HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.11062007N q~'. lE4t~.y;,y. y'?vti Y S.:3iE ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~L~sfi; 'PARKS & RECREAriUN ~4: DRAFT ASPENRECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes November 6, 2007 In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Barbara Owen, Rick Newton, Gordon Gerson, Laura Kornasiewicz, Sue Smedstad, and Debbie Ware. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jojo Smith, Jonathan Godes, Andrea Streff, Nancy Lesley Guests: Toni Kronberg I. Call to Order -Scott called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Scott informed staff that he had spoken with a woman who said she was having trouble getting skating lesson information. She was not sure what number to call, was having trouble finding information, and getting singed up. Staff will work on improving the communication lines with all staff so if the question comes through a location other than the ice facilities this woman can be assisted. Staff Comments: The new fitness equipment is up and operational, the new fitness space has opened and staff was holding a fitness open house at the ARC which was prompting a noticeable increase in pass sales. The Fall Face Off was going well. No problems to convey with one weekend remaining. Guest Comments: None II. Approval of Past Minutes: Rick motioned to approve and Laura provided a second. All approved. III. Discussion Items: 1. Marketing Presentation: Andrea Streff and Nancy Lesley attended the meeting to present the mazketing strategies that were being used to promote Parks & Recreation programs and facilities to include the ARC. While the AC commended the Marketing staff on their programs and direction, a few comments and suggestions were offered as follows: • The need for an electronic kiosk in more locations for ease of access to Parks & Recreation information. • Contact all user groups in order to get pertinent information into the Recreation Program Guide. • Check with Aspen Reservations about getting information out to guests. • The AC should email any and all ideas and suggestions to staff and they will be forwarded to either the Marketing Team or the appropriate location within the Department. • The AC felt that they and staff needed a Cost Analysis breakdown per program and even to the point of prime and non-prime ice for example. This assist in scheduling, knowing where to market and what we could sell down time ice for. • The AC felt that a Cost Benefit Analysis of New Facilities and spaces created should be looked at in order to identify the opportunities and benefit of adding and improving space at the ARC. The Cost Benefit Analysis should identify a direction for the facility as to: a. Cost Recovery levels/subsidy levels b. More Users c. Priorities d. Vision/Goals Staff will talk with Paul Menter from Finance and Barry Crook from the manger's office regarding systems for embarking upon a Cost Benefit Analysis. The AC further discussed that a Vision of where the ARC is going and what it should be into the future should be visited and identified. Scott suggested that the Business Plan be re-visited, priorities and goals be identified and presented to Council for approval of direction. Barbara mentioned that, "The vision should be a process not a project". The Advisory Committee felt that they should lay out a list of goals for the ARC and present to Council. The goals should identify for example: a. Categories of priority b. Mission/Direction c. Future Goals d. Vision Each AC member will bring ideas of direction for discussion at the next meeting. Toni ICronberg was invited to speak at this point. She informed the AC that Paul Menter had said we needed to update the Business Plan. She informed the AC that Council wishes to go back to the voters as to what the excess property taxes will be used for, taxes beyond the original anticipated collection level. Toni stated that the Snowmass Village and Glenwood Recreation Centers were breaking even in their pool operations. 2. Outdoor Pools: Staff presented a memo and drawing to the AC which identified what the addition of two outdoor lap lanes might look like if attached to the family pool. The question has been asked of Staff in the October meeting why two lap lanes could not be added to the family pool. Staff presented the AC with issues relating to lap lanes being added in that they felt: • Two lap lanes would compromise the goals of adding fun and revenue producing features. • The outdoor pools would only operate 3 months during the summer, so the lap lanes would not be available for most swim meets. • There are plenty of available hours for lap swimming in the competitive pool schedule. • Due to usage during the summer months in the current pools, more fun features are needed for offering to users. It is not that the lap lanes cannot be designed into the family pool, but rather it compromises the goal which staff has understood to be such that increased revenues and usage be considered, and staff does not feel the addition of lap lanes will accomplish this. The AC members still felt strongly that lap lanes could be included in the design without compromising the fun factor. They asked that they be able to see updated drawings, comment on these and take a look at the possibility of adding out door lap lanes that would fit into the fun factor as well. What conflicts would be created by lap swimmers, and what would the additional cost be for this type of design. Toni Kronberg spoke to the outdoor pools and informed the AC that the ballot language asked for a pool(s), not FiJN. She asked why we could not operate lap lanes outside 12 months of the year. 3. Concession Operations: The AC felt that we were "between a rock and a hard place", in addressing our concession operations. The swim team recently held a swim meet and received all 9's and 10's on a survey for meet operations, but very low scores regazding the concession operations. Pizza was late to the post race party, the drinks and food were of very low quality and the prices were unreasonably high. Ice members injected the point that the concession operation had let the food supply run out during the mid afternoon of their fall face off annual hockey tournament. Some AC members felt that we needed a lazge vending set up, that would be stocked at all times, and allow patrons and groups to bring in their own food. One AC member and staff concurs, mentioned that there are even difficulties in having the vending company keep the vending machines operational and well stocked such as the case with the three machines in the ice warm room. The question was asked if the current vendor wanted to continue operating. AC members asked what the alternatives were. • Vending • Buy out the current vendor • Cancel the current contract due to non-performance This should be discussed further at the next AC meeting. Staff had identified that they spoke with the City Attomey and he informed them that there was not enough of a case to cancel the current contract (staff has since contacted the City Attorney again, and again he has stated that there aze insufficient grounds for cancellation of a contract and that we should work with the vendor to improve the operations). • Business Calendar: This calendar with updated events and info were included in the AC packet for review. IV. Updates: • Energy Efficiency Project: Sue Smedstad informed the AC that the Youth Center has undergone many disruptions in operations due to this project and asked what the completion date was set for. Staff was unable to provide a concrete completion date as the contractor has missed several dates thus far. The week of this AC meeting was going to provide staff would a good indication of project completion. V. Action Item(s): None • Other Business: The committee was adjourned and will meet again on December 4th, 2007.