HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19740319 -. '--"" RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM" C.F.HOECKELO.O.IlL.CQ. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bruce Gillis at 5:10 p.m. with Commis- sion members Jack Jenkins, Geri Vagneur and Janet Landry. Also present City/ County Planner Herb Bartel and Assistant Planners Donna Baer and John Stanford, City Attorney Sandra Stuller, City Economist Larry Simmons and Assistant Engin- eer Ed Del Duca. OLD BUSINESS Off Street Parking - Study Session 3/26/74 Chairman Gillis request that the media provide some type of different notification of the public input on off street parking for the study session on Tuesday, March 26th. Stated that the Commission would appreciate different ideas by the public and would like to show the public what type of parking recommendations the Commission would like to consider. Open Space Presentation - Jack Walls Proposal was forwarded to the Commission from Council - concerning amending the open space requirements - by Councilmember Jack Walls. Presentation by Walls was set for the Commission study session of March 28, 1974. MINUTES 3/5/74 & 3/7/74 Vagneur made a motion to approve the minutes of March 5, 1974 and March 7, 1974. Motion seconded by Jenkins. All in favor, motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Rubey Park View Plane Chairman Gillis opened the public hearing on the Rubey Park View Plane. Attorney Jim Moran was present and questioned if the Resolution that went up from P & Z to Council on the other view planes was available to the public. Bartel stated that the view corridor under considera- tion is Rubey Park to Independence Pass. Moran stated that the Commission could not hold a pub- lic hearing on that view plane at this meeting since the legal notice of the public hearing was for the view plane to Aspen Mountain. Jenkins made a motion to reset the public hearing for April 9, 1974, motion seconded by Vagneur. All in favor, motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Trail System Plan Amendment Chairman Gillis opened the public hearing on the Trail System Plan Amendment. Bartel submitted a map of the adopted Trail System Plan. Reminded the Commission that they are required to give public notice to amend an adopted plan. Stated that this plan was adopted by both the City and County Planning & Zoning Commissions. Stated that the amend ments that are proposed would be reviewed. Bartel stated that the first general amendment that they were trying to accomplish is to provide cross-town links with the trail system, both north and south of Main Street so that pedestrian traffic has its own desig- nated area to cross town. Bartel gave a brief review of the trail system. Stated _._~-~,....;~..~"".-"", r- ~~ RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM" C.F.HOECKElB.O.1t L. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 that the County's amendments include: (1) an addition for a trail that could serve the proposed hospital site; (2) including in the official trail plan the dedications made by Henry Stein on the Henry Stein bridge and the ease- ment going to the Airport Business Center area, et cetera. Del Duca submitted a report to the Commission concerning transportation and traffic engineering done in California. Stated that included in this report was a study on vari- ous bikeway systems. Further stated that he is trying to set up a meeting with the West Side Improvement Associ- ation, and would like to talk with them concerning what they would like to have done in that area. Stated that the report, it recommends that in a residential area that has no commercial uses with only light traffic, that mixed mode between pedestrians and bikeways is recommended. Felt that if there was some type of small separation, such as an asphalt curb, could have one-way bike traffic on each side. Stated that it might be feasible that the those people would be willing to put in a bikeway in a sidewalk improvement district at no cost to the City. Stated that it would be 8' wide on the sidewalk and the City would do the curb cuts. Del Duca stated that another alternative would be to take parking off the street on one side and make that a bike- way, but felt that was not as desirable. Chairman Gillis questioned how people would get across Highway 82 from Armstrong Park to the Villa site safely. Del Duca stated that that would have to be striped. Vagneur questioned why the residents on Hallam Street were not notified before this came in. Stated that she did not feel Hallam street was the most desirable location since it was the through traffic to the school for school buses and intensive parking on the streets. Asked if there had been any thought into taking it down Lake Avenue and along Gillespie next to the Institute grounds. Felt that this was a more practical location. Del Duca stated that he felt that with the school traffic, this would keep the children from walking in the street. Vagneur questioned the snow removal problem. Del Duca stated that if it was a separate trail, it would be plowed by the City. Vagneur stated that she felt the residents of the area should have been asked to make comments before it got to this stage. Bartel stated that for any pedestrian system to be used it has to be as direct as possible, and if people who have a high school destination are expected to go to the Institute and back out, feel that a basic planning error has been committed in the alignment. May need another trail going to the Institute that is not on the plan now that would be picked up at a later amendment, but this trail is specifically designed to be a cross-town loop and it needs to be as direct as possible. Feel that Hal- lam is a better street than Main because of the traffic -2- """' --- - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM.. C.F.HOECKELO.B.ltl.CQ. