HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.06062007 Al~~N DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Laura Kornasiewicz, Barbara Owen, and Debbie Ware. StaffMember(s): Tim Anderson, Jonathan Godes, Paul Kulik Guests: None I. Call to Order - Sue called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Barbara mentioned that the ice staff will work with Teri Hooper in getting staff trained upon the purchase of new skate sharpening equipment such that the figure skaters don't have to send skates to Denver any longer. This will be good for both parties. Staff Comments: Tim Anderson mentioned that we had 3 new Council members on board, and that the new Council seemed very supportive of the ARC. Guest Comments: None. II. Approval of Past Minutes: (April & May 2007 minutes needed approval) Laura motioned to approve, Debbie provided a second, all approved. III. Discussion Items: BUNZ: Staff invited Graham from BUNZ to attend to meeting so we could discuss what the operation experienced in the past 3 months, and where they are planning to take the service level from here. Issues that has arisen and needed to be addressed were: . Operational hours · Menu Changes · Equipment Breakdowns . Pricing . Future Vision Graham informed the AC that he was aware of these issues and that the change over in staffing, shoulder season, and the purchase of old equipment from the previous operator all were part of the issue and operational curve to get the operations to where he would like them to be. Graham has hired a new manager who will be on top of the operations at the ARC and fill in when needed to see that hours of operation are adhered to. Her name is Elizabeth Stewart and questions should be directed to her to handle. This should solve most scheduling and opening issues. Equipment service repairs have been ordered and BUNZ hopes that there will be no further operational disruptions due to breakdowns. They do have some new equipment coming as well. They will install a menu board that is placed just outside the entrance ofBUNZ to catch people's attention. They will also place a menu board and special ofthe day board in the upper lobby of the ARC announcing that there is a food service below. There will be daily specials that average around $5.00 which everyone feels is an acceptable level for most patrons at the ARC. Staff will work with BUNZ in the improvement plan to see if we can enlarge space such that they can do more prep work on site, this will enable them to provide a wider variety offood at an affordable price. They would like to establish a Family Friday's and work with the ARC staff in getting people to the ARC and having a family friendly buffet available as well. Staff needs to keep BUNZ updated with schedules of operations at the facility. In addition they will be added to the monthly newsletter along with the AC. The AC liked the ideas they were hearing and stated that they now want to see what has been heard. Staff informed the AC as well as Graham that the previous operator made money (approximately $20,000 annually) and that the new lease has a reduced rent, while numbers continue to increase at the ARC. So, with that being said they have every opportunity to make money if they provide a good service. ARC Flooring Options: Staff is beginning to look at options for new flooring at the ARC to replace the look we have in the stained concrete areas. The wax is building up on the current floor and once the wax is stripped all the way down the stain will come up on the floor as well. This creates an opportunity for a new look at the ARC. There are issues with carpet and the AC agreed. A slate or tile requires grout which gets dirty and chips and does not maintain the nice look and easy maintenance we would like to achieve. We could re-stain the floor to achieve a look like we have now, or what is recommended by staff is a process of grinding down the concrete such that the aggregate shows. There are then various stains and finishes that can be applied from there to give the floor a nice look, and something that is easy to maintain. This process however is permanent, but the AC likes the idea, they saw samples, and would like to explore this direction further. They like an organic look. Outdoor Pools/Improvement Plan: Staff is re-grouping for a presentation to Council once again. There are 3 new Council members and it is felt that we need to back up, educate the new Council as to the background leading up to the Outdoor Pool Designs, and the ARC Improvement Plan. Key points to be discussed will be: · The Recreation Division Business Plan: reduction of subsidy level, accommodating the missing populations, the survey which identified missing components at the ARC, and needed capital improvements. · Fine tune the operational numbers for the Options being presented to Council. · Identify more specifically the impacts regarding GHG emissions and the Canary Initiative the City has adopted. · The need to get them to focus on meeting the larger vision, not to focus on conceptual so much. We are asking for the ability to move forward with schematic design which will flush out more detail in design and cost. The next work session with Council will be held at the ARC, so they can experience the operations. We need to get the public and teens here again. We will provide local comparative rates so Council can see what it costs to belong to the private clubs. Survey information will be detailed. Councilman Jack Johnson asked questions in the last meeting regarding the decibels of the Flow Rider, staff will get this info. Staff is asking the architects if we can hide the Flow Rider a bit from the other pools, operationally staff will look at scheduling adult time at the pools. Staff will make a recommendation and look for strong assistance from the AC as to where Council would like to go from here with the outdoor pools, as well as the ARC improvement plan. Monthly Financial Report: Staff provided a monthly report which reflected a 17% increase in revenues (W/O ice) at the ARC. A similar percentage of increase was reflected in the May revenue report as well. The AC members mentioned that it would be good to graph the revenue/budget numbers for Council at the August 7'h work session so they could see the direction we are taking currently and what impact the outdoor pools would have on operations. IV. Updates: Energy Improvements: Staff informed the AC that a contact had been approved by Council to move forward with the mechanical retro fits for the purpose of energy efficiency. Staff was paying very strict attention to potential impacts regarding operations of the facility and customer comfort. Staff will communicate with the Youth Center regarding the proj ect as well. All contractors and sub-contractors have been required to provide background checks on their employees and will be required to wear badges with a name, photo and who they work for. Ice User Meeting: staff is working with User groups at this time to define their needs, then set a date for all parties to meet so next winters schedule can be determined. It will be imperative that at least one AC member be in attendance at this meeting. V. Action Item(s): July Meeting Date: Since the July meeting date would fall on the 4th of July the AC determined that the meeting should be held and scheduled for the 28th of June at4pm. VI. Other Business: Brainstorming: Laura felt that in September; and during other seasons, the ARC should contact outside youth groups (as well as the schools) bringing in teams from other towns, and invite them at a special rate to stop by the ARC. This could be one way during off seasons to generate more use and revenue. Skating Competition: Barbara asked if the skating club could get a family deal on ARC entry during their skating competition next Nov. 30th/Dec. I st such as is provided for the fall face off. Staff will extend the same rate for each event. Retreat Goals: the AC asked for an update as to how staff is progressing on the goals identified in their retreat last December. The update will be provided at the next meeting. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on June 28, 2007.