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REUULAR JIlK.""1n (J1! TJIE pt,l~ AID ZONIm CCHaSSIOIf - hbr\I!IZ'T 21, 1961
The regul8z' 1IIIlCIt1ng at the p'I Ann1T1g anA ".....1"1 CCIIIJI1.s1oa. -- held OIl
Februar.r 21 at 7130 p... ~~I preaent 1Ier01 Berbert B1I;rer, W11H-- J_s,
and Fred Gl1dd=, J3m~. .Al8o present 1IerO 'red M\I1.llZ'JI, Jlm Mar,"""m...,
and J'r1ts Benedict. The Jdnute. at the Jan\l8Z'1 10 IIIMrt1ng 1IerO read b7
IIe:z'bert ~ and ....lloL-<>.ed b;r the CGaI1as1oa..
As tbIt nrst 1tem at 014 b\Ul1De.s trma the prw101l8 -uns, JIe1'be:rt BlIpr
l'4_ ted t!at he bad. taken a Ct:1YI' at John Ilall"elIlUa'. C1V at Aspen IIIIP to SLvI1
Bovell and 8Il88Olrtad that the C1V and the COImt,y each ......L..-1bute $250 tcMlrd
the cost at this JlIIlp. Th1a vould nea:l."~ conr John DareIIluII'. "~"1ture.
OIl the IIIIlP to date. Then tbIt lIIIIiP 1IOU14 be Jo1n~ owned b7 the C1V and the
CoUll'ty. Th1a IIIIP has been ~u.,.Me4 nth anotber ...Mil... 1IIIlP, and 1n the op1n1Oll
at the OcaI1l181c11 1. mst suitable and accurate tctl.' Cf3 general purpo- at the
C:1V ctI.' the COImt,y.
The ~ item at 014 bus1ne.. lIa. a 8' 'J at ACtiT1t1e. at the p'I....n1"g
and ~1T1g Ocaa1u1011 cluriDs 1.960 read b;r ~w.. to B1I;rer. 'l'h1. a_ I. vu
6a>lloL"".,d b7 the ~. at the OBdu1on and v1ll be g1Ten to Lean l/'ur'1 tctl.'
1n.......___t1Oll nth bi. annual 1"_ I., and to the Aspen 'lim=. tctl.' a nevs
The th1rd 1tem at 014 bua1ne.. ... eJ.ect1on at att1cer.. A:mat1Oll was ma4e
and seconded tlat the pre.m; att1cer. be re-e1.ectedo 'l'h1.:mat1Oll vu accepted
The "'-M-lJIon d1acuaaed proJected bua1Ile.. tctl.' the Mure.
1. A4nJ:Itase. at ..tabl1llb1ng a ~.,.,...'l plAnning CCIIIJI1u1on.
2. The need tctl.' c1eYeloR1ng a land use and srovth map tctl.' the C1V.
~ a RI-..s1""..l p'Iann1"8 0aIII18l11an, 1t .. ~ that turtha' tbo\lSht
Iboul4 be g1Ten to this _ tbDugh at the present tlme Ml'. _1""'7 40es lIDt
th1nlr. wch a group coul4 lIsn J.oaal recosn1t1Oll. Fred Gl1dd= IIIll4e a :mat1Oll
tbat John Jlaralua contact )lob po.1An"7, and t1nd out it tbere 1s a pou1b1l1V
that a ae~""A' Ocaa1.lI1oD could be C1I.'g8n1zed and how 1t coul4 be '."7
Herbert ~ ukIod how thIt C1V Z""'''''S Map 1lU p1'06resa1ng. Fl'1tz
Benedict re._t.ed that Ell10 Br1ckhla11. wark1ng OIl 1t. 110 le_ I. 1IU
IW1I11able regaN1Dg the land use 1lllSp.
- 2 -
J1m IW'kalunaa gave thIt tollov1ng re..,.n I. at the street . S1dnalk CCIIIJI1ttee.
