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Aspen, Colorado 81611
July 16, 1973
Aspen P & Z
Box V
Aspen, Colo. 81611
Re: Mountain Queen Subdivision
South Monarch
I have spoken with Mr. Ellis in regard to the above captioned project a
number of times, and have also voiced an opinion that I would have to
have at least a 1500 gallon flow of water per minute in the So. Monarch
area" In the past, I have asked for two hydrants, one at the beginning
of the project, and one on the west side, of which Mountain Queen is to
provide a twenty foot easement"
There is some concern of mine, as to whom is to plow this easement and
keep it to where we can get our vehicles in the area.. I would like to
have it in writing in your final proposal stating the person responsible
and who will do the policing to see that it is kept bladed off to the
satisfacti~n of the fire department in order that we can reach the area"
I feel there should be no more than four to six incgsof snow on it any
one time so that we would be able ~o get our vehicles along the west
side of the Mountain Queen Development.
Also, I understand there is some question as to water, which, we are
very mucg concerned with, but I understand Mr. Ellis is now in the process
of making tests in the area and should be able to give you that informa-
tion better than I.
If there are any further .questions, please contact me.
Willard C. Clapper
Fire Chief
Aspen Volunteer Fire Department
cc: Dave Ellis
City Engineer
June 9, 1972
Mr. Ricbard BX'ClWnell
P.O. BQX 1477
Aspen, ColulI1ado 31611
Re : Real Estate Appraisa.l -
Brownell TX'act
Dear Mr. Brownells
punuant to your ~118st. the fol.lowi1l9 ismyappr~sal oftha subject
property described as. See Exhibit "AU attached bereto.
1. Tract No.1, whicb is zoned R-G, COtlsisting of
approx1mately 16, 945 sq. ft. ,is valued at
$22,000, which is approximately $1. 30 per sq. ft.
2. Tract No.2, "hicb is zoned for multiple family
dwellings, coneisti%i9 of approxil1\lil.tely 7,696 sq.
ft., is valued at: $15,392, which is $2.00 per sq. f.t.
3. 'l'otal valuation - $37,392.
Tbis appraisal is based upon a compUiltion of various considerations,
whicb effect tneprope1:"ty, such as uses pe~ttedby zoning, income
pX'~ucing factors, compar~la sal...s, typogx-apb.Y, location, condition
of existing structures in tne area and utilities available.
Should you need any furtbeX' service, please contact me.
Att. 1
June 6, 1972
WHEREAS, application was filed by Richard and
Lois Brownell for rezoning of a tract of land from R-6 to R-6
(PUD) located in the north west quadrant of the intersection
of King Street and Gibson Ave. in Section 7, Township 10 Sou h,
Range 84 West of the 6th PM, City of Aspen, and
WHEREAS, the Aspen Planning Commission has me
and duly considered all statements and comments concerning s id
rez,oning, and
WHEREAS, the Aspen Planning Commission has
determined that the Planned Unit Development approach because
of its open space provisions and building placement flexibi ity
accrues to the City and the applicant the highest benefits,
Planning Commission recommends that the aforementioned trac
of land be rezoned from R-6 to R-6 (PUD) in accordanceFWith
Section 24-10.1 of Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code of the ity
of Aspen.
Aspen Planning
1 FORM l~ ,C. 1', 1l0ECK~l B, B, II: l. C,II.
,I""'-, 1""\
100 Leaves
Regular Meetiing
Aspen Board of Adjustment
May 4, 1972
I Meeting was called to order by Chairman John Dukes at 3:30 p.m. with Robert
I Cline and Remo Lavagnino.Also present were Building Inspector, Clayton
~/ Meyring and City/County Planner Herb Bartel.
CASE NO. 72 - 7
Chairman Dukes opened the public hearing.
Request to reduce the street frontage from 60 feet to 50 feet for three
building sites. Property location lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 2, Okla-
homa Flats.
t Mr. Bartel pointed out before the
a stream margin request they will
buildings will be situated on the
Applicant represented by Mr. Roy Vroom. Survey was submitted. Plat shows
6 lots, applicant wishes to make into three buildable sites with each site
having only 50 foot frontage. It was pointed out all sH,eswould come~under
the scrunity of the stream margin r~gulations.
Planning and Zoning
require a site plan
Commission can approve
showing where the
Mr. Lavagnino stated he would have to abstain from voting on this case since
he is an adjoining property owner. Also made the request tha,t the following
points be made a part of the record:
"Although I will abstain from voting, owning property adjoining this land,
I would like to point out some observations for the Board'sconsideretion.
The application, although no~ worded as such, is in fact a request for 3
variances. A 10 foot variance for each of three building sites. Cummulatively,
this is a variance for 30 feet. That is more than the frontage of one of the
lots on that property. Noticeably this will add to the feeling of congestion.
Granting the variance would undermine the intent and purpose of zoning in
that it would overcrowd the land and create an undue concentration 0= pop-
ulation, deep in an enclave of a dead-end street.
The existing road is narrow, and parked cars on it are a constant SO'.1rce of
hindrance to adequate snow removal. This in turn creates a potential fire
hazard by impeding access to fire fighting equipment. The increased congestion
of traffic would merely add to the problems of safety and general welfare.
Although stream margin scrutiny will come before the eyes "of another Board,
I think that it is well within the realm of consideration by this Board in
initially allowing sucR,density so close to the river. Granting such a var-
iance would encumber the Board reviewing stream margins to work within the
framework of an imposed variance, and this would not, I feel, be in the best
interests of the spi~it in which that ordinance was created.
Even though this Board does not use precedent as a tool for arriving at a
decision, no time has it ever granted a variance of this kine without first
seeing plans showing building sites. We have never written a blank check, for
example, on a building height variance without first seeing a plan of ' the
proposed building.
Historically, the zoning of this area was R-15 in the County before it was
"."~",,.. "..,'""'.',"''''-,,, "., "~"~_"",.'"""""""~""-""..,,",~,,,,,,,,,_..."_,rw'" .'
100 Leaves
FOIN50 C.l'.HOECKElll. 8.lI: ~,CO.
Regular Meeting, Aspen Board of Zoning Adjustment, 514ft!
changed to R-6 when it was included in the North Side Annexation. Prior to
annexation, only one building would have been allowed and now with the in-
creased density, allowing 2 duplexes, I don't feel that the applicant can
claim any undue hardship."
Chairman Dukes closed the public hearing and stated this case would be con-
tinued until such time as a voting quorum was present.
Chairman Dukes opened the public hearing.
Request for change in use from two duplexes to a four plex. Mr. Jim Reser
was present representing the applicant and explained the background Iml terial
relating to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Bartel explained the Planning and Zoning Commission is recommending the
granting of this variance.
Chairman Dukes closed the public hearing and stated the case would be con-
tinued until such time as a voting quorum is present.
Cline moved to adjourn at 4:10 p.m., seconded by Lavagnino. All in favor,
meeting adjourned.
~~~ ~--v~
Lorraine Graves, Secretary
AU of Lots '1, 8 and 9, in BloSk 4, Hughes AdditionReplat, described as follows:
at. Corner No. 10 of the plat of Entry by the Mayor of Aspen of East Aspen
and Hughes Addition, Tracts Number 40 and 41 for Townsite Patent; thence. S.
W. along the Westerly side line of the Henry Clay Lode 131. 0 feet,: thenoe
, E. 90,0 feet to Corner No. 1 the place of true beginning; thence S. 66009' E.
328. T5 feet more or less, to Corner N0. 2,; thence S.' 37048' 15" w. 96.05 feet to Corner
N. 3; thence N. 66')9' W. 303.72 feet, more or less, to Corner No, 4: thence N, 23051'
E. 91.06 feet to Corner NJ.1, the place of true beginning.
<'. ,~i:~,"~,~:,: ~~ ~ ~
Planning' Design' Surveying' ,Engineering' Construction
and Manag€ment.of Land
Box J 730
, Coloredo'B'l611
303 B25 '2688
Apr.il 21, 1972
TO: ,Richard and ,Lo,is Brownell
,Regional .Planning Office
Arthur Daily
'Robin Molny
City Clerk
, BROWNELL .SUBDIVISION ::Eirst''Presented! to P&Z,
, for, discussion.
'::.25 FRR'Rt1A'RY
'P&Z ':determined, s:ubdivisi= required with:'de&,;".
icat:i:oE. OI, nO ft. rig'bt-,of-way a):ong Gibson. '
P.o:ssible 'spe'Cial~ 'consideration -tp',beg.i'Ven
w.itfLrespect 't'O lot area requi:rementsbeca1:1Se
'oI, l:'o<id "d'€:di:cation.
, ',4 AP.RIL
".'P&:Z]luba:i:c 'hearing..::he:l'd 'On, :p;r-eJ.:imimaryp:J:at~ ,
,'.P.'):at 'disa:pprov-ed. l' .'U . D_ :csoli:rtlon, re'Oommenaea...
," .:Hl AP1ITL
":',P&'Z .r~€WeG:::and ,-a=e:pl:edP .n.~D:.',n:u:J.:l..:wiIE :PLAN..
,: P&.Z reviewed .,andaccepi:.ed 'PRELImlilARY ''!>UcH9.;l21'...lSION
.. -
':Not1-ce 'Of ',May "B '''C'OUTI'cil 'hearing,. on 1?,':;'U.l)..'OUl'rli'INE
"PLAN 'gi'lTen to--Asp,ehT.imes :for -p,uh.'tieation ;':on.
'ASlJbsidiary ofTrico Corporation . Offices throughoulthe West,
Page 2
.' i/
Board o.f Adj.us:t:mentbe4rinq {rilquired 'tio change
use ,'On "Lot 2 i'n 'R-$, zone from two :duplexes, 1:'0
one two s:t=yAourp:l.e:x;, a-mu:Lti;plce -family BwcelJi'Ug).
. If .disapprov,ed" eStop here: and pro.ceed',with
G~~;;5)~ o~ CHy Countil public heari~g.on P.U.:D. OUTLINE
\' /1 ~~J;).. .:PLAN. ti. approved', Counc~l i:~"'t~vely rez.ones,
(Y ~Uf' "'P=perty, i:hen: .
.' 9/oz:.;L6 MAY
(p-MAy?l '
,1\:spen Times - last day" no,ti1::e' p,fJune 6 1':&.Z
Aspen 'T.oday' , ''Pnbl:i:c ,bearing :'On ;P~-U.'D_ 'P:mAL
'PLAN':c:an be given to:rl€Wspapers.
.' ,~
'.:26 MAY
. B ,:copies' .o.f 'FINAL. SIlBDTIlISTON 'PLA'T to~s.ecret:ary
01' P&'Z
'_.,..~.f.'" -~,.
1'&'Z 'PnblYc ..hearing 'on:'P-:'U~l). :FiNAL :P..I.M.
II'approv-ed. then:
~ ..' .-
.12 JUNE
.' Conn-cil CIRay ,rezone prop.erty.
Co.unci:l'rE'ricew OI .nmu..:Su:BDTVI.SION'::P~..:::{acc.epts
Dr xej'&::fs ,l'LA'T .and.area rl~ated to.prihli.c ,use).
.13' 'J:Um:
, .
l'LA'T mld lltat:enent .eI';ZO:ning. .::chang,e' fiJied .Iur
.record ,cwith i:he.:Pi'tk:in~:unty e:Lerk~-andRecorde=,.
',d3uild:i:ng -permit '1\1.ay :,be ..isllUed.
4 :MAY
Page 3
If .Board of, Adj,ustment denies '.change '.of use .en
Lot 2, deci s icon ''1llllst :be 'lIlade "On huw ,te :proceed_
Options are:
, J...stop
2. Ge to P,&Zcon May 5 Ier app=v.al '.of
P.'U..D. 'OUTLINE :PLAN,-with two ':separate
:'twe story ,:duplexes on ,Lot 2_ :'l'his
'Wonld ,pennit:going ahead::with
3. Gete P'&Z,'on :.May 5 for 'approval of
.back to:. :n:ormal" s'ribdi vision 'pr.ocEdm:..e.
''l'b::i.s "W'ouldentail:
a.' :deletion:of existing,:and
':plannedbuilffi:ngs 'from
, I'IA'T .
.b .,.',c:imnge of: .:back lot line' of
'Lot 1.' to -co:nform' to ',set-
c..d;e-cisi-on :on wh:ether' t:o retain
:common :area -or Eake ,:ita,.par:t
of L-o't 1.
Un:der this pro-cedurepreba:b1y onJ:yune
i1nplexwDli1:d .:be :allowed .on.Lot '2., .one
'au."d.ilLdg",.of .reverti'Dg"'i:c normal.:snb-
. 'i1iyision pro-c:edure .would 'he, that 1''&'Z
, .,re::\7iew.woUld no longer bee reqnir.ed,.be-
.' 'fore :a'.:building" 'P€rnlit .couJ.d'be.. issued
on Lot 3~
...spe,ci:al 1'&Z meeting to review. oneo:x .:the . above
Ir option' 2, tben obtain approval of .a 'REVISED
P.U.D. OUTLINE PLAN and proceed .with SClIEDULE II..
Ir option 3, then obtain approval or a PRE-
LIMINARY SUBDIVISION 'PLA'T and proceed with this
. -. ,;~... '.
Page 4
If approved, then:
22 NAY
Council reviews 'FINAL SUBUIV.IS3:ON CP.l.AT {:acccep:ts
or xeJects c PLAT and .area ih;dicatEd to::public
PLAT .filed Ior record with Pitkin County Cl,erk
and Recorder.
" .Bui,lding ,:p€r:Illit maybe,.:i:s.suEd.
L1:bAL ND] I ~~
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------~-- ~7 ~ -----=--
APlanned Unit Development
~~ril 18, 1972
f /<) ';:::>
Lot 2:
Lot 3:
Lot 3:
. All !land involved is owned by Richard
and Lois Brownell, Box 1477, Aspen,
Colorado 81611.
At least two units of the proposed ,:four ,
units will be completed during the 1972
building season. The remaining ,two llIlits
will be completed in 1973. \ .
The present owners and subdividers have
no immediate plans :for development on
Lot 3. At such time when the owner or
owners o:f Lot 3 contemplate deveJ.opment .
on the Lot, application :for amendment
o:f this planned unit deveJ.opment shall
be filed with the planning commission
and a public hearing he.ld in accordance
with Article (7) of Section 24-1'0.1 of
the Municipal Code o:f the City o:f Aspen. '
Sewer: Taps will be mad.e, to .the Aspen
Metro 8 inch line. in King Street.'
> ".
. '" ,
- " -
, , ,'--'~
Water: Lot 2: Tap will be made'to the .
6 inch City water line
in King Street.
Roads: The owners shall have no re-
sponsibility for design, con-
struction or maintenance of
Gibson Avenue.
The Commission is also requested to approve or disapprove
'The1:ollowing three paragraphs 01: the
on the preliminary plat as sUbmitted,
:finalplat, unless the commission has
Dedication do not appear
but will appear on the
objections or modifications:
- .' , '
c. Do hereby dedicate the Commons Area and the lirivate
access easement 'shown and noted hereon 1:or, the bene'Iit'
and use 01: the owner or owners" -from tiJne to tiJne,
01: Lots 1, 2 and 30f the Brownell SUbdivision, and '
o:f the various units that may be constructed thereon.
providpdthat the expenses of maintaining such Commons
Area and private access easement shall be sharea.equalIy
on a pro rata basis by such owners and the use thereo:f '
shall be detel;Illined by the unanimous consent of sUch
D. DO hereby dedicate parking spaces numbered 1. 2. 3 and
4 shown and noted hereon for the benei'it and use o-f the'
occupants, -from tiJne to time. o-f the .:four uni t5 to be
constructed on Lot 2 of the Brownell SUbdivision. nrn-"
videa. that the expenses 01: maintaining such' parking ,
spaces shall be shared equally by the owner or owners'
01: such units.
E. DO hereby dedicate the five remaining parking spaces
shown and noted hereon :for the benefit and use of the
occupants of the units which may hereafter be constructed
on Lot ,3 of the Brownell Subdivision, proviilP(j,<that the'
expenses of maintaining such parking spaces shall be' '
shared equally by the owner or owners of such units.
- - .----.--'-...-"_'''''''''_.~_'"..~_=_<'=.,_,..'''''''''''''''~==__....~..........','',.'''','''',c"'''"~''''_'''__'~'''''''_.'''''~''''''''''~.''''-'~''''~''''''.'-'''''='_"'"'''''~."',~,~_""._____~_~_~~___'.~
".. ,_...
10) Leaves
_,~_c. ~. H~rC~H B. B. at l. 'co.
Regular Meeting
Aspen Planning & Zoning
Ap:d:L 18, 1972
Meeting .yas called to order by Chairman, Robin Moiny, at 5 :00 p.m. A::'so
present Jim Adams, Jim Breasted, Anthos Jordan, 'City County Planner, Herb
Bartel and Assistant City/County Planner, Fred Wooden.
Brownell Sub
Brownell Subdivision - Mr" & Mrs. Brownell with their
r~presentatives, Jim Resor of Tri-Co Management end
Tom DalyofHol1a~ld & Hartwe.nl p~esent. Mr>Resor
presented the'. prelimina);"y p~et:Pft.he Bx:own:e1l , Sub..
division to the Commission along with the Outline ~
De'<telopment?' Plan.
Charles Collins arrived.
Vie Goodhard arrived.
Discussed the existing right-of-way, the planned widening
of Gibson Avenue, land on west side of road having 1,052
square feet and the possibility of building 6 units,
5 units on east side of right-of-way, that the right-of-
way was 27% of the total area.
FourpleJl:es in R-6 zoning are not aJ~O\qed,. would be going
to the Board of Zoning Ad.justment' tor a variance.
Daly informed the Commission that the Brownells would
combe back in the future to the Commission with an amend-
. ment procedure for PUD.
Collins felt the language on Page 2 of the Outline Develop-
ment Plan should be changed. Discussed the intent of the
wording, whether it meant that if the monthly expenses
of the open space and parking were not paid would it de-
p);"~~erent9r~ Or.()~ersthe~s3, of sal11e. TheCommis s ion
a$tte~4z'm.t;"tt:l:Les~':"'provicmd..that".. 'oestr.:Lcken.
Future plans for Lot 3 were discussed. The Commission's
feelings were that density and the heighth of the build-
ings were of major importance.
Discussed the fact that PUD was often not conside~ed by
developers because of the red tape involved and t'le pro-
cedures were so complex; Usually preferred to go sub-
.Jri"lloAimms""lITO'V"e'a."thlI't" the E'!CoWlil'e'll5"'Jbdci"il'is:E01:l:' Outlinec,Plan
De,"'a'p'pr~ecL,a's" presenteG"an&, thatatr exception is made, in
miE:imclm:ll'l:t:area:,becausec eYE Commission's .r,e.qqest. that
.o~V1;lers" deea.p8x-.tofthe:i:r property toward widening Gibson
Av'e:nue' rrght---of...way .'Fhis exception should be brought: to
the attention of the. Board, g&Adjustment. Seconded by
Goodhard. All in favor, with the exception of Jim Breasted
who abstained due to a conflict of interests.
Adams,moved,'that:. the Cam."lliss.ion would like to recommend
to the Board of Adjustment tha t they grant a Varic.llce for
"....^.,.~".'.,~..:.ii"..'"- .
1C0 Leaves
FORM 10 'C.F.H(\tCKELB.B.!l' L. CO.
Aspen P & Z, Regular Meeting, 4/18/72
8ifb,ttrp14!g;'it:!sltead of2'twop'~xesoni Let 2. Seco:J.ded by
Goodhard. All in favor, with the execption of Breasted,
who abstained.
cAnth'os.Jord.mmo:ved tOiaccep.t the 'preli.minary~t.{J'division
pla;t.. Seconded by Collins. All in favor, with the ex-
ception of Breasted, who abstained.
Hoab Subdivision
Hoag Subdivision - Steve Crowley and Tom MCCauley were
present to discuss this subdivision plat with the Commiss-
ion, and the possibility of building on Lot 3.
City/County Planner, Herb Bartel, told the Commission the
problems of access to this area. Final plat on record
shows the use of BLM land for access. Felt lot 3 was not
a buildable site due to avalanche danger. Also, that Lot 3
was required as part of the access right-of-way.
Referred back to minutes on Hoag Subdivision, which in-
dicated that the intent of the Commission was that Lot 3
was to provide access, and was not a buildable site.
Blanning has widened the road, but does not show on the
plat, only a 15' wide right-of-way.
Commission agreed to hold a continued meeting on Tuesday,
April 25th to view the site of Lot 3, Hoag Subdivision.
J. R. Williams,
J. R. Williams Annexation - Herb Bartel, City/County
Planner presented the plat to the Commission.
Explained a public hearing was necessary on this plat
since Holy Cross had not signed the annexation petition.
Felt RMF zoning should be a condition of annexatiJn.
County not making any recomnlendations, waiting for the
City Planning and Zoning's actions.
Commission felt the road and bridge to this area was the
~~jor problem in annexing, whether to the City or if a
subdivision in the County. The bridge is both in the City
and the County.
Bruce Kistler was present and discussed the possibility of
forming an Impruvement District: which would be responsible
for impro~ing the bridge. An estimate of $60,000 has been
made on improving the bridge by the owners of the Silver
King apartments. Estimate also included improvements on
the intersection.
Jim Breasted moved that' this property be annexed, seconded
by Jordan.
Discussed the location of the corridor as per the Master
Plan. Traffic already a pt"ob:lem with the Smuggler Trailer
103 Leaves
FORM 10 ~. F. !lO~CK(l O. O. Il L. co.
Regular Meeting, Aspen P & Z, 4/18/72
Court and the Silver King Apartments.
County Zoning for this annexation would be AR2. Jefinite
advantages if it were City RMF zoned, since this would
restrict the building according to the Master Plan. 62
units are planned for thi.s annexation.
Discussed the additional costs incurred by the City when
Commission would like comments from the City Eng~neer and
the City Manager on this annexation.
Breasted withdrew his motion, Jordan withdrew his seco~d.
Will make their decision at the continued meeting on April
Commission agreed tha t the area from Gibson Avenue north
be zoned Park.
Lot 1, Block 2, Pitkin Mesa Subidvision - Signature on
petition from landowner asking for annexation. This lot
was not brought in at the itme of the Golf Course
annexation because the City did not have the signature
of the land owner.
Lot 1, Block 2
Pitkin Mesa Sub
Jim Breasted moved to recommend to Council that Lot 1,
Block 2, Pitkin Mesa Subdivision be annexed to the City.
Seconded by Goodhard. All in favor, motion carried.
Goodhard moved to adjourn to a continued meeting on
Tuesday, April 25th at 5:00 p.m. Seconded by Jorcan. All
in favor, meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
,g/~fl--' ~~'
Lorraine Graves, Secretary
~ ~
i,~ LJ,.
f ' [./
Continued Meeting
100 Leaves
Aspen Planning & Zoning
April 6, 1972
Meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairman Robin Molny with
James Breasted, Charles Collins, Victor Goodhard. Also present Assistant
Planner Fred Wooden._,,-~-,-,
J ~,OWNELL SUBD - Commission left City Hall for a
~ f~el trip to the site. Also in attendance Attorney
"-Art Daily ,Surveyor and Applicants.
Meeting resumed at City Hall at 5:35 p.m.
James Breasted stated he had a conflict in this case.
As instructed by the Commission, plats were reviewed.,
showing the addition of the placement of the buildings
on the site" Mr. Daily reported the plats are be~ng
submitted as a preliminary as well as a final plat.
Surveyor stated he had made an incorrect statement at
the last meeting in that the ditch does go into Lot 4
and that will be shown on the final plat. Ditch
originates from the Mo~y Gibson mine.
Mr. Wooden stated he felt he may have confused everyone
at the last meeting in trying to bring in something that
was felt applied which was the intent of a substandard
lot under R-6 zone. The Commission is faced with two
possibilities: (1) If the right-of-way is included
for, calculating lot footage, the City would be in a
positi.on where. Clayton Meyring<couldnotturn down a
pertllit fora duplex; (2) If it is not included, the one
, lot would be unbu;i.ldable, and would ha"e to go before
the Board of Adjustment for a variance. Feel under the
subdivision regulations the Commission does have t~e
right to look,at the usable lot area to see if it is
suitable for building on.
Question was raised if using the right-of-way for
calculations already set by precedent or would this set
the precedent. Chairman Molny replied that when this
request was reviewed, the pecularies of the area were
considered and in doing so right-of-way was mentioned.
But at that time the Commission had nothing to look at
at that time. If the Commission had what is now being
submitted, perhaps there would have been a different
feeling as to including right-of-way.
Mrs._ Brownell stated the lot lines were not drawn until
the footage had been figured out. Chairman Molny pointed
out the reason for requiring 60' along right-of~way was
to get the width on the lets.
Surveyor for Tio-Co Manag3ment submitted the following
letter and request it be made a part of the minutes:
- 1-
c,J"...,.. ';";_~""""'<'~.',":_".;_''7'.''i'~.-i,' , .. "..-~.. ;"-,_,
"-'''',,~'~'l'''' de'" "'"
. 00 Leaves
'ORIIJO e.,.. MOEClCEL 8. 9.& L. CO.
Continued Meeting, P & Z, 4/6/72, continued.
(See letter attached to minutes)
Clayton Meyring, Building Inspector stated he had re-
viewed the site and in looking at the site visually,
the buildings would not look as bad as it was imagined,
when you consider the shape of the road and wha~ will
happen to the north.
Chairman Molny referred to the letter and stated there
was no right-of-way agreement made, it was mere:'y an
indication on the part of the Commission that they would
look favorably at it. No decisions can be made unt~l
the Commission has reviewed the preliminary plat.
Charles Collins stated he objected to the one sub-
standard lot in approving this plat. It was fe:'t when
utilizing the right-of-way was considered that this
would give them more flexibility in planning the area
and not satisified with the way it shaped up. Questioned
if _all alternatives had been checked into. Further stat-
ed he felt they should consider PUD.
Surveyor stated they had looked at the layout as many
ways as could be thought of. All others would be worse
than what is now being submitted. Could evenly divide
the road frontage with the two lots and that would set
the buildings closer than they are now. A line could be
put between the garage and the other building.
Mr. Brownell stated that if they went RMF, the old
structure would have to be removed.
Chairman Molny stated the distribution of build~ngs is
bad, feel this property should be treated on a PUD
basis so that the buildings could be closer together
Mr Brownell stated they did not like the idea of
bunching the buildings.
Question was asked if the Brownell's
buying additional property to '. meet
Brownells stated they had and people
willing to sell.
Chairman Molny stated he would rather see the area
divided into two lots rather than three.
~ Collins moved to deny the applicaj;iot1 for subdivision
I as plaftedonthe.<basisthattwo lots do not meet the
'I m~n~mum square footage requirements in the R-6 portion.
j - 2 -
Collins stated that because of the tight area on the
west side of Gibson, the Commission has some reason for
considering the right-of-way but on the east sice do
not feel there is any problem and do not feel right-
of-way should be considered.
Chairman Molny pointed out if all the area were zoned
RMF could have a total of 16 units.
100 Leaves
rOItM" C.Y.MOECKELI.S.. L.,.Co..
Continued Meeting, P & Z, 4/6/72, continued.
Seconded by Goodhard.
Mr Daily request clarificat~on on the motion, mocion to
, mean that the right-of-way will not be included in the
calculations for footage. Commission stated that was
Surveyor questioned the Commission if they took O'..lt one
duplex, would the Commission go for that. Molny and
Collins stated yes.
Chairman Molny explained with PUD they could exceed the
height and adjust the setbacks. Mr. Bartel, City/Cotmty
Planner explained that with PUD would have zero lot
lines, applicants could change their order fro~ a
duplex to a four plex.
Mrs. Brownell stated for the record that they felt they
had been lead astray. They would have made it one lot
if they had known they could not use the right-of-way,
but as it is time, money and effort has been SPCLt
in the wrong direction".
, !
Collins pointed out that he felt this was going to be
a preliminary plat and wish they had had the pre-
liminary plat to consider before final plat was
~olny stated the Commission would like to see th:...s on a
PUD ,basis and under PUD would prefer not to include the
, right-of-way.
Roll call vote - Collins aye; Goodhard aye; Breasted
abstain; Molny aye. Motion carried, plat denied.
Collins moved to adjourn at 6:30 p.m., seconded JY
Goodhard. All in favor, meeting adjourned,
~~ine Graves, City Clerk
. fRI-CO MaCagement, Inc~' 1
Planning. Design' Surveying. Engineering. Construction
and Management of Land
Box 1730
,April :5, 1972
: ';comments on the ,Brownell 'Subdivision
, J:n,January, 1972, "the Brownells ,applied i:or a ,building permit
to ,erect a duplex on ,the:portion of, their property zoned R-6.
. It ,>was 'refused 'on.:the ,grounds' :that .the ,property wasunsubdivided.
:.on February 1, 1972, ,the Brownells appeared at the City 'Planning
"-Commissi:on meeting and asked the _commission, what ,was required.
~e' 'Commission asked the 'planningoff,iceto'determine whether
or,.:not a.subiii~ision' was necessary.
,on.,.February 15, 1972,at.the, Planning Commission ~me,eting, ,the
'planning office expressed the:opinion'thatthesubdivision.reg-
.ul.a:tions did apply , ,and the city" engineer' recommended that the
,:"Brownells be required to' dedicate 'a 60-i:oot right-:of-way for
'Gibson Avenue. The Brownellsasked ,the' Commission..whether ,they
,',-{lO:u1d use tile right-bf-wayfor density if they _dedicated .it. -
U:ter:eonsiderablediscussion, which is not shown ,in the minutes,
-:the ,Commission agreed that the :Brownells could - use' tb'e'-entire
,cright..of-way"for density purposes.
The"Brownells subsequently asked Tri-Co Management to design a
subdivision of their property. Since the entire property was
:now:involved.ratherthan one duplex, Tri-Co proceeded to -sub-
,,' c:divide the, property on the basis of the ,right-of-way agreement
,previously mentioned, and in accordance with the 'city 'subdivis:.on
::regulations. In the process of des'igning the Subdivision, "the
'-city building insp.ector was consulted twice by :,Tri'":Co ,'and once
bythe.Brownells as to:theacceptability of Lot 2. In all .three
'.instances the building inspector had noobj,ection. He has s,tated
.to,Tri-Co 'that he 'still has 'noobjectionii: the ,Planning Commission
..allows use of the -:right-of-way as' agreed.-
,.At the Planning, 'Commission, meeting on ..April, 4,- 1972 ,,:comments
were!ll.adebymembers' of the. Commission. as, to the shape ',and size
of the ,lots in this subdivision. ,We would like ,the, Commis'sion
,.tonotethat the Brownell 'land, like many, parcels ":in 'the Aspen
,area, has 'an'odd shape. When these ,parcels are 'split up according
,to:'specific requirements they must result in odd shaped lots. '
,We believe that part of the flavor of Aspen ,is due to imaginative
use of 'odd 'parc,els "and buildings. We ,see ,no' reason for square
PI :rectangular development when such development will not log-
ically.fit :.the surrounding te=ain, ownership or improvements.
We also feel that an actual field inspection of the Brown 11
property should be made by the Commission before accepta e
, t' f' h bd'" nce
or reJec ~on 0_ t e su ~v~s~on plat and that such an ~ t'
'II 1 ~ .nspec ~on
w~, . revea both the ~easons for and the suitability of th 1
des~gn. e ot
,~:,:..:;,~,;2".:..,;.;;;':':;:..~.;.;.:'1;;;L;::-ii;,..:',','~.,;;:\',;;;;,'::::.::,~;;'::..<'~,:.1:L~'"'~.,~;;::.l."';.;;...:;::'~:...,,....:;:~,'~'.;.:;,'".,",.,....-,".'.,;;.,7"...,'. ';..';',,,>,'..,';'0"' ."... .. "..;,;;:,.."'.;:;;;;:;:::;':;;;;;:;~:1;n;:~,."'~~~;~;;:'~~"i.::;;;::;;',~'~;;"'.s..;,",,,,:,"*".::.:\~.",,"..,;o.:..,,~;.,.,;;:';;,,,;;,,,',ji/i;;:.'~.i,,
_ f.~q~. ~(-9~'E_~:_~' ~:--__
Regular Meeting
leo Lcr~'~'08
Aspen Planning and Zoning
Apr:t1 Lt, 1972
Meeting ~as called to order by Chairman Robin Molny at 5:10 p.m. with James
Breasted, James Adams, Victor Goodhard and Charles Collins.
T Subdivision
Collins moved to approve the minutes of March 21st as
prepared and mailed by the Secretary. Seconded by Good-
hard. All in favor, motion carried.
Minutes of March 7th stand approved as approved.
Brownell Subdivision - Mr. and Mrs. Brownell were present
with their representatives, Attorney Art Daily and
, .
Surveyor from Tri-Co Management.
''E'inalplat was submit.ted containing four lot.s with ded-
iLea ted 60' right of way on Gibson Avenue. Gentlerr,en' s
agreement was previously reached with the Commission an
exception would be made to allow the Brownell's to use
the right of way square footage for density calcLlations
was :reported by Mr. Daily. Attorney Daily reviewed the ,~
following with the Commission:
(1) King Street is not a public street ana not ell lots
front on public streets as require; (2) Owners will not
bear responsibility for maintenance etc. of the public
right of way as required under the regulations for sur-
facing standards of public streets; (3) Borvmel~'s do
not want to be responsible for the irrigation cu~vert
that may be on the property a little bit; (4) Since all
utilities are installed, do not feel an agreemnt will be
necessary with the City that they will be instal~ed;
Q~) The requirement of land or 4% of the valuation, the
Brownells feel that there is not extra ground to dedicatee
to the City. Suggest that the dedication of 60' ~ight of
way take care of this requirement or would be willing at
the time a building permit is issued to establis'l. the 4%
at that time and pay same to the City. ,
Mr. Fred Wooden, Assistant Planner, stated the following
comments were made by the City Engineer, Building In-
spector, etc. : Engineer states there is a discrepancy
in t.he description. Surveyor stated this "as bee:! taken
care of on the final plat. Engineer further request the
ditch mentioned be either shown on the final plat and if
it does not exist that it be taken off. (D1,tch not shmm
on final plat.) Rocky Mountain Natural Gas commented the
gas line is not as sho_m on the preliminary plat. Sur-
veyor stated this has been corrected. Master Plan calls
for Gibson Avenue as a collector street. Mr. Wooden
stated that there is no way of extending Gibson to an
80' street so have no objection to the 60' as platted.
Building Inspector's comments states that under normal
circumstances would have no objection to a duplex as
allowed in the R-6 zone. Two lots would require variances
or exceptions granted square footage wise. Further states
." .., ":..:,!;,:...,'Zj",,",,,',,",'~'" ;;;;:;;;':' ~:~~''''''>7'''''''~-=...;~,",,;..
,-,., ^
HlIm '.0 C. F.l'lotC~EL B.~. 8: L. CO. -~
Regular Meeting
Master Plan Review
Committee Report
Aspen Planning and Zoning
April 4, 1972
that under the non-conforming lots of record refe~red to
in the zoning ordinance does allow duplexes on less than
5,000 square feet. Feel the intent of this section of
the ordinance should be maintained throughout even though
this request does not specifically pertain to this section,
One lot presently has a duplex on it. It was pointed out
the average square footage o~ each lot is 5600 square feet,
'Commission suggested the applicants consider going PUD to
alleviate the problem with setbacks.
Suggestion was made that rather than hire an appraiser,
to review other land sa les tha tare comprable ane negoia te
on that basis.
v:fames Adams suggest that a single dwelling be a1J.owed on
the sub-standard lot.
Vie Goodhard stated he felt the Commission shoulc be con-
sistent in this area, recently turned down a request for
RMF zoning across the street from this subdivision and
allowed only R-15.
Mrs. Brownell stated she had talked to the Build:.ng In,.
spector at the time a preliminary sketch was made of a
duplex on the substandard lot and at that time the
Building Inspector had no objections.
Mr. Daily stated he would like to have the Building In-
spector review this again since he has changed his mind.
Commission agreed to continue this meeting to Thursday at
5:00 p.m.
Master Plan Review Committee Report - Mr. Bartel, City!
County Planner stated they had held one meeting and one
person from the City and one from the County are working
on outlining the implicit policies in the Plan and the
other two are outlining changes that have occurred since
the plan was adopted. Committee will be meeting every
Friday at 3:00.
Mr. Bartel further reported the City did rece~ve approval
of the $20,000 for a trail system which will go towards
easements and construction.
Commission Priorities - Mr. Molny gave the following list
as what he felt were priorities and items to be considered
in reviewing the zoning regulations:
Floor area measurement
Attendant Parking (already eliminated)
Limited and unlimited unit
Open Space - cubic foot basis
Stream margin guidelines
Stream trail system
Method of measuring height
~ ...~.:;""".
."..,.,',~"..i,.'"r"'.~"".".,"\.'~H'"Y.~-~".".. .',.,"'.;."",'
'e'''''''.'___'''''''''''i-''=i.;ty".., ..'"...~'.'''~> '..
. ..........^^
FOq'< ,; C. f". ~()ECKF.l a. a. II: l. co.
Regular Meeing, Aspen P & Z, 4/472
Intercourt Open space bonus
10% rear yard setback
Food preparation
Private vs public roads in subdivisions
View controls
Gasoline station locations
Signs - supergraphics
Mobile home subdivisions
Lighting regulations
Regulation governing remodeling of barns and shecs
Trash storage requirements for new businesses .
C-C requirement in C-l
Breasted moved to adjourn this meeting to Thursday at
5:00, seconded by Goodhard. All in favor, motion carried.
Meeting ended at 6:35 p.m.
C--~~ ,I /
~/~.<.~~~' ~~-c.--/'
._______ Lorraine'Graves, Secretary
Date APl<IL 4/ 107~
According to the procedure set forth L"l the City of Aspen
Subdivision Regulations, any tract of land divided into
two or more lots must be divided in accordance with said
Subdivision Regulation for the City of Aspen.
This form, with attached copy of the, plat is provided so
that each utility company may inspect the plat and the
site, making comments, concerning the placement of ease-
ments, etc., and where necessary sketching recommended
alterations On a copy of the plat.
This fonn and the accompanying copy of the plat must he
retur.ned to the City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Com- _
mission no la~E:Ethan seven J7) days from the above date.
No alterations are necessary for electric power.
c:::~)jL_ ~/-_
- -A-~ /q;p
Holy Cross Electric Associatio_n, InG. .
System Engineer
Dat~ AP12IL.4) IOJ7'L
According to the procedure set forth in the City of Aspen
Subdivision Regulations, any tract of land divided into
two or more lots must be divided in accordance with said
Subdivision Regulation for the City of Aspen.
This form, with attached copy of the plat is provided so
that each utility company may inspect the plat and the
site, making comments, concerning the placement of ease-
ments, etc., and where necessary sketching recommended
alterations on a copy of the plat.
This form and the accompanying copy of the plat must be
returned to the City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Com-
mission no later than seven (7) days from the, above date.
El'IS,t:\'(\E\-J\S. AS. \\J.!)\t~ CllJ PL/fr A1<E QUI.,,,,
5u F1'IO"m Fa'R- TELEP!+OJ\fE CDm PAiJ'Y REQU,ffmEAfT:!.
(Sa=:: purr'1
GR~~ 3/2'4 h2~_
Date PPQ\L 4 /10)72
According to the procedure set forth in the City of Aspen
Subdivision Regulations, a:ay tract of land divided into
two or more lots must be divided in accordance with said
Subdivision Regulat:1.on for the City of Aspen.
This form, ~'7ith attached copy of the plat is provided so
that each utility company may inspect the plat and the
site, making C01TIffients, concerning the placement of ease-
ments, etc., and where necessary sketching recommended
alterations on a copy of the plat.
