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100 Leaves
Public Hearing
Aspen Planning and zoning
August 15, 1974
The Public Hearing
~anet Landry, Jack
50hn Stanford were
RBH Joint Venture
Martin Schlumberger
Kit Mason
Jim Moran
was opened at 4:09 p.m. by Spencer Schiffer with members
Jenkins and Bryan Johnson. Donna Baer, Yank Mojo and
also present.
C. D. Brelsford spole about the changes in the zoning
which would effectively put a stop to his building
plans and potentially cause financial ruin. He sited
the fact that his project had been held up for the last
eight months because of Ordinance 19 reviews and now
they have learned that if they don't get the approval
before the new ordinance goes into effect that they
would have to conform thus financially excluding them-
selves because of the prhibitory costs for a new plan.
In a letter submitted to the P & Z, Reese H. Henry, Jr.
outlined their objections to the downzoning in respect
to their project which were" height limitation would
be reduced from 37~ to 32 feet, the use will be changed
from office commercial to one floor of offices, the
remaining upper floors multi-family, and floor area
ratio would be reduced.
Mr. Schlumberger owns a lot on the east end of town and
had Mason & Morse do an appraisal of his property. In
that report it stated that there was a 95 per cent
build up in the area of condominiums and within that
small area there was up to 14 different types of
zoning. Mr. Schlumberger stated that he would in the
future like to build a four plex but with proposed
zoning he would be unable to do so.
Mr. Mason commented on aspects of the downzoning that
would affect his company negatively. He commented that
for multi-family zoning, there should be a fixed base
for the unit and a lot - area requirement per bedroom.
Speaking on the commercial rezoning, he stated that
the rents for those apartments above offices would be
quite expensive because of the developer's outlay
would be more. Also noted was that some people did
not like the core area to live simply because of lack
of parking and noise problems so that eventually the
apartments would be turned back into offices. Mr.
Mason would also like to see the block of commercial
core area that was taken out ( between Hunter and
Springs Streets) be reinstated. He sited that there
were too many commercial buildings now to down zone it.
Moran asked that he be allowed to submit written
letters to the Commission by tuesday, August 20, and
permission was granted not only to him but also anyone
else wishing to,~ubmit letters by that date.
Moran noted that because of the new zoning code a lot
of non-conforming problems would arise and stated [hat
it was customarily assumed that you could zone to a
higher classification but not a lower one. But since
we now have such a diversification of classifications
they should spend some time deciding which ones were
high and which were low.
He also mentioned that the people of the Durant Condos
could potentially lose out because of the fire they had
last year. Since the units were destroyed more than
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100 Leaves
FOQM ~G C. F, HOECKEL B. B, & L, co.
Public Hearing
Aspen Planning and Zoning
August 15, 1974
Jim Moran, con't
50 per cent, they would have to conform to the lodge
classification which means no kitchens would be allowed
In regards to the parking requirements and the defini-
tion of hotel, motel and lodge Moran noticed that
limited and unlimited units had been taken out of the
old defintion and thought that this might also cause
some problems.
He also spoke about the old Riverside trailer court
property and said that since the zoning change is from
C-2 to R-6 the owners should receive a density bonus
instead of a penalty based on slope.
Finally, he noted the problems surrounding permits for
building issued and how, if the zoning is changed from
the time of issue then the permit does not remain in
Motion was made by Bryan Johnson to adjourn and second
by Jack Jenkins. All in favor, meeting adjourned at
4:45 p.m.
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