JANUARY 17, 2018
Chairperson Bill Guth called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Bill Guth, Bill Dinsmoor, Terry Butler, Steve Fante, Kiki Raj, Charles
Cunniffe. Absent was Amanda Tanaka.
Staff in attendance: Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk; Mitch Osur, Parking Services Director
Guest in attendance: Kathy Strickland
City Attorney, James R. True, stopped by before the meeting began to make a recommendation to CCLC
regarding the political party booths being allowed in the Saturday Market. He said it is a necessary thing
as council doesn’t want to get into a battle with the candidates, so CCLC should allow them two spots.
Ms. Strickland said she will make room at opposite corners and they will be allowed a table and
Mr. Cunniffe asked about noise, harassment and lines being crossed. Mr. True said that CCLC can
establish rules so that it is made clear how far candidates can go. Mr. Osur agreed that it’s better to give
them a booth so that they aren’t harassing people. Mr. True also mentioned that it didn’t work out so
well previously when the candidates were right next to each other and he said Ms. Strickland could
explain these issues to everyone.
I made an announcement to the group that Mr. Klanderud will no longer be attending the meetings and
that I had received an email from Debbie Braun directly, which stated that she is not interested in
attending a meeting. I also let everyone know that Mr. Klanderud and Ms. Braun were both offended by
things that they read in the minutes regarding ACRA. Mr. Guth said that Ms. Braun reached out to him
the previous day and they had a good discussion about some of the issues between CCLC and ACRA.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Mr. Cunniffe stated that the rift between CCLC and ACRA should not be
ignored and maybe everyone can sit down with ACRA and see how things can be worked out.
Mr. Guth said that he and Ms. Braun spoke at length about what the purpose of CCLC is and why it
exists. He asked Mr. Osur if the City Council wants CCLC to exist and I mentioned to everyone that there
is a meeting currently in the works between City Council and CCLC that will now probably happen
sooner than later. Mr. Cunniffe said that it may appear as if CCLC is stepping on toes, etc. because they
do not have a clear direction or guidance from City Council. Mr. Guth asked if CCLC needs to refine their
mission or redefine it. Mr. Cunniffe noted that clarification is an important thing to seek at this point.
CCLC are formally requesting a meeting with City Council. I told them I would relay the message.
Mr. Osur told them they should be going to City Council every quarter with ideas that they want to
pursue. He told them they need to decide what they want to do and that Council doesn’t really care, as
long as they are helping the businesses in the city and finding holes that they can fill to make an
instantaneous impact. They need to see that CCLC is making something happen.
Ms. Butler commented on the issue with ACRA and said this has been going on for the past 20 years; a
jealousy between the two groups.
Mr. Cunniffe suggested that everyone bring their thoughts to the table and represent the mission of
CCLC to City Council regarding what is going on.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Dinsmoor motioned to approve, Mr. Fante seconded. All in favor, motion
Market vendor review with Ms. Strickland commenced.
She suggested a $100 late fee be added to the application process next year for vendors who are late,
but still want in. There were so many late entries this year and she said they cannot lose the power
Mr. Osur suggested that Ms. Strickland send out a questionnaire to the major players to see why they
didn’t reapply, which would be like an exit interview for us to learn from. Ms. Strickland said she knows
the reasons for the major ones that we lost for this next year and it is that they are either tied, sick or
have moved away.
She also mentioned that the market did 1.8 million in sales this past year.
Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk