HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.043056proposal . . .. ~OPOSAL FOF EuECIAL H' :V.~lUI!o COLt.EC'l'IC" FOR lSpW . It r.as becCl'l!8 apparent that our city and county tax collections are not suf'f'icient to me.intain the sevoral .'rvic88 and support the ir-..provements that 11.1'0 essential to our COlllmU1'lit7 if it 10 to keep ita reputation as a firat-rate RESOFT coalIl"unlty. The to11owi1'l6 are a few of the itet:.8 01' general interest that re- quire Clore tinancial support thftn io preaentlT ava11able. 1. Pitkin CountT nospital. 2. Town and County street oiling. 3. P~l1c area (park) landscapir.g, Trash relllOval, painting. 4. Drinking fountains, bencheS, walka, etc. S. Recroational tacl1it108, tennis courts, eto. tor public Wle. 6. Goneral good will promotion beyond presont Chamber of Commorce financial scopo. 7. Enginoeril".g and city plann1no surveys tor futuro d.ovolopalent. Tho constant dunniD<5 of tho buB1!'oes firms and individuals for tho various intorests 01' such wortlV nature as above 1& only par- tially etrective a~d i8 an irritating a~ t~4nkleB8 undertaking. Because so 1118n:f worth ""l1e projocts arc in the minds of our citizens no one project receives the full benefit of c~ncerted eftort or ri~anQ1al support. It has been demonstrated t~at a higher tax levy can 1"ot possibly keep pace with the immediate ~oods. The 1nju8tice of greatly i~- creased ta7 ird8xes to provide w~at can be 0180s11'1ed as the "tr11lu" of the c~~un1ty is an ir.oquitable violation. ~ile the boneri ts to be considered are available to all and ronect in their eftect upon the values of every tax payer atill the differ- enco in benefit to the individuals 1n various ldr-ds "t enter- prises is too ma~od to ~ake a siMPle tax Inoreaee the solution. ~OlI'le "painlells" mothod whereby the VO" transients tor WhOlll the extra services al'ld sat1stllctlons to be provided could in part or even in ""ole pay tl'lo tre1B"t would indeed i.;e desireable. This would only be cons18tant with tho uaual procedure 01' derlvinc bene- flta trom the custom ot the me.in Induet17 of e.n.y COCl:1un1ty be it a manufacturing plart or aanltarlu=. Such a "painleso" collection process could be effected by placing 1n operation 8 tu of extret:lOly mode at size to apply upon a unit per person per n1r:1-tt '8 lndglniI. "'01' exa"lplo, 10ft per nerSM per bed a night could 'be added to the bill 01' ove.uest who id for lod ,.,~ n !men or a!':!1: raBon a a .' s verT SMIl. e~:ra:t on ~ne 1S1U lor J.OUf-ng oOUJ.a co J.ooeJ.ou .IAspen HospIce" or "l{appy il'ollday Trusteeship t or SQ:lfl such d1;.;n1fied appellation. COPY REC:O ,8:J7c/4/ ...10 A"oR 'F c; - ~ , p , Lach 104&e wou1:.d be provided wit" a ftlnall poster to d1splay witl'> their rate achedule outlining the reason and purpose 01' this oharge and in addition, a card wPh a full description 01' the reasons tor the cl,lU'gO plus a l1st of' the directora of the tund and a legal outlina 01' it as an Don-profit, benor'.oi81 entity to Which tax-deductahle donations could he nade would be avail- anle at tho offIce at each cOllll:lorcial lod&:1ng place. Such liter- aturo could be ~rotesslonallY phrased and attractively worked out to natter the ouatO>:ler" aTld render hin pleased for the opportunity to so participate in a wort~ enterprlae. Now it 1s 1rm;lOd1ately apparent tl,at two pha3lt8 of' this plan,-- t~. aw!itIn~ and collocting from the oommercial lOdgl"3 nlaoes and the adr.t1nistratin ~ ot tNI oollected f'Jrda are the primo fac- tors of its success. A most superficial projoct1oF. ot tho poten- tial involved in fUl'lds miGht be to estimate that within Aspen there ara presently lOOO co:~rc1al bads available of 1Mlch 25~ are ocoupied tor 2$~ ot the calendar year. This most conserva- tive est1ma~e would product at lC~ a bed a night ,nearly ~2300.00 for the year. One capacUj nioht of 1000 occupied beds would produce '100.00. 'l'he posa1bllity of colle ctini " luring a 'Year's perIod perhaps up to the atag&eri"\J' figure of \lO,000.00 is a matter for serious conJocture. The very potential substal"ce "1' the tunds If'vol ved "'skes the considoration ot the ad~1"1stration of sucb an enhrpris8 a matter 1'or caretul t;,1T\klnc.. The pla"'n1nz. the startir,:; end tho collecting and the spendil.16 must ce pattornod upon open, legal, and repre8entat1ve procedures. !he plan should first of all be established by city o~ance so that c~llance to It by the varIous co~erclal lod~ng ri~s would be an obli~tion a~d not ~erely voluntary. Tl>. l"ochanIama for s',llUt IU'Id collection s'1ould 1,. set up wi tl'> such regard for the oOtlfidontial integrity of' each place of busi~e.s .s would ~ke tor good will and compliance. Vory l1kelv the sitJPloat 1'1)1'111 of.' 0 oratIon would be to have en~ra"l d st~plle. of attractIve, ~d stamps in varyln3 ~er~l~atlo"'. of the loli W11t. ~.ach lodginr; would puro".so a l!lllppl'Y of t',eae staMps ahea" of" tiMe and a1'1.7 the ri'ht "umber to the 1Y\divid\.l8l at intervals after a period or j>usl",ess "ad bo ,n transactod. The purchase ot the ata:"lps cotld be morely . bookkeepin..; ent!'"