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Regular Meeting
Aspen Planning & Zoning
May 14, 1968
Meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 5:20 p.m. with the following
members present:
Chairman William Tharp
Mayor Robert Barnard
Joel Hartmeister
Yvan Tache
Councilman John Benninghoff
Francis Whitaker
Also Present:
Roger Mahnke, Building Inspector
Jerry Brown, City Planner
Mayor Barnard made a motion to approve the minutes of April 23, 30 and May 1,
1968 as mailed. Seconded by Yvan Tache. Roll call vote - Tache aye;
Hartmeister aye; Barnard aye; Tharp aye.
George Heneghan arrived.
PUBLIC HEARING - Commerical Core Zone
Proposal by Jerry Brown was read by Chairman Tharp of which is attached
Chairman Tharp opened the public hearing to the floor.
Mr. C. M. Clark introduced and gave the qualifications of Mr. Harold
Jungbluth, Land Economist and Valuation Consultant who made the following
As a personal unbiased op~n~on Mr. Jungbluth stated he would be against the
commercial core zone. Simply because this zoning would create additional
commercial space for which there is not the demand which would cause land
values to decrease.
Mr. C. M. Clark stated he felt the City is presently over zoned on commercial.
Feel if there is a mixture of accommodations and business will create a more
pedestrian city. With competition this is needed. There is not the demand
for commercial, when the need arises investors will supply. This will degrade
the price of land because of over supply.
Ted Gordon stated he was against this re-zoning as before stated.
Fred Hibberd stated just because you have increased commercial by requiring
buildings in the C-C zone to have 50% commercial does not mean that it all
has to be built up on one year.
Tom Daly reported he did not think there was a need for additional commercial
space. Accommodations should be near the ski lifts for the convenience of
the tourists. Should cut down the percentage of commercial space and move
the commercial away from the bottom of the lifts. With an over supply of
commercial space would probably have to take less than $4.00 a sq.ft. to
rent the space. Having a hard time renting commercial space in his new
Bill Stevenson stated he will have 17,000 sq.ft. of commercial space in the
new Hodge-Oliver building. A good percentage of the renters will be present
rentors in the downtown area. This will hurt the center core of town. Many
of the present commercial buildings are outdated.
- 1 -
Reg. Meeting, P & Z, 5/14/68, continued.
Fritz Benedict stated in order to be competitive with other resorts , the
zoning should be in relationship to the ski area available. Feel there should
be a break to the adding of more and more tourist beds. Feel accommodations
at the bottom of the mountamn is where the tourist want to go. Too much
accommodations is as bad as too muc~ commercial.
Mr. Clark stated the discussion here is whether they are going to force us
to but in 50% of commercial. Accommodations is not under discussion here
Tom Daly commented eventually people will
We are just limiting everything in Aspen.
out accommodation units. Think we should
be skiing from one area to another.
This commercial will be pushing
let the City grow.
Mr. Gramiger stated we should not rush into this, plenty of time to think
about it.
Fred Hibberd stated we can be in a position to have an over production of any
type of building. If it is not economically feasible to build commercial
space then why build it.
Mr. Clark commented he should not be limited
property. Want Aspen to remain as the hub.
people want to be in downtown Aspen. People
different: areas.
to what he can do with his
Think Buttermilk proved that
are willing to be bused to the
Jerry Brown stated a mistake was made in the proposal. Maximum height should
be 40' not 39'.
Further commented the end result of the town is it will growHas the people
want. It is legal to restrict residential uses in the business zone.
Competition should be in quality. Think the Commission has to look ahead.
Feel the reason behind this proposal was to protect and get mixed diversified
uses in the business district. Not all the land in the commercial zone is
available. If you wait till all this land is occupied, it will be too late
to do anything about it. Aspen's zoning is unique, we have no strip zoning.
Land which is not available are the old houses in the business district
and the land owned by the D & R G W Railroad. The railroad is not interested
in moving out. If a ski excursion train is put in from Denver to Aspen, the
tracks may never be moved. Accommodations on the ground floor in the
commercial core is not desirable.
Chairman Tharp terminated the public hearing and stated discussion would be
limited to the Commission.
Also stated 2 reasons had been given fn favor of this core zone. 1. - From
a competitive standpoint, if we destroy that which brings tourists to Aspen,
we destroy Aspen. If we use every available piece of land for accommodations
then we lose commercial space for anyohher purpose. 2. - Limited amount of
land. The idea of a hub will be to look somewhere else and will lead into
strip development. More to Aspen than just dollars and cents, Aspen is not
a balance sheet.
Roger Mahnke reported there is 16 acres in this 12 block area which is being
considered which is 4.1% of land in the City of Aspen.
Mayor Barnard pointed out the reason for
from pre-empting prime commercial space.
sites where accommodations can be built.
this is to prevent accommodations
In the remaining C-l Zone there are
George HerEghan stated accommodations require more serv~c~ng than any other
type business. Tourists have to drive to their accommodations. This would
hurt a pedestrian oriented city.
- 2 -
. .
Reg. Meeting, P & Z, 5/14/68, continued.
George Heneghan made a motion that we recommend to the City Council, that
the Commerical Core District be approved as written except for the change
from 39' to 40' under Maximum Height of Buildings. Seconded by Joel Hart-
meister. Roll call vote - Tache aye; Hartmeister aye; Heneghan aye; Barnard
aye; Tharp aye.