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 already on Main and the increase that is going to occur. Bill Dunaway stated that people who ride their bikes or walk will just use Hallam and will not use the other trail, so should put the trail where people are going now. Chairman Gillis stated he felt the City should put in sidewalks anyway. Jim Moran, attorney, questioned if it was contemplated that one trail or pathway would accommodate both pedes- trians and bicycles. Bartel stated that it varies. Stated that the trail to the high school is designed that way. Del Duca stated that the report recommended combining the two. curb would keep the bicycles on trians on the other. to which he was referring Felt that the asphalt one side and the pedes- Chairman Gillis questioned if it was set up in such a way that neighbors on Hallam are required to join any sidewalk improvement district. Bartel stated that there has been no work at this time on implementation. Jenkins stated that considering how narrow the street is, to complicate it with both pedestrian and bike paths is over use. Felt that the sidewalk district approach to pedestrian traffic has a great deal of merit. Felt that parking control in that area would solve a number of the problems. Bartel stated that the only trails that are being imple- menting, have an application in for matching funds on the Hopkins Street bridge and an application for matching funds for the first link of the trail on the golf course. Have no funding and will not even take another look at that until the 1975 budget for any of these other trails. Vagneur questioned if there were any curbs and gutters on that street now. Questioned what would happen when a bike path eliminates the parking for the residents on the street. Would he be allowed to cut the curb to go in and do off- street parking. Bartel stated that on that kind of street, he would, but could not say that on all streets because of traffic vol- umes. Jenkins questioned what the alley conditions were on both sides of that street. Bartel stated that none of those alleys were paved, but there are alleys on both sides. Moran questioned what the affect would be, if the concept were approved under the rest of the Municipal Code with respect to someone, say on a vacant lot, is there any requirement then that that person dedicate some land to a conceptual pedestrian bicycle or pedestrian path. -3- r- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 50 C.F.HOECKELB.6.Ill.CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 Bartel stated that there would be such a requirement. Stated that the stream margin regulation and the sub- division regulations require dedication of trail ease- ment in compliance with an adopted plan. Stated that the bridge at Hopkins is essential and then the link across the Rio Grande, the dedication is being made on the Aspen Center subdivision. Jenkins stated that the reason that seems backwards to him is that so much of the population is out in the Snow- bunny area and coming off of the golf course path from the other subdivisions up there, could use that for an entry to downtown. Bartel stated that that is being used now. Del Duca stated that if it was done by the district, could be done this summer due to the small cost to the City. Feel that there are enough advantages that the people might consider it, but if the City has to do it itself, could be a couple of years. Bartel pointed out that the projects that are scheduled for the summer, Hopkins, and if the City does not get the Federal funds, and that entire Federal program is not de- signed for this kind of trail. It is designed for rec- reational trails in the countryside, so the City's chances are not too good. Chairman Gillis closed the public hearing. Chairman Gillis recommended to the Commission that they not take any action on this until Del Duca returns with the results of the West End Improvement Association. ORDINANCE #19 Woods Building Preliminary & Final Presentation Rob Roy was present and submitted the final working draw- ings. Project located over Aspen Drug Store. Roy stated that he had received a letter from Colonel Woods on the Historic Preservation aspect of building. Stated that basically what they are trying to do is to add two floors above the drug store - the first floor above the drug store would be office space and the second floor would be the owner's apartment. Also adding a covered walk on Galena Street side. Stated that they had gotten a variance on the open space and have gone through the Historic Preservation Committee. Stated they would be bringing the stairs up to Code. Stated that the drug store remains the same. Stated that they were remodeling in order to have a better second exit out of the restaurant. Chairman Gillis questioned how many offices the building would have. Roy stated that they only have a suggested office layout with four office spaces, but do not know who the tenants will be, but is subject to change. Roy described the lay- out of the owner's apartment. Pointed out that the drug store does not have access to the alley which creates some problems as far as delivery and trash removal. Stated that it has been done by the sidewalk up until now. Ms. Baer questioned if they could put interior trash sto- -4- ,-" '"'" RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 1 00 Leaves FOR'" 10 C.F.HOECKELB.B.& l-. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 rage. Roy stated that they already have interior trash storage for the drug store and Toro's. Stated that the Building Inspector and the City Engineer don't like that situation. Chairman Gillis stated that one thing the covered side- walk would do would be to keep the snow off so it would not be as slippery and hazardous as it has been in the past. Roy stated that they are proposing that the old coal shaft be eliminated since it is not used. how the present deliveries and trash removal is plished. abandoned Described accom- Ms. Baer submitted the Resolution from the Historic Pre- servation Committee which read as follows: WHEREAS, the proposed additions and al- terations to the Woods Building have been re- viewed by the Aspen Historic Preservation Com- mittee and found to be generally sympathetic with nearby historic structures and the his- toric character of Aspen, and WHEREAS, the architect of the proposed development agrees to comply with several ad- ditional conditions, which are: 1. Sandblast the existing painted brick to restore the original color and match the new brick with the old as closely as pos- sible; 2. Modify the contemporary handrail on the 2nd floor to a style which is more compatible with the his- toric character of Aspen; and 3. Review of paint colors by the Aspen Historic Preservation Com- mittee when they are selected. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ASPEN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE RE- COMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO THE WOODS BUILDING, in that the building is consistent with and will contribute to the historic character of Aspen's proposed Historic District. Chairman Gillis questioned if the applicant would agree to these three conditions. Chairman Gillis stated that he would like to see drains on the overhead walkway. Vagneur made a motion to approve the preliminary and fi- nal of Ordinance #19 for this project on the condition that the tree is preserved, that the abandoned coal shute is covered or removed, that the Commission have a copy of the letter for historic designation to John Stanford, that there is a drain on the covered sidewalk and that there is some sort of non-slick grading put over the current basement entrance. Motion seconded by Jenkins. Chairman Gillis questioned the Commission on how they -5- ,~ ........ RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM \0 C.F.HOECKELB.D.lll.CQ. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 would like to handle the parking. Ms. Baer stated that the problem is, should the Commission adopt the kind of policy which has been discussed, this applicant will still have to go to the Board of Adjustment because of the regulation as it is now. Stated that the alternative is that the applicant can agree by contract to buyout his parking, depending upon the outcome of the Stroud case. Suggested that if the Commission decided that the applicant buyout parking it should be whatever the Building Code requires at this time. Stated that the Building Inspector could not issue a per- mit until some action had been taken. Main Motion Vagneur made a motion to amend the main motion to include the following: that the applicant will agree to purchase "X" number of parking spaces conditional on the Stroud case decision or change in the Code. Motion seconded by Jenkins. All in favor with the exception of Landry who abstained. Motion carried. SUBDIVISIONS Public Hearing - Margaret Meadows Chairman Gillis opened the public hearing. Ms. Baer pointed out that the applicant now owns two exis- ting houses, and pointed out the location on map. Stated that the applicant would like to divide this into two separate properties in order to sell off one house. Ms. Baer submitted the following recommendations and con- cerns of the Planning Office: (1) Ownership problem must be entirely resolved; (2) If preliminary plat is approved, a variance must be requested from the Bd. of Adjustment to permit one of the lots to contain less than 6,000 square feet; (3) Dedicate 5' on Park Avenue; (4) Lot 2 should hook up to sewer; (5) Utility easement should be dedicated per telephone company request; (6) Minor plat corrections as requested by Engineering Department should appear on final plat; (7) Both houses should be restricted re: number of dwelling units. Ms. Baer pointed out that there was somewhat less than 12,000 square feet. Located most desirable lot line for the division. Stated that it is presently zoned R-6. Stated that one of the houses is a duplex and the other has three units. Ms. Vagneur stated that she did not object to the subdi- vision, but would like the record to show that this defi- nitely is well over the present zoning. Ms. Baer stated that the applicant has offerred to dedi- cate an additional 5' along Park Avenue. Stated that the parking is probably marginal. Landry made a motion to approve the preliminary plat for Margaret Meadows subdivision conditional on the ownership problem being resolved and a variance from the Board of Adjustment to permit one of the lots to contain less than 6,000 square feet, that Margaret Meadows dedicate 5' on Park Avenue, that Lot 2 hook up to the sewer, the utility easement should be dedicated per the telephone company re- quest that minor plat corrections as requested by the En- gineering Department should appear in the final plat and -6- /"-. .-, RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 50 C.F.HOECKELB.B.&L.CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 that both houses should be restricted in regard to the number of dwelling units. Motion seconded by Vagneur. All in favor, motion carried. SUBDIVISIONS Aspen Center - Final Plat Chairman Gillis closed the public hearing. 'Chairman Gillis questioned Del Duca on whether or not the Engineering Department had prepared recommendations on the Aspen Center. Del Duca stated that the Engineering Department was not prepared to give the recommendations today, but that they would be ready within 10 days. Schottland stated that he had spent three hours with the City Attorney and City Engineer the previous Friday and understood that all the corrections had been made. Del Duca stated that they had found three items on the plat which needed correction. Jim Reser, from Tri-Co Management, stated that there were a number of corrections that needed to be made on the plat based on previous submission. Stated that he and the City Engineer had gone over the plat that afternoon and thought there were only two problems they still have: (1) the extension of the 6' sidewalk which was an error of ommission on his part; and (2) a technical problem re- garding storm sewer easement in the vicinity of the Middle School. Schottland stated that it was his understanding that a full study was done on the plat by Dave Ellis up to this point. Friday he spent time going over and making all these cor- rections and the City Attorney had done some work with attorney Art Daily in reference to that. Stated that they have a very critical time problem and money problem. Stated that he understood they were to have this in ten days prior, but have gotten tremendous static from the City Engineer and would like to ask and see if in the next 48 hours, since the Engineering Department has done 95% of the work already, they could finish it up and al- low the applicant to come in on Thursday's meeting. Chairman Gillis stated that the City has cooperated by getting the applicant on the agenda because they said they would be ready and it was rushed and there would be no way the Commission would rush through this. Schott land questioned the Commission as to when the next possible date would be to get on the agenda. Chairman Gillis stated that would be April 2nd. Bartel questioned Schottland as to what date he had planned to be on the agenda for the City Council final plat con- sideration. Schott land stated it would be either the following Monday or the next meeting, as soon as possible. Bartel stated that they were not on the next Monday's agenda, but would be on the agenda of the 8th of April, consequently the final plat could be considered by the -7- FORM 50 C.F.HOECKELB.B.Iil.CO. I"'- - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves March 19, 1974 Regular Meeting ORDINANCE #19 Land Use Plan Independence pass/ Rubey Park Public Hearing - Reschedule ORDINANCE #19 Land Use Plan Aspen Planning & Zoning Planning & Zoning Commission on April 2nd at their next regular meeting and still be ready for the earliest time that it could be placed on the Council agenda. Chairman Gillis stated that the Aspen Center - Subdivision Final Plat would be on the agenda for April 2, 1974. Bartel stated that he would be showing the Commission the work that has been done to date for the area around Aspen Mountain. Pointed out that they have given the Commission preliminary presentations on the mixed residential areas, but have not shown them anything for the orange area on the map. Bartel request that the public hearing for the Indepen- dence Pass/Rubey Park View Planes be rescheduled for a regular meeting date. Stated that the date previously scheduled in this meeting, April 9th, was not a regular meeting date. Jenkins made a motion to withdraw the motion setting the public hearing for April 9th. Vagneur withdrew her second. All in favor, motion carried. Jenkins made a motion to reschedule the public hearing for the Independence Pass/Rubey Park View Plane for April 16th, 1974. Motion seconded by Vagneur. All in favor, motion carried. Assistant Planner John Stanford submitted beginning analy- sis of the Ordinance #19 Map which is the recreation-ac- commodations. Stated that the various shades of gray in- dicate various levels of slope - the darker the gray, the steeper the slope. Map showed the 8040 line in green and the proposed transit route, City property, etc... Stanford stated that they are in the process now of be- ginning to work on land ownership and existing land use. Bartel stated that there are several significant parcels of City ownership and circulation aspects. Stated that first, the City did receive from the Ski Corp at the time of the Number One Lift a fairly sizeable area on Dean Street and an easement extending up to and an easement for ski purposes only up to the base of the area of the Number One-A Lift. In addition to that, the City has some public ownership at the end of Mill Street, which is generally not a public known fact. Indicated on the map the series of lots which are public. Bartel stated that at the time of the Mountain Queen sub- division plat, the City Council by agreement, made pro- vision for a street extension from Monarch to Mill and the provision in that agreement is that the City would make every effort to acquire that by donation. If that is not possible the City then would proceed with condemnation and the costs covered by the Silver Queen project. So in this area, one of the things desirable to follow up is that connecting link from Monarch to Mill. Bartel pointed out on the map the area which is the ac- commodations area and the accommodations area transition which recommended a very low density - smaller buildings - so that there be a blending from the built up area into the mountainside. Stated that the Engineering Office has -8- -" - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 10 C.F.HOECKELB.B.IlL.CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 prepared the alignment for that street and that appears to be the only major circulation change in the area. The problem that is being confronted is that there is not ade- quate street capacity and circulation in this area to serve higher densities in this general arc at the base of the Mountain. Bartel stated that they would show the ski easements on the plan and are meeting with Larry Bidelman tomorrow evening to try to pin that down. Bartel pointed out that area on the map zoned AF in the City. Stated that the area above that is included in the down zoning proposal by the County and those maps are on the agenda for the County P & Z tomorrow. Stated that the zoning pattern is being changed beginning from