! br each bua1neas fim as "payable~ The staMPs would be t"'Rke avallat>le by the "TrU8teesh1~" oJ'3anlzation whlc~ wlt~ very l1ttle study could estl;;!ate the requirol"lenta of each "1r"l 1n advance of oach per10d ot lIea.~'nal activity. CO~y ~ ~ , . 'i'he "Trusteeahip" or Al1thDrlty or COlII:11tteo in whom the respon- slbillty tor the collection and tt~ furt~or adninistratlon of the funds would lie 1YOuld be the koJ' to the SUCOSS8 ot the entire plan. ObvioU8l~, a group whose interests favored one or another benet1cial enterprise at the expenso of a1"other would so en~l".der critioism and public discredit. Tho group shOuld be appoi1'\t1ve with reprosontation from eac.l- ot the soveral organizations whose Interests would be effected, City r:ourcll, ~ber of COl!Imerce, Lions Club, ~chool l'OClrd. lTospital loard. each Church, al"d also tho citizens at largo should be roproso~tod. By-laws should formulate tho manner of proced'~ ar-d ?rovido for constart cir- culation of the personDl, elim1natin~ t~e possiblltiy for stagna- tion ot solt perpetuation ot the group. It ml~lt very well be desirable to have the same ~oup function .s the statr for a "C~ty Chest" repository where as in ot~r e~~un1tles the various drives tor .p~cial phil.l"t~oplc fUnds both on a ~a- tlonal Ilf'd on a local level arc integrated. Thus at the t1!'1le of the I';ed (,'1'08. Drive the group could pick and encourage resp'molble ohairmen and sl1,pllment trea its tunds the proceed. of the drIve. 'i'l,la ",ight spread tho wo1'k "'Ore &onorall;'T wlthi~ the C.".,..,llnIty a"1d brine i" new talent. to serve tho worthy cauaes. ~e tendanq without such or","n1~ation 111 obviously for the samo volunteer workera to alway. 1>0 called upon tor service until their efforts loae eftectiveness. Objectlons to thia .;81"eral plan are likely to be that Ita function 11'111 croate a nuisance and a bookkeepinG ~urden. ~hat it 11'111 bring criticism and ill w111 frOlll the transient guest who 18 tl'>e economic target 01' our llesort rnduat:l"1. That it 18 Inequitable to place a ponaltT however s~all upon the guest who spends the night here without touching tho gl.Ulat who may be here for the day only or who may tind aecomOdatlons further down the rondo That oxtracti"~ "trl~ut." tor tho benefIt of purelr local matters is poor tqsto or even bad po11cy. Theae aro sound objections superficiall,. hut a realistic anal"sia ot the " Resort Ilusi!\Oss" reveals t....at in flvery calle over and beyond the original capital lrvestment in facllities the customer does 8l"d expect. t.o "pay the treight". Hospital fllcHi Me. whioh we hope to make avl\1laple are more in quantlt'" and Quality tl'.an our illllllediate local requ!,.el'lentB and II1USt be _lntained so in order to provide tor the ~u.~t casualties not only dur1n~ the winter sesson but tne emere,enoies ot hi~~a" accidonts, hunting Beason and occur8ncea that our hospital statIstica show are in direct proportlon the nUMber ot, r;uests who arrive In Aapen. It could be la~eled and demonstrated as a torm of insurance ror each ~ue8t to 8'oJpport on a small scale the "Ultra" facilities Ilrhlcl, are avalla'le tor "i. eMer~(''1 needs ""lch are tar 1", .,.ceas of what local requ1rol'lenta al""tt mirht iust1ty. COPY ~. , ~ ~ J The elimination ot the stIM'lor ti"" dust nuisance, the landseapin~ a~d maintainance of public arens within the city, drlnki~g tountains, walks, comfortable putlic ~onohes,' street signs, play f.round equipMent, picnlc shelters wlth clean, mai~tai~.d tacilitles, all such thin(;s are admittedly "..;ood ouslnos." but are quite beyond the means on a comprehensive scale of any one or9Bniza- tlnn or prlvato ~up to ~'rovie.. Clut City (lovern"l8nt is present- ly saddled with proilcMa of ole d.~ts a~d obllGatin~8 w~lc~ "uat be mat botore t"'ese matters or tl,e "",ew ,C011O"!1Y" 01' Aspen elln "a ade- quately faced. ',e have 1l:'10'1'": us ~ld and "',,"orad citlzoTlll or Aspen who welco~e the encouregin: econOMic tre~d of end cultural ad- vancel"lant a"d the bI'owth of the eO"'mlUni ty but who can 1"Iot he ex- pected to welcome or even avm~thlze with the hlG~er puhlic costs for servlles and facilitios tor whIch t~ey, as lrdivldua18 e7.proosed DO need. Tha Integrity of Aspen In ossence is a quality which must be Jealousy ~rded. ~'h1s intan,..;ll'le .ualit7 which dlatin- gulares our COmMunlt~ f~ a hundred othe~ resort tow~s can he lost fOrGvor it 11'0 ~vulnera~le to speeulati~e ~eed ~ich can Dubotitute flas~1ng neon SiL':D ~or the natural sunset glow ot our high peaks. ,holsome, co: ,on Intorest In the preservatiCln of the atmosprere we have chosen tor our hOl:.es is not eno~')-: ..'0 need mOTley to build, maintain a~ to controU tve do not need one Mansor one instituti~n'" Mo~ey but rather the legitlmate, modest and ol1"l!Ost spontanlous st-Are frOl'll those wo wander rofreshed and lrllspired throu.;h our garden. COpy