This form and the accomp~nying copy of the plat must he
returned to the City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Com-
mission no later than seven (7) days from the above date.
Remarks: -/l1LJ.II.-I:..s:- C?-.'1 /; ~ st"-"'f/f'i d i7 e7~1 f/Ll1/
J2j1Jfr-....l Je.IN",Ir.r. L,d 2_ lv/II hz{/I"/ III
_...(LL",--f::-A.u~ i.'.,~r e~ /J-?, e~~-1e...:/::Ju'~_eq,__ILI_.L
rv I r h G Ie- (, Jj (l ~f.J' c;f Cp I'~ 1'1' e jJ..1 ?., 'l V'; J l1-
C / tJ.l1.j- S e. 1/ f/ I C/ e-- Ii JtJ e, ,
/11;1' J 0
Dat~ A~\L 4) /972
According to the procedure set forth in the City of Aspen
Subdivision Regulations, any tract of land divided into
two or more lots must be divided in accordance with said
Subdivision Regulation for the City of Aspen.
This form, with attached copy of the plat is provided so
that each utility company may inspect the plat and the
site, making comments, concerning the placement of ease-
ments, etc., and where necessary sketching recommended
alterations on a copy of the plat.
This form and the accompanying copy of the plat must be
returned to the City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Com-
mission no later than seven (7) days from the above date.
Remarks: JcI r-e.-..J (J--., 1,L4.",,;"':" ~,.,.tf' A1t (! (k-P~y- 4,..2:;;,.,
7'?;d4<:. L>'<7 --Z~~ ~~.
W", r:>r< aU 2 ..A,~-e ('~~ ---t:J!;;tC-2:2.tL.~~:%?
Jf)~ :1M~
4 ~7: ?7c:J'!-A 6,
. ~i it frNI/~(
,~~ ' t
'.JJ" ,
, / .-* (""'\ ;~: ' (""'\
~RI"":CO "Mafllagamem;.:lrn.c.
E'lahning . Qesign.'. Surveying 'Eng.i,need~~'~G();O$tr:uctiCin
~ , '," ''''',,;~,/ .-"
anqManagementdf Land
~ :..,,;-<1'"
Box 1730
';GoJimlrlo .i31.611
7:.!\.pr i1 .,""972
: ,:s.rma:EC~: TEN!,I':.!\.".NVE ,.s'CHEbULE, tBROWNEL0p.,'U_D.., :~
; ..
'P. &Zr-evi-ew..:e;f OUTLINE1'LAN.
,...Regnlar P ,& ,'Z. :meeting i''O.,Dn'''Tuesd:ay,
,1:8 --Apr.il. '-'" S.wdy '.sess.ion wi U',be
.,s:ch-edul:eu ,':be:f'oxe ~then ,i.f';desiJ?-ed.
,If..cappr,mr.ed , . ,'then';
Last',-.aay .notiCE< o,f'l!lay '8 iCouneix."hearing
"on'~:011TL7NE;'PLAN :canbeg.:tven .t:'Q "the .,news-
:p:ap.er:for ,:p:ubJ,ic:ation 'on.4!;2D /72.
,OU'])L:nm:'1?~rev:i:e:Wed ;by-'Co;uncil ' ,(public
hear::i:aJ,g) ,. ,iIf .approved, then;
Last .'1iaY,":noti:c,euI June>6 ;P.& 'Zhearing
onF.INAL, :PLAN" can ,!be. gi~,e;nto "the, news-
paperJorpublication ,'On 5/~l/72.
:1' &Z're.view. X)fTFJ;!!JAL '::PLAN {pul:>lic o1!ear.ingJ..
I:f.approveu'T .then;' . .
, oL
Cpun:cil ,re'ZDnes. prope,rl:Y.
A SubsIdiarY-of TricoCo.rpmation ," DHices througooutthe'West
TRI,-CO Management, Inc.
Planning' Design' Surveying' Engineering. Construction
and Management of Land
Box 1730
COlD ado 81611
30 .925.2688
March 27, 1972
TO: Herb Bartel, Regional Planner
FROM: Tri-Co Management
With respect to the proposed Brownell Subdivision,it is our
understanding that certain variances 'from the City Subdivisio
Regulations will be accomplished by resolution in the' minutes
of the Planning Commission hearing. The purpose of this memo
is to draw .your attention to those variances which have come
to light during, our design work on the subdivision. Page ref
erencesare to Ordinance No.' 6, Series of 1969,as filed for
record in the Pitkin County Courthouse in Book 244.
p. B 6 B section. 4 : section. :12-11-'3. C:omp1lianoe
(h) This section requires that all lots front
on streets accepted by the Council as public
streets. LotI of the subdivision fronts on
King Street which has never been accepted by
Council as a public street. The street is main-
tained and plowed by the City.
p. 874 SectionB: Section. 12-1-7.. . Des'ign. Requir:ements
1. Streets
The right-of-way be.ing dedicated to the City along
Gibson Avenue is 60 feet in width as recommended
by the City Engineer. This is the width assigned
"Minor Streets" as defined by, the regulations; how-
ever, Gibson Avenue by this same definition must
be considered a "Collector ,Street," with a required
right-of-way of BOfeet. One of the two ,adjacent
subdivisions, Sunny Park Subdivision, has a 60 foot
A Subsidiary of Trico Corporation Offices throughout the West
Memo to Herb Bartel
page 2
March 27, 1972
p. 875 2. Surfacing Standards
It is the understanding of the owners that they
will have no responsihilityfor design, construction
or maintenance of Gibson Avenue either in its present
or future state.
p. 876 5. Ldts
(a) Minimum lot size' (6000 square feet) has been
met only by crediting parts of the 60 foot right-
of-way to three of the four lots in the subdivision.
(b) No side lot lines are at right .angles to the
street line as required .
(d) Same remark as for p.868 above.
p. 877 ('3') Part of an existing irrigation ditch culvert
may be slightly within the subdivision. It is the
understanding of the owners that they will have no
responsibility for the design, construction, or
maintenance of thisculver't, Le., it is to be under-
stood that the City accepts all design, construction,
and maintenance within theiright-of-way to be dedicate
p. 879 S'eCtidn 10: S'ubdivis'ion Agreement
It is the understanding of the owners that bec',ause
there are no required subdivisionimproveIlients,
other than the provis,ion of utili ties, there will
be no need for a written agreement with the City
for the provision of suchimprovenients.
..,~ .
TRI-CO Management, Inc.
Planning' Design' Surveying. Engineering" Construction
and Management of Land
Box 1730
Colorado 81611
March 15, 1972
1. The Congressional Corporation
c/o Arthur C" Hyde
7979 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20014
2. Estate of P1avien Cerise
c/o Martin Cerise
Box 646
3. Top of Aspen, Inc.
c/o Tri-Co Management, Inc.
