HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19600809 MINUTES OF PLANllINO & ZONIlIl COHMISSION MEETING HELD AIlOUST 9. 1960 A regular Illeeting of the Planning 8< Zoning CO/lJl\iss1on was called to order by John Doremus. Chairman, at 7 :45 p.m. on TueSday, August 9. 1960, in the City Councll Room. Members prescnt were: John Doremus, William James, Herbert llayer and Bill Beyer. James Marka1unas was also present. There were no minutes to report on except for the fact that on July 12 a public hearing was held at which the new proposed revisions for the zoning rsgulations were discussed. The budget for the commission for the ensuing year was brought up for discussion by DorCllllUS. He mentioned to Beyer that he would like to find out how close to exceeding this year's budget the COIIllIl1ssion was. With respect to the coming year, it was decided that all things considered. the Commission should approach the Councll for an allowance of $1,000 for next year. Beyer was in complete agreement that this amount seemed fair since aD,y plans for curbs and gutter work would certainly call for some professional advice and some engineering exper.se. Beyer did fse1 that John Dore:llll8 should be the person to approach the Council on the budget since he is Chairman of the Zoning Board. Doremus reported that the Map Committee has progressed elowl,y but surely. Bayer and Doremus have decided on a reduction in plastic of a 1-400 map. leaving out fringe areas, for a price of $120. If the City Counoll ie willing to pay for half of the cost, Bayer will approach the County Commis- sioners to pay for the rest. In caee he is unsuccessful, Doremus will buy it personally for use in his real estate business. With regard to the Falcon Air Map, the Falcon people cannot find the original map from which the COlII!I1ssion wanted to reproduce fUty copies to sell to the public. 'l'he only thing left to do is to borrow the County map and make a reprodUCible copy from that. Bayer mentioned that the Field Foundation might pay for the land use map. Doremus will contact Glidden to see U the Foundation would help pay for it. Fritz Benedict and Doremus are supposed to start on this map as soon ae seasonal business lets up. - 2 - Bayer reported on the Tree Committee that pruning and cutting down of the trees or. ~lain ~treet designated b7 the Cam:dttee are un<ler way. Tho balDnco of the r=oetiDl; vall Covoted to a discllrleion ot the public henr1~ on zoning roviuiona, and s review of Trafton Sean's eubsoquent rec!lll- IIlOJldatiDnll. At th1.ll point, Bayer broueht up the taot that the lavyer. Clint Stowart, vas alxlont frOCl the IllO'.lting. Doremus to1t that thie lllcet1ni woe far formulation of plans to present to the City Council and did not feel that St$vart'e absence woo important. It Wall oleo mentioned again that an adrlition should be made to the buildinlt code to requ.ire rllising buildingS ona foot trcn the love1 llround to I prevent noeding conditions. Arter mch discussion b1 all malbere, 8 voto 1/a8 taken and it wall decided to keep the 1ill1it on buUding l1fliCbt at 25 feet in R-6 and 25 foet in the l' dl.otrl.ct. Accul'd1ng to Clint Stewart, thlo Jdnor chango probably does not oa1l for rapub11oatioo 0100 rehem-lng. With respect to Item 4J (paso 3) of Trafton BeanIe outline, Bayer fOlllc that building height. in the U district should COn1'or:l With the County, i.o., 2!i-1'oot :::ax1m\ll:1 hetahtJ and i1' rozoning of a la%'ller U d1etrict takeo place in the future, tho bullding he1P.hts could b. reconside:L"ed at that time. On projecting eigrJll, all IIlllClbe:t3 ware in O1ccord with Bean that "the total erea of all Signs per build~ ahall not be more than one square toot or eign pe:r !1'\'l1 feet or building frontage." 'rJ'atton Bean's suggestion tlo. 5J for a ratio of height to noor area was ajp"eed to have I!:llrit, but it wu c!eclc!~ to wait untU Bayer cOOlploted drawing up diagrSltlS o! 1!I0lllii1 typical ~llOI!S which r.ay occur. In general, the opinion was unanimous that proposallJ tor a eetback to building heil;ht ratio as pJ'Cllented by Jock Wallll in tho public hearing j I were entirely unsuited for adoption. Tbts wos largelY' baaed on the tact that late relat1vely small would therefore not allOt! the larue aetbnckB all required by this proposal. - 3 - The meeting woe postponed at 9145 p.m. to be continued upon advice frOl1l Herberl !layer lIhen he has canp1eted the rough sketchee on Bean's eugges- tion ror a height-to-floor ratio. Reepeotfully submitted, Herbert B~er Secretary