Chairperson, Michael Hoffman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Brian McNellis, Sarah Broughton, Nora
Berko, Alison Agley, Ann Mullins and Jay Maytin.
Staff present: Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Sara Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Jim True, Special Counsel
Minutes were continued to next meeting.
28 Smuggler Grove -Major Development -Final -Public Hearing
Amy told the board that conceptual approval was received last month. This
is a small project that involves a mudroom addition and a garage and some
rehabilitation work on the Victorian. HPC already recommended landmark
designation which is headed toward City Council. At conceptual review
there were a few areas for restudy that had to do with creating a good
distinction along the back fagade where the old building ends and the new
construction starts. There was also discussion of the garage door that faces
the street. There was the desire that the door have some kind of architectural
character. Jim has followed the discussion to put trim on the doors and there
are fish scales in the gable end. Maybe we can back off a little on the
Victorian fish scale details. A condition in the resolution is to do a field
inspection and inspect the window openings of the building after the drywall
is taken off.
James Byrnes, owner said basically they are doing everything that is being
asked of them. The garage doors were re-designed and the building in the
back has been indented to comply with the guidelines. On the windows we
just need to see what we have and they can remain at the same size and can
be double hung windows. The decorative shingles over the garage adds a
little but we could reduce the detail and work with that in the field.
Amy relayed that the lighting can be reviewed by staff and monitor because
the applicant hasn't presented that level of detail yet.
Ann pointed out that there is no landscape plan but there will be some
disturbed areas.
James said he doesn't think he will be loosing any trees. The foundation
leaks and he will have to dig up the entire perimeter and install drywells.
There are two aspen trees close that might be lost. The City park ranger has
already looked at the site.
Alison said the board needs to discuss the detail over the garage door and the
proposed materials.
Sarah said the siding is the same on the historic structure and the new
structure. If the width of the boards are changed it might give you the
differentiation that we need to visually see between the new and old.
Alison said what is difficult with this project is that the historic structure has
been altered. There needs to be a differentiation between the old and new.
James said if we aren't changing the windows most of the siding can be
retained. Along the foundation the siding needs to come off and it needs
Chairperson, Michael Hoffinan opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Jay inquired about the driveway up to the garage. James said it will be a
porous driveway something similar to a cobblestone that they have in
Jay asked how the driveway will affect the fence. James said he would like
to replace the fence and get a picket fence and have an opening or gate by
the driveway entrance. The gate would be able to be closed to continue the
line of the fence.
Michael identified the issues:
Garage door detailing above.
Detailing of the new addition.
Detailing of the light well on the side of the house.
Discussion of the fence and other landscaping issues.
Michael said we will defer the windows until the siding is opened up and the
windows will be dealt with by staff and monitor.
Detailing of the new addition.
Alison clarified that the roof will have new wood shingles on the front of the
house. James said the back of the house will have a metal roof, the 3 x 12
area only. The new roof on the addition will also have wood shingles.
Alison said the siding should be kept simple. The historic house has 1 by 6
lap siding. James said he will do something different on the siding of the
addition. James agreed to restudy the siding and present a plan to staff and
monitor. Alison said we probably don't want the fish scale mimicked on the
Sarah suggested the new section of the house be restudied.
Alison said the addition should be thought of as its own piece or entity.
James said he was trying to tie everything together and realizes that was not
the proper thing to do.
Amy pointed out that we are not looking for something wildly different.
When someone comes to the house they should be able to distinguish
between the historic house and the addition.
Sarah suggested staff and monitor take the applicant around town and show
him projects that are similar.
Nora said the building is small and the addition should have a subtle change.
Brian also agreed that the change on the addition should tie into the historic
resource. Vertical siding would be too dramatic of a change.
Ann also said a small departure from what exists on the historic structure
would be appropriate for the small addition.
Jay brought up the roof. Should it be the same all the way across or subtly
changed? Sarah said it would be interesting to bring the metal onto the front
side where the master closet is.
James said he had a metal roof over the entire house but it didn't feel right.
Putting a metal roof on the addition would be great.
Detailing of the light well on the side of the house.
Sarah said the main thing is that there are grates over the light well and not
guard rails.
Alison suggested when staff and monitor look at the landscape plan they
should make sure that the fence ties into the project.
MOTION.• Ann moved to approve Resolution #42 with the following
additional conditions:
1. Landscape plan and fence to be approved by staff and monitor.
2. HPC recommends subtle material changes on the siding of the
addition to be approved by staff and monitor.
3. Light well detailed to be approved by staff and monitor and it should
be on-grade and not a railing.
Motion second by Sarah. All in favor, motion carried 7-0.
Alison, Jay and Nora are the monitors.
Selection of Annual HPC Awards - no minutes
MOTION.• Michael moved to adjourn; second by Brian. All in favor,
motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
___r_ --_
athleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk