code made on behalf of Mr. Bobby Burns, owner of the referenced unit, to add one bedroom to that unit. The ability to add this bedroom would be conditioned upon the following: "That it is placed above or on existing units so that they will not increase the overall coverage of the structure in the P.U.D." ~~~O~~ j\'\) -\ (,:', \f i ',i/' ..~uve o\I)VJ"cJ .(\00' Since this application involves no additional density, ~ ~ih, no increase of overall structure, and since it also involves none ~, of the prohibited changes set forth in Section 24-8.26(a), in accordance with that Section of the Code it is within your authority to approve this application. If you do so approve the application, would you please indicate the same by your signature below. o o GARFIELD & HECHT Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, GARhELD & HEC ,~~. Ch:' SFS/pp APPROVED BY PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE: o ~ GARfIELD & HECHT SPENCER F, SCHIFFER KATHERINE HENDRICKS (ADMmED IN MASSACHUSETTS ONLY) WILLIAM K, GUEST ATTORNEYS AT LAW VICTORIAN SQUARE BUILDING 601 EAST HYMAN AVENUE ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE (303) 925-1936 TELECOPIER (303) 925-3008 CABLE ADDRESS "GARHEC" RONALD GARFIELD ANDREW V, HECHT February 25, 1982 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Sunny Vann Director of Planning City of Aspen 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Unit A-2, Aspen Club Condominium Dear Sunny: This is an application pursuant to Section 24-8.26(a) of the Municipal Code made on behalf of Mr. Arthur Glick, owner of the referenced unit, to add one bedroom to that unit. The ability to add this bedroom would be conditioned upon the following: "That it is placed above or on existing units so that they will not increase the overall coverage of the structure in the P.U.D." Since this application involves no additional density and no increase of overall structure, and since it also involves none of the prohibited changes set forth in Section 24-8.26(a), in accordance with that Section of the Code it is within your authority to approve this application. If you do so approve the application, would you please indicate the same by your signature below. o o GARFIELD & HECHT Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, SFS/pp ~ I' GARF!ELD /1., EC,.H.*rrf J IJJ /~. Iv I srfeffer F: Schif' , V APPROVED BY PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE: (, c. ......' " GARfiELD & HECHT SPENCER F, SCHIFFER KATHERI~E HENDRICKS (ADMITTED 1:-0 \1AS5ACHUSETTS ONL Yj ATTORNEYS AT LAW VICTORIAN SQUARE BUILDING 601 EAST HYMAN AVENUE ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 November 25, 1981 TELEPHONE (303) 925-1936 TELECOPIER (303) 925-3008 CABLE ADDRESS "GARHEC" RONALD GARFIELD ANDREW V, HECHT Mr. Sunny Vann, Director City of Aspen Planning Department 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81612 RE: Unit B-3, Aspen Club Condominium Dear Sunny: This is an application pursuant to Section 24-8.26(a) of the Municipal Code made on behalf of Mr. Robert S. Goldsamt, owner of the referenced unit, to add one bedroom to the referenced unit. The ability to add this bedroom would be conditioned upon the following: "That it is placed above or on existing units so that they Ivill not increase the overall coverage of the structure in the P.U.D." Since this application involves no additional density and no increase of overall structure, and since it also involves none of the prohibited changes set forth in Section 24-8.26(a), in accordance with that section of the code it is within your authority to approve this application. If you do so approve the application, would you please indicate the same by your signature below. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, , ApprOVeg, ~ Rlanning Director / I ~'" ;(// '", (>;y/""......y . ,?t/v/i/( Datet'-~ , SFS/ms GARFIELD & ~ECHj YI~' , ~ ,," " il/-/[>11 / .J ' --- I /' vt..1,.;(v Jr F(schiff ".., /-~\ SPENCER F, SCHIFFER KATHERINE HENDRICKS (ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSElTS ONt Y) WILLIAM K, GUEST - - ,71~:::~~~~~~:_~,{-~ _.:;~.:" '" " 'J '..< ":j ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' VICTORIAN SQUARE BUILDINri" I 1982 '< r TELEPHONE 601 EAST HYMAN AVENUE -. _, ' ',,; (303) 925-1936 ) ,;,:;(.h! I :,,: """~'J eli' TELECOPIER ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 R<,~;~I.~iOR:q_/' C~~~~ ~~~~:SS March 1, 1982 "GARHEC" GARfiELD & HECHT ~r;- RONALD GARFIELD ANDREW V, HECHT -i" Hl'.ND DELIVERED ~lr. Sunny Vann Director of Planning City of Aspen 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 8l6l1 Dear Sunny: Enclosed please find two letters regarding Unit A-2 and unit A-3, Aspen Club Condominiums, requesting authorization to add one bedroom to each. You may recall signing a similar authorization last November for Unit B-3 at which time I showed you letters which had been signed previously by Karen Smith. Since these involve exactly the same type of sit- uation, would you kindly sign them at your earliest convenience. If you would please have Kim give me a call I will have some- bodv stop by to pick them up when they are ready. Thank you very much for your cooperation. yours, HECHT Schiffer SFS/pp enclosure i:.,. ..:.