Box 1730
4. Luke W. Anthony
Box 1271
A Subsidiary of Trico Corporation . Offices throughout the West
l""'--~""--"''''-'' "..........--~~
100 Leaves
,ORMIG C. F.HOECKEI. B.ll. a L. co.
14 Days Prior to
Public Hearing
2 copies of preliminary plat to City
Adminis tra tor.
2 copies of preliminary plat to Secretary
of Planning Commission.
7 Days Prior to
Public Hearing ~;l "I
1 copy of preliminary plat to Superintend-
ent of Schools, 1 copy of prelim~nary plat
to all utilities companies involved.
Subdivider notified by registerec mail of
time and place of hearing.
Owners of adjacent land owners notified
by registered mail of time and place of
Written notices to City Administrator,
public school administration and to all
utilitie companies involved.
Legal notice to newspaper.
5 Days
Prior tOe
H . "YY'''''''1. 0
ear~ng -Q -
Regular Meeting
1, [I Leaves
Aspen Planning & Zoning
February 1, 1972
Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman James
James Adams, Charles Collins and Charles Vidal.
.,~ Brownell Sub-
T division
Historic Zoning
Master Plan Sub-
Breasted at 5:05
.m. with
Brownell Subdivision - Preliminary Plat was subm'tted,
Bro,vnell's were present. Application was made to the
Building Inspector for a permit to build a duple Land
was never subdivided which requires an applicati nand
following of the subdivision regulations. Proper y is
zonedR-6. Mr. Bartel, City/County Planner state King
Street has never been dedicated nor has Gibson. ing
Street cO,uld possibly serve as a private street ased on
a 30' or 40' easement. Gibson Avenue should be d dicated
as a public road, which requires a minimum of 60
Utilities to the property are now existing.
Anthos Jordan arrived.
Commission discussed the hardship for such a sma 1 tract
of land .to meet, the subdivision requirements. To al area
34,000 square feet. Commission request the Plann r review
this subdivision again and make recommendations to the
,Commission as relates to the owners subdividing of the
property under the regulations and the 60' road width
Historic Zoning - Mr. Bartel explained he had rew
the section relating to the joint hearing. As rew
the Historical Preservation Commi~~ makes thei
termination which goes to the Planning and Zoning
ion for preliminary approval and then a joint hea
held. Planning and Zoning Commission then makes a
ommendation to Council but attached is the recomm
of'the Historical Preservation Commission. Will h
City Council schedule a public hearing on the ord
at their ne~t meeting.
Master Plan Subcommittee - Mr. Charles Vidal and
Adams volunteered to work with two members of the
Planning and Zoning to review the Master Plan.
ing is
ve the
r. James
County Zoning requests were reviewed by the Commission as
Zoline - Application before the County is for R-30, this
does not provide for PUD as part of initial approv 1 but
that option does e~ist.
Williams Property containing approximately 3.7 acr s,
request for AR-2 zoning.
Mocklin Tract containing approximately 4 acres, re uest
for AR-2 zoning.
Discussed the Williams ~ll1d Mocklin properties. Mr. Barte 1.
stated that in previous discussions of the County or
zoning in this area, improvements to streets and a foot
path prior to any more higher density being approvEd wero
fORM \1 c. P. fl()~CKEI. s. S. & L. CO.
100 Leaves
Regular Meeting, Aspen P. & Z. , 2/1/72
discussed. The Plan recommends high density resi3ential.
County does not have a multiple district that ex:ludes
lodges, this would require a contract. County dQes not
have a Park classification. Present zoning is R-30 and
R-15 which allow only single family.
McCullough Project - Offer has been made to the ~orest
service of 1700 acres, Request is for AR-2 class~fication.
Commission discussed the circulation in this area, also thE
impact of the three requests which would be about 1;000
units. Commission agreed to submit formal recommendations
to the County, Mr. Bartel to draft recommendations.
Mr. Vidal stated he would rather the County table these
.requests until Voorhees has made his report.
Jordan moved to adjourn at ,6:30 p.m., seconded by Adams.
All in favor, meeting adjourned.
?-' '~) ,/1'
( ___)~'~<';;:;~';L,/-,,-: AJt..a -i'.<..'&/
~..--' Lorraine Graves, Secretary
~. .~
Regular Meeting, Aspen P & Z, 1/15/72
Brownell Sub
Sneaky Lane Sub
Brownell Subdivision - Mr. and Mrs. Brownell were present
with the preliminary plat of the area to be subdivided.
Discussion on King Street not being a dedicated road, that
adjacent roads had a 60 I right of way. . Chuck GiE<ey, City
,Engineer;f 'l'ef>orted tl>tata60~rig4tofway was mandatory
for streets. King Street has established easemen;:: for
Wondered if the square foot requirements would be a hard-
ship, if the right of way to City could be included in
the square footage. Suggested that the lots be sub-divid-
ed now in the event of selling lots in the future.
Discussed whether the City would want the 4% subdivision
cash fee or the 4% open space. Felt.in this case the 4%
.Di;i;e";_1\:lI[,a~~e.;.,~.p1idi.ceah~e. ;Asked that the preliminary plat
besubmttted to the Commission with the conditions dis-
Sneaky Lane Subdivision - Fred Wooden, Assistant City/
County Planner, plresented ;Ff,J,,,' ,,"~""'If',>11i Ltothe
Commission~ .....!,o.:.B"t(,d"c'O.'-J.El!'r'~. >>'$r~ ' ,!~.-J!_
_....~g"Wm't-'lU";j,;m I!JWheft'''8''-''<<1.~l!1t'81.; ~l1't!l!i~~_
. . .'tl'it::r r~~""""Q'~;;JlIld,t:h.~i'il>".'f"~I}~~-Yi~cr:'U-P,lL,'fi':' J
Ius...; ,_l'(Q,.V ""~l"11'ndi<lrl~~'L \)' n~~:."'~*t'i ~ .~.
, ,
Discussed either requesting the 4% cash fee or tr.e poss-
ibility of the subdividers beihg able to acquire an ease-
ment along Castle Creek frc:n the surrounding pr~perty
owners. Sneaky"Lane is a priva te road and would be main-
tained by adjacent owners.
\$~-a:~uei;l;i;t:)Ca.nd.,pedestr'i!ltt~-:"'-; that said
" '" '" '.' ;l'M"'''\fIl&i~ite(h;~''t'd:1'ue~'o~~lik>"",__ ,i
that present or subsl1(lue~v<u_._ l~ """i;u~~~~,_
.. .. IKMl: 'tjtt__hltt:t~~. Seconded 1)y Chu::k Vidal.
All in favor, motion carried.
A motion mad,e by Breasted, seconded by Vidal to continue
the meeting until 5:00 p.m. TueSday, February 22nd.
0\11. in,favorv.mof"inn (,:'lrTIPd.