HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19630831 ~-~) -- ~ s . 01ty P1annlng and Zonlng Commlsslon 141'. Stanford Bea1me&.r, Chairman OUy of ASlJ8n Board of Mjustmen1i Box 1j.9el Aspen, Oolorado Dear 1'1'. Fealrn8er: ~t a meetlng of the 01ty Planning an1 Z0~jng Commlsslon on July 30. 1963. tbe 01ty Bulldlng Inspeotor sUbmitted tbe proposed plan of the lo~ akatiug r1nk to be located on tbe corner of Ryman and leooo4 Avenues. After muob dlsousslon rega.rdlng this 'Projeot and lts proposed variance. the Planning and Zoning Commleslon voted unanimously tbat a Yarla.nca should not be granted. The follo.ing are the objeotions to granting the varianoe: 1. The plan oalls for too big a building on too small a. site; 2. As lndlcated on the drawlngthere 18 parklng pro- vlded tor twenty soven Oare whlch ls not off str.eet park1ng. The Plann1ng and Zon1ng Comm1ss1on feels that thls 18 lnade~uat~ for a faol1ity to be used by the general publio. We !del that with the parklng as shown, there ,111 be oon~st1on and hardshlp for the property owners ln the area. The P~anning and Zon:i.ng Con:;riOl.liOIl feels th!l.l, the l:'wners should s'.l.prly a 11llnb(uJIl area for parklng that wOcJld aOOoo.mQoo date at least one bunjred oars. The Planning 1'.)0 Zonlng Comm1eslon rea11zee that parklng 11:1 not involved dh ')ot1y ln tM varianoe asked for, but we teel that 110 18 the major ltem to be oons1dere4 for a build1ng of this 8lze and n~tur.. Respeotfully submltted, Eill lroEaohern. Seoreta1"J' Aspen Clty Plannln~ nn~ zon1ng 001llll!1ss10n