HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19640609 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM ~i C. F. ~OECI(EL a. B. It l. CO. JOINT MEETING ~ THE CITY A1ID CcmrrY PLAlfImIG A1ID ZONING COMMISSIONS ASPEN CITY HALL JUNE " U64 Present were: Jack Walls, Cb.a1l'11B.1l, Frucis Whitaker, Edgar Staton, Andrea Mead Lawrence, Fritz BeDedict, Su Caudill, llellbers; Henry Thurston, Building Inspector, Jues JIIoore, Jay Dikkers, and Mr. Gallagher and an assooiate with the H1IIlIble Oil COJIIlany. The meeting was called to order by l'fro. Walls at 8:10 P.M, who threw out the question regardiag the method to 118e in measuring building heights tor d1s- au sion. Mr. Whitaker telt that the method ot measuring should be tied to the street grades as a point ot reference. l'fro. Walls read trom the Zoning Ordinanoes ot the City and County ot DeJ:lY"er regardiag their ralings on buildiag heights. He quoted trOll a particular zoning ordinanoe regard- iag a liDsiness (B-5) zone whioh stated that the height ot a buildiag is detemined trom a 150 angle measured trom the center line ot the street, and a pitch ot 3.1 teet additional rise for each toot ot addi tienal set back. Also that the gross fioor area on a ZODed lot, exoludiag garage space, shall not be ten times greater thaD the area of the zoned lot on which the struoture is located. Mr. Whitaker mentioned the tact that Aspen has no set back oontrol in the business zone. l'fro. Walls pointed out that the set back ratiodn the Deaver Zoning book _sured trom the tront and rear ot the building and had nothing trOll the side. The same angle could not be used on the sides. In Aspen this would have to be determined by taking a typical lot arrangemel1t. Mr. Whitaker thought that a COlIIIIittee should be appointed to work this out with an architect. Mr. Walls felt that the City of Aspen and County ot Pitkin should have the s8llle method of measuring building heights beoause adjoining sections ot the City and County would not _tch and this could create an overlappiag of City and Coaty jurisdictions. Mr. Caudill concurred that l118asuring of buildiag heights in the City and County should be as uniform as possible. A discussion of measuring trom the grade ensued amd Mr. Walls read from the City zoning regulations, pointing out that this measur_ent oould be taken trom the fill as a finished grade as the regulations now stood. He said that the hillside lots of the County would have to be taken into consideration in the estab- lishment or a point ot reterence tor measuring buildiag height. He also asked Mr. Caudill if he and Mr. Lai could work on the height triangulation situation. Mr. Whitaker felt that this information might be obtained trom the Colorado Municipal League, and that a letter regarding this problEIII be written to the League. Mr. Walls brought up the proposed curb cut ordinance and stated that it must be worked over to clarify the interpretation. He said that this was the only i tam questioned in the letter ot proposed ordinances handed to the City Council. He telt that a dratt should be worked up on each proposal presented llRd that, in particular, a olearer vo:riling of the curb cut ordinance should be written. Mr. Walls again quoted trom the Denver zoning book regarding site development plans. Denver files llRd records these plans in the office of the Clerk and Recorder. He thought it might be a good idea for Aspen to adopt this method and have the Building Inspector file all site plans subnitted as a matter of record, whether such plans were approved or not. Mr. Walls told the CoJlllissioRs he was leaviag June 10, with Mr. Dick Brown or State Planning, to fiy to Nell' York City aad confer with Paul Lester Wiener's statf regardiag Aspen's Qster plan. He said Mr. Brown and he had an appointlllent with Mr. Dick Bender to go over all the material gathered to date. He said he would bring back a written review of all data gathered by the Wiener people. Then 11; would be up to lthe City, County, and the Aspen Institute to detemine whether or not Mr. Wiener continues in his capacity as master planner tor Aspen. 21 ~, RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 10 C.F.HOECKELB.B.!i L. CO. -2- Mr. Whitaker eJqlressed his concern to the County Planning and Zoning COIII- mission mambers present iR regard to the regional planning 1Ii th Eagle County. He telt the County CODRissioners might be overstepping the Coaty PllUllling and Zoning Colmission regarding this metter. Mr. Stanton stated that the Commissioners were JU.ld.ng no decisions witaout the appreval of the eo-ission. Mr. Whitaker felt that Aspen should withdraw from this regienal planniTlg effort because of ill feeling from the other areas concerned. Mr. Benedict thought that the aid of a IIIlSter plSDn&r would be 1I0st helpful to the County CoJIIIission in reachiag decisions on regional planning. He stated that Trafton Beaa of Boulder had been in oommunication with his grollp regarding the Eagle-Pitkin regional planning. Discussion tRen followed in regard to the Crystal River Water Conservatory and the general feeling of the people in Redstone regarding Aspea. Mr. Benedict stated that the County COIIlIIlissien had been waiting tor som. action froll Mr. Wiener before _lrlng any long range plaas. Mr. Caudill stated that Eagle County had been IIIOst cooperatiTe regarding the regional pl....ning set-mp, and that Eagle County vas behind this 100%. Mr. Walls then submitted the 8l1bject of tae proposed 36 URit motel for Aspen, and paased around a set ot plans tor this IIOtel drawn lip by Mr. Roark ot DellTer. He stated he ad informed Mr. Roark in regard to the proposed zoniag regulatiORs, and that this might be the tirst building to