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100 Leaves
FOR'l ~~ C. F. HO~CI(El a. e. Il: l. CO.
MAY 26, 1!'64
Present were: Jack Walls, Chail'llaD, Hay'or Harald Pabst, AJidrea Plead
Lawrence, Richard Lai, FraRcis Whitaklll', Fritz Bellledict, Edger Stanton,
Henry Stein, Sam Caudill, members; Mr. JIIIII8S Miles, Director of planning,
State of Colorado, his assistant, Mr. Dick Brown; Mr. Harry- T~lor of
the Forest Service; Mr. John Kerrigan, City Adllinistrator, and Mr. Luke
Anthon;r .
The _eting was called to order at 8:10 P.K. by Mr. Jack Walls. Mr. Walls
read the proposed letter to the City Council in regard to ordilllUlce changes.
Mr. Whitaker stated he thought lUl addition to this letter should be llade
regarding the ten foot set-back frQlll the alleys. He felt better use could
be made of this land.
Mr. Walls brought up the subject of &llDexation of Block 2, Eames Addition,
which had been discussed and tabled at the last meeting, and asked for a
IIlOtion. Mr. Pabst said the CGlUlcil was Bot in favor of annexation but
fel t that it should go through because of the lsgth of tille it had been
held up to date. Mr. Whitaker stated that the matter should be held in
abeyance until such tiJIe as the City Council adopted the proposals
regarding annexation set forth in the proposed letter, above read. Mr.
La1 secoRded this IIOtion. Jfotion carried. Mr. Whitaker co_ented upCNl.
a meeting be had attelllled in Boulder at which the City of Sterling,
Colorado's acttens regarding annexation were discussed. The City of
Sterling requires a contribution by u;yone annex:l.ng in the f'ira of
either land in the aaount of 5% or the cash equivalent. He stated that
this action on their part had been sustained by the Supreme Court of Colorado,
and wondered if Aspen could possibly adopt such a pllUl.
Mr. J_es Miles then toQk the fioor regarding his recent meeting with
Mr. Wiener. Mr. Wiener is presently ill, but stated he definitely planned
to be in Aspen sOl1l8tillle in Jily to present the final draft of his proposed
master plan for Aspen. Mr. Miles stated that approximately $}.O,OOO.OO
has been paid to date to Mr. Wiener. The bill Mr. Wiener su1::a1 tted
was for $13,000.00, but as only $10,000.00 in funds were available, this
was all that was paid. $3,000.00 of this IIOney comes from the City of
Aspen, County Qf Pitkin, and the Institute, and the balance fro. the
Federal Govermaent. A general discussion followed during which the various
II_bars of the Co.ussions stated their dissatisfaction with the way Mr.
Wiener had handled the project to date. Specific things brought up were
his lack of C10S8 contact with Aspen, the large _oURt of iDcorrect and
incomplete data he has S1Ipplied H far, the unBer in which he handled a traf-
fic count, etc. Mr. Miles was then asked his opinion of the work nbld.tted
to date by Mr. Wiener. He said that the work done so far was not on a leve 1
of professionaJ.iSlll of other reports he has come in contact with, and that
this project was not of the caliber of other 701 administrative areas.
Plr. Walls said that at the last .eeting beld with Mr. Wiener the Commssions
had been asked for a vote of confidence by Mr. Wiener. This TOte was not
granted, but he was told to continue with his project. Mr. Miles stated that
approx:l.mately one-third of the contract IIlOBey available for this project has
already been spent. Mr. Walls asked if' it would be possible to foroe
an issue at this tilIIe and make Mr. Wiener come up with some cODllrete
plans instead of waiting for July. Mr. Miles said that the State has a
five day clUlcellation clause, and that Mr. Wiener's work could ba sus-
pended until July so that he could present only what be has cOlllpiled to date.
He recomended that if suspension was the COR.ssions decision, they officially
notify the State, who in turn will aotif'y Mr. Wiener of suspension and
cancellation to be .ade in five days, and then either he or Mr. Brown
would go to New York and go over all the data that Mr. Wiener has col-
lected to date and make an imentory inspection on the fifth day froll the
daY' cancellation or sllspensioB began. The City of Aspen should subllit all
data they had 81Ipplied. 19
100 Leaves
FORM 10 C. F.HOECKElo. 0.11 loCO.
