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COMKISSIONS, April 2, 1963
Th. j01nt m..ting of tho City and County Planning'" Zoning
C...i.si.n. vas h.ld on Tue.day, April 2, 1963 at 7130 P.M.
Pr.s.nt v.r.1 William McBaebern, Harald Pab.t, Frank
Hu.phr.y, Jack Walls, Henry St.in, Ken Moor., Sam caudill,
Richard Lai, Jame. Marka1una., Fritz Benedict, Wendy Mor...
Also pre..nt werel Rebert D.1aney, County Attorney, Dorothy
Hoffman, Henry Peders.n and Georg. Hadsen.
The meeting va. called to ord.r by Henry Stein at 7150 P.M.
The minut.s of tbe 1a.t meeting vere r.ad by the s.cretary
and approved on motion.
Mr. Walls informed tho commis.ions tbat the Tree Planting
Committe. fortbe city was being form.d tonight and that
Mr. H.nry Ped.rsen bad been invited to thi. m..ting for this
purpose. A donation of $500 is to be uti1iz.d by this co..itt..,
but it is just a beginning of what vi11 b. needed to do a
job. Mr. Walls indicated that a survey of .xisting trees
had been made by Pedersen and 5ei1 E4strom, in the form of a
map that since Mr. Bdstrom is leaving, this map is now with
Mr. HUmpbrey. Tbe surv.y of tr.es consi.ts mostly of those
on Hain str.et and indicat.d which should r..ain, which
should be r.moved and which .b.u1d b. prun.d. Mr. P.d.rs.n,
Fritz Bon.dict, Frank Humphrey and H.rb.rt Bay.r are to
o.nstitute this co..itt.e. Mr. Stein stated that this
ce..ittee .beuld make tho d.ci.ions on what kind. of tr..s
to plant and their proposed locations.
Th.re followed a discus.ion of maintenance of tho ditob.s,
and Mr. HumPhr.y .tat.d that th.y vi11 b. maintained, and
will b. in bett.r shape this year as they are .tarting
earlier. However, ditoh.. and curbs and gutters are not
compatib1., and it may be that v. will have to bave a pr.ssure
syst... Mr. Humphr.y stat.d that h. will se. that once
planted, tho trees vi11 b. wat.r.d. Mr. Humphr.y .tat.d that
mon.y has ~ been bUdg.t.d for tb. paving program. but that
it is not ad.quate. Soil o...nt ..... to b. .xaot1y what we
need, witb a 6" app1ioation s.a1.d with amu1sified asphalt.
In order to do.the downtown area th.y bav. had to go into
an improvem.nt district for tho money. Distriot 50. 1 vi11
invo1v. an assessm.nt on a front foot basis. The Highway
Department vi11 grade tb. highway.
Mr. St.in then stated that Robert D.1an.y vas h.r. to disouss
and ansver question. on property tax assessments. He des-
crib.d the probl88 of low tax.s on unimproved property whioh
is being h.ld for speculative purposes, vhile thisJPJPperty
inor.as.s in value, and asked if there vou1d be any~~ in-
crease the taxes on this type of property.
Mr. Delaney conced.d that th.re are inquities but stated
that this group should know tho background of tho problem.
He said that the ass.ssor is a county offioer, and that to
raise taxes on such properties by vay of the Colorado Tax
Commission would b..p1aying into tho hands of tho utilities
who want sucb land tax.s incr.as.d in order to low.r their
own. W. vould be taking the matter out of'th. hands of the
oounty offioer and giving it to the Stat. Tax Commission.
If tax.s were raised in tho Aspen ar.., there vou1d be in-
equities with taxes throughout the state.
He suggested that perhaps before developing a subdivision
an area might require that oertain facilities be provided
by tho subdivider, sucb as curbs, gutters, utilities, etc.,
and tbat this might discourage some sp.oulation.
We should begin any attack on the inequities of taxation vith
- 2 -
tho County A.sessor's Office, but this will require some
sp.cializod study, and a Citizens' Advi.ory Group might be
formed, which might vel1 be w.1com.d by the County A.....or.
In this way, p.l'hap., taxes might b. equalizod within the
coun-ty. Mr.. Ho.ff.an .1I8ge.ted rai.ing a.s..s..nts' on land
and lowering tho. .n improvem.nt., Mr. D.laney agreed that
a prop.rty own.r .hould not b. penalized for new .tructur.s,
but that the .ntire matter requir..a lot of .tudy. The
state hands down a basic formula for tax as......nt, but
the authority rosts vith the assossor and the c...issioners.
Mr. Stein f.lt that the PlaRftina ... Zoning Ce..i.sion would
not b. a prop.r body to make .uch a .tudy but the County
Commi.sion.rs should empower a oo..itteo te do this.
Mr. Humphrey .tat.d that the city i. nev in a ol.an-up
campaign, and that thore is _ough law on tho be oks to make
the town a .howcas. if it wero fully onforeod.
Mr. Delaney explained .... of the points involv.d in the
Vroom ca.. which qu.stions the validity of the county zoning.
Mr. Moore ask.d for a d.cision on the Villa ar.a rezoning,
eithor r.co....nding that we go ah.ad vith City Council, drop
tho matt.r or amond the zoning. Mr. Walls said that he bad
talked to Mr. Dr.w. and that as soon as Mr. Bayer has return.d
to Asp.n all parties conc.rn.d with this rezoning, including
the Mayor, Clint Stewart, .tc. would g.t together and vork
out a compromis.. Mr. Walls indicated that Mr. Stewart was
originally suppo..d to get up this m.eting. The City Board
of Adjustm.n~_will b. completely r.placod at the n.xt Council
meeting and~18k.d for r.oomm.ndatien. of names. Mr. Meore
asked if Mr. Wianer was suppo.ed to attend tho propo..d
institute m.eting and requested that any such arrang.mants
be made public.
Mr. Stein thanked Mr. Delanoy for attending the meeting,
which he deemed most satisfactory. Th. .e.ting was adjourned
at 10:00 P.M.
Resp.ctfu11y submitted,
Jack Walls, Secr.tary
Record.d by
Bette Gal1agh.r