PARCEL ID: 2737-074-10-001.
WHEREAS, the applicant, MDI, LLC, 109 ABC, Aspen CO 81612, represented by Scott
Bartleet of Flux Design Studio, P.O. Box 26]1, Basalt, CO 81621 has requested Major
Development (Conceptual), Relocation, Demolition, Variances, and an FAR bonus for the
property located at 980 Gibson Avenue, Unit #1, Alpine Acres Subdivision, Lot #1, City of
Aspen, Colorado; and
WHEREAS, Section 26.415.070 of the Municipal Code states that "no building or structure
shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, relocated or improved involving a
designated historic property or district until plans or sufficient information have been submitted
to the Community Development Director and approved in accordance with the procedures
established for their review;" and
WHEREAS, for Conceptual Major Development Review, the HPC must review the application,
a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine the project's
conformance with the City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines per Section
26.415.070.D.3.b.2 and 3 of the Municipal Code and other applicable Code Sections. The HPC
may approve, disapprove, approve with conditions or continue the application to obtain
additional information necessary to make a decision to approve or deny; and
WHEREAS, in order to authorize a demolition, according to Section 26.415.080, Demolition of
designated historic properties, it must be demonstrated that the application meets any one of the
following criteria:
a. The property has been determined by the city to be an imminent hazard to public
safety and the owner/applicant is unable to make the needed repairs in a timely
b. The structure is not structurally sound despite evidence of the owner's efforts to
properly maintain the structure,
c. The structure cannot practically be moved to another appropriate location in
Aspen, or
d. No documentation exists to support or demonstrate that the property has historic,
architectural, archaeological, engineering or cultural significance, and
Additionally. for approval to demolish, all of the followine criteria must be met:
RECEPTION#: 545193, 12!26!2007 at
10:15:19 AM,
1 OF 4, R $21.00 Doc Code RESOLUTION
Janice K. Vos Caudill, Pitkin County, CO
a. The structure does not contribute to the significance of the parcel or historic
district in which it is located, and
b. The loss of the building, structure or object would not adversely affect the
integrity of the historic district or its historic, architectural or aesthetic relationship
to adjacent designated properties and
c. Demolition of the structure will be inconsequential to the historic preservation
needs of the area; and
WHEREAS, for the approval of relocation of a historic resource, the HPC must review the
application, a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine, per
Section 26.415.090.0 of the Municipal Code. Relocation for a building, structure or object will
be approved by HPC if it is determined that it meets any one of the following standards:
1. It is considered anon-contributing element of a historic district and its relocation will
not affect the character of the historic district; or
2. It does not contribute to the overall character of the historic district or parcel on which
it is located and its relocation will not have an adverse impact on the historic district or
property; or
3. The owner has obtained a Certificate of Economic Hardship; or
4. The relocation activity is demonstrated to be an acceptable preservation method given
the character and integrity of the building, structure or object and its move will not
adversely affect the integrity of the historic district in which it was originally located or
diminish the historic, architectural or aesthetic relationships of adjacent designated
properties; and
Additionally for approval to relocate all of the followine criteria must be met:
1. It has been determined that the building, structure or object is capable of withstanding
the physical impacts of relocation; and
2. An appropriate receiving site has been identified; and
3. An acceptable plan has been submitted providing for the safe relocation, repair and
preservation of the building, structure or object including the provision of the necessary
financial security.
WHEREAS, for approval of setback variances, the HPC must review the application, a staff
analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine, per Section 26.415.110.0 of
the Municipal Code, that the setback variance:
a. Is similar to the pattern, features and character of the historic property or district; and/or
b. Enhances or mitigates an adverse impact to the historic significance or architectural character
of the historic property, an adjoining designated historic property or historic district; and
WHEREAS, for approval of an FAR bonus, the HPC must review the application, a staff
analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine, per Section 26.415.110.0 of
the Municipal Code, that:
a. The design of the project meets al] applicable design guidelines; and
b. The historic building is the key element of the property and the
addition is incorporated in a manner that maintains the visual integrity of the historic building
c. The work restores the existing portion of the building to its historic appeazance; and/or
d. The new construction is reflective of the proportional patterns found in the historic building's
form, materials or openings; and/or
e. The construction materials aze of the highest quality; and/or
£ An appropriate transition defines the old and new portions of the building; and/or
g. The project retains a historic outbuilding; and/or
h. Notable historic site and landscape features are retained; and
WHEREAS, Sara Adams, in her staff report dated June 27th, 2007, performed an analysis of the
application based on the standards, found that the review standazds and the "City of Aspen
Historic Preservation Design Guidelines have been met, and recommended approval with
conditions; and
WHEREAS, at their regulaz meeting on June 27, 2007, the Historic Preservation Commission
considered the application, found the application was consistent with the review standards and
"City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines" and approved the application by a vote
of four (4) to zero (0).
That HPC hereby recommends approval for Major Development (Conceptual), Demolition,
Relocation, Variances, and a 221 square foot FAR bonus for the property located at 980 Gibson
Avenue, Unit 1, Lot 1 of the Alpine Acres Subdivision, City of Aspen, Colorado, as proposed
with the following conditions;
1. Demolition of the non-historic addition and car port is granted.
2. An FAR Bonus of 221 square feet is granted for rehabilitation and high quality design.
3. The following setback variances are granted: ten feet (] 0') for the west sideyazd and nine
feet (9') for the north rearyazd.
4. Relocation of the historic house is granted, with the condition that the applicant will
present a detail of the foundation, existing and proposed for the historic resource, for
approval at HPC Final Review.
5. A structural report demonstrating that the building can be moved and/or information
about how the house will be stabilized from the house mover must be submitted with the
building pennit application. The applicant must provide information as to whether or not
the existing floor structure will be maintained and the pro's and con's of the decision for
review and approval by staff and monitor.
6. A bond or letter of credit in the amount of $30,000 to insure the safe relocation of the
structure must be submitted with the building permit application.
7. A relocation plan detailing how and where the building will be stored and protected
during construction must be submitted with the building permit application.
8. A development application for a Final Development Plan shall be submitted within one
(1) year of the date of approval of a Conceptual Development Plan. Failure to file such an
application within this time period shall render null and void the approval of the
Conceptual Development Plan. The Historic Preservation Commission may, at its sole
discretion and for good cause shown, grant aone-time extension of the expiration date for
a Conceptual Development Plan approval for up to six (6) months provided a written
request for extension is received no less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date.
APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION at its regular meeting on the 27`h of June, 2007.
Approved as to Form:
im True, City Attorney
Approved as to content:
~r ~~.~,~
Jeffrey Halferty, Chair
ATT ~ ~ `C
Kathy ickland, Chief Deputy Clerk