HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19631001 If ~....\il'" / \, \'J-,. ;,'~ ~~S~ ,,\,\~,. /f~ ~~ ~ \ .i'/ ~ cJ' Yt" ./f (t...., ~~-! . l' t' .' J r!-" , Ootober 1, 1963 Mr. Jue. B. Ml1ea D1reotor ot PIA~niDB PI.llning A ~ov.lopeent Seotion Db101on ot Oouoroe and Developet State ot Colorado 600 State Sernoo Bull411l8 Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Jima !hank 70U tor JOur lettor ot Bep1ember 26, 196', and the oopleo ot oorrespondenoe between 70u and Mr. Wiener. ndll oorreopondenoe haG been thoroughlI Uce.ted and rn1eve4 bJ uo and ve teel JOur loUor W Mr. v enol' ezpre.eed the teeUngo ot both the 01t1 an4 Count7 nG1Uling Gomatao1one, and that 70U made the point ve!'J olear regarding tbe neoesa1 t7 of the gatiler1na and develo1'lllent ot the bao1o data tor the toraulation ot our Illallter plan. We teel, ae 70U knov t1'Olll our lleeUng vi th 70U here in A.pen, ve17 otronclJ about the tllot that Mr. Wiener ahould be here 1ft pereon to gdher and perteot the neoe,,1IlU'7 baoio datil, verk vi tb our plazm1ng coma1ealcno, work vi th our 01 Us.. A4v1.o17 Group, and in general beOOlle int1aatel)' aVGl'O ot the proble. taolng U8. Thi., ot OOur.o, ehou14 be aooGapUebe4 b1 b1a botoro a pro11ll11101'1 plan 1. oonoelved. In n"'j"B the ooP7 of Mr. Wiener's letter to you, it oontime4 certain teara that we had vi th 1'ecaN to what, and how auch, vas expected ot Hr. \fieneI' In hi. 1l8tb04 of prooedure and tho portol'lUDoe ot the oontract. 1 trull' hope, It Mr. 'Wiener oont:lJ1u.. vi tb thie pro3ect, that tho 'basic data, Information and 1'1.....1... will be ot Yaluo to u.. It l'ou w111 rUlember I mentioned tho fear we had CODcom1ng the arrana8lll11nt ot baeic da\a and proJeotion. to tit a pracODoelyed plan. I a, neo.uee8 weal', vor)' up..t that all this t1lll. baa been vaeted on such a tale. atut. I bay. tho t.eUns that th1. do10J' baa oauGed ua to tall 3uat that mueb turthor bebind in cur att.-pt to e.tab11eh a control over our faat movins clevelopment and. growth of the A.pen area. , ( \ -2- Do J'Ou tll'J1)r, at 'thie polut, that lt would be vi.e tor ua to vr1 te Hr. lf1enor anc1 rel terate our teelingo regarc11Dg pertonanoe ot hi. contract ao that va a1gbt ,et: thb "obov OD tho road.? 01' ohould we va! t to hear fro. J'Ou and let 70U handle further nesotlationa? At any rate I would bo lIoot luto:reated 111. bear1DC Plr. Vlener' 0 an.wer to l'our lottoI'. Would it be possible tor 70U to obtain 8.e cop1ee ot tbe Colorado Ezsabllq Act tor uo. I would l1lce, 11 po.alne, to obta1D at least .1x to elpt ooploa, or Dore, tor the Co=d.ouon lS_bere use. U80 Ken Moore dropped ott the pl~i". lS4"r1a1 that J'OU had Bent: to him for tbe CIUseno A4v1BOl7 Group at al' ottiee. I will give thin raatorla1 to the cha11"118D of tho sroup eo that theI oan .tart lID e4l'1oaUonal propoaa tor the a..bere. 811 hoping that this wUl pq 41v1deD4e in the f'utuJ'e when tbe croup realll' atarte to work on a plan propo881. I vant to thank l'ou aca1u tor coalng up to Aepen and talking to ua, U.o for seeing that aoUOD i. taken with regArd to our plan. S1noere11, Jack R. Vallo Cha1num Aapen Plmmt"l c\ ZoDiDa "-iDalon.