HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.013056 J MIWUT~S OF FIRST MRETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION The first meeting of the Plannin~ Commissinn for the 'I 'I City of Aspen was held in the office of Clinton B. Stewart at Aspen, CnlorAdo, on Monday, January )0, 1956, at 71)0 P. M. Those present werel Hod Niohol son Lawrence Elisha A. E. Robison Michael Garrish Robert Roy Clinton B. Stewart ,I By the unanImous decision of tho.e present, MIchael Garrish was seleoted as temporary ohalrman and Hod Nlchol.on wa. appointed temporary secretary. The temporary chairman appointed a Bylaw. Committee con.isting at Lawrenoe Elisha, Robert Roy and Hod Nicholson. A disoussion wa. held conoerning the number of member. present to oonstitute a quoru. and the Bylaws CommIttee wa. in.truoted by the Comml..lon to e.tablish in the Bylaws that a querua .hall oonsi.t at three ()) member. of the Co.ml.slon. ,I I !he next order of busine.s wa. a dl.cusalnn of a prooedwre to be tollowed by the Commission in preparation of a Master Plan tor the City at Aspen. As a result of this di.cusslon, the temporary chair.an .et Pebruary 1), 1956, at 7130 P. N., in the Bamboo Ro~ at the Hotel Jero.e tor a public meettng to obtain the benetit ot co..unity thought. The tollowing a..noiations or grnUp. were to be oontaoted reque.ting that each appoint a oommittee to oonsider oommunity problem. that shouM be oonsidered by the Planning Commi..ion with the request that their respeotiye oommittees be repre.ented at the meeting to be held February 1)1 Lion. Club, Chamber of Commeroe, Lodge Owners' As.ooiation, County Commissioner., Sohool Board, Sanitation Di.trict, Ho.pital Board, Mu.io A..ooiate.. There being no rurtner bustne.s, the meeting wa. adjourned. , l . .... EACH OROANIZATIOJh GEN'l'LEIlbP a Iir A 'I' e q T C1 If A .J J I" MeA.r The Gi ty of Aspen by resolution ,as proYided by the law. or Colorado, ha. e.tablished a Planning Commission con~ting of fiYe (5) members. The problem of the Planning Commission i8 to work out a ma.ter plan for the oyerall development of Aspen and Yloinity. The Planning Commission held ita tirst meeting on January 30, 1956. It is the desire of the Planning Commissi~n that ita work be patterned after the composite thought of the oommunity as a whole. It was felt that by .9~.a._i~ various organizations ~ with the request that these organizations appoint committi.. to discuss the problems existing in Aspen ,that should be considered by the Planning Commission and thet the findings of these committees should then be presented to the 'lanning Commission at s public meeting to be held February 13, lQ:,6, at 7130 F. M., in the f-aaboo Room of the Hotel Jerome. After the Planning Commission has reports from the to work out a mRster plan of development for the A~pen area. yariou. organizations, then it will launch upon a pro~ram dasigned Aapen's problems. Whatever you can d~ in thi~ regard will be organization Co-operate and pre~ent tn it a thorough ~tudy or The Planning Commiasion Would appreciate having your greatly appreciated by the Commission. Y~ur5 very truly, Michael Garriah Temporary Chairman