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AUBu.t 14. 1962
Th. ...'lna at the Clty and County Zonln. and Pl.nnlne Co..l..lon.
w.. op.n.d .t 8,00 P.M. on Tu..d.y. Augu.t 14. 1962. Pr...nt
w.r., It.n Hoar.. J.ok lI'all.. 1I.rb.rt llIIy.r. Fr.nk llumphr.y.
'r.d Glldd.n. S.. Caudlll and .11m N.rk.lun... Th. .lnute. w.ro
r..d by the S.or.tary and appro..d.
Th. ..tt.r ot tb. dump and tb. dl.po..l pl.nt odor w.r. dl.-
cu...d. .nd lt was .entlon.d th.t tb... ..tt.r. .1'. nov b.tor.
the Clty Counoll.
Mr. W.ll. .how.d the croup hl. d..lan tor dlreotlonal .1Bn.
whloh b. t. to pre..nt to tho 'ore.t S.rvlo..
Hr. W.ll. .'ated th.t no l.tt.r va. wrltt.n to th. Ctty Counoll
trolll the Zonlna C088l.ston r.~.rdtn<< r..onln<< tor the propo..d
hot.l at tb. toot at Llttl. N.ll. .lno. tho .p.cl.l ...ttnS at
Counol1 ..t on .uoh .hort notlo.. Th. outoom. of tht. speotal
...ttng w.. that Mr. Vroom and bt. oll.nt ar. to 80 to the
no.rd of AdJu.tm.nt for . ....lanc. tor the propo.ed fl.e-.tory
bul1dlnc. Hr. Vrooa orl.1nally had .tat.d that the bul1dln.
would b. dut up wh.th.r or not a .artano. v.. <<rant.d vlth
r.l.tton to bu.tn... &ontn.. but lat.r at.t.d that vtthout the
.artano. the hot.l would not b. bul1d. Mr. Wall. pr...nted
.oh..atto dr.vtn.. on bulk and b.tsht to tb. Counctl. durln.
tht. .p.otal ...tlng. ln an att..pt to .how that no bard.hlp
.xt.t.d. and that r..onlne v.. unn.o......y. It t. und.r.tood
that the plan. ha.e b.en ..nt baok to Mr. Vroom'. cll.nt. for
furth.r .tudy.
A l.tt.r from .11. Smlth r. tb. appltoatlon to IDlfa .ddr....d to
Cltnt Ste.art va. r..d. It .tat.d that more data va. requlred
prlor to .otlon on the appltoatlon. Mr. Oay.r t. to obt.ln
flgur.. r.gardlne r.gardtng popul.tlon. tourl.t.. lnv..t..nt..
bed.. oonstruotlon. .to. for Mr. Saltb. Thi. lnfo....tlon oan
b. obtaln.d fr_ tho 10r..try Sorvlo.. Color.do IIlSh..,. D.p...t-
m.nt, Cb..b.r of Co...ro.. .tc. Hr. Moor. ls to C.t the flgur..
on nuabor. of b.ds ln A.p.n and .101nlt,.. ha.lng alread,. don.
.o.e work on thl_.
Mr. I~,..r ha. b..n told by Mr. St.w...t that a l.tt.r ot lntent
ba. be.n ..nt to Mr. W.ln.r. Mr. Moore 1. to try to ..t
oople. at thl. lott.r for .aoh Zonlng Comml..lon Ch.l....n.
Dl.ou..lon follow.d wlth r.l.tlon to the .aps wbloh vtll b.
n..ded by Mr. W.ln.r. Hr. Wall. .tat.d tb.t nearly .11 tbo
..p. ba.. b.en obtain.d. Only the land u.. map tram Rooky
Mountaln Natural Ga. and the .ohool dlstrlot and .kl .r.a map.
tb.t Mr. D.n.dlot .re to b. obt.in.d or ttnl.hod. XI'. Wall.
