HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.Amendment to Ordinance
Tho l.llI'en Fll>nniQ{. .and ZOfiil'l(. CocminBion propoaeD tte followiug
&mGndmonto to the Zoning Ordnanoe of the Cit1 of Aapan:
~aximum Eoi~t of Buildi~a
:'or ,ibsiJenti"l, 'X.ouriut and Unrestriohd Distriot"':
!tu:il!lWll iie11;t. t of !:I~ldilOb~: 25 het
F01' Buuinc:'Js ,)ietrlct I
uximu~ ~eigtt of Buildings: 38 foet
For linidenUsl and 'l'ourlat .:Jiotriote:
'o.x1DlUlll r.o1c:>ht of ..co..88017 Bulld1zl(;B on ra..r 2/3 of Yard. 12 feet
~upplemcntarl rleCUlationa.
It.Ximul:l Hel(.h t of llulldlr1d.Il
38 r.et in Business Distr10t, 25 fett in all other d1stricts,
:lieaaurad froe:. finished O"ade, b..il16 the aatabUshed grade, if
&113, ot~erwise being the averas. ground level below tho low
and H.;h lev.l of the atl'Uoture, melLsured to tho highest point
of the struoture inoluding elevator shafts, water tanks and
4ir conditioning ~cLinery, but not 1ncludine ohimneJB and
vento, provided that the Board of Adjuetment m~ approve the
erection or oonstruotion of atruoturo8 oxoe.din~ those hei~hta
whero it 10 determined that the Game will not depreoiate
sdjaoent property valuos ~nd will be oompatiblo with Uses of
adjaoont or surroundin~ property.
c otbll.ckll
:1oB1u.ent1 ,,1 :listrict I
1,.1niz::um front lard on north o1de or blook: 10 feei
":1nilllUl~ rear :tard. on eouih 81de of block.. 1:> f'U6>t
Tourint ~ictr1ct.
'!inimum rear ;{:::.rd: 5 foet
- 2 -
l.ll Di.t.rlotu.
Ul eervice yarde, garbage onnB,&ud laundry ,yards J:lUet
be acreenud from view during all ee.eons. Oaa tanke
Jm.1st be buriod .. e.om.,4.'.lQB v,",.__nA4't_ftz.d-, _:\ 1 _ ......
.:.i1, na
Under iupplementur,y aegulQ\lona (A) Ueee Permitted, delet.e
point 3 and aubatitute there~or:
Identifioation eic~9 ehall identify a bus1neea or prin-
01pal autbori..ad uoe 011 the ;remises where the lIign i.
looated, free st.andiIlg or projeoting signs ahall be
limited t.o on.. suoh ei..n per prinoipal use, not e..toeed-
lug 10 e'l.uare feet, Bnd wall ei.."t111 3h..ll be 11m t.ed to
those oigns not extending more \han 12 1nohee from the
buildinH, ehall be of cut-out lettere not. exoeeding 12
inohes in height per lettar and not. exoeeding 30 linear
feet per eign. Free et&nding eigns shall not exceed 12
to.t in hei/lht and projecting ait;n... sball be a minimum
ot e feet from the ground.
Add the tollowi,~:
4. ~he oolor of t~o eigne ahall not oauoe oontueion
with tr&ffic ei~ne or ei~nale.
5. ,:il::ns oLall be kept in good repe.1r and be properly
6. t,O flaahin.,-l1bht sic;ns ehall be l'el'll1itted, Bnd gas-
filled light t.ubes may be uoed in eigne only for
indireot lighting in suoh manner that. the light tubeD
are not. expo3ed to view.
7. 110 exterior signa .hall be pormithd tUoept as ex-
presoly aut.horized under thie zonins ordncnc8 and
.ign permits muet be obtained from the buildi~6
inspeot.or in aooordanoe with the provisions aD Btated
in r,eoUon XII (a), .. ~ign Permi ten. In Miles where
the ordnanoe dose not appl,y, hardehip Caseo and
othere whioh the building inspeot.or qusot1ons,
~pprov.u muat be obtained fro~ the ~ooutive ~ign
- 3 -
~oo\ion v, ~.in..s D1str1c~.
Under .\, paragraph (1). Thia para"raph 18 n01l' 'Y~e aM
lIlUa" ba reworded 80 that \hare will be no a1s1ntarpro~,.t1on.
~ in1= Off "troe" larlt11l8. l'ar&&raph .hould r.ad,
"One spt10e for eaoh 400. s,.uare ta.\ of \ou.l floor area.
....oUon .Ul (B)
ign ..cm:11 ,.
1\ .hall b. unl~wru! to ur~ct, oonatruot, re-oon.\ruo\,
alter, pain" or repaint or chan&e \~e u.e ot, ~ .truo\ure,
wall, lilI4r..u" 0 , or ;J.11;t l'ioo. of work ootlpo...d of parts joined
togs\hor in .omo defini". ~6r which ara \0 L. ~aed an a
.16n or p10turo to oonvb3 or diract & me..ae- to the seneral
;:ubl1o .1 1.hout firet obtainil16 a a11Pl po=! t.
yor all oioo pormitu re~u1red, a t.o of 50 oeota a square
toot of nurfaoo areu shAll be .onarbod to oover the 0001. of
,~ct1on ~lV, ~bfin1t10n8'
,ar"gr:lt'b (0) "Lot l..in.., Front", Il.ould read.
'''.'bb ;.roperty lin.. doi vidll1t. a lot frOlll a ..t~'eat. \.u &
oornor lot &nl .ido of a 10\ faoi~ & otrsot or L1~hw&3
ohall be considered a front .Tard."