~-. ~ I""" . ""-" L___t:cd cl /:5dc\IJ~:(JE}.'., APR";ULi982.. r:~cePI~on No.d.y09/ S- , Lorello 2':';1/10", ,il:L, C::>. f:ccord\U PI' 421; I' I ~,IO~ v t.~Lf.":"_ t"""/ ')', J /' , /,/' ~ -.i!? ~~ ~~ -~ ~ ~ cf:? ~ ~ -- THIS AGREEI1ENT, made this 2.8 TJ., day of 1'1~L. ~ 1982 CJ1 by and between the City of Aspen, Colorado (herei te~referred to as City) and HBC Investments (hereinafter referred to as Subdivider) ~ ~ c9 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Subdivider has submitted to the City for approval, execution, and recordation, a final plat (hereinafter referred to as the "Plat") concerning the development of a project known as the "700 South ~alena Street" project ("Project") on a parcel of real property owned by the subdivider and located at 700 South Galena Street, and formally described as Lot 16 and Parcel B, Block 2, Anthony Acres Subdivisions, City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, on l1arch 2, 1982, the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission granted preliminary plat approval for the Project subject to certain specific conditions; and WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council will approve, execute, and accept for recordation the plat on the further condition that Subdivider execute this Agreement formally acknowledging it acceptance of all the conditions and requirements imposed by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, and the approval, execution and acceptance of the plat for recordation by the City of Aspen, it is mutually agreed as follOlvs: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the improvements on the above-described property, the Subdivider shall,provide as follows: a. With regard to slope stabilization during excavation and construction, the Subdivider shall provide a comprehensive engineering design for both temporary and permanent earth-retaining structures (and the monitoring thereof during excavation and construction). Said design and monitoring system shall be signed and sealed by a licensed geotechnical engineer and-approved by the City Engineer. the City If the earth-retaining design ~inally approved by Engineer requires temporary or permanent ' , , , ~ . !\ r! t fJ, 1 ;; ! !t l ~ ! ~ ! ~ ! . j ~ I [ -, I 1 ' , "j i I I ,! , j- t '; , ~- . I ! 1:1 II ...., 'n ,\' I I I, i I r I' i I t h ~. 1 I , i I. 1'1 i 1 j ii. , 11 ~ J. i' j; I' ':1 "il ! :i !} :\ !, '. r....'^ \... .~ SOOK 425 r.~Gt 722 encroachment on neighboring property or City right-of-way, the Subdivider shall secure all of the permits, licenses and/or easements of the neighboring property owners and/or the City as required by law. b. With regard to surface and subsurface drainage during excavation, construction and occupancy, the Subdivider shall provide a comprehensive engineering design for said drainage. Said design shall include provisions for on-site retention of storm flows (including dry wells, retention wells, and planted diversion berm) and for filtration of the drainage to remove mud and construction debris.' Said design shall be signed and sealed by a licensed geotechnical engineer and approved by the City Engineer. , , , , If the drainage design finally approved by the City Engineer requires an overflow connection to storm sewer, the Subdivider shall enter into a separate agreement with the City to extend, 'all at Subdivider's cost, the existing storm sewer up Galena Street to the Project, all to the City's specifications for such storm sewer I , ( I i ! c. With regard to consistency of the amended GMP application and Cit~ approvals with the building plans to be submitted, the Subdivider shall submit said building plans to the City Planning Office for verification of compliance of those plaris with the amended GHP application and the binding plat approvals of the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council., d. With regard to all utilities required for the project, if the submitted project construction plans or City or utility company requirements provide for utility installations in property locations not now burdened by easements, Subdivider shall be required to convey the relevant utility easements in standard form at no cost to the City or utility companies. 2. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy ("CO") for the Project, the Subdivider shall provide as follows: a. The twelve employee units at the 925 East Durant phase of this joint project must be built, deed-restricted to City low-income, x.en:t,al/resale guidelines and covered by valid City certif:i'1':::a:t:-es f):fCD'1:;CUpancy. b. The Projet:::i:':mustcDntain all design features and amenities as identlfiedin the amended GMP application for the Project and required as conditions of approval in the P&Z and City Council inclurLLng. but not limited to, the follol-ling :' J , OOOK 425 I ALL '723 (i) Twenty-six (26) underground parking spaces and I one (1) surface parking space, until such time as the IO spaces for the Continental Inn are removed pursuant to a separate written agreement by the subdivider and approved by the City of Aspen. (ii) Twenty-seven percent (27%) of the site retained as open space. '. .. (iii) Energy conservation features (with required R-values) as required by the P&Z in its preliminary plat 'approval of March 2, 1982. (iv) Social facilities including a day care center, recycling facilities and indoor/outdoor pool. (v) Site design as a three-story straight line configuration, as presented in the amended GMP application and approved by Aspen City Council. (vi) Heated sidewalks, six feet in width, along the entire South Street frontage. (vii) Curb and gutter along the entire South Galena Street frontage. (viii) Elevators and stairs from the underground garage to all three floors and building and site design to facilitate access for handicapped persons. 3. With respect to the following improvements: temporary and permanent earth retaining structures, and temporary and permanent water drainage systems as described in paragraph 1 above, and curb and gutter and the heated sidewalks as described in paragraph 2 above, to the extent required by section 20-16 of the Aspen Municipal Code, Subdivider agrees to provide a guarranty for no less than one hundred (lOa) per cent of the current estimated cost of the improvements, as that cost shall be computed by the City Engineer or approved by the City Engineer based on cost estimates supplied to him by the applicant's engineers or technical representatives. Said guaranty shall be provided to the City prior to delivery to Subdivider of a building permit for this project. Said guarranty shall be in such form and amount as approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer but shall provide' at least as follows: The guaranty shall be in the form of an irrevocable sight draft from a financially responsible lender or an irrevocable letter of commitment from a financially responsible lender; and said guaranty shall give the City the unconditional right, upon default by the Subdivider, to withdraw funds upon demand to partially or fully complete and/or pay for any improvement or pay any outstanding bills for work done thereon by any party: In addition, Subdivider hereby agrees to warrant /. 'I '/~' ! . , ----- ...... A2~- 72" ~IOK 'i ;) I.\LL 'i , / fOT one jearall such improvements that may be accepted by the ,City unrler section 20-16. 4. Construction on the 700 South Galena phase of the joint project must begin as early in 1982 as is practicable, a~lowing Tor the spring soil conditions. The Subdivider acknowledges that he is bound by the construction completion schedule and permit expiration provisions found in Section 7-141(d) of the Aspen Municipal Code (which amends Section 302(d) of the Uniform Building Code). Subdivider also agrees that prior to delivery to him of the building permit (although the permit may be issued) either (i) Subdivider's contractor shall purchase, execute and be bound by a performance completion bond, or (ii) Subdivider himself will obtain such a bond as required by the final plat approval of the Aspen City Council. Any such completion bond shall be sufficient to complete the project as approved upon default of either Subdivider or his contractor and shall name the City as a beneficiary and a copy shall be delivered to the City. If Subdivider violates said Section 7-l4l(d), then the Subdivider, in addition to the penalties provided under that section, shall pay to the City as liquidated damages $200.00 per day for each day he is in ,violation of the provisions of Section 7-l41(d) ,even if such violation is excused or a variance granted therefore by appropriate City officialp or boards. Such damages have been agreed to between the parties hereto as required to mitigate the impact on the neighborhood caused by such delay in construction. ! I 5. Subdivider acknowledges that final plat approval for this Project (and prior preliminary approvals) creates no right of reasonable reliance as to a favorable determination or other independent approvals required including, but not limited to, a Residential Bonus Overlay application or requests for permits, licenses and easements from the City as provided in paragraph "l.a." hereinabove, although an REO has always been anticipated and planned by the subdivider in conjunction with this project and the 925 East Durant Street site, and such plans made known to the City of Aspen. 6. The provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Subdivider and the City and their resp~ctive successors and assigns. 