.tat.d tbat he vould S.t ..rlal pboto. froe .1ther laloon or
the Fore.tr,. S.r.loo. Mr. Oa,.er .ucc..t.d th.t Mr. ~alla ..nd
Hr. Woln.r what v. ha.. .nd ..nd tbe otber thln&. wh.n th.,. are
r.o.1Yed. Mr. Walla vlll do tbi.. and aend oopl.. ot bi.
aooompanylng letter to the two Zonlng Comml..lon Chalr..n.
A l.tt.r wrltten by Rlohard P.rk.r on b.h.lf of Oetty Uarbour
va. r.ad. It r.quo.t.d a ohang. ot &onlng on Hr.. Ilarbour'.
pro pert,. from r.ald.ntlal to tourl.' or oo...rotal ln crdor to
raolllt.t. tb. .ale of .ald prop.rty. It va. .tated th.t tb.
olty and oounty were op.ratlns undor 19$' &onln6 becau.e tbe
propo..d and appro.od oh.na.. ha.e not b..n adopted. Tbt.
partloular area 1. aoned tourt.t on the propo.al. whtoh ba.e
n.t yet b..n adopt.d. In Ootob.r 1961 lt v.. roferr.d to Mr.
Delan.y for aottonl a he.rlns va. po.tponed. .nd nothlnB further
has bo.n don.. Ootb the Clt,. and County Zonlna Comal..ton. h..o
appro..d tb. propo..d ohanC... but tboy hay. not b.en adopt.d
b,. . publlo h.arins. Hr. Glldden t. to flnd out vh.n aotlon
can be tak.n to .ppro.. the obanc... lb. lot..t &onlne .ap.
wlll b. ro.dy for the n..t ..etln.. Mr. Humphr.y promi.ed.
'" ~
- 2 -
A lett.r 1. to bo writton to Mr. V.rkor by Mr. Gltdden .tatln.
that tb. r.quo.t h. h.. .ad. for a ohanao ln aon1ne baa alroady
beon .usaested and approved by the Zontn. Coaml..ton. but ba.
no. b.en .pprov.d by tho County Ca.ala.lon.r.. Thl. w.. dono
.... tl.. aco. .t tho .... t1lll. .an,. othor ohan... w.re
.pprovod by the Coaml..lon. Wo exp.ot to hav. . publle b..rlns
on the .att.r .0.. tta. ln the futur..
Mr. Wall. 1. to .rlt. to Trafton R..n roqu..ttn. a coupl. oC
doaeft oounty aonlns map. vlth tho lat..t propo.od r.vl.lon..
Tht. i. tbo map that t. to be cut down and put ln the ~onlns
Di.cu..lon tollow.d of tbo Hunt.r Cr.ek ar.a proj.ct. It va.
.tatod tbat Mr. Uen.dlet h.. alre.dy otak.d out the read.
Thi. proJect Don.l.t. at . cono.ntr.tod oo..unlty around.
lake wlth ace... road to thl. co_unlt,.. "fb. r_alnd.r of tho
propert,. vl11 be oOllllllUn.lly own.d and n.t dovoloped. Th.
following ...b.r. of the Zonln8 Co_l..1on.. n.rb.rt Uay.r.
'r.drlo Donodlot and Ir.d Gliddon. .nd Bob Craie repr..entlns
the In.tttut.. vloved tho plan. Th.lr oplnlon 1. tbat ProJ.ot
Xo. , bas ..rlt. Tho oth.r ...b.r. at the Coaml..lon. .t.t.d
th.t th.,. .ant.d to tbo propo..d projoot. and Mr. Bay.r .tat.d
that wo oannot tore. Mr. Hlr.b and ht. croup to pr..ent lt to
tho Zonlnc Coaal..10n.. It wa. d.c1ded that a l.tt.r .hould b.
.ant to Mr. Hlr.h a.klnB for p....l..lon for both aonlnc and
planolnB 0...1..10n. and the Count,. Co.-l..10n.r. to look ov.r
tha pl.n.. Mr. Wall. 1. to vrlto tbl. l.ttor.
Cov.r.d aldowalk. wore noxt dl.ou...d. XI'. non.dtet va. a.k.d
to wrlto a propo.al of an ...ndeant for cov.rod .ld.w.lk. to
tho Clty. In tho .oantl.. both Mr. Uen.dtot and Mr. Sa I'd,. hav.
