HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.apz.min.090655 r "",.,.--. From Hiutes of Aspen City Council - September 6, 1955 The Resolutial of Planning COIlIl1I1ssion read and a motion was made by Nicholson seconded by Garrish that a Planning COIlIl1I1ssion be created. All Council all voted yes. I I ordinanCe No. 6 Series of 1956 - Land Use Zoning - adopted and approved, July 2, 1956. I .;a -/ ~~ f/ (/ I ~ { J - ~ \ ., . - ~..- I I I I. II ,- I' o o RESOLUTION CRE;A'lTN'G A PLANNlm GOmlISS!ON FOR TEE CI'I"f OF ASPE:ll, COLORADO. 'NE!!.'REAS tho GOllncll 0;" ti'e City of Aspen finds the followl.ng f~ ('ts !'lxls tl ng ""i th respec t t;~ tho munl clpsl1t:, of Aspen: 1. ~'hat the (:ity of Aspen llT'r.I its lni'obi tn:1ts enjoy the finli"1cial c<J;;-'o~lt of the tour-1st trado in 'the s\lmIlIer and winter fr.onth::>, 2. That ~~~orous people pre coming to Aspen to acquire business and residential property and to reside or live in Aspen ve~anently or for a enbsta-tial period of ti~c eaen YAnr, 3. ~~t the ~untclpal r!l.cilitie~ of 1~e City nf A~l'en ere 1-:..1Ci:Jc\.v.te or require i~prCverr.Mlt, "'nd that 11 long range plan is required to correct this situation. 4. That tta Council for the Citr of Asp~r. i~ ~ot ad8~wltely equJppco nor do its mernb6r5 ~ave suff~cient tlM~ to investigate, orgnn1ze or i~pl~~3r.t ~ long range plan for the i~prov~mc-t snd dev3lopmnnt ~r the City of ."3"on, 5. Thn: the City of Aspen can protect its economic welfare and tl,e heal th, ufety and wclra!'!! o~ j ts Inhahitar.t9 by a lo~g range r1an to i~prove its mQ~iclpal facilities, and thr-t ~~G health, safety and welfaro or the City of Aspen be imp!'cved, and that 1 t i:J there foro np.ceseary that the COWlcil :'or the Clty of Aspen create a pla"1r1inc; cOI:l:r..iulon. 6. That Article 59 of the Colo~do Revised Siatutes, 1953, authcr1rocs and empowers the COQ~cl1 to rn~ko, adopt, amend, oxtend, add to or carry out a m~nicipal plan and to create a planning c~~ia81on with the powers and dutiee as therein defined, -- ----- , I I o o now, THEHEPORR, be it roaol'lIld the City Council for the I I I CI ty of A~re~ 1.n law~~ll meeti"g I!.sllelllb'!.ed, FIEST, That t:horo is hereby ,ostablished and crented a Plarnln;,; Co!!'rr.ls3ion under authority of Section 13o-5Q-2 of the Colerado Revis~(j Statutes, 1053, 1l'tth all of t he powers and duties as c.efine::l anrl provided for i" Al"tIcle 59 of the Colorado Revised Ststutes, 1053. SEGO~~, That the Commission shall consist of fivA " members, the ~ayor for the City of Aspen a~::l a C~~ncl1mar I: appointed by the Mayor, as ex officio men~ers, and three bona fiae resi::lents af Ghe City of Aspen all of whom shall be selected ond anpointed by tho Ma7or. Tho t. rms of ex . offioio memhers shall correspond to their resp~ctive official I; .' I I tenures. The term 0: uach appointed member 61'1&1.1 he si,. years or untIl hls successor takes office, except that of the I I. MAmbers first appointed, one tor,n shall be two yoars, one shall be f~ur yenrs and one ~hall be Si7 y~ars. Vacancles " occurring othel'wilJe than throul;h the expiration of term shall bu fillod for the r'3mall1der or the un~:-cpi!'('l~ term by the Mayor. All ~omh9rs shall eeI'vo without com~enBation. THIRD, the Commis~ion shall elect its chairman from among tho apDcinted members e.nd create and Clll such other of its offjces as it may determil1e. The torrr. or chairman shall ce one year, with eligibility for re-election. The Comm! sston shall hold at lilget one regular meeting each month. It s~all ~dopt rules for transaction of business and shall keep Ii rocord of its resolutions, transactions, findin~s and detorminations, 'mich record shall be a public reoord. FrURnI, The CommiSSion may appoint such employees as it may deem necessary for its wor':, whcse appcintment, promotion, - 2 - __ - 11I:""-:-- -:~-~- ..