HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19681210 ,..-. -, , RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 'Q C. F. HO~CKEL 8. B. 8: l. co. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning Commission December 10, 1968 Meeting was called to order by Chairman William Tharp at 5:05 p.m. with the following members present: Chairman William Tharp Mayor Robert Barnard Councilman John Benninghoff Dale Mars Yvan Tache - Absent Also Present: Building Inspector William Kestner City Engineer Roger Mahnke City Administrator Leon Wurl Barnard made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting as mailed. Seconded by Mars. Roll call vote - Mars aye; Tharp aye; Benninghoff aye; Barnard aye. Re-zoning Request - Chairman Tharp reported papers have been filed to re-zone the area known as the CCrestahaus, 1.2 acres from R-15 to AR-l. Francis Whitaker arrived. Chairman Tharp request the Secretary contact Jerry Brown on this request as to his views. Barnard made a motion to schedule a public hearing on January 14, 1969, 5:00 p.m. to consider this proposal for re-zoning. Seconded by Mars. Roll call vote - Barnard aye; Benninghoff aye; Mars aye; Whitaker aye; Tharp aye. George Heneghan arrived. By-laws - Secretary submitted revised by-laws as per the Commissions request to allow for the present secretarial arrangement. Mars made a motion to adopt the change in the by-laws as submitted. Seconded by Whitaker. Roll call vote - Mars aye; Benninghoff aye; Whitaker aye; Barnard aye; Heneghan aye; Tharp aye. Janss Subdivision - Subdivision plat was submitted to the Commission and reviewed. Tabled pending the arrival of Chuck Vidal. Subdivision Regulations - Copies of the subdivision regulations, as per Administrator Wurl's recommendations, were submitted to the Commission by Administrator Wurl. Commission reviewed the regulations briefly with Mr. Wurl. Chairman Tharp reported this item would appear on the next agenda for the Commission to review in more detail. Meeting - Commission agreed to meet on Tuesday, December 17th, due to the next regular meeting falling on Christmas Eve. Janss Subdivision - Chuck Vidal stated he felt the plats complied with the standards for preliminary plats. Request for a reduction from 60' to 40' on street width and also the requirementfor paving. N~ 66 ~- - . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 10 C.F,HOECKELB.B.IltL.CO. Reg. Meeting, P & Z, 12/10/68, continued. Whitaker questioned how access would be gained to the third lot in the middle. Building sites must have access from a street. Mr. Vidal stated an easement could be created on part of the lot. City Engineer Roger Mahnke reported there are other qualifications which must be met. #1. - Lot and block numbers are not designated on the plat. #2. - Access to the 3rd lot is not shown. #3. - Half streets are not acceptable. #4. - Metropolitan Sewer District has not signed the plat. No indication on the plat that the subdivider will provide water, curb, gutter, paving. Two lots along the river cannot be served by sewer without pumping. Commission request City Engineer give a list of these requirements to Chuck Vidal and also check with the City Attorney as to whether any of these regulations can be waived by the Commission. Commission agreed to schedule a public hearing on the subdivision for January 14th, 5:00 p.m and also request the Secretary publish notice to this affect. Heneghan made a motion to adjourn at 6:55 p.m., seconded by Whitaker. All in favor, meeting adjourned. N~ 67