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September 26, 1961
The re{,'Ulnr moeting of the Planning and Zonine Commission
came to order at 71-'0 P.M., September 26, 1961. Those present
werel Fred Glidden, Jack I~all!l. James Harkalunas, Wolf neyer,
Herbort llayer, 14'illiam James of the Planning Commission; and
Waddy Catchings and Francis Kalmes of the Board of Adjustmont.
Tho minutes of the moeting of June 1), 1961, wore read
by the Socr8tary. Jack Walls. The minutes were approved as
Mr. Bayer stated that the proposal of the street!! and
siden.Talks, lthioh l<as to be the first order of business, had
been superseded.
There follolied n 1'ull disoussion of the John Doremus
map, lthioh the Commission badly needs. The City Counoil has
stated that it would be willing to pay for half the map, but
the County w111 not pay its half. )lr. Glidden ltill brine the
matter up again before the County Commissioners at their next
meeting. The City Planning Commission's budget was reviowed,
and it l..aS found that around $160 will be le1't from the 1961
budget, which oould be added to some of the 1962 budget, and
the purohase could be mado by the City. Another map is being
made by the Fritz Benediot offioe, a city map 1'or the city
zoning book, which will replaoe the one in it n01<.
^ discussion thon took plaoe with reeard to the oombining
of oity and oounty zoning boards and boards of adjustment, and
Mr. Glidden said that he had not got in touch with Dr. Edmundson.
He talkod to Mr. Delanoy on his objections to such a plan, and
said they did not make sense to him in that they ".ere that "we
could operate better separately", and ~Ir. Delaney gave legal
reasons why it l{Quld not liork.
Mr. DRyer stated that the Zoning Commission had tltO major
problemsl tho regulations are really never enforoedl our lawyers
are not bohind us. We must have proper enforcement behind the
regUlations, or nothing is done. We have no Sian Committee.
- 2 -
Guido's situation was then disoussed. The other problem, Mr.
Bayer said, was that we have oity and oounty zoning boards,
oity and oounty boards of adjustment. Four groups to do the
same kind of work and the work overlaps. Ue feels that a
regional board for the oity and oounty oould do the same job
better, and one board of adjustment. Also one set of regulations.
Mr, Glidden is to brine this matter up again to the County Com-
Mr. Bayer stated that this was only an advisory board.
There followed disoussion of sign. and exeoution of the penalties
whioh were found in the oode. of both the oity and oounty. The
County Attorney. upon being direoted by tho Board of County
Commissioners, is to immediately institute an injunotion, abate-
ment, eto. to prevent or remove .uoh violation. It was felt
that the County Attorney is ready to '&ke aotion against Guido,
and it i. up to him to initiate prooeedings. In genoral, with
regard to signs. the County attorney feels that we have to go
ea.y as we might lo.e the oase if'it went to oourt.
Mr. aayer
stated that he would rather .ee us lose. but make an attempt at
reinforoement. It oould not be a worse situation than the pre-
sent, with no onforoement. Delaney's view i. that in the State
of Colorado zoning has had rough treatment in the Supreme Court.
Aotion might be .tarted with regard to Guido aftor the next
County Commissioners' meeting. Mr. Bayer stated that this i.
not the only oasel that the ,previous building inspeotor and
sheriff have started poor preoedents. and enforoement i. Tory
Mr. Kalme. suggested inoluding something in the oode. on
1Uvjf'~ temporary signs for speoial events, regulat~na the si&o, length
~ of time they are to be up, eto. and have them taken down by a
oertain time. Ue suggested having to get permits for them.
Mr. Markalunas said that you have to get permits now. There
followed disous.ion on the interpretation of non-oonforming use
whioh oannot be extended, in the oounty and oity. The Viking
is a violation, as the name, and thus the sian, was ohanged.
- :3 -
Research is being done by Mr. Stewart now with reBard to yiola-
tion of the law by a police magistrate. The Maroon Dells
Restaurant Tiolation with regard to setbacks was disoussed,
and the zonlng for tourist rather than business in that area.
Mr. X.1mes reyealed that Mace will be allowed to display and
.ell only edible. at this restaurant. and that the Board of
Adju8tment is to reYiew the floor .pace to be used for this
operatlon before it is done. Questlon was raised about the
enolosing of the poroh, which is at present a Yiolation. Dis-
cussion followed.
Mr. Bayer Bsked Mr. Markalunas whether or not the letters
had gone out to the gas oompanies. Ue said they had not, and
Mr. Bayer urged that this be done as quiokly as possible.