Chairman Tharp reported that due to the two members who were to review the
plans being out of town, the Commission would be in violation to pass on the
plans presented at this meeting.
Commission agreed to hold a special meeting on Friday, May 17th, 4:00 p.m.
to consider building review.
Mr. John Cummings - President was present and stated the use which they
intend to make of the land is inexpensive, year around apartment house.
If required to set back 200' from the highway, would be taking up a large
percentage of the land. Suggested that RMF Zoning would fit their project.
Jerry Brown reported he would like to check with the State Highway as to
their right of way on the highway.
Mayor Barnard pointed out he would not like to see strip zoning along the
Yvan Tache made a motion to schedule a study session for May 21st, 5:00 p.m/
on West Aspen Company Zoning. Seconded by Joel Hartmeister. Roll call
vote - Heneghan aye; Hartmeister aye; Barnard aye; Tache aye; Tharp aye.
Property located above Neal Avenue Park. Due to the topgraphy of the land
would either have to request re-zoning from R-15 to R-6 or apply for a variance
on the set backs.
Commission agreed to re-zone only this piece of property would constitute
spo t zoning.
Mayor Barnard made a motion that Mr. Tacker apply to the Board of Adjustment
for a variance on the set backs. Seconded by Joel Hartmeister. Roll call
vote - Tache aye; Hartmeister aye; Heneghan aye; Barnard aye; Tharp aye.
Yvan Tache made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m., seconded by Joel Hartmeister.
All in favor, meeting adjourned.
Lorraine Graves, Secretary
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sto::..: st~..:'i:::o.:.cry store, variety s::o:..'~;
5. Service comn"'lercial ~stabJishl-:-.e:::s Ll:-:ited to the iollov,<::.g a..d
s::""':: _' US":;S: bl;.si:1cSS office, cate:"i::g S;,,:;.:;.:\'~C(:, ii~1a:lcial institutio:-:, pe-::so:-:al
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to the: ~)CrL ~..:;:.::d use arJ..d conducted v.r1thir~ ::. ;)uildl.Eg;
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8. t-Iotcd, rr~otell lodge - providcc. the flOCl" c.:.rea devoted to accOl"";'""..:-;:ocat.c:-.,:::
co:-::.) ":ses }~.s,; t~-:'Z;.ll one-half of the total floor 2.~:ea of -c;le ci..;.:ldir-.g) .::;xclus~v(: oi
":~Gc:: 2.1'Ca c::....::voted to :;?arking;
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bllil~~::.'l, exc...'-4sivc of flooi"' area devoted to ~)2.::k::~..g;
10. D\vc:lli~:g l:nits - accessory to ot;:e:.: pe-rn'1ittec1 uses, a::d CO~?:;'"::3:~1g
125:3 ....<i:.... o:':c-~lal.: .:>: the total floor area ci the t.i..:.:ldi~g, exclusive of ilo01' ,~rc::2.
c..:;votBd to ~)a:d(:r.g;
11. Fence, :-.edge and \vall - subject to requirCITler...ts under suppleT:""B~:t~ J..~Y
12. Re s idcntial and institutio~1al ider..tification sign1 directional s :g:-1
for-sale sig:"'. - subject to rcq'.1ii"'eme~ts Unc.el' supplemcr.ta.-::y regulations;
13. Busi:1ess advertising, identif:.cation sign - subject to area lin1::'ta:~o::5
; .~'l.ec. i':.el'e i";"~ ar~d supplementa ry regu1atior.s.
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c:ay.c(; ~all, :c~ 0:.: ~ol1er skating r:r::,::: - SL:b,~8Ct to appl.oval of t~e Boa_"d of Ac.just::-.<2.':'-(";
15. S....o~)-c~aft industry - subject 'co app:::oval of the Board 0'::" ~A...djust::-':.":::"..t;
16. G,_:::;Gulie service sta.tion - acc;,,;:.sso:"y to a park:.ng garage or s~ruct:u:.:'::',
prov:c:-..;Q all o:?e :::at:ons are conducted \vitl1L ...1"':: T:L::incipal building or ;3trUCt.~....: _
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lot. 0:: \i./:.iC;1 t::2 st:-'2cture is located; furthe:' provided t!-.at lor each sq,'..-:.;:;:.:'e ':00::
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ov<::;1' OC1e a~lo\...a:)lG 2 1/2: 1 ratio. The 39 foot rr:.2.ximum height linl.ita~~m1 s ___ -.)v___
be observed in this la-.:~c:"" instance; and fl.'..rthcl" provided that no builc!.i~1g 0:: S,..'~:.'!~~c~~_re
shall be const,"ucted hi6hcr t:1an 30 feet above ,_, :-ade within 10 fect oJ: Zd1Y c:. ~,:cZ;.t(;cl
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1im:tatior~ along the street fro~tage h2..ving the greatest horizontal d~~-;2ns~.... as
well as the Ln.'J.i"catlo:1 along the alley. Whe::.'c an entire- Dch: is Decr. .~dJ H......
Dv::-:e~: need. o,_~y o;)scrvc the 30 foot >...cig~1t lir:'1itatio~ aloI"_g the hvo s~_'eet l._'or:tag...-:s
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