"Feb. 20, 1961 - To tho pJAnn1T1g and ZOning CaIIll1.a1on
Gentlemen: The street . S1.cIavalk CCIIIJI1ttee met on Feb. 16 at the lIPtel Jct1'llIIIt.
Member. prellltnt 1IerO, J3m J_., Fred:Braun, John DareIIluII, Leon Wurl and J1m
Markalunaa. Absent - Ted Mu1.IIrz and Be11lert ~.
Tba street and S1c1avalk OalIIIl1ttee lake. tb1. .e~ I. 1tll to:rmal reCCIIDJndat10ll to
the Cit,' plAnning and Zon1ng CaIIll1sa1onJ To Conaida" and adopt the tollov1ng
en1.llll!'r&ted plan.
1. That the cu:rb l1.ne on all street. (excJ.ud1ng Ma1n st. . Dean Ave) East at the
center at Aspen st. and West at th8 center at Spr1ng st. abAU be ::>6 teet a.
_aured f'raa tho center ot the rl8ht-ot-vq.
2. That the cl.ll'b weJ.k (including CUl'b) be a 1ll1n. at lB incbcll
3. That tbe 1nDe:r-weJ.k be no le.1I than 7 teet U llIIluured troll tho p%'(J,kJIU I.J l1ne.
4. ~t all r-"n1ng area between the outer ecl8e ot the Inner-walk and tho
1nner ecl8e at the Curb-walk be U8ed a. a planter ctI.' green str1p area with a .....n11l111l1
planter erea specif1ed.
5. That the entire curb l1.ne on Main street within the c......N'U-..te llm1tll of Aspen
be eatabl1Bbed as 35 teet ... measured f'raa the center at the rislxt-ot-w;y (BJO':!t 79
to be excJ.uded*)
6. That the Inner walka on Ha1n st., West at the center l1ne ot the 1nner ecl8e
one toot f'raa thIt P.V,kJIU t.,y l1ne.
7. 'l'ha1; no CUrb-walk 1)0 roqu1red on Na1n st. West at the center l1ne at Aspen st.
8. That the curb l1na on Dean Ave. be estsh118hed as measured 20 teet f'raa the
center at the r18ht-ot-vrq. And the r-inQ~ at the r1ght-ot-w;y (5 teet) ahaU
be curb '" walk with no planter area pe1'lI1ttr;d.
9. That the Cit;y plrmn1"g and Zon1,,1t OCaII1.a1on go on record by letter to the
C1t,' Councll; ~uest1ng the ~d1ate eat8bl1a!Dant at G1WlES. Sl.nce the entire
pz'Ogrm tctl.' paving curbs and siclavalks cannot p1'06relS untll grades are establ1sbed.
Baspectt~ Sl.tJm1tted,
J. J. J4a:rlrA1'm....
street '" S1dewllt CciaD1ttee"
B1ll JIIml!S reported that the Cit,' 18 in process at choosing an eng1neer to
do the worlt at eatabl1ah1ng gra4e.. Leon Wurl 18 1nvestipt1ng to tind out it
Mr. Bn"hanAn 1. Pl'oper~ l1ce~d tctl.' this Job. J'"rther notes were read rev1ev1llg
0. d1ecU8s1Oll with Mr. l\u('hnnAn and hi. vi.". on the BIlbJect.. ot durb l1nell Ill1d
staat widt.hll. The plAnn1"g and 'lL>ni"g CaIIll1l1l11oD at'ter IICIIQct disc:usa1Oll decided
that i7atton Bean should be called to CQIIct to Aspen and 1ltUl\Y the ..t.. eet '" side-
walk situat10ll first hand. Follov1ng hi. st\ld1, reecIIIIl8ndat1ons would be presented
to the Cit;y COuncll.