go through the new regulatioDS. The siile"ot the proposed _tel is on the oorner of Second aad Main streets on the So1I.th side. It is diagonally across the street from the WesterJJer Motel. It would be of wood exterior aad have no windows on the outside. All willdoWll will face an iJmer court containing a swillllll'll\g pool. Mr. Walls then raa down the check list of items in the proposed building review, and Mr. Roark had cOllplied with the list, with the possible exception ot his parking area. Kr-. Walls felt that the drive should be made a one-way drive so the patrons would not be plllliag out into the Main street. It vas also felt that the parking ot oars should be re- arranged beca1l8e too IIllCh street parking space was beiag taken away troJII Second Street. Mr. Stanton thought that theseitems should be pointed out to Kr-. Roark sinoe he had made aa et1'ort to oomply with all other teatures ot the proposed review. Mr. Walls then made a note to write a letter to Mr. Roark regarding parking and diagonal parking on Secom Street, (11 feet of parking and sidewalk area, the r9llAiniag 1t teet be planting and sidewalk area), aad nggest that he re-work the parking on the inside or the parking lot. Mr. Whitaker telt that this was a clear cut lIDlIIple ot trying to get too IIWI;y uni tsoon a piece of property. Mrs. Lawrence stated that Mr. Roark had cOlllplied as far as the present ordinances were concerned. Mr. Thurston brought lip the problem of snow r9ll1oval if cars were parked as proposed on the drawings. Mr. Whitaker stated a IIOtion rec_nding that the drive vay into Main street be _de one-way and reduced to a 15 feot width, and that the parking problem on SecoRd street be re-worlted because ot snow r9lllOTal, the taking away of City parking, and pedestriaa safety. Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion. :Motion carried. Mr. Walls then presented a petitioR froll H1IDIble Oil COlllplUly to the Board of Adjustment to accept a site for a gasoline station, and also a petition for a sign variaace. It was stated that these petitions had not gone to the Board of Adjustment prior to their being presented to the Pl....n" ng and Zoning COIIIm:I.ssions because ot a mi8llJ1der~i ng regarding action to be taken between the Board aad the Colllllission. Mr. Walls stated that the oiIlt thing in violation of the zoning ordinanoe with this situation vas the sign. He said that ga801iDe stations are lIRder a separate section ot the Ordinance aad autOlll&tically go before the Beard of Adjustlllent. The utter of the sign should initially" go to the Building IllIIpector. The Board ot Adjustment should act on the petition for review of the site. If this is all right, then the matter ot the sign variance should be taken into cODeideration. Kr-. Gallagher stated that Humble on was merely petitioning for a hearing for variaace regarding signe at this time. Mr. Walls then read the petitions regarding the sign variaace and approval of the site as a gasoline station. The ~lA't plaas and pictures of the proposed statioR were theD passed aro~r inspection. The exact RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FOIlM II C. F. HO~CKa B. B. &:~. co. -3- locatioR of the site vas piDpoiRted as being between the bridge and Main Street, the old Watel'lllU1 property. Mr. Gellagher requested Mr. Wells read a sheet he had prepared regarding senice stations and the satety tllDtor. Mr. Whitaker theught the 135 toot driv~ openiag vas excessive, aad also did not see the need tor such a large sign in that particular area as it vas only a 15 IIlph. zone. Hr. Walls then displayed the sketches of the three signs that Humble Oil COIllp&ny ues. He stated that he was ot the opinion that the site of this area under discussion, between two light angle coraers, vas luIIIardous, particvlarly in wintertime. The high percentage of accidents happening at this particular COrDer lllIS again broughtup. Mr. Gallagher stated that their proposed sign would be 64 inches by 84 inches. Mr. Walls asked why' they used 3 sips and Hr. Gallagher said it was tor trade JlArk purposes and public identification. He also answered Mr. Whitaker's question in regard to the wide curb cuts of 135 feet. Th:I.s width is used for ease of entrance and exit. Cars can SIIing iR easily de- accelerating atter they enter the station proper rather than iR the street where they would illlpede traffic. Also this width offers an open or lUIOb- stracted view of the street and OR-coming traffic for an auto leaviag the station. He telt this width to be an illlprotant sefety factor. Mr. Whitaker asked it the 35 feet curb out on Bleeker Street could be extended to 40 feet and thus allow parkimg for two cars. Mr. Gallagher said this could be easUy dOlle as their side street curb cuts were Rot vitally illlportant. It w. decided to postpone any action regardiag the guoliRe station site until there vas a tull CoIIImission OR hand and atter all members had a clw1ce to lIIlIke detsUed studies ot the petitions, plot plans, and sketohes submitted. Th:I.s matter will be placed on the agenda for the J1Dle 23rd _eting. Mr. Gallagher, his associate, Mr. Moore and Mr. Dikkers then departed. A general discussion then tollowed regardimg the Humble Oil COIIIpaJly request concerniDg suIIh items as the need for long range plans to determ1De the location tor gasoline stations. Mr. Wells telt very stroJllly that this requsst should be denied, and if Decessary a test case made in Court. Mr. Thurston was asked about the Fire ZOlle. He Stated he could fiRd no law in the zoning code regardiag the Fire ZOlle on which this petition could be denied. Meeting adjourDed ll:OO P.M. RespectHlly submitted, FrlU1Cis Whitaker Recorded by Marje Houle 23