HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.022557Letter , ,-:..' .1< '.,~. , .", ,'", ," "". . " "~;:';. ,;.<;,:j""UiJ;I't'Ilt.,,,, .,[~l~.,:.~~-" . . it; "')r' ~..... ; .'}.~.:r~; ~\it,I:~~'~:,':l..J~ ".::. ;',.~~....',~. .,' , "v ::::"1/i]t;;;.' ", '....- 1,iX~:;'F;~, . i"~ . .;~- - ~. :""~)'f'" .." . .., {~. ..'1 , , C' , r~~b~:'c~:- -;--. };/J(.\t... . ".:i.}~~{~,,:.~ .,:.:-~.:.,ff:~,:>:';: -# ""f,~."1.,\;,,._~~;.;.: '''~;;!l~;L~ ' ";','\'::'; :;',". I f, III I.; .;'~~':-::'~.':.//::~\!~~> ~( ;'.ff" I .",,~ 1i;, " '.'~:!'i: ]!", <, ' >: ~ ~,"" I) Flat signs and projectln~ aigns: Fer .ach vs., rl.A each street frontege, ene uneri'.etelll, unlllUllI.,.ted er 11'1,,,.1- n.t.d, non-fllluhlng fl.t alln er on. projectln., slgl\, .,.H<~r sign hevlng an er.. gr..t.r than one fect tL~a the I..,th In h.t of the elevation of the _In f'C4de .f ,,.. .!r~ ,.' ,. tur., "revlded, hoW-ever, C I) all II '''.lnIltl,OIl, ,1IN!:'1:1 ~~ f~', ~. " ,.,,,Iirry,;t. a conceeled light source .11I4 ...e'" 11I...lnri'Wi? ~iV'1 i.. ..;t>~:;;~ :,' l-- eel only during bus In.... hDur., (2) rill paid fi/jf ... s~.jI\ 1 r', .- b. liar. than t..nty If.t" <<beN. ,~ 1......1. ' .:" ,'" .i ' . fir 2) Gralol"d $1 ~ ! F.... Hell w..~ wi t h ~~ ,.1'...,'" ,( on. ..n<<nl"'-<l, anT 1I....Jn.tlld Or IlIu.ln.t~,J' "~iI . " "i. ground sign h.....lng .n .r.. ,.t V...ter tIMn 'f"'I.Y"" .~ ,'~ provll1ed, honve.r, (I) a' I Illu~....H.. ~;II .',. "'" " e.. I ad I I gh t :;au rc:. .1iIt ~ IlliililtiWf'lan sl\4.1 I ~<<: . ,,("'~ ~.,\ . . , ,; Dnly lIurlng ba,,~'--nft.~, . ~;' Ct) ". ;,.rt.f SI1e~ <<il<t/i, ,.'" ,~,~?,.'~,~~ preJect ~,~, f",. Z'f~,r,O~,f, illId C J) I.l8 ,.rt af Wel\ jOt,.." ~:f ~)i$1 , shall b. .."'. tlliJi t.,<<>JIlI.t ~. If"eUnd I.....~. " J ~., " j...i- " ~'.. 3) .IA_"i...~!kfI\, ". -.fitljt fr."t... .". J lelt_,., ~ " .n l~tlf'f~.,jI..:.~,.it t. an oeeu,.I'!.I tlll.~,. , ana \!."l~," ,tt!~, "",':.'.'< ~'f,I~tng Gr ..nIIIUlliI::Jf. ' .1 ~ .,I~1/1,/Iiil .""'iN;'.f ,.t 1Illrr. than en. .nd ,f :.~'" ....". ,iii.-' ~ " 4) ~~ sip., I" II... af ."., VOtlnd sltn. ar projecting siMS.. " _r..~~y Jclntly er.c:t and ..lnt.'ln en. ~.r-t .'"n, pnlVI~, "'wever, th.t ewe'" preJect sign "y b. eper....d.nd lIlalnt.l"" only If It COlII'll.. .11tl all of the f.'lowlng coRd;tlona. J ,,''';; j I > f' , . T .J;. a) Does not ha". .'" .r.. great.r than the ar.. of the ~f al gns pere It ted f.r th. lIfte CttIIb I n'l ng In tha arec t Ion . e I ntenenc. (If the project 5 I \ln, bllt in nGI ."ent hav Int. <, Qr..tar than ana h"ndrH !tquer. f..t J <~"iJ -. b) Is...t ani_teel ner fleshl"" c) I. Illueln.tad only twrlng ~uslnes. hours. ,"r.'- d) .) Does net ".aJect b.yend the Zone lot I Me part Is hlgh.r than the roof h.ltht .f t"-,~~. or twenty fe.t ."-'. ground lev.', whichever ;6i1)11 -';'~':; { '!t40< ~.~ "-';. ,~!i1, ~ ..,""" Wh i Ie .."ny of the ebove sect Ions of the proposed Ne. VGrk la. end the proposed Denver I". -"y be unnecessary for Aspen, you ..y at leest feel more confident In restricting neon end fleshing signs If this heppens to be the wish of the Council. Should there be eny relat.d planning probl..s for the C'ty, .. naturelly would Ilk. to b. of contlnous serv'c.. Very truly yours, ?~n TB IIlk CCI Fred Glidden '~~ , :;. ."-~ . i~. .1