--- o Q I I As the work of making the whole master plan pro:,reases, the commission may from time to time adopt arc puhli~h a part I I I I I I I or parts thereof, any such part to cover one or more major sections or divisions of the muniolpality or one or more of the roregoln~ or other functional matters tc be included In the pla", 1~e commission muV ame~d, oxte-~, or add t~ t~e I I plal" fro'll time to tJ.me. SIXTH. In the p:"eparation of such plan the comminion shall mbke c&roful and comprehensive surveys and st~ldies of present oonditions and future growth,of the municipality and with due r~eard to its relation to neiGhboring ~erritory. The plan s)'all t, C ma1e ."i th the :;ensral purpose of gui<li nE; and accompll~htng a coordinated, adjast~d and ~armonious develop- ment of the municipality and its environs, which will, in ac- cordanoe with prosert ~,d future needs, best ?TOmote health, safety, mor!:ls, order, convenience, ;:rospertty and f';enerll.l welfare, as well as efficiency and eo~nomy ir the process of develo~nt, including" e.mone' other things, rode 'uat>;! proviRion for traffic, ~hA promotion of safoty from fire and other danp,ers, adequate provision for lir;ht Il11d qtr, the Jr0ll10tion of healthful and conven~ent distribution of population, the promoti0n of ~ood civic design and arrangemert, wise and efficient eapenditure of public funds, ancl tho adequate provision of puhlic utilities and other public re~uirementc. 3EV~~rp., The procedure of the Commission wlth respect to the plan or success~ve parts of the plan shall be gov~rned by ~ecctnn 13~-59-8. EIGHTH, The zonin;' Commh310n for the eit" of Aspen, here- tofore appointed and 0stabllshed ehall retain all or its powers, records, and autror1ty fnr a period of si~ months from the adoption c~ ~his resolution; thnreaftnr t~a p0W'r~ and records of the zoning commissinn shall be tra~srD"red t~ the planning commlssior.. -- I I I , o o I I I demotion and remov:!l1 sha!! be subject to t;-e samo provision:; I I I I I I I cf law !IS goo/ern other oorrollponc1ng c1.11 employeos of the C1ur:icipe.lity.f"'J commillsion may alsQ co""\t:'!lct, by and wl~ the consent of the council, with city ~laITner8, engineers !l",d architects and o':her cor.s'.Jltcmts for S"lch !l>rvlces as it mRI.' reqtdre. "I'he e7.penditure:l of the corn:nil's1r:.n, exclusive of girts, shall :'0 y:it!1in the 8l!lO'-lnt~ apfropriatcd for the purpose ~J council, which shAll provide th~ ~L"'~r" e~uipment and ac- commodati'lnll nl:lcessary for the cflrr.r-J.ssi0n's v'ork. I I I ?IF'rH, It shall be the function end Celty or the commis- sion to ~ake and adopt a master plan for the physical develop- ~0nt of :h~ municipality, including ary areas outside of its boundaries subject to tre approval of the legislative or govern- ins body tnving jurisaictlon thereof, whieh ir the commission's Judgment, uC!lr relation to the pla"ning of ~'lch :mmiclpality. Such plar., Tlith the accOl:1panyin3 map:;, plats, cr.3rts and descriptive matter, shull nhow the cQ!r.Mlsst'>n's roco!':'.me'1dllticns for th"J jeveiopment of enid terr~t(,ry i'1cludin,--;, among other t'11 '1.:~: Tte general location, character e'1d extent of str~ets, viaduetn, ~u::"ays, b:r1d3e~, water-HayS, wsterfrnnts, h("JUi 0varos, parkwnys, rl~7grounde, s~aaree, parks, aviation fields, Il~d other p~~li~ .ays, grounds ~nc open spaces, the b~ne~~l location and extent of public uttJ.i ties and termina.ls, lItleth"r publicly or prjval;61y owned or operated, for wllter, l1~'t, Ilanitation, tranllportR t ion, communien tion, potier ar.d other purposes; 81 sb the removol, Mlocatlon, wirlenir.g, narro'!l'1 rs, vocatir.<", e.blln- donme!1t, chl'!n,o:6l of use cr exto"slfln of any of l'11'! foregoing wnys, croelnds, open spacee, build~ng8, property utility or terminals; as .-ell as a zo"ing plar ro~' the control of the height, 'lrea, bulk, location and \l!le of buil,Hng3 a.nd premises. I I - 3 - t ~'--"""- - -...-..