HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.091755Memo
2221 Fourth St~eet
Boulder, Colorado
Septe.ber 17, 1155
TOI Pitkin County, Colorado, Board of County Comaiaaionera
and Planning Commisaion
City of Aapen, Colorado, City Council and Planning
Coauai.a II ion
FIOHI Trafton Bean, Planning Conaultant
SUBJECTI Aspen Regional Planning Program
lith the final part or the 1956 Aspen planning prolra. readT
tor co.pletion, this report is prepared aa a auaaar, ot paat
action and of work re.aining to be coapleted. nue to .arloaa
reaeona outlined below, su..er Aapen planning acti.it, waa
relati.ely unproductive and thererore particular eftort ahoald
be ..de betw.en principal touriat seaaons to tate up the slack
and to finiah the .er, fin. results underwa, last linter and
Put Action
To date, the following highlights have been accomplished I
A. De.elop.ant Plan for Aspen and Fringe Area
1. The sur.ey of existing reaourcea haa been prac-
tically co.pleted. Baaic facts r.gardinc popula-
tion, financell, natural resources and special
coaaunit, featarea are a.eilab1e a. a realistic
foundation for future plans.
2. Prelimina~ plana ha.e been studied b, the p1annlae
commisllion and conau1tant for atre.t and hleb"',
land use and part deve10p..nt. Final plana ahould
follow fairly rapid1, with aucb coaaunit, intereat
already expresaed in relation to the abo.e planl.
B. Zoning for Aapen and Fringe Area
1. The most ti.e conlluminl project to date "I tbat ot
Aapen fringe area aoninl. Five draft. for lach a
proposed County resolution wer. prepared and Itadi.d
along with obtaining of area reaction berore th.
Commissioners adopted such soning atandards. After
adoption, 600 copies of the official zoning maps
were printed for general public use.
2 .
Comprehensive zoning amendments to the existing
City zoning law have been reviewed b, the Cit,
Planning Commission and will be modified for use
after completion of basic .treet and highwa, plans--
particularly those of State Highway routes.
Comprehensive "continuing" zoning for the County
fringe area was diecuesed at the time of adoption
of the "temporary" standsrds and should therefore
be fairly easy to complete.
C. Implementation
1. Planning matters with the consultant present ha.e
been diftcussed at four official Board of County
Commissioners meetings, at two City Council meetings,
at twelve County Planning Commissioners' aeetings,
at three City Planning Com.is.ion meeting., and at
one County Board of Adjustment .eeting.
2. Publicity and discu.sion of the program with
interested resident. has taken place---particularly
during the public hearing stage of County loning.
D. Special Proiects
1. Prepare~ a proposed City Trailer Ordinance.
2. Prepared preliminary County subdivision standards.
I! 3. Investicated several City .ign prOblems.
4. County loning proposals wore personally presented
to the State Planning Commission and appro.ed.
5. Special County zoning publicity information was
6. State Highway official plans have been discussed
with the State Highway Design Engineer Adolph Zulian
with the Planning and Research Engineer Livingston
and with the District Engineer McCoy.
7. New base maps for Pitkin County and Aspen were drawn.
8._ A lot by lot land use survey of the Aspen Region was
completed and recorded.
E. Rours Rpent by Consultant
During thp. first three months of the contract,
225 hours or 90 hours over the minimum were .pent
on Aspen Regional projects.
During the second three month period, 192 hours or
57 hours over the contract requirement were used
on the 1IOrk.
3. During the third quarter, 143 hours were expended
on Aspen and Pitkin County planning.
Future Program
A. The final plans and summary repnrt for street and highwaT,
land use, park and recreation, and school studies should be
B. The impro.ements program will be outlined.
C. Comprehensi.e zoninll for the City of A spen and Cou nty
fringe area ~an be completed.
D. Ci~ and County subdivision and building etandards can be
studied and usp.d as necessary.
Excellent pro~ress was made during the first seven
months of the Aspen Regional Planning Program. During
the Summer months, the heavy schedule of local Aspen
activities intprfored with well attended planning
meetings and delayed State Highway studies prevented
equally good planning work for that period. During
the remajnir.~ tw~ plus montns, however, every effort
should be made to properly complete the annual pr~gram.
Many studies and important recommendations have been
outlinerl an~ ,nvestty,sted so that they can now be quick-
ly concluded
R~spectfully submitted,
7~- &--
Tra fot on Bean