HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19650520 BQ4RI) OF ADJUS'I.'MENT Meetug of May 20. 1965 at 7..50 P.M. Members preaent.. WoodwlU'd. Berke m:d JIa1alm:d. Cue 6}.4 ~. Ra~":M Dr. I!az'r1lU'd presented b1s request. tor a rear lot. Yar1aaoe u in oaae 65-4. Letter ot ctppOsiUon hom Mr. Congdon read. Mr. Congdon repre..nted b1 attw. Mr. John Wend.t. Case disoua.ed u to hardsb1p pre.ented by topogroapby ot lot m:d large rookll pre.ent.. 1{ot.10n lIIBde by I. Harland. sec. by I. Berke that. var1ance be den1ed on ground.s that. t.here wu not a hardsb1p ex1stug in tb1s oue. Vote Carried. Case 65-5 ma" ,a. 1'!l.. gq'14. ' llepresent.aUve or the 'JI\D. st.. Tel. Co. pre..nted oaae reque.t1ng Yar1anoe ot tOUl' teet in he1gbtM!i".zder to 811..1.... m10Nftve antenna atop t.lMt tolephone bu1lding. I\',_~ ~"""'In>\""f' t.he 1:Jot4'ld'l'\g inspector that a vlU'1ance is not needed f'~r the antenna but a var1ance 11 needed 11' t.lMt antenna 1s enclosed. since the enolohre beCOllllls part of' t.he blIild1ng. Mr. Tom Sardy spoke on tb8 question (adj. prop. O1lMr) But did not. oppos. the "ar1anoe. Mr. Graves and Mr. Merriman. represented the COIlIIlIU1dtw Church. spoke oppo.ing t.he vlU'1ance. BolU'd !IIel'Ilber Mr. JIa1aland spoke on the problem on wbet.her t.he antenna per .e requ1res a var1ance. It it d". not. Mr. Harland i!oi- the opWon that. it would be better to give the yarianoe and gave the antenna enclosed. Mr. Harland. moved that the boud aolla1t & legal opinion hom tb8 o1V atty. on w.ther the antenna it.aelt would requ1re a urianoe. Sec. by Mr. Berke. Vote Carried. MoUon b1 Mr. Be~. ..0. by Mr. Harland that. tb1. oaae be tabled awutug legal opinion. Vote Carried. Case 65-6 Am!n..D.E!.~. The A~re Dep---"- askes a yariance to bu1ld to the rear property line in o:Mer to aooomodate new tire equ1pJaent.. Tbe bld 1dl'1g oannQt. be blIilt torwud beoauae the front is needed tor turning space tor the engines as t.hey enter the street.. No objeot.1ons by 8U1'l'OUIdins property O1lMrs. MoUon JUde by Mr. Bem. seo. by Mr. JIa1aland that. t.he variance be granted. Motion Carried. The btl1'd:lng 1nspeot6r is instruoted to is.ue t.he bu1ld1ng permit.. Other Busine.s. Mr. Woodward moves that. _ write to Mr. Baloomb (City AtV.) requeatug that the aoUon on the Blue 1p1'l1oe sigJl be expedited. o.1q _llkens the etteot ot t.lMt aot.1on. MoUon Seo. b1 Mr. Harland. Vote Carried. Meetug ol".ed at. 8,.50 P.M. Mtn. Da,Ugbt SaYings 'f1rne. Respeot!'a1.4r submitted. I. Harland AoUng Seoretary