7. This Agreement .shall be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws ,D_f ,the State of Colorado and the Municipal Code of the City Hill, _Aspen. 8. If ,any ,cd :;Lire -provi::siuns of this Agreement or any paragraph, senf:fence, clause, 'phrase, word or section or the application thereof.in any ci=umstances is invalidated, such invalidi ty shal,l ,not, i'l.:ffect the validity of the remainder of the Agreement and the val,id:i:ty of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word or section under any other circumstance shall not be uf:fected thereby. , ... S\10K 425 tACl725 i I I f , r I 9. The Subdivision Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the parties herein with respect to the transactions contemplated hereunder and may be altered or amended from time to time only by written instrument executed by each of the parties hereto. I '10. Any notices required to be given to the parties to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given if personally given or deposited in the United States mail to the parties by registered or certified mail at the addresses indicated below: City of Aspen: City Hanager 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado Street 81611 Subdivider or its Successors or Assigns: HBC Investments P.O. Box 388 Aspen, Colorado 81612 I t I , . i " V' , / .-.. - ";"',",. - e\lOK 425 i.\GE ',26 IN WITNESS ImEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto executed this Agreement on the year and date hereinabove set fo,rth. . ....." CITY OF ASPEN, a Colorado . Municipal Corporation UL Hayor II i' i ,:'. :) , .4~. ~ . ',~ . . . ~.. ' ..,.t: " . .' 4" " ." ~': . By: .\\'~." . /':~, c:.'.; ..',,'.',,:"'.'.., .... ? ; l).T'I:I;s:r:. \ , ; ; .'~ ;...< ~;., 1J ; ;., / f. ., 'j'.. '.. "./.17..;y;J(~ ...., at< f:y'D $'() " .,' ,,\.,\~ / .'. , .".. . ,AP~ROV~G h~ 'TO F~ PMt,j'.1i1fa>lVt-, ^ U. Paul J. Taddune,O(l City.Attorney ~ ..<..~. "; ..' ." ..,.,-.----.- ~ " - :.:, ~...-...,., ....-- ',; ;'/<:=.:." .<,/....> Ji~L City Clerk I, HBC 'NVESTMENTS ~ r./~d~ ~ , , , I i t 'I t ~ I 1/{&~Crt1~. .... .,~ -.'.-..'.' '.--:r::,"" " ,':, ; '~"/~~';'~;~~.:,;".:.;/' \ : ~ , "') ,,' ' \ I' ,: ' ; " .... I,.' I ,\l . -,. .. . ..' . '.' ~_ . '-.I . ",.::.AT'J:'~ST:.,''';'' ..: . . ...... .'. . .... :.~.., ..~~ ~,.:: :':.:~."~" . ,~: By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. ) County of Pitkin , The foregoing Subdivisio~_~~~)eement acknowledged before me this o1~day of Herman Edel, Mayor, City of Aspen. w~o and , 1982, by ........ I' WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. My corrunission expires::,," yJ--.;;r /1';7/ .... ~ otary Public xl Address:~, ' /.A...J . / !lfah~ eo g/61/ i f l ; I I 0001\ 425 r.\G';,12', l , l i , ,...-. . . " STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. ) County of pitkin The foregoing Subdivision ~ement acknowledged before me this z., - day Hans B. Cantrup, for HBC Investments. was~WOl;f} of (/I ( to and , 1982, by WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. '. ':" .< ~ '. 1\\\111"""1 \\\., l.f 1,.# ~", ,\'U~ t\ .I ...t.... ...:> "\.,......... .'l~ ...... ! ",.." "."(I~ ~":. t' ,.',\DTA/')L. 'f' ~ .. .' \ '(r'- :. . ...:-<r<- : : ~ 0' ' I>U Ol\ c: . t '. '" " : 0 ' .... ",.." ,,' ,<J '" '. (' '.." ~ ,.' ''''1.,0,1: co\'c ,1'-- ../..J...",,,,.... ;-; . If-(yg'$. gf~k.,~ Nota: y Public /' ',' ";"j.ty commission expires: '. " " ' Address: lr; 2 ~' 1-1 y;;;:;;- 4 UJ ?t , " ,.". , ..-'. i i ! I I I I -'i' ( tt f , r ,... . . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves '001101 II c.~. 11/1FCl(fl. 9. 8. a l. en. ~ March)5, 1982 Planning and Zoning COImnission meeting Minutes excerpt Lee Pardee moved the planning and zoning commission grant approval of the preliminary plat for 700 South Galena Street Project subject to the following conditions: (1) in order to insure slope stabilization the following is required; (a) comprehensive design for both temporary and permanent earth retaining structures with the final desing reviewed, sign and sealed by a geological engineer and approved by the engineering office prior to building permit issuance and that all retaining acitivites be monitored throughout construction; (b) the applicant must obtain permission and construction easements from affected property owners if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineer prior to temporary shoring which extend beyond the subject property boundary; (c) the applicant shall obtain permission and cooperation from the adjacent land o"mers if deemed necessary by a structural and geological engineers and approved by the city of Aspen engineers in order to provide the necessary underpinning of adjacent building foundations in addition to or as a part of the required storing system. (2) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the method used for handling both surface and subsurface