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~leeting of Aspen City Council with City Planning & Zoning Commission
A meeting of the City Council and the City Planning & Zoning Commission
was held at City Hall on Tuesday, November 2u, 1962, at 5:30 PM.
Present were:
Humphrey, Bill
~ayor Mike Garrish, Fred (lidden, Jim Harkalunas, Frank
Beyer, Jack Walls, Ken Moore, Clyde Newell, and Herbert
Mr. Hayer was chairman of the meeting, and he announced that an
assistant of Paul Wiener was expected to be in Aspen from Friday
night, November 23rd, until Tuesday morning. He said that members of
the Zoning Commissions will spend a great deal of time with him. One
of the matters to be discussed with hi~ is the traffic going through
the heart of tO~l, which will be greatly Increased 'men Independence
Pass is surfaced, which is scheduled to be done within the next few
years, makine it a year-round road. Nr. Humphrey is scheduled to go
to Grand Junction Wednesday to discuss a preliminary schedule for ti,e
main highway.
Mr. Newell asked if a report would be made to the City Counci 1 after
the visit of the man from,Mr. ~iener's office, and Mr. Bayer stated
that he did not think there would be enough to report at this stage.
He said that members of the Zoning Commission and other ci ti zens had
already supplied Nr. Wiener wi th maps and a great deal of other informa-
tion. ~len preliminary sketches and plans are ready, they will be sub-
mltted to the City Council.
Hayor Garrish stated that at times it might be advisable to have the
city and county bodies meet together and at otl,er times they should
meet separately when dealing strictly wlth plans within their o~
There follo'o/Cd discussion of the need for a part-ti'l1e secretary for
the Zoning Cozrnnissions and ~lr. Markalunas. It was stated that with
the long range planning there would be more work rather than less.
One great need would be to have minutes, reports and correspondence
typed and sent to members of the City Council, County Commissioners and
to the Zoning Commission members. After discussion, it was felt that
there would be a need for a half-time secretary, and Mr. ~lidden is to
ask the County Conmissioners if they would pay for half of such a
girl, as it was felt that the City and County should integrate on this.
It was stated that the city had a mimeograph machine which could be
used for duplicating and circulating r"ports to the above groups.
Those present stated their preference for an Aspen resident for thls
job, and one who could take dictation. ~jr. Glidden is to contact the
..layor after discussing the matter with the County Com'l1issioners.
Nr. Bayer stated that although the City Planning Commission had not
used its entire budetary allocation this year, it would like to have a
larger One for next year.
The City is out of zoning regulation books, and it was stated that they
are on order and will be coming when holes can be punched to fi t the
present bo oks. Mrs. Hoffman is to Incite to ciet some copies without
holes, and Ar. Humphrey is to try to get some 11aps from Denver tills
com! ns week.
There followed discussion or the proposed changing of the zoning of
the area around Waterman's property from business to tourist 7.oning.
It was pointed out that at present it is spot-zoned business and the
rest of the surrounding area is tourist; that it can easily create a
traffic hazard if bui ldings are built Ollt to the road, as allowed by
business zoning. It was pointed out that the Zoning Commission had
recummended the acceptance of the Villa's proposed gas station, with
certain restrictions, as it I~uld have been a controlled station of
high caliber. It was pointed out that :!r. Drew and other recent
property Ot.mers in that area had bought the land wi th the understand-
in:., that it was zoned business, and this might be zoning the:n out of
business. lo!r. Glidden stated that the idea of zoning is not to
depreciate, but to increase the value or property. ~1r. _'bore suggested
trying to 8et the property olmers ther" to agree to restrict the land
- 2 -
B[)ainst a string of gas stations and 0et their cooperation. :.fayor
Garrish asked if a restricted business ZO:1e \~ould not be possible,
as otherIJise it would create a terrible traffic bazard if buildin"s
'-1ere set to tbe edge of the property tbcre. :'fr. ..larkalunas mentioned
that this ,1Ould be danGerous from a safety standpoint unless it \Jould
be changed to Fire Zone A as in the dOtmto,m business district, to
prevent buildin"s from bcinl.> buil t up aGainst each otller and of
combustible materials. He stated that this area should have certain
fire regulations. ;.Jr. Bayer stated that the Board of Adjustment has
jurisdiction over all gas station permits. It was the feeling of the
:rayor and the group present tilat this arE:a should be zoned a restricted
business zone, "ith setbacks, if it "ere Possible, stating that we have
control over fi lliag stations nOt;.
