HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.12042007~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~..s ~~~~. PARKS ~ RECREATION `r " DRAFT ASPEN RECREA TION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes December 4, 2007 In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Barbara Owen, Gordon Gerson, Laura Kornasiewicz, Sue Smedstad, and Debbie Ware. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jojo Smith, Jonathan Godes, Paul Kulik, Barry Crook, Trevor Smith Guests: Toni Kronberg, Graham Frandson I. Call to Order -Scott called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Barbara informed the AC that the Aspen Skating Club has recently hosted a skating competition which had over 200 skaters attend. Everything went very well other than food at the concession stand being low on Friday night and breakfast food selection was slim. Staff Comments: None. Guest Comments: None II. Approval of Past Minutes: Sue motioned to approve and a second was provided. All approved. III. Discussion Items: Concession Operations: Graham Frandson, operator of BUNZ, was on hand to hear from the AC, direction and goals along with concerns about the concession operation. The AC had identified 2 areas of which to focus on. • Concession Operations during and for Special Events • Day in and day out operations others they seem to be right on (AC members and Graham identified that staff has daily number which can help BUNZ in their assessment of need. Graham said the mazkup is very low on their products and he tries to help the local groups. A meal deal is forthcoming to where patrons can get a hot dog, coke, and chips for a great deal. He is open to brining in new products. In a survey we will ask people what they want and what they aze willing to pay. Staff mentioned that perhaps during special events there can be a special food or meal identified as supporting the local non-profit where BLTNZ and the non-profit could shaze. The non-profit pushes people to the concession operation, and in return BiJNZ rewards the non-profit. Scott informed Graham that the ARC is an "A" level facility and the concessions should reflect such a level of service. He further felt that increased communication between staff and BiJNZ would help. Staff is going to again see that schedules are provided well in advance to BUNZ with highlights of dates to pay particular attention to. An automatic expresso machine was discussed for the purpose of the early morning coffee needs for early hockey games for example. All parties seemed to think this was worth pursuing. 2. Cost Benefit: The AC was interested in defining the cost benefit of each group or event, and the best ways to use any given time to the best benefit of the community. At times the generation of revenue maybe the priority and other times may simply be community benefit at any cost. How this is best defined? Gordon asked first, "what is the definition of success?" Scott felt like the AC should define priorities and community benefit and get Council to buy in on the direction so we can weigh all decisions based upon these goals. We should be able to in some way identify the cost recovery of any program, but at the same time weigh the community benefit. Gordon asked how the % of uses breaks out at the ARC. Barbara reminded the AC that we have a cross over of revenues between varying facilities. The FtJN Pass, for example, can be used at any of 4 different facilities. Scott asked what are the 3 to 5 priorities the AC would have in weighing cost benefit. While this was not determined, AC members offered the following ideas: • Develop programs which will help generate revenue to offset the additional operational costs in the future. • Revenue Generation, Cost Recovery, Community Benefit Define, "Public Good" or Benefit 4. Financial Report: Quickly staff identified that revenue for the month of November was up significantly in 2007 over 2006 by almost 100%. This was in part due to a promotion for FUN Pass sales and many passes being due for renewal in this particular month. Staff also was continuing to see about a 6% increase for the year to date revenues at the ARC over 2006 with a 4% fee increase being attributed to this in part along with increased programming and pass sales. S. Business Calendar: A discussion took place as to how the AC would like to see the Calendar used and what it should identify. Items such as: • User Group Meetings • Survey Information • Annual Fee Review • Quarterly Financials • Feed Back on Budget • Special Events • Setting of next years goals • Upcoming staff retreats • Planning needed for projects • Anything which involves the AC should be identified going in to the year so we can stay on top of it and ahead of the curve. IV. Updates: • Energy Efficiency Project: No definitive end date at this time. V. Action Item(s): None VI. Other Business: • The January 2008 meeting was set for January 8"' as the 1S1 Tuesday of the month would be January 151, a holiday. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on January 8th, 2008.