drainage during construction and in the permanent final design shallc be approved by a geotechnical consultant. The design shall! incorporate on-site retention of storm flows to minimize impacts on downhill property and both during construction and during permanent channeling of water into the sewer system said water shall be filtered . (3) Prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must fill all obliga- tions that he commited to in the complete, amended application included but not limited to the following: (a) 27 per cent of the site shall be retained as open space; (b) drainage control facilities shall be provided on the site, including dry wells, retention wells and diversion berm; (c) energy conservation features shall be incorporated in the building including energy efficient fireplaces, insulation exceeding regulated standards and gas fired hot water heaters with demand control to limit energy use and increased R factor on the roof to compensate in an equivalent fashion to the energy that would have been saved had the original solar panels been used; (d) social facilities shall be provided within the project, including a child care center, recycling facilities and an indoor/outdoor pool; (e) site design shall be as shown in the amended application using a three-story straight line configuration (f) heated sidewalks shall be constructed along south Galena street; (g) elevators and stairs shall be provided to serve the three stories from the parking garage; (h) sitp and building design shall permit unobstructed movement for wheel chair confined or oCher handicapped persons; (i) the twelve employee units at 925 Durant ( part of this joint applicant) must be deed restricted to low income and a c/o obtained prior to obtaining a c/o on the units at 700 south Galena; (j) all other obligations not listed above but established in the complete amended applciation for 700 south Galena shall be provided; (k) prior to issuance of a building permit, the plans shall be submitted to the planning office for confirmation of their consistency with the amended GMP application as approved by P & Z and City Council. (4) The applicant recognizes that preliminary plat approval does not signify any accept- ance, nor create any reliance upon a subsequent RBO on other applications. (5) Construction on the 700 south Galena street proj ect must start as early in the spring of 1982 as the soils allow and the applicant must agree to the completion schedule found in section 7-l41 of the Municipal Code. This schedule indicates that ten per cent of the total evaluation of the project must completed each 60 days. (6) The applicant must provide 26 underground parking spaces and one surface parking space at 700 south Galena. MoL:i.on carried unanimously. .. ....""' - ""',"" . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves '011"" C.,. HIlr(KFl R. O. ~ t, CJ Pardee moved to recommend in resolution form to City Council that the applicant for 700 south Galena because of his past performance and lack of completion performance be required to post a completion bond and that the time limits of that completion bond be the same as Section 7-l41 of the Municipal Code; however, this resolution should be forwarded after it is agreed upon by the city attorney; seconded by Hunt. All in favor, motion carried. J4eL.- , City Clerk " -- ~ ..,;' ..., MEMORANDUM TO: Aspen City Council FROM: Alice Davis, Planning Office RE: 700 S. Galena - Final Plat Lot Size: 21,602 sq. ft. L-2 DATE: April 2, 1982 Location: 700 S. Galena Street; Lot 16 and Parcel Acres Subdivision Zoning: Applicant's Request: The applicant, H.B.C. Investments, is requesting final plat approval for 16 free market units and 1 employee unit at 700 S. Galena Street. The applicant received preliminary plat approval on March 2, 1982. Engineering Comments: The Engineering Department has addressed several items that are not shown on the plat that should be addressed in the subdivision agreement. These items include: 1. A building permit should not be issued on the project until sufficient investigation and design of the temporary and permanent retaining structures have been conducted by a geotechnical consultant. 2. If the applicant is to build retaining structures in the City right-of-way, he must obtain approval from the City Council to encroach upon the right-of-way. A construction easement and a license for any permanent underground structure will also be necessary. 3. If the design of on-site drainage facilities results in the need for overflow connection to the storm sewer, the applicant should be required to extend existing storm sewer facilities up Galena Street to City specifications. 