HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19640211 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM \~ C. F. HOECKEl a. B. & L. C~. JOI"lT MEETING OF THE CITY A:iD 'COUNTl PU.NNING COH:lI; 3IONS FEBRUARY 11, 1964 r;ITY HALL, ASPEtl ,COLORADO Present were: Jack \valls, Francis \lhitaker, Richarl Lai, Bill McEachern, Henry Stein, Fritz Be.nedict, ';Iendy Morse, Mayor Pabst, Building Insoector Markalunas, and Gity Administrator Kerrigan. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack ;Jalls at 7:45 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were read and aooroved. Jack \1811s told the County Commission members that an agenda for each meeting will be set uo in advance, and asked that anyone wish- ing some item included to let him know by Thursday of the vleek bef0re the meeting. He read the letters from ',lr. 'liles of the :;tate I'lanning Commission dated January 14, and January 21, 1964, and explained that the City has sent a warrant for $2,500 for Mr. ',Iiener's services. ;Je read a cooy of the letter from 'Irs. Hoffmann to 'lr.'liles 0f January 29 which 'vas sent I'lith the warrant. .'1r. ;,'hitaker made the motion that the Joint Commissions aonrove the schedule of payment as oroposed by Mr. "'iles in his letter of JanuDry 21. This was seconded by Richard Lai, and carried. Mr. Stein stated that he had two letters which he wished to read, the purnose of which is to remind the Gommissions of their luties as Planning and ~oniClg Commissioners. The first letter was from "nthony Eerumen in rq2:Drd to low-cost housing. Hr. 3erumen sug- gested rezoning in certain areas to nermit this. The other letter was from Hrs. 3parovic, who feels that the l.iversi.de residents have been treated unfairly becaase of the variance granted to the trailer court, and feels that other residents should be allowed to nrofit more fro"1 their land if they wish to, and that they are not being allowed to use their land as they would wish because of zoning. She feels that the area should be rezoned Tourist. Mr. Stein read his renlies to these two letters, and stated in both that the nronerty OIvners in the area should netition the County Commissioners for a nublic hearing on rezoning. Mr. ;tein stated that he is exoecting '''lore of such changes, and, while zoning is not a static thing and '!lust be adjusted from time to ti'1le , it must be done iT' 2n orderly procedure. It is theluty of the "lanning and ~oning Com~issions to see that no snot zoning results. He feels that ",hat is best for everyone '!lust be considered, not just the best thing for certDin individuals; also, that SO'!le- times re.zoning the land Tourist can de.gracle its value. Mayor Pabst suggested that Jesse Maddalone, Tony Berumen, and other 0rooertY' mmers in the. area should band tOf'ether and ge.t enough land to encourage someone to finance this low-cost housing. Mr. Morse mentioned urban renewal grants for low-cost housing. Discussed - a transition zone around the trailer court area .,ith Tourist zoning to oermi t low-cos t hous ing. ,'jr. "h i.taker suggested that this might not be a good idea from the stando0int that the streets are not ,,,ell-equiDfJed enough to hold that "lany peoDle. Mr. Kerrigan feels thAt this "buffer zone" l'lOuld etart a chain reaction 4 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FOR"! ~I C, F. HO~CK EL e. B. 1:1- l. CO. Page two and other areas would want the sa'!le right. Cl.ichard Lai brought un the question as to whether or not the City has any obligation to the low income neoole which he fee Is the tOlvn needs. It was stated that everyone '!lust be considered, and 0eonle with nroblems in this line can't be ignored. Discussed - syndicate money for low-cost housing. Discussed - Lj)n(i. use )llan, which Gary !V1cFadden is going to make / ~ ~. CZ7'Z/>V.y.,d,z.:v (C)IH(.V) I 1)iscussed - Building revieIV ordinance. Jack 'clalls feels that a nelV ordinance should be set up so thatne", construction in the ~re- liminary nlanning stage be submitted to the 'Planning Commission, and such things as height, setbacks, off-street oarking etc. be checked, and suggestions made as to outsi:le apnearance. Uhen the plans are in a working drawing stage, then they will apply for a building nermit and Jim Markalunas IVill check it agaiCl. He stated ttL"t if they waited until the ,1aster Plan is comDleted, this would ta',,,, too much time, ,.,oss ibly two years. He read a portion of a letter dated November 20, 1963, from the Colorado '1unicipal Lea[';ue in regards to submiss ion of Dreliminary Dlot plans. Discussed - Aesthetic zoning, which can be suggested but not demanded. Mr. Kerrigan stated that various restrictions are spelled out in the Sode, and the Building InsDector has definite thinGS to go on. He does not feel that the Planning Commissions should enter into it. If some oronosed 2011struction is definitely not in harmony, this can be referred to the Board of Adjustment. Jack stated that "har- mony" has no basis in court, and Ji'!l Markalunas stated that he loesn't feel that he is qualified to determine what is aesthetically nroper. Jack Halls nr000sed that a cO'llmittee be anoointed to work out a rough draft on this ordinance. The com;ni. ttee is to consist of: Ridlard Lai, Francis Ohitakpr, 'Jeniy Morse, and Jack Halls. Mr. ,ihi.takpr sugFested tl'12t tl1P ':::olorado ''1unici''al LeaglJe be written to ask them for samole ordinances as to the. functi')ns of the ?lan- ning Commission, and that ~1r. \liener should also be IVritten for his suggestions. Mr. \fuitaker then reoorted on the ~egional Planning Commission. He stated that he is the Chairman Pro tem, and theCo'!l"Cission is not functioning yet because tnp citiesvinvolved have not nassed the necessary resolutions. ~ c.~." (J./;,,;/Iov) 'tichard Lai "eported on setbacks~ l'e has compared the regulations with those of Monterey, California and found that most requirements are abo'lt the sa'!le, but their ordinances are more flexible. It was stated that the main auestion is the 10' setback off the alley, and that the ordinance shouli be flexible so that if D certain stated nprcentage of the land is left anen., or narking Drovijed in front or in the Lase'1ent, etc., the rest ')f the S0ace can be used in any desired IVay. 5 FORM!I C.F.HOECKELB.B.&L.CO. . . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Page three The letter disc-,ussed. A. B. E. from Jim "larkalunas dated January 30, 1964 was read and 8ertain points covered were: Definitions: 1. An incidental business should be subordinate to the main business. 2. The intent of the "recreation area" should be play- ground. 3. "Plastics" should be added to the definition for signs. 4. Dwelling units: Guest houses fall under the def- ini tion of a dwelling, and should be better def ined. There is also a nroblem with peonle who can build two tourist cabins, but can not build two single- family dwellings in the same area. 5. Several definitions should be added. Residential Districts: 1. Should read "build ings" instead of "libraries". Supnlementary Regulations: 1. Signs: Advertisin~ signs should be permitted in the unrestricted zone. Owners of signs should sign waivers of liability in case the sign should fall into the public right-of-way. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. {espectfully submitted, Francis Whitaker ~ecorded by Lesley Sudders 6