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100 Leaves
FORM \~ C. F. HOECKEl B. B. a L. co.
SepteJllber 28, 1965
Meeting convened at 8109 P.M., with the tollDw1ng ..mbers preset:
Jack Walls, TCIII1 Benton aD:l. ICing Woodward
Building Review
Moen Clin10 Add1tion- The plans tor expaDiing ot the existing taoility
....re presented to the Co_ssion by Drs, Gould aD:l. Oden. A:s the
planned addition llOuld out d01Dl the l1WIlber of parking places now
provided aD:l. theretore the ottstreet parking requirelll8nts llOuld not be IlI8t
aD:l. since there vas SOlll8 question u to the parking required at the
tilll8 . bundiJ\g pest was iuued it vas IIOVed by Woodward aD:l. se-
conded by Benton that the plans be returned to the aa.ilding Inspector
with a reco_ndation that they go betore the Board ot "'justment
since the 1l1anning CCIII1Ddssion bad no choice but to return the plan
to the Building Inspeotor recomlll8nding that a 'Flui1t1:1ng Pest be
denied due to la.ck ot adequate parking. Motion carried.
Condo1llini1llll. 2l units. Block 76. Lots It. L. M &: N. Hr. 'rea DalY - All
Zoning Ordinances IIlIt. It was lIIOved by Benton; s.conded by Woodward
to aocept the plans with a tavorable reco_ndation to the Building
Inspeotor. Motion passed.
A:soen Selt Service Laundr.Y. Block 87. Lot D. Hr. Geon. par, - Plot
Plan sho1led on1;y three parking spaces where there....re required.
Hr. Parry stated that he believed the block vas lIIOre than ~
covered at the pusing ot the Ordinance aD:l. theretore exempt trom
parking require..nts. Action vas suspended until the Bl1ildi'lg
Inspeotor Could DlSke a survey ot Block 87, to dete1'lline coverage.
v~ I APartments (18). Block 107, f.ilukX. L. K. Bill ChalIIbers -
Revised plans ..t Zoning Ordinances. Motion made by Benton to
aocept the revised plans showing the additional parking, the
reduction trClll1 10 hotel/lllOtel units to 8, retaining ot 10 IIIll.ltiple
tamily d....lling units, aD:l. the elimination ot doors .. sho1Dl in red on
plans, by Hr. Chambers. on both tloors. Seconded by Woodward. M&on
The Building Inspeotor shall be direoted to DISk. a check to dete1'llline
it the revision sho1Dl on the resublll:l.tted plans are tollowed.
A:spen Alps tl. Add1tion to Din1.Jul: Facilities, located bet.....n Original
aD:l. ute Av.nue _ There was a plot plan showing the addition aD:l. the
required two parking spaces but not showing th. ex1sting parking.
lotion was made by Benton that the plans be returned to aa.ilding
Inspector with the request that a copy ot the original plot plan
be sublllitted showing parking at the t1lll8 ot the issueing ot the
original building pest tor Alps fl. Seconded by Woodward. Motion
Ol'dinance tor Annexation read betore the Planning aD:l. Zoning Colllllliuion.
!'!Ouon was lII8C1e r11 Ilenwn to hold a Publio Hearing on the 15th ot Ootober,
on the proposed ordinance #16 annexing a certain territol'1 u desoribed
in said ordinance and lying outside but adjacent to the City ot Aspen,
Colorado tor the plU'POse ot detel'lllining Zoning tor the a.nnexed area.
S.conded by Walls, lIIOtion pused.
Park'i"", Report made aD:l. discussed and sent back to colIIIIUtee for corrections.