HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.031958 ....~... . .. ~'1';. < .~ ~:nl J -~';'~-;'.':"";"" 1J.b;.. ~.5ili : P~~{~ct)rJ (~ "!h." L~;itl~11'r"{ --- CA';"L. OIl' .....1" ~ "i'-:~"Il: ',t .......;.J>_"',.. _ . t10l r:7;t . ih "'.~ t t~ ._)t.",__.~ eLI!.?l'!' LtIt:: .fl!..Y I ~ I C ""IS ;:.'!~I PPLa;. JO,.tS' p. --_('j~w. l,~ 4,.. .i. PT",. }I~rrIrr o'-'n'-'~ .;~ ;?. ' i "j l\~ ~.~ c ,. ~ In nJ'I'U~ Or:; j" ....J.'1fl.'7G of i \ 'rE"h AS}:'..",f R~.~.GI0'r^~t f)Is~ r!"'~..1 co 'IF~-.I(~~1. !,Sr;, >4,. \~Ota\t,DO \ - - - - - - - - - -- - --- ----------- ,- , t n.... ~l' .,erO$r ~Jer, \. UUJ""..m Fred Clidden, ~<ilol'ettu:>y 1'1'1 tz &..nadlot !ionr:; ~teln 7:3() ?H., .!edncsdfl.Y, NnX't3h 19, 1958 County Court !i:>l.UJEl, ."'''pen, Colorado Horhel't Buyer proposed pMtoeol t>ot.Hlon 1;.110 g..)n:ll1( bcard (.\J"ld too lmGl"d of ,-ldJuZtl"t,::nt. ;'red ['liddon daf'ondcd 6tlphaUeally the llontili:; bOI'!M t S auttlOl"1. ty to pas:; on 011 ~l)nlnr. cO~idi tionu. An t\ roGult, tho f'ollm.l!'ll; \.nS 8.e;l"eac1 t.l;lon among thll zonill~ boa rd !"a:'1l:lOre: thut tha zoniIla botl.rd pens 011 all zoning c0111di tlol'l3, j .e. on 13very chunEt.1I of: a l..'I41joX' I",tl~.ro; tbat the ZOnil'l;? heRrd is tha "ho:\l!" oi' a.ll b...l1dlng p<~r;n1ts; lU"il1 that the zonitl[: bOlJrd 1::> in a pc!'!! tioll to If.ccept or doelina bul1dh'lf pOl~:11 tl'i. J n tha 1JEIrM eulor Ctlt10 or i"';1'. t-tewnrt 'a client, it wt!.8 l.IiJ,reod tr;at I'W. ~towRrt muat p~uflont his cane to the f:OMrll,- t-oard fimt; if' 00 18 <'rmi~d fi b\.lll<llug p~rmit a "hardship" t!10n exists; "ir. f'tClau..t must theu prosent thfJ c:n$O t;o the OOM'd ot adJustllle-nt. It IUl::; further agreed that tho zoninc Laora ofrici1111y rocognlzu ~b&t not.hing hos boon &Ubl'ni tt<'ld to thQtIl, by rocN'd, f'rolll Hr. St!lWlll't. In the ca.'lEl of anyoIlo plnnn!ng I'lub-di vi-slooz, that P> X'l!on 1:lUllt first 1'110 11 pInt r.nd p1'es6nt pInna to the :<lnll'l<!:. r,onrd. / l":x'. Jones' pl~ul.3 wort) tl1suuuaed, tUid 1 t HiUl c(){~cedod thl'lt in it In CIlf!8 ho ~m3 grllntetl an approvlll of :r 'WJ '/J D"ML operatIons Ill'l th~ need nripce to!' lndlvl,hml tucll1tlefl, nnd that ench plnn!llust b<3 subMittod :H'llHlrntclYe i~r. Utiln.ney IId,,154'1:1 th" znning board that they t::tU,t s.pprovo M,L 1ndi 'Jldual opel'ntiOntl. The rloxibil1 t.y of !SeniN'! oonrd l"tlllnga waa ,11/lC110Sad but no deflni to dGc1910ns I't)&l.ched. -morCl- . - .. 3-19-58 r.~atlng P.age 2 o ,... "'" Rt>:cm;,A'rrotJtJ, AREA - SUMMARY OF' ;:,oi;.i;1}orfn tl~~A~~ l:,~ll)tt Fi;h..~{ PROBL;.).~ m;v:raIO~13 Of.' AAF:}fj)~;;:.N"1S f"" " \.O~ It Has discussed, but not GOlvl~d. how to defIne l'<'lereatl~ha1. nrenl!l. 'rhe gun;:ral o!>lnlon was thnt theso 1.'ol'dern WilY have to follow llaturlll to;,oGraphy. Y"rl tz Bonedict Ilucgestod that Q. ~llat be draM') !.If- for ouch recroaticmn1 a."on. It should also be datormined jUllt hOl~ close to prlnc:1j)sl re01'elltlontll facIll tioll resldi!tmHl6 cnn be pIa aod. In s~~~rlti~J tho discussion of tho pro~oao~ developments. 1 t \I11.11 ngread by the r.1,Jrlllers of t.h" zonin.: board that this must not. be 11 tourist d<3velopl<l!lnt~ nor fl. "strip" e.,velop~ent. 'l'hD.t ttu, npproacn to tho tOWll l~~llt be kopt &s attract! ve PoD possiblo: that \iO Rl"J aceornodntlng, In tl16 :1,or,ins of thi8 aron. tho two ok! 11ft dQvelopmonts by creating n now cato- gory. th~ recl.'aatJ.onnl area. Thnt t.ho rel!1l!.1IJrlOX' .or the nreu 1')110111' nta;! AF n;'Cli as this allows rasldel1til'tl buil<nnga as w~11 as hotols, r~telg, otc. The zonin& board 1s strletl~ oPPooing a purely commero!al dev61op~snt along the lUf,hway. creutod by individual intcr~:)tll. If!l cOllllr.~reI(tl d..valof...'l\cnt 18 called for ill tho fllturo, the zoning board 1'1111 aecot.'lOdste r.ueh requlrtmonts. .t 1s the opinion of the zoning board thnt the cOYl'rnorclal (jllvolopr~unt crentoe. urtlficinlly nou ~11l1 be dater:nental to ^~pontfl otill-t:l1rJ.y-spFead econol;ty. It was alao dacldod that the meeting tabu hald 00 1~Ul~day, ..larch 20, 1956, doce not involve nny matters pertc.imnr; to the "Enat End" or .I\:IPCI1; if any p OI't!ons in this area hnvo nn)" campllunts. tho:; are to prOBent flItch complc.inta and the r.oning bO::u'd 14111 c()nsl,~(:r them for 8 heU1'i~ at some other tlZ!lo. A dlacusdon then .t'ollot/Eld regarding the rev!slonl!!. altera- t1ons, etc. of the AI':..:,,;>flJHMlTS '1'0 '.112 :'01i.r~" Ol\})"[N'ArlCE (proposed by Trafton l3<tan). COl'tuln 1'Cv1810IW and chvngetl wore ngread upon, Iln-."! theso chnrll!e:s hnvo been cmtcrEld (under- HnQu in rod) on four copies of the 12-pnge (grefl1l) roport 01' StKCfhST,L;D Mll::!1fl)'f;;Wl' sheotl'!. ..' Ir