There followed the readlng of Trafton Dean's letter with
regard to aesthetlo oontrol of architeoture for Aspen, a copy
of whlch is to go to the members of the P;anning Commisslon and
the Board of Adjustment. Copy of this letter with proposed
resolutions are attached hereto. Pros and cons were discussed.
If adcpted. these recommendations would be in the form of an
amendment to the oode. to be done by ordinance.
Hr. BAyer stated that he has presented to the city Counoil
the road, sidewalk and parking plan for the oity, and had the
feeling that the Clty Council approved all lts proposals. ex-
oepting the olosing of the streets. Mr. Stewart is to oheck
the lega11ty of a l' area to be kept by the oity on eBoh side
of the street. A question is whother the people wl11 take care
of the adjoining Tacant property.
The meeting adjourned at 91-" P.M.
Jack Valls, Secretary
Recorded by
nette Gallagher
September 25. 1961
H,,"l3Gl;:,t Bayer
Aspen, Colorado
D4lar HCl"h0!'(;:
]'ollowing your phlinS call, we have checked further cn the
possihilities of amending ~he City of Aspen zoning ordinanoe
as it relates to "Building Roview". In partioular, we have
re,iew~d ~arious publication~ and legal reports which indica~e
th~ possibilities for aesthetic control through zoning. Gen-
erally, llhese reports are not favorable tcward aosthet:l.o control,
oxoept in oities where a \I'$)%,;;> distinctive style of architecture
was established mnny years ago and is being continued. Where
th,!' architeotural styles are mixed, such as they are in Aspen,
we certainly expect tho courts to look unfavorably on zoning
for aosthetic reasons only. This 10 especially true in Colorado
where the Supreme Cou~t has been very careful to pr.Qtoct ind~vi-
dual property rights against the requirements of?Ub1ic law.
In spite of these problems, we kno!f 1':o.'Olll exp(;lZ':S.onco that you and
othe~ members of tho Planning Commission in Aspon believe that a
moro effective means of integrating now construction with the
characteristics of Aspon must be established.
Due to the questionable legal validity of this matter, I would
suggest that final notion on all building review cases (involv-
ing aesth~tic control) should remain with the City Council.
Th~ present wording which states that the City Council may obtain
to:!!timcny "Cram looal architects or other qualified personnal"
could be amended to be mandatory. Also, the individuals thus
advising the City Counoil could be appointed on an annual basis
by the City Council with the number of such advisors and their
designations made more definite. Thus the building review
section of the zoning ordinanoe could b0 amended to improve the
a~~lnistrativo processing of permits requiring aesthetio compati-
bility. Such an amendment would assist with the objectives of
having now struotures developed in keeping lnth desirable features
of Aspen wi.thout getting into the controvorsial questions of
actual materials used, location, or speciCic uses.
In o~der to accompliSh this improved method of review. we would
suggest that Section IX ot the Aspen zoning ordinanoe be amendGd
as she~n on the enclosed sheet.
Sinooroly yours,
Trafton Bean
Section IX
A) PurpOll8
With the purpose of conserving the value o~ existing
buildings and land in the City of Aspen as resulting
partioularl" from the unique histor:l.cal and alpine
oharacteristios of this community. the City Counoil
shall review all building and sign permits in order
to be sure that new buildings and struotures are not
at extreme variance with the established exterior
architectural appeal and functional plan of the
str~otures already looated in the immediate neighbor-
hood nnd in the City. The City Council shall restriot
its review in each case to the effect of the proposed
construotion on the health, safety, morals, and general
~olrare o~ the City of Aspen, keeping partioularly i~
mind the special features of existing struotures and
surrounding topography whioh have established special
land values and prosperity for the entire oommunity.
B) Method of Reviow
Before a building permit for any structure shall be
issued by the City Building Inspector, the plans for
such structures shall be approved by a majority of the
City Council. following a rooommendation from a Build-
ing Review Committee.P Suoh Building Review Committee
sh111 oonsist of five mombers appointed annually by
the City Counoil and being parsons with special know-
ledge oC arohiteoture or real estate values. For eaoh
case, requiring the approval of the City Counoil and a
reoommendation from the Building Review Committee, the
permit shall be either approved or di5appr~ved by the
City Counoil within 30 days from the date of application.
or otherwise the lack of aotion by the City Council shall
be deemed to be an approval of suoh permit.