HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19610110 I 1 . REnUI/lR MEElrING OF THE PLANNING AND Wl'lINO CCIOOsm:ON - January 10, 1961 The regulaz- meet.ing ~ "the plAnning and Zoning Comm1ss10n came "to order at. 7:30 p.m. January 10, 1961. Those present were: John Daremus, Herbert ~er, Fred Braun, Jim Markalun.as and W1111l1ll1 JlIIlIes. The minutes ~ "the December 13 meeting were read by Herbert ~, and approved except. for the st.atement.s regarding signs. A d1scussion followed about t.ypes of signs, and the ..ftrl"1Jl1 square foot.age allowed for all caDb1nat.1ons. A st.at.ement. _s 1ssued "to COlTect the minutes ~ December 13. Essent~ the correct10n was: "The measurement. ~ all signs can be ~ l~ ~ the caDb1nat.10n ~ the signs permitted, 1.e. 10 square teet. in free st.anding, projecting, or vall signs or a caDb1nat.1on ~ these "three not. exceeding ten square teet; or 30 linear teet. of cut-out let.ter sign; or a proport;ionate part. of 30 linear ~ feet ~ cut-out let.t.ers plus the r'f"IIIAining proport10n in square teet. ~ the ot.her types ot signs". Ex8m,ples were c1ted "to clarU'y t.he intent.ion ot the Comm1ssion regarding 'this st.at.ement. The enUre and corrected stat.ement 18 I cont.a1ned in the December 13 minutes. I Old business referred 1"roIII the last.meet.ing included a report ~ scope ~ achievement. ~ t.be Planning and Zoning CaIIm1ssion. Leon Wurl 1s CCIlIp1l1ng an annUIIJ. re....... L "to sbov the work aCCCIlIpl1shed by the C1t.y 'this year, and 1t. was agreed t.hat. 'this report should include "the achievement.s ~ 'this Comm1ss1on. John Doremus will dtscuss with Leon Wurl> the maJor acCClllpl1sbments, II1lcl1 as I regulaUons pertAining "to signs, set.-baclts, sidewalk restr1ct1ons, and plans tar st.reet.s, s1cl.ewalks, and greenBtr1ps. Leon Wurl has g1ven "to t.he street. and Sidewalk Comm1t.tee a map sbow1ng street.s blocked ott tor the purpose of off-st.reet parking and greenstr1ps. The street. j and Sidewalk Comm1t.t.ee will st.ud;y t.his, "the traff1c pattern ~ "the c1ty, and ot.her pertinent problems II1lcl1 as snow removal, and then decide which streets should be closed experimentally. Appreciat10n was expressed that the City Manager would otter 'this progreusive tentative plan, as the COmmission has considered 'thiu 1dea tor propoBBl severllJ. times in the past.. A d1scuss1on ou1:11ning "the procedure ot work and planning by the street .. Sidewalk Comm1ttee \' \\ \ ~ \, ~ tol.lawed. The first. etep in "the progress ot get.ting the streets paved, and developing ott-st.reet parking will be t.o get b1ds "to establ1sh grades. The street .. Sidewalk ColIIlI1t.tee should dec1de how the financ1ng ~ curb and gutters 1s "to be handled, e1ther thru an Improvement Distr1ct, ar by --- . indiv1dUIIJ. property owner. The C1ty Council will dec1de what. size and where the curbs will be placed, but 1t. will be "the respons1b111ty ~ the property owner "to cover the cost.s. (The Pl.."ning and Zoning Comm1ss1on does not. ts:vor an 1mp1o~......,ut; Distr1ct.) John Doremus has IllApS which show access of IIJ.leys, flow ~ tra1't1c, and grovth pattern ~ the City which be 1s yilHng "to IIIAke ava1lable at. cost "to the Planning and Y.Qning Comm1ssion and 't9 the City Council tor ott1c1llJ. use. He will a&81Il1e 1/3 of the cost ($l65) it the t.wo CCIlIlI1tteea will share the rema.1.ning t.wo/t.h1rds ~ the t.ot.al cost. ot $500. (il65 each.) Fred Braun reported that the City CoUncil 18 t.h1nk1ng ot establishing a permIll:Ient. skating rink at t.he site ot the Glary Hole, and conB1der1ng m..k1ng 'this area into a P~und and wading pool tor 8lm11l1iU' use. The Term of Off1ce tor the Cha1rman and the Secretary of the plAnning and Zoning COmmisB1on expire in February. Election ot ~cer8 will be held at. the next meeting in February. The meet.ing adJourned at 9:30 p.m. Herbert ~ Secretary Recorded by A. M. McDonald /