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Hotel Jerome April 26, 1962
}'resent from the two boards were: Sam Caudill, Fritz Benedict,
Jim Narkalunas, Fred Glidden, 'ferbert D'J,yer, Jack 'IIalls.
Mr. Bayer called the meeting to order at 12:15 Foli.. It was
agreed by all present that the Chairmanship of each meeting
would al tern';te between the city and county for each meeting.
There followed a short discussion regarding the recording
secretary, and her duties. The following was agreed by all
1. The recording secretary, before sending meeting notice
cards for regular meetings, should check with either
the chairman of the county or city boards four to
five days in advance of secheduled meeting to make sure
that meeting will be held.
2. The recording secretary will be naid jointly by the city
and county boards. Half of bill going to county and half
to the city. In the case of tr,e county pciyment, she must
obtain a 1,,,'arrant from the county clerk, fill it out,
sign it and tlIen haTe the secretary of the county board
sign it before submitting same for payment.
3. ~1inutes for meetings will be submitted to secretary of
each board,in rough ferm, for appreval before final copy
is typed. The final copy on minutes then will be sent t.
the chairman ef each board.
There followed a discussion regarding the rezoning of all land
south of South a:r:cd Gibson Avenues 'lnd bordered on the south by
the river in the county to R-IO. It was mentioned that R-6 and
R-15 were not feasible for this area. It was mentioned that Mr.
Delaney thouGht tllGre slj.euld be a catagory for low cost housing
for the working people. Nr. Bayer felt that since we now have
a Planner,that any permanent changes in Zoning should not be
made at this time. ~:r. IIa.rkalunas stated that there are a lot
of small scattered tracts in this area under question. Mr.
Narkalunaf3 also questioned what he should do if the amount of
land in Question is just under 15,000 square feet?
T1r. IIarkalUl'las tllPn brought ul') the problem of set backs, with
regard to the fifty feet (SO'-O") from the center line of the
road in the county. He stated that he would like to see the
setback changed from the center line to the property line. He
also stated that in R-15 the sideyard setbacks were not
restrictive enough. Discussion fellowed regarding front yard
setbcaks at the Airport for a new proposed hanger building. At
present, it was stated, that there exists no :ront yard setback
o,t the Airport.
Hr. Bayer asked about the 'eemporary Sign Ord:ll.nance for the city.
Hr. l"arkalunas stated that is nO"1 being typed. There followed
a discussion regarding the size of real estate sif,TIs. Also were
discussed were the directional signs by the Forrest Service.
Any new signs "Iould have to be brought before the }'lanning and
Zoning boards for approval it was stated. Mr. Bayer stated that
we should have apicture and the size of the sign before approTal
can be given.
!'Ir. Bayer then brought up the question involving the Architectural
Gontrol Ordinance.:!e brought to the attention of the board
members that the City Council has still has not acted on the
proposed Architectural Control Ordinance. At this point Nr.
Bayer informed the members of a letter which he had received
from Nr. Donald ". li:oagland, a Denver Lm''Yer, 'iJi th regard to
such an Ordinance. Hr. Bayer quoted to the members a portion of
this letter which set forth possibilities for such control.
Quote:" c3ince aesthetic considerations are really at the bettom
of the major concern of both commissions, particularly as far as
the built-up portions of the 5ity of Aspen are concerned, the
use of public or private architectural controls or incentives
should be explored to the maximum possible extent. Possibilities
here would include direct comDulsory approval of a board of
architectural control; solicitation of subscriptions by land
owners to a compact which would subject existing properties to
covenants which would require submission of building plans to an
archi tectural revie',,' committee functioning on a private basis;
establishment of non-regulatory inducements to good architectural
practices through rewards for good design or the availability of
comment and assistance by a group of volUl'lteer or subsidized
archi tects; compulsory consultation 'Hith a :Board. of such
architects even if not followed by compulsory compliance with the
architects' suggestions." iVIr. Bayer stated that he would wrtlbe
Mr. Hoagland to find out how much it would cost f'or him to \vrtlbe
another proposed architectural control ordinance. Discussion
follo\ved on hmv control could 1.'lork. Hr. Bayer and Hr. Glidden
suggested that a list of names of nroperty Olmers be compiled
so that letters could be written to see if these people would
be willing to have restrictive covena"ts I\Ti tten in their deeds
concerning architectural control. These letters '^lere to be
written to the owners of vacant property in the :Business District
first, and then later to those owning property in the Tourist
District. Hr. Glidden stated that he v!oulci contact ;\~r. Cenner
at the P'i tkin County Court House to see if he could obtain such
a list of property O~TIers.
T,'Ir. Bayer Stated that the rlanning iJ.xH1 !:oning Conmission has
not yet received word fro~ the Aspen City Council as to whether
they have approved the street layout, planting areas, etc..
Hr. Bayer said that he would l'iri te the 5uncil Council a letter
on this, and also ask if a Park Commission could bc estclblished
by the City.
It \'Jas broui,ht to the attention of the members of the City
Plannin.!, an;::: '3oning Board th:,t the City Zoning l'ap had to hove
the apDToval of the board. IIr. Bayer moved tt.a t thi s m~p be
apDrovcd, and the motion was seconded by ;11'. Glidden." 'N4~ ?A..SSD
It was ag~eed that the next meeting should be the third tuesday
in Hay. Hr. Bayer suggested that since v,'e have so much business
to take care of and '.,vorl;: out, thet we should have two meetinGS
a nonth insteHd of one. He suggestec\ th,,,,t on every forth tuesday
of the month the Boards get together for a luncheon meeting.
fell the members present agreed that this should be done.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 I.II.
','aIls, Secretary