The IlUbJect. at ann......t1Oll at a part at EaIlt Aspen to the Cit,' vaa continued f'raa
the prev10Ull lIIIleting. Fritz Benedict prellellted Ii lIIIl.p ot A8pcm, and an overlq
lIbaw1ns the ex1st1ng residential and tour11lt zone. in Eallt Aspen. It vu susgeated
that a camdttee be tQl.'Dled to stUl\Y this parlic1.il.ar' tract at land and to pur_ the
idea at AnnAYRt1on. Ml'. Benedict. showed how the Riverside arca 18 be1ng dev'ol.oped
with "cluater1ne;" ot res1dential bnl1.H"8 sites, leav1ng lIlrge zones at open countr,r.
He distributed l1terature on this IUbJect ot "cluater1ng" and SIIggl!Bted that the
idea be IIIII4e part at the goneral ~1T1g plan. Act10n on tarm1ng Q CCIIIIll1ttee to
1ltUl\Y tlIolO 8IiIJeC'ts was post-poned untll the next 1IIIlCIt1ng.
BDrbart Bqer
Bacarded b7 A. McDonald
".). 20th 1981
'fo 'l'b. P1aDnllt8 and Zon.lq O...18alon
" ~ ~
'l'b. Stre.t " 81"nalk ._1 tt.. _t ot "olt. 16th at the Bot.l lor.e
.-'.n ,r..nt w.r. BAll l...., J're4 Br.un, lohD Dereaua, Loon 1\11'1
" 31m KarJra11llD&.. aeent. 'fed }f&llan " Berllort B.,..r
'l'be Str.et " Sld....11I: 0-.1 ttoe ak.. th1. r.port 1 te tond
r.....ea..atlon to the City PlaDlng " lonelng O...l..lon, '.fa oonald.r "
.dopt the tollowlq on..r.t... plan.
1. That the aUI'll 11n. on all .v..t. (.xol~lng Kaln 8*. "Dean .....)
..t ot the .eater ot Aepea 8t. And ....t ot the oftter ~. &pring St,
Da11 11. 28 t.et .. ....ured 1'1'_ the onter of.. rich....ot...,..
2. That the ou:rll walk (inOJ.ucl1ng our)) 'be . .1n. ot 18 lnoh..
s. 'that the lnn.r.walk be no le.e than , t..t as ...ured troa the.
property line.
". That .11 r..lning area between th. outer edge ot the Inn.r.walk
" the Inner edg. ot th. Our'boowalk be u..el a. a plaDt.ror gn.n .trip
ar.a wi th a II1n1_ planter .1'.. lIP.dtied.
6. That the ntir. oun 11no on Kaln St. wi thin the oorporate 11m1 t.
ot A.p.n b. ..taltll.hed a. 15 te.t .. _aeured troa the o...ter ot tho
1'1(1;h""ot-..,. (B10ak '79 to b. exe1ude4*)
8. '!'hat the Iuel' walk. on Kaln 8t., Weet ot the enter 11n. ot
Aap. 8t., b. .. ..tall11ehed. 'th. InD.I'.wa1k eha11 be I teet w1ele wUh.
the lu.r e4g. 1 foot tro. the prop.rty liDo.
,. 'that no Our'boowalk bo r.qulred OIl Kaln 8t Weet ot the ontoI' 11n., ,
of Aepn St.
I. 'that the our) 11n. on ~ A..... b. 0.tab118hed .. .e..ured 10 teet
trom tho ontoI' otthe rllht-of-.,.. An4 the r_1n4er ot therltb....
at..,. ( 6 fo.t ) llball 11. ourb " walk with no planter area pormitted.
9. 'l'bat the City Planning" Zoneiq O...le.toll pi Oil reoon 117
1.ttor to the 01ty Oounol1, Requ..tlng the ,~ .41ate ..tabll.bBeDt ot
GRAD.I8. 81no. the entlr. program for pa....lq, oUl'be " aidewalke
oannot progroe. until grade. are ..tabll.hed.
~e10,~h11Y pulla1U.ed
- ( . wi ~.C~......~ .
. J. KarJra1U11&.
S r.et . Slelewalk Oo..ltt.o