HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.09052007 A~&~c~N DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes September 5, 2007 In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Laura Komasiewicz, Barbara Owen, Rick Newton and Debbie Ware. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jonathan Godes, Paul Kulik Guests: None I. Call to Order - Sue called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: None Staff Comments: None Guest Comments: None. II. Approval of Past Minutes: Barbara motioned to approve and Debbie provided a second. All approved. III. Discussion Items: . Outdoor Pools: Tim provided information to the AC which identified the team that had been created to move forward with the detailed design of the Outdoor Pools and assessment of cost for funding needs. The team which has been assembled includes: - Hagman Architects: Lead Architect - Councilman/Hunsaker: Pool Design & Consultants - Long Energy Solutions: Mechanical Engineering - Sopris Engineering: Civil Engineering & Survey - DHM Landscape Architects - Electrical Engineer TBA "~,_,-",~.",,'~,.o,"_...,.._.~.~...~_,,.+.~.__..~_..?,-_., .',. Staff explained that this team will go to work on identifying the exactly where the pools will sit in relation to the area allocated, and site work along with mechanical will be identified to see that all components fit. Once the details ofthis stage of design are complete the drawings will come back to the AC for final review of elements included in the pools. From here the contractors will be able to identify costs for the project which we may then take to City Council for final approval. This process could take up to January of2008, and the Contractors have been asked to provide a schedule for this stage of work. . Monthly Financial Report: Staff provided an August 2006/07 comparison of revenue at the ARC and while the total was less in 2007, this was due to the difference in a corporate rental of $1 0,000. Considering revenue exempt of the corporate rental the ARC had seen an inflationary increase in revenue for the month. Year to date in 2007 the ARC had seen a 5% increase in revenues over 2006. . Family Memorial and ongoing policy: This policy was again visited by the AC. Staff made some changes to the policy based upon comment from the last AC meeting. Items the AC wished to see more detail was as follows: I. Detail regarding the description of the Plaque which will be purchased and location of placement will be identified and determined by staff, not the family. All plaques must be ofthe same type such as park benches in the community. 2. Cost will be $500.00 3. Approval of the "individual being memorialized", will be determined by the Advisory Committee. 4. The family must place in writing their request and justification of this individuals contribution to the community and reasons for placement of a plaque in Community facilities. . Business Calendar: Staff alluded to the fact that we were going into budget season and that the ARC and Recreation subsidy had been slightly reduced in 2008 projections. Fees will be the final determination of the subsidy level and the AC will have to opportunity to weigh in next month on proposed fee increases per the 2008 budget development. Members of the AC did ask and felt that it is their place to lobby Council to continue subsidizing this facility for the good of the Community, our youth and guests who use this wonderful facility. Rick Newton asked staff to look at fees for Figure Skaters and Hockey Players and see that all fees are comparable in pricing. Staff will look at this and get back to the AC. ~.: ..,,,,,,,,---,,.~<-~- IV. Updates: . Energy Efficiency Project: This project has not been without issues. The timeline for completion has now been moved back to late October. Due to the change in weather, the contractor has been asked to provide supplemental heat to the building in areas where the air handling is not on line as of October 1st. The project continues and must forge ahead, and issues addressed immediately. The Youth Center has experienced the bulk of disruptions as they sit directly under the mechanical penthouse and contractor mistakes have led to damage in the Youth Center. The City will contact their insurance and work from there to address the Youth Center issues. . Concession Operations: While the concession operation continues to improve, staff provided a comparison of revenue generated according to BUNZ management, and a comparison to how the previous operator had faired. BUNZ was down significantly while the ARC continued to grow in use. This is of concern to the AC and has been presented to the operators of BUNZ. BUNZ does seem to be getting a thumbs up in their willingness to work with the user groups in providing services for upcoming events. The AC also mentioned that the selection of food could be improved and this may help with revenues. Provide snacks and food the kids want to eat. V. Action Item(s): . Board Terms: The AC interviewed 4 individuals interested in filling the vacated board spot. Laura Kornasiewicz had been moved from the pool representative to the general public representative, and interviews were held for a new pool representative. Interviewees were: 1. Cynthia Haines 2. Arlene Nelson 3. Linda Johnson 4. Gordon Gerson The AC selected Gordon Gerson due to his background and knowledge regarding pool operations and activity related to competitive swimming on the Western Slope. Staff will take the nominations of both Gordon and Laura to Council on the 24th of September for final approval. VI. Other Business: None The committee was adjourned and will meet again on October 2, 2007. ********************************