4. Holy Cross Electric Company has confirmed a willingness to remove the existing overhead power lines to the benefit of the applicant and other adjacent landowners. The applicant, as a result, should be required to provide any easements that may be necessary in order to restore underground service to the area. 5. The Engineering Department has approved two 18 foot curb cuts on Galena Street for this project as Galena is the only point of access. Due to substantial underground parking and the resulting low impact on parking in the surrounding area, the Engineering Department has no problem with this curb-cut variance. Building Department: The Building Department has stated that a hot tub in the southeastern corner of the project encroaches upon the setbacks. The applicant should remove or relocate this hot tub. P & Z Action: Preliminary Plat Approval: The Planning and Zoning Commission granted approval to the preliminary plat for the 700 S. Galena Street project on March 2, 1982 subject to the 6 conditions found in the attached excerpt from the minutes of Memo: 700 S. Page Two April 12,1982 Planning Offi ce Review: Galena .......inal Plat Review "'"" - - the P & Z meeting. In summary these conditions deal with 1) slope stabilization, 2) surface and subsurface drainage, 3) the obligations of the amended GMP application, 4) preliminary plat approval does not create any reliance on a subsequent RBO application, 5) a construction completion schedule and 6) parking. P & Z also approved the attached resolution recommending a performance bond be posted by the applicant to insure the timely completion of the Galena project. The bond is to provide sufficient money to be available for restoring the 700 S. Galena Street site to its original condition should the applicant fail to meet the completion schedule of Section 7-141 of the Municipal Code. The applicant has worked closely with the Planning Office in order to meet the many concerns that have been raised throughout the subdivision review process. Several revisions have been made in order to meet these concerns. The major changes that have been made as a result of conditional approvals of P & Z and City Council are as follows: 1. The roof top solar panels which were originally proposed for this project have been removed since 1) the panels would have obstructed the view plane from several nearby properties, 2) the site is an inefficient location for solar access and 3) the applicant has agreed to provide increased roof insulation to maintain the overall energy efficiency that was originally proposed. 2. An additional parking space was added to the 26 proposed in order to provide the required 27 parking spaces __ 17 required by the Code and 10 required by a former agreement providing parking for the Continental Inn at the Galena Street site. A new agreement has been drawn up moving the 10 Continental Inn spaces from the south end of the Galena property to the underground parking facility. 3. The entry ramp was revised to provide an easier flow of traffic, a pedestrian walk and a snow-melting system. 4. The location of the site's trash facility at the southern end of the property was made according to the recommendations of the Engineering Department. 5. Due to the slope, hydrological and geological problems present at the subject site, several shoring, retention and hydrological studies have been conducted by geo- technical engineers and approved by the City's Engineering Department in order to assure the project is appropriately planned and constructed. The applicant should adhere to the techniques approved through these studies. 6. Problems involving project construction into utility easements have been cleared up by requiring that the applicant obtain an agreement with Holy Cross stating that the existing overhead power lines will be removed and placed underground and that the applicant will provide any necessary easements for restoring services underground. The Planning Office feels these changes are improvements resulting from an effective subdivision process. It is important to assure that all the obligations which the applicant has agreed to throughout the process be carried out. To insure that these obligations are adhered to, project plans should be submitted to the Planning Office for confirmation of their consistency with the approval project prior to the issuance of a building permit. ,-... ......" Memo: 700 S. Galena - Final Plat Review Page Three Ap ri 1 12, 1982 "."".'"" -' Planning Office Recommendation: A subdivison agreement was not submitted to the Planning Office until ;1:00 p.m., April 6, 1982. Therefore, the Attorney's Office, the Planning Office and the Engineering Department have not yet had a chance to review the agreement. Section 20-14 of the Code requires that a subdivision agreement be submitted with the final plat in order to allow the agreement to be properly referred to and reviewed by the necessary city departments. Section 20-14 allows each department a 14-day period for reviewing the subdivision agreement. The Planning Office is trying to expedite the review process for this application due to the May 1 deadline you