the mountainside working towards the built up area. Chairman Gillis questioned if money had been budgeted for the drainage ponds. Bartel stated that it has not been budgeted. Further pointed out that there was a catchment pond on the map so that the runoff from the Mountain is held and does not go directly through the downtown area, and then released at a slower rate. Chairman Gillis questioned if there would have to be ease- ments obtained and alignments made on that, and questioned if that was underway. Bartel stated that the follow up on the drainage plan - first, Wright-McLaughlin is concerned that we set the basic framework for diverting the water around the downtown area so that if developments occur in those certain areas, that that basic framework is set. Stated there would be some engineering going into that this next year. They also want to construct a temporary pond on the land that the City purchased by the Roaring Fork so that water now run- ning off the streets would not. Chairman Gillis questioned if they were going to come in under the recommendation that based on slope there would be no buildings over, or so much surface area built on. Bartel stated that was true. Stated that the 45 and over slopes are the ones where no building is recommended as a general statement. 30% to 45% are the ones where pro- blems must be investigated. Bartel made a brief statement on what the next priorities would be as far as planning considerations. Stated that they would be taking a look at the area behind the Aspen Center. Chairman Gillis questioned why that area would be a pri- ority. Bartel stated that was because they had fairly much at this level covered the rest of the area. Then would look at the area to the east in the City. Stated that when they reach that, would probably spillover and pretty much ignore the City/County line because it is not the logical line to use for planning purposes. Stated that -9- r" - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM5<I C.F.HOECKELO.B.lt l. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 then what they would have to do is come back with the density recommendations overall. Vagneur questioned if all the area on the east side of Hallam Lake built upon. Bartel stated that he felt part of it was witheld because of Shaw-Paepcke ownerships. Stated that there was a good amount of land back there that is not built upon. Bartel stated that they had discussed this morning the issue of housing and informed the Commission what they are working toward in the way of at least the first con- sideration of the housing element of the plan. Stated that every comprehensive plan should include a housing element. Stated that this element was not present in the '66 Plan. Feel that one of the first things that should be considered is that a standard of all public facilities should be required to provide housing, just as they have to assure that water is available and sewers available before the expansion occurs. Stated that this is one of the elements that is coming out in exclusionary zoning literature, that municipalities should include in their planning so that the first element, he feels, is to have the City where they are expanding public facilities and creating additional jobs and complicating the housing pro- blem, that they should make provisions for those employees as part of the overall public facilities project. Stated that they had not even sat down to try to prepare a first draft of a regulation, but feel this is one of the first steps. Bartel stated that that would not apply to any facility outside the City unless the County felt that that was a program that they should include in their public faci- lities. Stated that they would try to give the Commission a general figure of the housing need that has been created as a result of retail/office space approved under Ordinance #19 so that thinking begins about the housing problem as it relates to expansion of uses in the private sector, and the first thing they must come up with are some general ratios of housing requirements to retail space and office space, etc... Stated that they would show on the map specific areas where they think these housing projects should be considered from both public point of view and locations for housing requirements to meet the expansion in the retail space. Bartel stated that his only concern is that the housing problem, regardless of what is done, really is not going to be solved in total, but feel it can be started on. Attorney Jim Moran questioned if Bartel was talking pri- marily about what is euphemistically been called "low income" housing. Bartel stated that they had not even gotten to the point of talking about income ranges, etc.. Stated that in the case of that housing related to public facilities it is really not identified as low or high, but rather provide housing for new jobs created. Stated that that is not the case for the private sector side. Moran stated that the '73 Land Use Plan, reading the tezt -10- - - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves fORM \~ C. F. HO I':CKEL B. B. II: L. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 19, 1974 with the map, talks about two or three limited areas as suitable for low income housing. Questioned if that was fixed or would that become a part of this plan or is it likely to be reworked or completely changed as they go forward with the housing element of the comprehensive plan. Bartel stated that some of them will not change because it is already fixed by existing uses, such as the entire Silver King area, but yes, plan to make the refinements so that there is specific housing element in the plan that is not as general as was in the '73 Land Use Plan. Vagneur made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion se- conded by Landry. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.