-. -.,-- - -~ - - - - - -- I I I; I . . o Q Tt Passed, ~pproved an~ adopted this ~ day of Septemb~r. A. D. 1055. f I I I ~ I I I I I I ", , ~ - ~, - I' I I I BYfAWS FOR THE PLANNING COMl~SbION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COcDRADO. ARTICLE I Sectlon 1. ESTABLISR1ffiNT. The Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado, by rosolution of September 6, 1955, established and created a Planning Commission under authority of Section 139- 50-2 of the Colorado Revised ~tatutes, 1953, consisting of five members. Basic authority of the Planning Commission is in the Statutes. The Resolution among other things did order: "FIRST, That there is hereby established and created a Planning Commission under authority of Section 139-59-2 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953, with all of the powers and duties as defined and provided for in Article 59 of the Colorado Revised Sta tutos, 1953. SECOND, That the Commission shall consist of five membors, the Mayor for the City of Aspen and a Councilman appointed by the Mayor, as ex officio members, and throe bona fide residents of the City of Aspen all of whom shall be selected and appointed by the Mayor. Tho terms of ex officio members shall correspond to their respective official tenures. The term of each appointed member shall be six years or until his successor takes office, except that of the members first appointed, one term shall be two years, one shall be four years and one Shall be six years. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term shall be filled for the remainder of the unexplred term by the Mayor. All members shall serve wlthout compensation. TH[RD, The Commission shall elect its chairman from among the appointed members and create and fill such other of its offices as it may determine. The term of chairman shall be one year, with . eligibility for re-election. Thc Commission shall hold at least one rligu.lar meeting eaoh month. It shall adopt rules for transac- tion of busin6s~ and shall keep a record of its resolutions, trans- actions, f:i.ndings and determInations, whicl: record shall be a public record. Fo'mTR, The Commission may appoint such employees as it [,'/iy dCGM necessary for lts wO::'k, whose appointment, promotIon, de- !!lotion and removal shall he subjeot to tho same provisions of law as govern other oorrespond~r;g dvil employoes of the municipality. The oommi~sion may also contract, by lind with the consent of the council, wlth ci t"J planners, engineers and arohitects a,.,-j other consultants for such so.-vices as it may require. The expenditures of tho co,-,;mission, oxclusive 01' gifts, shall be wi thin t'1e amounts appropriated for ./-\....... u~J,...... p'.l.."':'pose by cou!"loil, which shall pl'o'ride the funes, equipment and accommoCations ~ocessa~r for the r,ommlssion's work. FIF'TH, It shall be tb(~ f1t1")ctioI" and duty of the comrrdssion to rrake and adopt a master plan for the physics-I development of the municipality, including any are~s outside of its boundaries subject to the approval of the legislative or govJrning body havinG jm'is- diction thereOf, Which in the Commission's judgment, bear relation to tbe planni~~ of such municipality. Such plan, ~ith the accompany- ing maps, plata, charts and descriptive matter, shall show the commis- sion's recomme~dations for the development of said territory including among other things: The general locatio~, character and ~xtent of Btroe~s, viaducts, subways, bridges, waterways, waterfronts, boulevards, pp..rk'llays, playgrounds, squares, parks, aviation fields, and other public ways, grounds and open spaces, the general location and extant of public utilities and terminals, whether publicly or - 2 - privately owned or operated, for water, light, sanitation, trans- portation, communication, power and other purposes; also tho removal, relocation, widening, narrowing, vacating, abandonment, change of use or extension of any of the foregoing ways, grounds, open spaces, buildings, property utility or terminals; as well as a zonlng plan for the control of the height, area, bulk, location and use of building and premises. As the worl, of making the whole master plan progresses, the Commission may from time to time adopt and publish a part or parts thereof, any such part to cover one or more major sections or divisions of the municipality or one or more of tho foregoing or other functional matters to be included in the plan. Tho com~ission may amend, extend, or add to the plan frOm time to time. .