HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19600205 Notes from Zoning and Planning Conference held at Colorado University, Boulder February 5 & 6. 1960 Trafton Bean The proper approach to fringe area zoning iSI 1) Organization (fom . regional board). 2) Get the oosic factll. First requirement - all kinds of accurate maps. J) Dovelop interest on the part of the people who live in the area concerned. Work with petitions. 4) Get a comlttee of land ownera to do the work. Recommond neighborhood meetlngll and let them make the proposals. 5) Coordination - \11th the general plaDB of the area. 6) O!'fic1al review (hearing) 7) Adoption into low Legal consideration in planning and zoning. 1) 2) 3) .~e sure that all plons ara adopted according to the State Enabling Act. Proper planning must look into the futuro, consider future needs. Zoning ahould not be a "scioBorr. LCd pastA" job, that is, it ahould not be a hit and miss or something that looks pretty but rather Bomnthinc that ~AB aense. Gen!l1'al commenta: 1) 2) TbeAllpen Planning Board should develop a general plan for the region. Aspen needs an up to date land use map. Tho present land use map developed by Trrll"ton Bean ohould be studied and revised. Henninl!er Juot got the 701 program in Durango. 1) Raised the question of whether leosed land falls under the preoent zoning laws of our city. 2) Brought up the genll1'al importance of subdividing rules and regulations. Lea Johnson, Publio Housing Official General topic that public housing is prObllbly noCIISllary in all caoes of proper urban rllnlNal or alum clearance. Public housing ill posoible under the 701 law in !open. ~ ~ ~ ~'" ~ t ~ . ~"'- ! r~ ~ 't ;S ~ \,\ , "'\. " , \ ~ ....'.J ~ -2- 1) Subdivis10nll should Bet oolde a certain percentage of land for public use, i.e., Ilchools, parka, etc. In the question of anneXl1tion, the subdivider could be forced to Ilet aside land or pay cOIIIpOnaation to the c1 ty liS a condition of annexation. 2) By running util1t1oll into slum areas, the city perpetustlls the alms. 3) It io vital that a well organized planning board works tcgether with both the Ilchocl district and the recreation districtll. General questions and notes railled from the panel dioCUBsion. 1) Develop a land ulle map. 2) Develop a stroet plan projected into the future outolde of the oi ty . ~5} Develop a plan for ochoolll and districts. ~ Develop a plan for extension of ut1l1ties. Work on a publio improvemonto plan. 6) A good plllnnif1g board oets up priorities and schodulas. 7) A local p'.nni~g board should develop regional p'.n~ing. The City o~ upon Planning Board ohouldl 1) Obtain the State Enabling statutes. 2) Determine what laws effect out city (are we a "hotlO rule" city?) . 3) Obtain a latter from Trafton Bean regarding hill fee bads (Doremuo already requested). 4) Correspond with J. K. Smith or Dick Brown of the State Planning CamDioaion to see what help thoy can afford us 5) Determine whether the IDlFA 701 law oould benefit AIlpon. 6) lire the City of Aspen's fire zones estobliohod according to the un1!'orm building code? 7) Should a Board of Appeals to review matterll concorned only with the building code be eotablillhed? It DO, the board should be composed primarily of people in tho building tradell.