have placed upon this project's obtaining a building permit. Therefore, we are attempting to shorten this time period and hope to have comments regarding the subdivision agreement at the April 12, 1982 meeting. Conceptual subdivision approval of this project by P & Z and Council as well as P & Z's preliminary plat approval were all subject to several elaborate conditions. These conditions, along with any required improvements, are to be part of the subdivision agreement and are a very important consideration in the review of the final plat. Therefore, if the subdivision agreement is found to be inadequate the Planning Office will recommend that the final plat be tabled until the April 26, 1982 Council meeting. If the subdivison agreement is adequate, it should tie up all conditions associated with this project and we will provide you with a brief memo, including the appropriate motion of approval at that time. - - - - RESOLUTION OP THE ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING CO~~ISSION RECOMMENDING THE POSTING OF A PERPORMANCE BOND BY HBC INVES'l'MENSTS FOR THE 700 SOUTH GALENA STREET PROJECT Resolution No. 82 - WHEREAS, the applicant for the 700 South Galena Street Project, HBC Investments, has agreed to the completion schedule found in Section 7-141 of the Municipal Code, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission desires to insure performance of that agreement through a performance bond. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Aspen that the Commission does recommend to City Council that HBC Investments be required to post a performance bond to insure the timely completion of the 700 South Galena Street Project in accordance with the approved building plans and specifications and with Section 7-141 of the Municipal Code,. The bond will provide sufficient money to be available for restoring the 700 South Galena Street site to its original condition should HBC Investments fail to meet the above completion schedule or other obligations conditioned in the project's approval. Approved by the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission at their regular meeting on March 16, 1982. ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ATTEST: --",r.__~ Deputy City Clerk , " ,- '"""" .-.. - H.B.C. Investments 45D South Galena Street Suite #202 Aspen, Colorado 81611 March 8, 1982 ~ls. Alice Davis Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: 700 South Galena Street Project Application for Final Plat Approval Dear Alice: Submitted for review and approval is the final plat for the 700 South Galena Project. The location of the site is Lot 16 and Parcel B, Block 2, Anthony Acres Subdivision, City of Aspen. This project was approved for the 1978 Residential G.M,P. allocation as the companion project to the 925 East Durant Employee Housing Project. The 925 East Durant Employee Housing Project has received all the necessary approvals, the excavation permit has been issued, and preliminary construction has begun. The Galena Project has received conceptual approval before both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, The Planning and Zoning Commission also gave unaminous approval of the Preliminary Plat for the 700 S. Galena Street Project on March 2, 1982. The project consists of sixteen (16) multi-family units and one (1) on-site employee unit. As requested in the Preliminary Plat Application, it is appro- priate to exempt from the G.M.P. the one on-site employee unit. This request is made in accordance with Section 24-11.10 "Employee Hcusing" and 24-11,2 (h) "Growth Management Quota Sys tems Exceptions." In accordance with Section 19-102, "variations in curb cuts allowed for unusual conditions," it is requested that the City Engineering Department grant the 700 South Galena Street Project a variance from the requirements of Section 19-101 (e) (2). The request is to allow two (2) eighteen-foot wide curb cuts, Several amendments have been made during the review process for this project, These revi s ions result from the recommendation and feedback of the adjacent neighbors and the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as those conditions of approval imposed by the Commission, Modifications include lowering of ceiling heights as requested by the P & Z Commission, ramp revisions that allow easier flow of traffic, a suitably located trash facility, and an addi- tional surface parking space. These minor modifications all result in improving the development, Visual aspects of the project have also been recommended for modification at the request of the neighborhood and P & Z Commission. This revision recommends eliminating the rooftop solar panels and increasing the R factor for roof insulation in lieu of the panels, thereby maintaining overall energy efficiency in an inefficient solar location, It is important to note that this project is the companion of the 925 Durant " - - - 700 S. Galena St. Project Page 2 employee housing project. Inasmuch as the Durant site has already received final approval and must be subsidized by the Galena project, it is crucial that this project be reviewed and approved in a timely fashion. Thank you for your cooperation on this important application. Respectfully submitted, H.B.C INVESTMENTS %~~ j'J~?