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100 Leaves
FEBRUAW 25, 1964
Present were:
^1cEachern, and
Jack Walls, Francis Whitaker, Andrea Lawrence, Bill
City Administrator Kerrigan.
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. The minutes of the
last meeting were read, corrected, and approved.
The first item on the a~enda was the Riverside Annexation. The
Commission was sho,VTI a land use map of this area worked UP by
The City Engineer, and a discussion with regard to the classif-
ication of zoning followed. PftpT much discussion it was moved
that the Riverside Annex be zoned similar to the Count; R-15
and R-6 zones, and that the City create an R-15 zone similar to
that of the County with exceptions herein noted:
1. Frorryard of orincipal buildings and accessory buildings-
25 feet from the front property line.
2. Princinal and Accessory buildings, side and rear yard -
10 feet from side and rear property lines.
This motion was made by Mr. Whitaker and seconded by Mr. Walls,
and was carried.
The next item on the agenda was the Building '~eview Ordinance.
.A rOlwh draft of this ordinance "laS read by 'fr. ~~alls for the
discussion of the Commission. It wad decided that any action
should wait until a sa.,,,)le of such an or:linnnce was received from
the Colorado :'1unicinal Lear;ue. After review of this, a COCly of
a previ,us letter from the ''::olorado Municipal League with regard
to Building ,teview by the Planning Commission was read, and a
sa'1ple of the ordinance ,,,as to be forwarded to '1r. Halcomb, City
Attorney, by Mr. Kerrigan.
The next item Vlas Section 11-1-5 (j) of the :::ity of Asnen 1'luni-
cinal Code. Mr. ''/hitaker recommended that this section regarding
the maximum height of buildings be D"lended so as to read: "Prin-
cipal buildings - 25 feet in height, accessory buildings - 21 feet
in height." This in effect would delete the bulk-to-height section.
The deletion of that portion of this section is to be temporary
until the Commission has some control in regard to the type of
building, and the appearance of buildings tk't would exceed 25 feet
in height. It was stated that this section, due to the fact that
the ':::ommission possesses no architectllral control, wac; being mis-
used, and a prime exam,le being the dormitories behind the Pines
Lodge. The motion was made, seconded, and nassed that the Comm-
ission recommend the deletion of this excess height nrovision to
the Council.
Mr.vJhitaker reClorted on his atte.ndance at a meeting of the U",per
Colorado Board of :~ealtors. He stated thet he was quite i'Tlpressed
and quite hanDY with the way the members of this organization felt
in regard to Dlanning and zoning. This ~roup is Drimarily inter-
ested in se,einr; the Tri-County Planning "ommission aetivated. Mr.
whitaker stated that one of the Drime concerns of the UODer Colorado
Board of ~raltors was the ')ower of the Boards of Adjustment to give
land use variances. It was moved that the ~ommission request the
'~ity Council to request the ";olornclo Municipal League to sponsor
100 Leaves
FORM 10 C. F. HO~CKEL 9. B. 8: l. CO.
Pap;e two
legislation limiting the T)o\>Jers of the Boards of Adjust'11ent regard-
ing land use variances. This move was seconded and carried.
\1r. Kerrigan brought UP the question of subdivision regulations,
and a discussion followed. 'Ir. Kerrigan stated that the City
should have such regulations, and sho'lld also have a :)01 icy for
annexation. He stated that there is a party or parties interested
in annexing a tract of land south of the:::ity Limits near Little
Nell. He feels that both subdivision regulations and an annexation
nolicy are urgent at this time. It was moved by Mr. McEachern that
the :::ommission write \1i~. \Jiencr an airmail letter requesting sub-
division regulations and also requesting advice regarding an interim
orjinance on ~lensity control in the 10urist Zone. fhis motion was
seconded by Ylrs. Lawrence and carried.
'1r. \"alls read a letter fro'Tl 'Ir. ',;iener dated February 6, 1964.
l'his letter stated that he was enclosing a draft report on
existing re'Creation, "'clblic utilities, tnnsnortation and thor-
oughfares, and mining. Also enclosed were final drafts of Plans
C-l,D-l, E-l, and E-2. fhe plans, as stated, were checked to
SO'11e degree by Nr. Kerrigan,and he. rpT)orted that he had found
considerable discreoancies with regard to the electric syste'n.
Hr. Kerrigan stated th!1t upon receipt of a nNl plan of the gas
mains in the City from the ~ocky 'fountain Natural Cas Co. he
would check this also. H" stated also that he \wuld check the
'vater ant sevwc':e slstems as soon as possible and he 'will reDort
any discrenancies to Mr. 0iener.
~feeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
~esT)ectfully submitted,
Francis Hhitaker