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FO~M 5~ C. F. MOECKEL a. B. Ill' L. CO.
100 Leaves
Maroh 23, 1965
Meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Jack Walls at 8110 P.M. with
the following persona present I Jack Walla, Chairman, Francia Whitaker,
Secretary, Richard Lai, and King Woodward.
Zoning of annexed territory. Moved by Whitaker and seconded by Lai, that
the Commission request the Counoil to oonsider any fUture annexation in
relation to the proper zoning of the annexed territory, so that zoning
and annexation be done simultaneous4r. Motion Carried.
Building ReviewI
1. !h! Lcd!!:e. It was moved bynWhitaker that plans be returned to the
Building Inspeotor, reC_ndation that the 10 foot space between
prinCipal buildings be correoted and that parking shown on West Cooper
is not in compliance with the drivewl3" ordinance (lIu.ilb Cut Ordinsnoe)
and that proof of ownership of th e Lot Q be shown. Seconded by Lai.
Motion Carried.
2. Ulfelder Apartments. Moved by Lai that plans as resubmitted be
approved, seconded by Woodward. Motion Carried.
3. Bidwell Build1ne:. Moved by Woodward that plans be approved subjeot
to favorable opinion from the City Attorney on that portion of the
building looated on the alley property line. Seoonded by Lai. Motion
Carried. Recommend that owner be notified that footings and structures
on City Property require Council approval. Reoommend also that the
oovered wal.kw&y be approved but not the balcolV above it (on Galena
Street side). Objection to the balool\Y is that it wuld set a
precedent tor usable noor space on City property. It was lIIlJVed by
Woodward and secomed by Lai. Motion Carried.
4. Cleary. Block 39, Lots O,P,Q,R,S. ~ motion was made by Lai and
seconded by Woodward that plans be approved subject to an .pinion
by the City Attorney, that the alley be considered. the front lot
line in this case. Motion carried.
5. Ross Buildin... ~ motion was made by Lai, seconded by Woodward that
plans be returned to Boilrli1'lg Inspeotor with the following reco_
mendations I That parking to meet the floor space be olearly indioated
and driveWl3"s be accurately located and dimensioned. (Floor spaoe
6840 square feet shown).
Motion was made by Lai, seconded by Whitaker that the exterior elevations
are not in keeping with the character of Aspen. Motion carried.
6. Chambers Apartments. Motion was made by Lai and secomed by Woodward
that plans be returned to Building Inspecaor, with the following
reoollllll8ndations I No height dimensions are shown, no drivewq dimension
are shown but acces is apparent4r in excess of drivewa,y regulations,
no building dimensions are shown, although the height is obviously
over 25 feet. Motion Carried.
Pa1lk1ng Survey. Feasibility of cheoking car registrations in relation
to occupancy was discussed. Woodward volunteered. to help in contacting
lodges. Records of lodges, airport, railraad and busses, and Ski Corp.
should be obtained.
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100 Leaves
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p"'nnil1g and Zoning Meeting, March 23, 1965
A letter froll John Kerrigan regarding the 8dd1tion tothe Firehouse,
asking for Commission recommendations was read. Commission feels that no
action should be taken unless the need is urgent, and that it would be
better to see howwthe Firehouse location and facilities fit into a general
plan for downtown upen. Motion vas made by Jack Walls, and Seconded by Lai.
Motion Carried.
Commission recommellds to the Council that a scaled, dimensioned drawing
be submitted for any structures on City property. Drawings should 1Ildicate
relation of the structure to buildings, streetx and.sidevalks, and should
1Ildicate materials to be used, as ftll as any signs or lettering. Moved by
Woodward, seconded by Lai. Motioncarried.
Meeting adjourned at lll20 P.M.
Respectf'ully submitted.
Francis Whitaker, Secretary