:-!r. nayer stated that Paragraph 9 of the Zonin" Regulations is not being
put to proper use, but that it could give a solution in many cases
regarding building review. :-lr. Stc\wrt and .'1r. Bayer are to get
together On the text for a restrictive business zonins definition for
this area, but :.lr. Bayer stated that it would still be preferable to
zone that particular area Tourist to prevent spot zoniag, but stated
that if tbis Here not possible, restricted business zoning would be
acceptable. 'rne Council aloreed "ith the latter, for reasons of
safety with regard to traffic and fire zone. This is to be presented
as a compromise in the interest of all the people.
Hr. Newell then stated that the federal government wi 11 probably
provide a different route - not right through the tOt-1l1 _ with the
increasin", traffic when Indcpendence Pass is made a year-round road,
and asked that Aspen express itself before action is tal:en. .Ir.
Ylienrr's plan t-:ill have a bearinz On the state and federal &ovcrnmcnts'
decisions in the future.
:>Ir. Bayer than proposed that an Historical Style Committee be established
to set up UHli districts for the preservation or certain lJuildinL,s in
Aspen. 20nino in those areas '-lOuld not be changed, but they ,;Quld be
designated t'H" districts in whicLl proposed altcr,'~tions of structures
ti,erein would require a permi t from the Bui lding Inspector. Tills
..ould apply only to exterior changes proposed in those bui Idings, in-
cludin2, changes of colors. err. ,-loore susgested that this be done on a
volutltary basis. It ..as stated that the City and County bUildings
\;ould begin voluntarily "ith their buildings, and this might provide
leadership. .lr. 3ayer stated that the Aspen Company O,r.IS many of tile
large old bui Idings and that he could m:lke a statement in support of
this proposal on its behalf. There followed discussion that many oE
the buildings are not worth saving due to poor foundations, and that
some of ti,e o,mers of these bui ldings do not have the money to put
them in good shape, as it is very expensive. ;,1r. ~liddcn sUc-.;gested
givi110 this to Clint Stewart to drat'1 up a provisional plan for the
Ci ty Counci 1. The .:ayor Eel t that this proposal should be thougllt
o'~'er, but 3..;lreed to1ith ..'lr. ~!e\.lell that there are many buildings which
are not uarth preserving. He fel tit Hould be ..soad to have a place to
put the old buildin0s that are being moved. :;r. 3ayer is to make a
list of proposed buildings to be included in the preservation plan,
which list is to be ....iven to J'.1r. Stewart, to give hi:n a feeling of
what would be included.
;.lr. Bayer brought up the matter of A-frames, and there tolns .;eneral
agreement that they are not liked by the group, but the question was
raised of hOH to regulate them. It ..as stated by Ar. i,e','ell that
people do not all like the same things, and that l.....e cannot regulate
against otilers' tastes. .-Jr. Bayer stated that the use of paragraph 9
could well disallow the building of ^-framcs in many cases, if they do
not conform to other buildings in the proposed area _ as a .,utter of
protection of the surrounding property V.:lI ues. Para6raph 9 has been
used in some cases, but not consistently. It \<.~as the feelino of the
tr0up that in tile future "hen r<=quests for SUC:, building permits are
requested, Ar. ~!3rkalunlls should make. a sur':ey or the surl-oundin!.:.
property o,mers, l1hich '.'Quld include all the people i'l the block on
both sides of the street vlithin a 200' radius. .!r. ..1oore su:sgestcd
discllssin;s the :natter \lith those promotins A-frames here before any-
thin6 is done. .Jr. Bayer suggested that requests for permits for
A-frames co:ne beZore the Council, "hich could try to persuade against
- 3 -
There is to be another meetin~ of th(: City Council uith the City
Planning Com:-:1issiol1, incorporating it \'li tit ,neeting with :.':r. :~einer's
associate, .'!r. Richard Bend~r, on the co:ning :.ionday, :'~ovember 26tll
at 5: 30 P.:'!. at Ci ty Hall.
Tile meetin6 \-las adjourned at \,):50 P..,i.
Jack ,~alls, Secretary
Recorded by
Bette .:alla=.,her