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~~ING OF l~ ~RCH 1956
B"ning ldeeting: Bamboo Room-Hotel Jerome
Fein8inger on resume of afternoon Meeting:
OUtline of views of Healtb DepartlllOnt, lfendy, PlUt C"
Dr. Cleery--Summary of Eealth Department Vie..
Plan for water company improve~nt.--good
Length of time for developelllOnt--bad
Could not all be done this summer, but 10 yr.. too long
Possibll .olution. :
1. Hendy entitled to opportunity to ..ke it go
~. Visit some other towns
a. Explore those. towns witb same problems
b. See finanoers and engineers in Denver
Dr. Baxter--stated that be could not prove that diarreah
was or was not from water. Cause and effect
were there, but not proof. Dr. Cleery concurred.
Dr. Cleere--Bring team in from US Department ot Public Health.
Cheek diarreab outbrea~
Dr. Payne made studiel in Wilc.
Plaani~.8ama~s.ion went on reoord to invite PHS to Aspen
Hr. liate P'elnllnger wlll see them In A.tlanta and wIll
get last aummerl Fleld Report on A.pen & make arrangements
tor them to eo.,. .
Mr. Fred VAtter--engIne.r aeslB8ed by Health Dept. to help u..
Fred Hendy--Hns Improved water aystem 11nce September up
to ultlmate wlth present .~tem. NothIng more can be done
without large outlay. Haa taken water .aaple. to Independent
lab e"ry day linee first part ot January.
Pr. Cleere--Sate water telta do not nec...arIly mean that
there 18 not potentIal polutiolll or danger. Aapea 1. io1ng
,-,. ~,r to haw troubloe ID tuture it .ome change. In water 'yltem are
.........:....a - ..-:- -.....::a.- ~
nger-..p .. 1'y " -" --::--=-~:-::-::.-~ _ ,-- - ~
1. (le.t tact. frOlll PHS on present water .UPC1
It. Vllit ItOlIIlIlUnltiea on Health Dept. Li.t,... _,
Ul4 rl~.r.. Po..ibll1ty ot 3 or " eolllllllJt\.tU..
I.tt~ togeher to t1llflne. wo,1'k.
3. &n.7 to revia. ~~). plan to abort.r Cl-
.. Punda tor trips I
" 5. Publici ty--to oounteract bad publici ty-...~ft
to Y()1'll:: witb &t.G.Jilaltb Bou4_ _ '0 ....;.: ',.,
: - :::l'-",,:;..fi1g -coiiiitidiiti jae otMr towni' 1n
II r. Alao di.poaal plaDta in thes. town. ~". ~..
Dr. Cleere .111 send lilta or tlQ1lBa. ' .~ ,/,
~: Ha... ltM "'1ulnger an4 Hem'y Ite1. ra1.. .....'
. ~.ViJlll,""''''4 135.00 oollec-1ied at .0t!a&.'V-' "'1
~1a't1Gn >>1a1ilD'!'=', 't. .01:.11.. r4.Pe11fi..,..
"lfC" . lUp,le I. I!o,r. · f!-' .acta.O'1"8 ..Uato it .n..l 0'0'" .,~~ .
_~,. .\,.' aPPil"GlflJa~J'. '000.00. Includllll ...or. o.ryp .
, " .HlsiD ~ll.t QD Diatrict except Hallalll Lake due fi .
.. ~.( '" 'e eXJl&Dalnon 0.. t San! ta tion :Dhtl'iot unl... pumpIng Install.
., Prebable s1t.,.1. eelow hOlp1tal. .
h' Frell Jlattel'~-o1' ~.1t.ti Dept. to look at ~.
'., t& J:lr. n..ro, fto.4 ....t...l' & l\'e4 Ben4;r tl!Yl'
.~ "r1'-,~~ ",,::, -4-' :"'""~ .
Oil< .' _ .df. ~' _"I Or j;_~ .~; ~
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Pat Henry--Has anything been done about reccommendlng a
.treet paving pros-am to the City. Ans. Have not yet
dlsculsed this prOblem in full.
Gerry Sanderson --Anything been done on Publio Health Nur.e
tor County. PossibilIty of some state aid according to
Dr. Cleere--County Commissioner meeting more appropriate to
,,"ring up.
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On Maroh 12, lY56, the Planning Commission met at
3:00 P. M. at the Bamboo Room of the Hotel Jerome in Aspen,
Colorado. All members Ylere present except Hod NIcholson.
Also present were Dr. Cleere and Fred Mathers representIng the
Department of Health for the State of Colorado; Mr. Fred Hendy
representing the ~apen Water Company; Fred Glidden, CIty CouncIl-
man; Nate F'einsinger, Attorney, present at the request of the
Planning Commission; and Clinton B. Stewart, City Attorney.
CQnziderable disoussion was held in which the posItions
of t"e Pl annlng Commission, the Aspen 'rater Company, and the
Department of Health were dtnuad by the respective interested
Mr. Hendy oontended that he had met the minimum standards
of tho Department of Health as established under the Colorado laws
and the regulations of the Department of Health promulgated there-
The position of the Department of Health hs explained by
Dr. Cleere was that the Aspen Water Company did not mAet the
standards referred to above. He and Mr. Mather indicated that
full treatment, which Includes chemical cOagulation, sedImentation,
filtration, and dis-infection would be required. ibe Aspen Water
Company was deficient in the fIrst three treatment requirements.
The Department of Health commended 1~. Hendy upon his plan of
Improvement of the system, howevor, the Department of Health
indIcated that the plan was unacceptable for the reason that the
period of accomplishment was too long.
The positions of the Department Gf Health and the Aspen
Water Company became doadlocked, at which time Mr. Feinsinger
summarized the positIon of each and after further Interrogation,
the meeting was resolved as follows:
A. Mr. Hendy should re-study his plan as submitted
to the Department of Health to see if the fA8sibility of
accomplishment could be shortened and to reconsider
methods of financing of the Aspen Water Company so that it
could improve its system.to meet the minimum standards.
B. The Planning CommissIon should study the positIon
of the Water Company in light of financing and co-operation
to assist the water company in complying with the require-
ments of the Department of Health.
C. 'rhe Department of Heal th should consul t further with
the Water Company to lend co-operation in accomplIshing its
program, and should co-operate and consult with the Planning
CommissIon In its endeavor to protect the interest of the
people of Aspen.
D. The Department of Health should on its own initiative
or'by endorsement indicate by proper publIcity that the City
PlannIng CommIssion and the Aspen Water Company were studyIng
the problem to fInd a reasonable and practical solutIon. Mr.
Felnsinger was asked by the Chairman of the Planning Commis-
sion to summarize the results of this meeting for the public
moetlng to be held at 7:30 P. M. at the same place and date.
RESOLVED, that it Is the sense of this meeting that the
improvement of the water and sanitation conditions in and around
the eity of flspen deserves the fIrst consideration by the Planning
Commission, or that the Planning Commission be, and it is hereby,
requested to meet with Mr. Hendy and any other persons or officials
involved to discuss the problem, and after study, to present a
specific written proposal for such improvement to a specIal citizens
meeting called for the purpose within thirty (30) days.
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