It was f'elt that a representative frQll Aspen should also go along to check
on the data. Mr. Whitaker then lIade a IIIOtion recOllllllllnding that the
conract for planning studies by Paul Lester Wiensr be suspended at the
earliest possible date, aDd a cGllplete review and iDventery of all work
up to that date be ..de by a representative of the State Planning Agency
aDd a representative ef the City of Aspen, if possible. He alu reco_ended
that the City Plenning CommissieB lIlake this request to the City Council.
This IIOtion was second4kl by Mr. Lai. Motion carried. Mr. Henry Stein
..de a corresponding action en behalf of the Gouty P] ....ing COIIlIIission.
This IIOtien was also seconded and carried. Mr. Whitaker thllJl llade a aotion
that the jeint Camissions llake this reco_endation to the Allpen Institute.
This IIlOtion was seconded and carried. It was decided to subm.t a series of
letters; one to the :MlI;yor and City Council froa the City Pl......i1\g and
Zoning COJB1ssion, ene to the Boarder Directors froa the City Planning and
Zoning C.-1ssion, and one to the County Board of COJmissioners froll the
Cenmty PlaDning and Zoning CODission for their agre.ent, and then a
final letter to Mr. Miles req_sting this action aDd Biped by the City
C01UlCil, the Board of Directors of the Aspen Institute, and the C01IJ1ty
Board of Comaissioners.
Mr. Miles asked the CGIIIIIissieJ18 to bear in mind that certain costs wwld
haTe to be expected in regard te work done by Mr. WieMr, IlUch as aerial
phetogrsphy ups that have been lIlade aDd travel openses. Mr. Walls stated
that the cost of' the aerial photography had already been ..t. Mr. WillJler
had stated that this IIIIpping was 100% cdlllplete when, in actllBl.ity, it was
only ,0% CQll plete, and that he was paid on that basis. Mr. Miles said that
all work deJ18 so far by Mr. Wiener wwld autOll&tically rllTert to AspllJl and
becoe the property .r the City. If the City decides that Mr. Wienlll' has
done his work properly, then the suspension would be lifted and work continued.
Mr. Walls asked that if cancellation was llade end a new pl&nJl8r hired, wwld
an extension of tille be grallted by the State for COlllpletion of the project.
Mr. Miles said an extension would readily be granted under these conditions
and that this would present no prob18lll. He also stated that if u;y legal
action was inlrtituted by Mr. WieDer, it would be handled by the Attorney
General, as the contract was llade with the State. Mr. Whitaker brought up
the fact that planning IIight be llade on a broader scope inCluding all or
part of Pitldn County and Eagle County. Mr. Wiener said that if this
was desired, the p-26 contract shGuld be cancelled and a J18W contract
be drawn up. Mr. Kerrigan asked about how long it usually took to draw up
a cOllplete plan for a City. Mr. Miles stated frOlll 18 to 24 aonths.
Mr. Harry Taylor then took the fioor with charts showing proposed Forest
Service work for this area. He covered such itus as proposed new buildings
for the present Forest Service site in Aspen, including a Visi~rs Infor-
mation Center where inforll&tion lUI.d brochures would be dispensed to travellers.
Also, thair proposed tilllber sale program and proposed roads into these log-
ging areas, the development of vari01l8 recreation areas, and the paving of
roads iD the various cllllping areas, and water systu surveys of these Clllllp-
ing areas. The proposed building of' jeep, horse, tote-gote, and walking
roads and trails. He also briefiy discussed the Saowmass and Little Amlie
ski areas, aDd the problems regarding wild life access roads to get hunters
into the areas where the elk herds are building up excessively. He had
nothing to state regarding the Forest Service's plans for the Frying Pan-
Arkansas dllTelopaent.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respecttally submitted,
FrlUlcis Whitaker
recorded by Marje Houle