~ SIXTH, In the preparation of such plan, the Commission shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of present conditions and future growth of the municipality and with due regard to its relation to neighboring territory. The plan shall be made with the general purpose of gutiing and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the municipality and its environs, ~lich will, in accordance with present and guture needs, best promote health, safety. morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare. as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development, including. among other things, adequate provisions for traffic, the promotion of safety frOm fire and other dangers. adequate proviSion for light and air, the promotion of healthful and convenient distribution of population, the promotion of good civic design and arrangement, wise and efficient expenditure of public funds, and the adequate provision of public utilities and other public requirements. -3- - .. .. SEvr::rrH, The procedure of the Commission with respect to the plan or successive parts of the plan shall be governed by Section 13Q-59-8. EIGHTH, The Zoning Commission for the City of Aspen, heretofore appointe.d and established shall retain nIl of its pOYlers, records, and authority for a period of six months from the adoption of this Resolution; thereafter the powers and records of the Zonlng Commission shall be transferred to the Planning COfl!!lission." Section 2. GEN,,;RATJ DU'l'IES A-WD POWERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Co~mission is an Instrumo~tality of the City of Aspen. The duties and powers of the Planning Commission are and shall be as defined in the Statutes for the ~tate of Colorado and the Rosolution of the City Council creatlng said Commission. Section 3. OFFICERS. At the regular me~tlng of the Planning Commission held in the month of .Tanuary of each yoar, after the appointment of new members to tho Planning Commission by the Mayor of Aspon, the said Commission shall elect their Chairman and Secretary. A. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and shall appoint all committees deemed necessary by the Commission, and shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees, unless otherwise stated. He shall make regular reports to the City Council of the progress of said Commission; and shall p0rform such other duties as may be req'.dred by the Bylavtl!l. B. The Secretary shall koep the minutes of the proceedi~>s of the Commission, shall notify members of all regular meetings of the Commission at least one day in advance; shall notify members of their nppolntment on co~~lttees; and shall have charge of the - 4- 1 - .. -~ oorrespondence of the Commission, and the records and documents of the Commission; and shall perfor'll such other duties as usually pertain to the 0.('fic6. Ssction 4. REGUTJAF MSETING'S OF 1'!!E COM!/rISSIOK. The regular Yll6sting of the Planning Commission shall be held on the s6cor.d ~onca:r of each month. The Chairman may change the date or th~ rsealar meeting by giving twenty-four (24) hours notice to 6':ary member, Section 5. SPECIAf, I,C1:!."'l'nms. Special Msetings of the Coml:Jission may be called by the Chairmun or any three members, provided evory member 8:1all receive twenty-four (24.) hours notico of such meeting or shall waive such notice. Ssction 6. Q.UORUM. A majority of the members of the Pl!U"ning Commission s!1:ll1 constitute a quorum for thl) conduct of busineso at any regular or special moeti~>s. Seotion 7. El~LOYEES. Any employees of the Planning Commission shall be directly responsible to the Commission and indirectly to the City or Aspen.