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Ootober 10, 1961
The meeting ot the Planning and Zoning Commission oame to
order at 7145 P.M. on Tuesday, Ootober 10, 1961. Present werel
Herbert t.yer, Wolt Beyer, James Markalunas, William James, Fred
Glidden and Jaok Walls. The minutes were then read by the Seoretary,
Mr, Bayer interrupted the reading ot the minutes to take
aotion with relation to the map reterred to therein. Mr. Glidden
reported that he had talked with Mr. Delaney and was intormed that
the County may buy its portion ot the map, but not a master map.
This money is a~ailable to the County Zoning Commission tor the
purohase ot the Doremu. map. Mr. Walls is to talk to John Doremus,
reporting that the County is w111ing to share halt the expense ot
the map and the City will take the remainder ot its bUdget to seoure
the map, and the balanoe will be paid atter January I, 1961. first,
Mr. Walls is to inquire about the pOSSibility ot buying prints ot
the map only tor use by the City and County, The County wants
oontrol points on the map.
The City zoning map, whioh is to be used in the City Zoning
Book, was then shown to the group, Atter appro~al, Jim Harkaluna.
is to haye the map diminished and inserted in the zoning books,
Tratton Bean is working on a oounty zoning map. It was suggested
that Mr, Markalunas tell Mr. nean to use the same symbols .s used
on the oity zoning map in order to a~oid contusion, The tollowing
additions are to be made to the County map betore reproduction I
Water Street, Eighth Street, Gillespie, Cooper, Ute A~enue are to
be named, and City Hall, the Court U~u.e and Hotel were to be
inserted as orientation points. This map was unanimously appro~ed
by the Commi.sion, with correotions abo~e,
The Seoretary resumed the reading ot the minutes. With
regard to the con.olidation ot city and oounty zoning oommissions
and boards ot adjustment, Mr. Glidden reported that Mr. Delaney
had elaborated upon his objection., saying that the oity works on
ordinanoe., the oounty on resolution.. It would merely oomplioate
matters to haye to go baok to the oity and oounty tor action.
EYery suit sould ha~e to be tried indi~idually. By oombining the
county and oity boards into a regional board would require going
through three in.tead ot two bodies. Delaney strongly reoommends
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that we do not ha~e a regional board. The planning, hove~er,
could be coordinated. Mr. BAyer raised the question as to whether
or not there was oonfusion with regard to the county and city zoning
books, and Mr, Markalunas replied that there was little confusion,
though some with regard to signs. There followed discussion of the
new grooery at ore and its sidewalks. Mr, Markalunas stated that
sidewalks were not required, but if they are going to be put in, they
muat oonform to the oity plan. Thus, he has told thelnew owner to
tear out the concrete that he has poured, and either eliminate side-
walka or put in curbs and the proper type, oonforming to grades,
eto. Mr. Markalunaa atated that builders are being informed, before
starting oonstruction, about grades, eto.
The reading of the minutes was resumed. Mr. Markalunas
reported that no aotion had been taken to date with regard to Guido,
but that it was to oome up ~ery soon. Hr. Chambers is to oontact
Mr. Markalunas with regard to The Viking sign. The reading of the
minutes was again resumed, and the disoussion turned to the letter
to be sent to the oil oompanies with regard to their large signa and
the promotional aigns and banners they display, Hr. Markalunas
atated that theae lettera were being held up beoause he didnlt haye
the names of key men in these companies to address. Mr. Glidden
auggeated oontaoting Jimmy Johnaton who, he said, will cooperate
in every way, Mr. Bayer objeotod to one paragraph in the proposed
letter which aooepted the large signs used by the gas stations,
and felt the paragraph should be eliminated. There followed dis-
oussion of the approach tontake in these letters, and it was felt
that cooperation ahould be requested. Mr. Glidden suggested writing
to the Chairmen of the Boarda of these companies, Mr, Glidden is to
redraft the letter, making it in the manner of a request. Mr. Walls
suggeated that the oity demand the remo~al of the present signs,
whioh are on oity property, and refuaing permits for the large
signa when they are to be re-erected on the grounds that they would
be in yiolation of the Sign Ordinanoe, This is to be an alternative
move, if the letters to the oil oompanies are unsuocessful, In the
letter there is to be mention that the other oil companies are re-
oeiying similar letters requeatine oooperation in the matter of signs.
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The minutes were then approved.
The matter of arohitectural control was then disoussed. The
proposal is to haye a Duilding Review Committee to be appointed
by the City Counoil whioh would go over all building permit.. Mr,
Markalunas stated that between 50 and 100 building permits were
granted per year, but that thi. inoludes remOdeling. Mr, Walls
~oioed an objeotion to such an arnhitectural control ordinanoe on
the groundS that such an ordinanoe in the hands of a prejudiced or
uninformed oommittee oould be yery easily misused. Also, if
architeots and/or designers were appointed to this arohitectural
oontrol committee it would oreate a very touohy and delioate situa-
tion concerning ethios for one arohitect and/or designer to judge
another arohiteot or designerls work, Discussion followed with
regard to whether this ~ilding R~~iew Committee should review all
building permits, or only oommeroial o~es, and it was deoided that
commercial buildings downtown only should be reviewed. This
oommittee is only to keep outlandish buildings out, md see to it
that proposed buildings blend into the surroundings, The question
of delay between the time of applying for a building permit and the
review and granting by a BUildinS ReYiew Committee was raised, and
it was decided that a reasonable time would be between one week and
ten days, which should sive the oommittee time for re~iew. Mr,
Bayer stated that the purpose of this proposed ordinanoe is to help
the o~erall appearance of the community and to try to impro~e the
quality of building. If this were restrioted to oommercial building,
business and tourist, not residential, it should not be a oomplicated
matter. Probably only a very small percentage would be refused
building permit.. lie thought it would be better to leave suoh
decisions to a Board of Raview than to a Building Inspeotor. Mr.
Glidden suggested printing on building permit applications that a
ten day period would elapse before they would be granted. Mr. Bayer
suggested that this propo.al be disou.sed with the Board of Adjust-
ment, and it va. unanimously agreed that this be done. Mr. Markaluna.
and Nr, Bayer were invi~ed by Mr. Glidden to meet with the County
Zoning Board on Thursday noon on this matter. Pending the approval
of the Board of Adjustment, this Commission shall propose the aboTe
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propoaed ordinanoe to the City Council. It was suggested that an
attorney be present to make it legally sound.
The question was raised as to requirements for painting metal
roof., and Mr. Markalunas said that in the county all metallio sur-
faces had to be painted, Mr. Bayer .uggested that this be included
in the oity code.
Mr. Markalunas asked for definitions of "inoidental faoilities"
and "accesaory uses", Mr. Markalunas is to write out all the
phrase. in the oode wherein definitions are needed for olarification.
The meeting was adjourned at 10120 P.M.
Jaok Walls, seoretary
Reoorded by
Bette Gallaghor