HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19611212 " ~ I RnGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION I I December 12. 1961 The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission vas called to order at B.lj P.M. on December 12. 1961. Present were Fred Glidden. Jack Walls and Wolf Oeyer. The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. vhich were approyed as read. w The Secretary sald he talked vith John Doremus about s.lling only print. of his map. and stated that as Mr. Doremus was planning to leaye the area. he vanted to sell the entlre map. ~ ~ , Mr. Glidden stated that he had drafted the letter to the oil companies. dellvered it to Jame. Markalunas. and presumed Y that the letters had gone out. The letter vas finished about the third week of October and. if mailed ,out. should be recelying answers by this time. ., The County Zonlng map is flnlshed. but is not yet approyed. The symbols thereon are the same as on the Clty Zonlng map. I ~ Mr. Wall. agaln asked If the Clty and County Zoning Commissions could meet together. The members of thls Commlsslon agreed that this should be done at the next meetlng. whlch will I be after the flrst of the year. Mr. Glldden raised the question. If the County Plannlng and Zoning Commlssion can demand that any subdlylslon has to } dedlcate lts roads to the County ln antlclpatlon that If it jolns the City. they must comply.. when lt i. annexod. can the Clty demand that County requirem~~ts be met? Haye ve (the Commlssion) the legal right to demand thls in antlclpation. before approYing a county plat? The actlon taken by the County Zonlng Commlsslon vlth regard to the Archltectural Reylew Board was then dlscussed. The proposed ordinance vas changed. One ltem changed ls the tlme element for approyal of bul1dlng plans. If no actlon is taken within '0 days. the plans and speciflcatlons for a new building wl11 be deemed approye. There was adyerse reactlon by the members present. as it was thought lt would be unfalr to hold up a bul1der for that length of time. It vas explalned that this perlod vas glven for detalls deemed not sultable to be ,. - 2 - lroned out. Another change inyolved the fact that there were to b& no deslgners or architects on the proposed board. Trafton Bean suggested three men to be connected vlth (1) legal aspeotsi ~ (2) flnancla1. (,) deslgn. It was also declded that this bOLrd was to have flna1 vord. Mr. Walls ls to contact Mr. Bean for wrtttenc1arifioation on the chain of responsibl1ity of the proposed Architeotura1 Reviev Board. and its line of appeal. It had also been deolded that the Archlteotural neylev Board would deal only wlth buslness and tourlst construotion. Mr. Walls ls also .to oontaot Mr. IIumpbrles and have hlm oontaot the \( Munioipa1 League for its adYioe vlth regard to the Ooard It.e1f. and lts 11ne of responslbi1ity. With regard to the purchase of the map from John Doremus. the prlce vas reported 10vered to $~lj.OO for the County and $llj.OO for the City. A motion vas made to purchase the flrst ~ part ~t~rts pledged half of the area &onlng map. the other half of whlch is being paid for by the County. I Mr. Walls asked permission to present the prlorltles in paving of streets and ourbs and gutters to the City Counoi1 for approya1. There followed . discusslon of materlals for street pavlng. and soil cement was dlscussed. It vas suggested that tests be made by a university for the use of the community. Mr. Beyer suggested that paving priority should be extended on Durant betveen Spring andAspen Streets. The Commlssion concurred. Mr. Humphries believe. that the paving in the &ones marked first ,p~iority can be done vithin this year's budget. On the state highvays. we can put ln curbs and the state vl11 put ln the hlgh- way. The grades wl11 have to be estab11shed for most of the clty. A discusslon of the drainage for future needs followed. Mr. I Humphries ls working on the dralnage prOblem now. as lt must be done before paving of streets. The Commlsslon felt that the County should be approached on the dralnage from the mountaln bto the City. The meetlng was adjourned at 9.4j P.M. Jack Walls. Secretary Recorded by Oette Gallagher