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100 Leaves
rO~M \{) C. F. HOECKEL B. O. ft ~. co.
Spec;Lal Meet;Lng
A~pen Planning a,nd Zon;Lng
June 11, 1974
Meeting was called to order at 5:07 P.M. by Vice Cha,irman Spence Schiffer with
Commission members Bryan Johnson, Jack Jenkins, Robert Barnard, Cha,rles Collins,
and Janet Landry with Ass;Lstant Planner Donna Baer and C;Lty Attorney Stuller.
Divine Sarah -
Ordinance 19
Exemption Request
Ms. Baer asked if the Commission would like to hear
the case as an exempt;Lon from Ordinance 19 Review.
The project entailed extension of a restaurant use
behind the Brand Building.
It was noted by Vice Chairman Schiffer that only
business listed on the notice of the special meeting
could be considered at this t;Lme. An exception at
this time would require an amendment to the by-laws.
Geri Vagneur arrived.
Limelite Lodge -
Ms. Baer stated that the Planning Office was not
recommending approval of the project in this form due
to the fact that the addition would bring the build-
ing up to maximum density. An Ordinance 19 policy
had been to reduce growth levels.
Ms. Baer further stated that the Planning Office was
expecting to recommend to the Planning and Zoning
Commission a .5 to 1 Floor Area Ratio, and an addi-
tional floor area ratio to be allowed if employee
housing is provided. The current floor area ratio
in the AR zone is 1 to 1.
with the floor area ratio recommendation, total
employee housing required by the development should
be included on the development. This amount can
be determined; how many maids per 1,000 sq. ft.?
It may then be possible to allow a higher floor
area ratio. This figure had not been arrived at as
Ms, Baer mentioned that the Board of Adjustment had
requested that she communicate to the Planning and
Zoning Commission, in regard to the Fred Smith case,
that they had been under the impression that employee
housing was required. Ms. Baer stated that she had
explained to them that this was a goal and policy
under Ordinance 19, but was not required. They would
like to prepare a resolution that this requirement
become mandatory.
Ms. Baer stated that another issue was the parking,
and how many places could be provided on the site.
Vagneur stated that to encourage lodge use as opposed
to condominium use for the tourist, this type of
expansion should be encouraged. Ms. Baer reitterated
that she did not feel that this type of density was
in accordance with the object of Ordinance 19.
Vagneur stated that, if the project was built at the
proposed density, there would be a floor area ratio
of .75 to 1, while current zoning was 1 to 1.
Jenkins stated that this density in this loca,tion
was okay in his opinion, and that the economics of
the project must be considered. Ms. Baer sta,ted that
the ratio of the number of lodge units to mountain
capacity, transportation systems, etc. must also be
100 Leaves
FORM \~ C. F. HOECKEL B. B. 6: L. ~O.
Specia,l Meetin~
Limelite Lodge -
Conceptual, continued
A~penPla,nning a,nd zonin~
considered. She stated a,lso
sity mu~t then be considered
June 11, 1974
that this kind of den-
for every lodge in
Jenkins further sta,ted tha,t the lodge business was
a large segment of the Aspen economy. Such businesses
should be encoura,ged to expand.
Landry noted that Ordina,nce 19 ca,me down ha,rd on the
lodges of Aspen, but tha,t the Commission had changed
their thinking, in tha,t the economic study ha,d shown
tha,t lodges circulate a dollar much further tha,n a,
Ms, Baer sta,ted that the la,nd use ma,p restricted the
a,reas of mixed residentia,l. The Pla,nning Office had
always encoura,ged the lodge business. Jenkins noted
tha,t there was a, shorta,ge of high quality lodges in
Schiffer stated tha,t he wa,s more concerned with the
overa,ll picture - the ca,pacity of Aspen Mountain,
transporta,tion, and pa,rking, etc.
Baer stated tha,t another consideration wa,s the pa,rk-
ing. The lodge would need 27 parking spa,ces if they
were allowed to build the fourteen unit a,ddition.
This would tear up the site, with the two to three
pa,rking requirement of 1967.
Schiffer noted that the parking problem could be left
to further consideration. Ba,er stated tha,t she ha,d
only brought it up so tha,t the Commission could try
to visua,lize wha,t the site would look like with this
amount of parking.
It was noted tha,t a va,riance would be required of
less tha,n four inches. If the project wa,s a,pproved,
the Commission would need to exempt it from PUD
a,nd request the Board of Adjustment grant the var-
ia,nce. Bulk a,nd lot covera,ge would be considered
at the prelimina,ry sta,ge, and the Pla,nning Office
wa,s interested in the employee housing ratio.
Jenkins ma,de a, motion to give conceptual approval un-
der Ordina,nce 19 to the Limelite Lodge, conditioned
upon the following: that the parking problem be
resolved; that the applica,nt obta,in a va,riance for
the height, a,nd that the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission recommend to the Board of Adjustment that
they grant the varia,nce; tha,t the Commission take
another look at the building bulk a,nd lot coverage
a,t the prelimina,ry sta,ge; tha,t the Commission give
further considera,tion to the employee housing at the
next stage. Barna,rd seconded the motion.
All in favor, motion ca,rried,
The Commission then went into study session. Meeting
a,djourned a,t 6:00 P.M.
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\ Secretary