HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19621211 JOU:T MBETII/Cl 01 TIlE CITY AND COUNTY PLANNING A ZOKIIfG COHV,I :;S1 OS ~ A meetlng of the jolnt olty and oounty plannlng A &onln8 oo..lsalona was oalled for Tuesday, neo..ber II, 1962 at 71)0 P.)!. at CUy lla11. By 714, p.)!. the only pereons who ahowed up woro Fred Clldden and lIenry Steln. The Councl1 no om was lookod, so thoy held tholr .eotlng else- lIhore. Mr. Glldden shovod Hr. St.ln tho map of the propoaed Knollwood Su~diylalon, statlng that Nr. aenedlct had approved of It. Hr. Clldden addod bls approval, as lt conforms to suhdlyls10n roculatlona. Tharo .a. disousslon of the County Plannlne & Zonlng Co_lsslon wlth r,latlonshlp to and responslbU1Ues ror the ille"ar servloes bolng rendored. The consonsua vaa that a stronger and more ropreaentatlYe County Comalss10n la lndlcated In order to explolt tho errectlyonesa of tho klonor rocommendatlons. Mr. Cllddon pointod out the ract that the lonlna Com- 1II1ss10n haa not Us rull .._bershlp, and It was strongly recommended that tbe County Commlssloners 11111110diately rl11 ln !.ill act he me.hershlp. Mr. Glldden brought up tho obsorvatlons made by the County Commlss10ners on the Wiener oontraot, and It ls tho hope of tho County Plannln!!: 4 Zon1n8 Commlss10n that It can ..et and a1ye an agreod upon roport to the Colorado Stato Plannlng Commlsslon. It was sugGostod that tho next .e.tlng of the Plannlng " lonlna COlllllllss10n tako place shortly after tho noxt County Comllllss10nars' 1II00tlng, whlch ls to tako place on January 7th. Mr. Staln .111 the" call the noxt meatlng. The ..etlng adjournod at 9100 P.M. Recordad by ,lot to Oal1anh.r