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MI1lt1.rES aJ1 PLANllIlf& &. ZONIMI CCJMSSl:ON ~CJ - SEPT. 13, 1960
'!'be regu],mo lIlCeting at the Pl ann il'lg &. 7.nni ng Ca:;md.sll1on ClIlllO to
order at 7:30 p.m. September 13, 1960. ~holle preccnt were: John lJaloemua,
loH1Hma J__, Herbert BOJer, B1ll Bey'er, and !'red Glidden.
'!'be lII1nul;es at the last meeting wre read and a review at the
inte:rlul meeting was given b7 Harbert~. JaM DcxremuB n.~ l.ed that
be had approached Leon Wul'1 nth ree;s:t'd to thia Callm1sa1on' 0 budget tar
the "QI'Iing JC11:l'. $1000 1/&.S requested and th1_ wao thought ~annnel)~. V/
Herbert Ba;ye:r IIhowed t'WO groups at scaJ.e i!rav1ngs wh1ch be and ht..
architects had prepared. Theoo drawing_ del!Ionstrated tho propGlled 1:1
ratio at to'tU tloor orca at a bnilding to the totallat m..ea. This
rat10 1/&.8 accepted as reasonable and pract1cal tar the Gpec1oJ. UJlCB
~ chUl"c.beo, I"lJoo) 8, hosp1tals) in R 6 and tar all UllOS in the Tourlst
The 1:1 and the 1:2 ratio were not deemed acceptable tar the Dus1ness
area aadJ.t was thought to be too rest.r1ct1ve. Harbert Ba;ye:r S1.JGgested
arav1ng up another aet at d1agrau on the ratio at 1:2l. John DcxremuB
tbougIIt; in.tton Bean 8hould be consulted, and 1f' in his op1n1an a 1:2l
ratio were pract1cal he Ihou14 adv'1se Berbert l3e;yer Wo lIOUld thm hllvc
another aet of' drawings ma.de to presant te the C1t;r Caunc1l on Sept. 19.
InaIllllUCh as ML". lle;(er U8eS hio trained 8tat1' to render thellencale i!rav1ngs,
lt was agreed that he should IIdmi1t a b1ll tar costa tar "'!'J:'lo"...:i. 'b7 the
C1t;r Counc1l.
Tentatlve chlIlIges to the proposal ma.de ..t the Public Bcar1n8 were
d1ooussod as tol1.owa:
(1) The -Yi-D he1ght tar buildings in the Unremtctcd D1st.r1ct 1lOUld
be lett at 25 teet tar the preDent.
(2) '!'be W1'l11ns regarding the regulation tar proJecting II1gns 'lIOuld be
chlIlIged f'rom 1ts present tClt"l:l ... . proJect1ng II1gna 'II1lq extend into
a public r1e1xt-ot-w;,y, etc." to read "proJecting IdgnS'll1lq extend
into a public 1I1de-'IIlI.1k r1ght-ot-~. "This 1lOUld tWold a1.low1ng
a proJecting II1gn to bang in an a.1.lq' 1dlere 1t m1ght be a hazard
to vehicles.
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(3) Regarding the ooreen1ng of' Sarv1ce lZrcl8, lt we proposed that the
'Wtll'd1l:l6 be c:lJallged to read "screen 6 tt. f'raI1 grade". Fred Ql1dden
111 to check v1th B1ll Cl.at'k and obta1n the legal det1n1t1on at Serv1co
Yard. In lts preoent use, the term includes such arena as wi-"'ng
poole and patioll not intended to tall. in the categar;r at a Service Yard.
At the clooe ot the meeting, Herbert ~ reM a letter of rell1gnntlon
trolIllIIWt Pete:rsen 1ibo was distm'bed because the pruning and tri-inS
; at the treel em ~f&I.1n SL..eet was not =ied out in the "'.mmt!:!" rec............ded
b)' the ~ P1=t1ng CCmmittee. i'he tree tri_i"S ~d.ure wall change<1
v1thout the kDov1odge at the CCIllIlI1ttee llIllIIiler8 in charge, lJ:mk Peter~
and lllUl Ed.st:r<x1, nar wa:is the Cha1rman of the ~ee Ca:iD1ttce not1..""ied.
It 1/&.n ~d that this procedure was an affront to the cttarts of' the
"no>ins Call1lII1ttee. It WI dec1ded that a letter abould be '\4"ltten b)'
l!erbert BD;ycr to :BlInk Petersen ex,pre1s1ng 1'Cgret8 and v1th the hope that
be m1ght werlook this error at J~<:lIe!it and rema1n ayailoble tar tut'l.ee
~t10ll.. ThislllBtte:r 'lIOuld also be brought to the attention of the
C1t;r CoImaU with the ha,pe of avoiding a lim11mo d1~ mc;perience
in the :r.uture.
Recarded 117
Allee McDonald
Barbert ~