--t';~~- Mark A. Danielsen ,....,.~,.^~..~~-..".~._....----..,~...-----~~ ,.., ' .,,~......_--,-_._... ","",',,", -......... 130 asp MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 1982 TO: Alice Davis FROM: Gary ESary~ RE: Final Plat for 700 South Galena Street project At the outset, please note that the GMP Allotment Extension Agree- ment for the 700 S. Galena-925 E. Durant Joint Project has not yet been signed by HBC. The agreement has gone through several drafts and has been reviewed by HBC's counsel and me, however, and I believe it is essentially in final form. Further, a draft of the subdivision agreement for the 700 S. Galena phase of the joint project has not yet been submitted by HBC's counsel for our review. I agree with the Engineering Office that said subdivision agreement should contain a provision requir- ing BBC to convey necessary utility easements. The bulk of this office's responsibility in this matter will be the careful review of the subdivision agreement to make sure the many conditions of final plat approval are included and properly drafted. GSE:mc - - ,'"' "",# TO: ffi))~5tr[~3rn . n l8(r[ ,.- i I i '.PR 110Q1 ~:U' '" ......v'-., . . ~J Alice Davis, Planm,ng OffJ.ce ASPEN ,-, / ~-p I P"KIN CO Jay Hammond, Engineering Department %LAN~';~!'-"):'iH:E MEMORANDUM FROM: DATE: March 30, 1982 RE: 700 So. Galena Final Plat -------------------------------------------------------------- Having reviewed the above application and made a site inspection, the Engineering Department has the following comments: Reviews of this project have turned up a number of specific concerns regarding items not shown on the plat. We feel it is important at this time that the applicant file an accompanying subdivision agreement addressing the following: 1. Issuance of the building permit should not occur without sufficient investigation and design by a geotechnical consultant of the temporary and permanent retaining structures. 2. Design of retaining structures resulting in encroachment of city right-of-way will require approval of the City as well as construction easements and a license for any permanent underground structures. This plat approval should not be considered permission to construct such encroachments. The applicant has not yet requested permission to encroach the city ROW in any manner. 3. Should design of on-site drainage facilities result in the need for overflow connection to the storm sewer, the applicant should be required to extend existing storm sewer facilities up Galena Street to city specifications. 4. Through recent discussions with Ken Roberts of Holy Cross, they have confirmed their willingness to remove the existing overhead power lines to the benefit of the applicant as well as other adjacent landowners. Ken stated, however, that easements may be required to restore underground service for this project and/or adjacent properties to the east. The agreement should require the 700 So. Galena Project to provide for necessary easements if needed. Having reviewed the condition and location of the site, the Engineering Department recommends the granting of a variance to allow two (2) eighteen (18') foot curb cuts on Galena accessing the site. As the applicant has stated, the site is only accessible from Galena and lacks an alley or other means of approach. Due to the substantial underground parking and resultant low impact on surrounding parking, we have no problem with the curb-cut variance. JH/CO ASPEN/PITKIN PLANNING OFFICE 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 (303) 925-2020 LAND USE APPLICATION FEES City !t"/- :il 00113 ' 63721', 47331 ,52100 63722 ,47332 ,52100 63723 ,47333 ,521 00 63724 ,47341 ,52100 63725 ,47342 ,52100 63726 ,47343 ,52100 63727 ,47350 ,52100 63728 ,47350 ,52100 63729 ,47360 ,52100 County 00113 63711 ' 47331 ' 52200 63712 ' 47332 ' 52200 63713 ' 47333 ' 52200 63714 ,47341 ' 52200 63715 ' 47342 ' 52200 63716 ' 47343 ' 52200 63717 ' 47350 ' 52200 63718 ' 47350 ' 52200 63719 ' 47360 ' 52200 PLANNING OFFICE SALES 00113 ' 63061 ,09100 ,52200 63063 ,09100 ,52200 63062 ,09100 ,52300 63066 ,09100 ,52300 63069 ,09100 GMP/CONCEPTUAL GMP/PRELlMINARY GMP/FINAL SUB/CONCEPTUAL SUB/PRELIMINARY SUB/FINAL EXCEPT/EXEMPTION REZONING SPECIAL REVIEW ;I r? 7C;,ft(j SUB,TOTAL GMP/GENERAL GMP/PRELlMINARY GMP/FINAL SUB/GENERAL SUB/DETAILED SUB/FINAL SPECIAL REVIEW REZONING SPECIAL APPROVAL SUB,TOTAL COUNTY CODE ALMANAC GMP COPY FEES OTHER SUB,TOTAL TOTAL Name: Address: Check No, ' 1f.::<.9/ Additional Billing: Phone: Project: J.).' ',- /' I r> -"~</'?!() I '~; ~l(J- . ....--