..k.d tor and recolved p.ral..10n to oon.~ruot cover.d .lde-
walk.. Th. elty h.. the l..al rlaht to crant thl. perala.lon
a. tho,. are to be on olt,. prop.rt,.. Tbero has b..n no co..unl-
oatlon to tbo Zonlnc C...l.olon. on tbls a.tlon. P.t.r Or.en.
al.. baa p.r.l..10n for an .xt.n.lon on hl. bulldln.. Hr.
Stowart had .tatod that the Clty eould srant tho.. 0.01' tt.
rlsht. of vay. It .a. .ta'od that th. Clty Counoll oan r.p.al
an ordtn.noo. but not Ju.t ovorrldo ono. ~bould bayo a 1.Sal
ba.la. Tho Zontnc COIIl:lIl.olon. h.d all lntontlon. to .tud,. the
pO..lbl1ltlo. of oov.r.d ald.walko. Mr. Ba,.or a.kod th.t the
prlnelpl. lnvolv.d b. olarlfl.d.
Mr. nay.r broucht up tho aattor of an Rlstorlcal 5001.t,. tn
A.pen to mark and pr...rv. old bul1dlna.. H.od.d would b. a
peraon. vlth tt.o. vho oould head .uch . proJeot. Th. tollowlng
woro auSC..t.d' Uorothy ShAv. 6111 'lold. Fablo Uenodtot. Mr.
Glldd.n atron.l,. objo.ted to marktnc .p.oltlo bul1dlnc.. .. l'
would cona'ltuto an "lnva.lon of prlvaoy". Th. Ilbr.ry .leh'
aar". the proposed purpo...
Mr. M.rk.luna. .'at.d that bo had n.t had 'lm. to 'pur.ue tho
..tt.r of ca. .tatlon .1ena. but that h. would contaot Mr.
Rob.rt And.rson.
110 po.od a qu..tion .f dottn1tlon ot . lodso and llIulUpl_
f..lly dw.lllnC wltbln tho A . R ar... vltb rolatlon to a
propo..d "lodCe" to b. bullt b,. Oob lwr.t .hlch h. .u.pootod
would r.all,. b. an apartmont. Att.r .uoh dl.oua.lon, lt .as
.t.t.d tbat an apartmont 1. really a blah. I' type ot dvolllns
tb.n . lod.. .nd .ounder .oonoalc.ll,.. and tt wa. qu..tlonod
a. to vbe'h.r or not lt would be obJ.otlonabl.. It va. tho
oon..nou. of oplnton tbat a bul1dlnc oould not bo prohlbtted
und.r the pr..ont ood.. How.vor. a l.tt.r 1. to b. .an. to
Trafton a..n to .ot ....tblng "1'. d.Clnltlv. on lodso. and
.ultlple-faa11,. dw.lllnC..
- , -
Hr. Humphr.y dtsouss.d tho matt.r at tre.. wbloh vlll n..d to
bo r.plaood early tn th. sprln. vhlcb are b.lna tak.n down
during tho op.nlnc of th. dttoh.. and putting tn of curbs and
cutt.r.. Ho ls to ask .l'hsr N.ll Edstrom or Hank Pod.rs.n
abeut hov .ucb t. pruno th. tr.... and a now layout tor treo
planttn. wll1 b. mad. tor bt. by thts ....up.
Dlsousston toll.wod on typ.s ot cutt.r. and std..alks.
Hr. Walls stat.d that an autborlty should b. ROV set up so
,hat the bll1 ..alna' tbo r.stonal plannln~ .tab' b. paid.
Mr. Walls also ask.d the optnton of the Co..l.slons wlth r..ard
to the pr.po.ed dtreotlonal s18n at the Junotlon ot tbo Karoon
and Castlo Cr.ek Roads. Optnlon vas tabled until an approval
Is .btalnod from th. .or.stry Sorvlo..
M.ottns va. adJourned at 10,40 P.M.
500r.tary. Jaok Valls
Rooorded by
Betta Oallll8hor