HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.su.190 Park Ave.16B-88
City of Aspen
2737-074-04-004 16B-88
PROJECT NAME: Hamwi Subdivision Final Plat
Project Address: 170 Park Avenue. Aspen. CO
Legal Address: Lot 4 Sunnv Park Subdivision
APPLICANT: Paul R. Hamwi
Applicant Address: P. O. Box 350 Aspen. CO 81612
REPRESENTATIVE: Martv Pickett. Law Offices of Gideon Kaufman
Representative Address/Phone: 315 E. Hvman. Suite 305 925-8166
P&Z Meeting Date
C< _"" _od Ii
Planning Director Approval:
Insubstantial Amendment or Exemption:
\../ /City Attorney
V city Engineer
Housing Dir.
Aspen Water
city Electric
Envir. Hlth.
Aspen Consolo
Mtn. Bell
Parks, Dept.
Holy Cross
Fire Marshall
Roaring Fork
Roaring Fork
Energy Center
School District
Rocky Mtn Nat Gas
State Hwy Dept(GW}
State Hwy Dept(GJ}
Building Inspector
q/.JI!? 8
~ity Atty ~ity Engineer ~ Zoning
___ Housing ____ Other:
Env. Health
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-00-882818 A
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8' AckIihonll Che.ftI
~n; 11t1e Insurance @rporatlon
Schedule A
OCTOBER 19, 1987
@ J' :32 A.M.
1, Name of Insured:
2, The estale or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is:
3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vesled in:
4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows:
[i ~I{ I"~ ~I
Pitkin County Title, Inc.
601 E. Hopkins (303)925-1766
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Issued .t floc. lIOn,
This PolICY IS Invalid unless the cover Sheel
and Schedule 8 are an ached
ALTA Owner's Policy Form 8 1970 (Rev. 1o.17.70..~~~)_~.1?:.~J
BOX 10001
TE1..EFAX 925-1090
October 31, 1988
Mr. Chuck Roth
City Engineering
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado
fi 3'11988
Re: Sunny Park SUbdivision
Dear Chuck:
Enclosed is the Exhibit "F" to Paul Hamwi's Subdivision
Improvements Agreement, listing items requiring financial
assurance. Also, please note that the figure $3,696.25 has
been filled in under paragraph 8, page 6, of the Subdivision
Improvements Agreement. This sum represents 125% of the
estimated cost of the items listed on Exhibit "F".
If you have any questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to call me.
a Professional Corporation
MCP jbw
cc: Alan Richman
M tha Pickett
\ t.~
THIS APPLICATION, submitted on behalf of PAUL HAMWI, dba
EQUITIES DIVERSIFIED OF COLORADO, requests approval of the
Final Plat for the Sunny Park SUbdivision, Aspen, Colorado.
I. Final Plat Contents.
97-1004 of the Aspen Municipal Code sets forth the
requirements for the contents of the Final Plat. The following
items are provided with this Application:
1. Plat drawings on a mylar sheet, 24" x 36", with n"
margin on the left, and a ls" margin on the other three sides.
The Plat contains the following information:
(a) Accurate dimensions for all lines, angles and
curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks,
easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated or
public or common use, and other important features;
(b) Identification of all lots and blocks and names
for all streets;
(c) Names of all adjoining SUbdivisions, if any;
(d) Identification of easements and sidewalks, and a
dedication thereof to public use;
(e) Written survey description; and
(f) Description of all survey monuments, found and
set, which mark boundaries of the subdivision.
2. Statement by the land Surveyor explaining how
bearings, if used, were determined.
3. Certificate by the registered land surveyor as to the
accuracy of the survey and Plat, and a statement that the
survey was performed in accordance with the Colorado Revised
4. A certificate by a corporate title insurer that Paul
Hamwi is the owner of the Property in fee simple. A
mortgagee's certificate is also provided whereby the mortgagee
consents to recordation of the Final Plat.
5. Certificates showing approval of the Final Plat by
the City Engineer, Planning Director, and the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
6. A certificate showing approval of the Final Plat and
acceptance of dedications and easements by the City Council,
with signature by the Mayor, and attestation by the City Clerk.
- 1 -
(t ','
7. A certificate of filing for the Pitkin County Clerk
and Recorder.
8. Complete engineering plans and specifications for all
improvements to be installed in the Sunny Park Subdivision.
9. A landscape plan showing location, size and type of
proposed landscape features.
10. Copies of any monument records required of the land
11. Subdivision agreement as required by ~7-1004(C) (3).
(See Attachment 1)
II. Conditions of Approval by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Conditions based upon approval of Sunny Park Subdivision
and exemption from GMP and mandatory PUD by the Planning and
Zoning Commission are described below with an explanation of
how these conditions have been met in the Final Plat
A. Condition: Prior to review by the City Council, the
Applicant shall submit a Final Plat and associated Final Plat
documents pursuant to the Code requirements. These documents
should include drawings and language which clarifies the
optional employee unit situation, if developer so chooses this
The Applicant has been working with the Housing Authority
to determine if construction of a fourth unit as an employee
unit is feasible. The Housing Authority has agreed to purchase
the employee unit; therefore, the Final Plat submission is
based Upon a request for approval of three (3) free-market
units and one (1) middle-income employee unit.
Although the Applicant's condominiumization request is not
before City Council at this time, Applicant requests that
Council resolve to waive the Affordable Housing Impact Fee by
virtue of the fact that Applicant has provided 25% of the
proJect's population as employee housing.
B. Condition: The Applicant shall eliminate the patios
from within the side yard setback by either moving the building
to the north, or making the patio area smaller.
The bUildings have been moved to the north so that the
patio areas are completely outside the side yard setback.
C. Condition: The Applicant shall supply a general
utility easement pursuant to the Engineering Department memo
dated June 27, 1988.
- 2 -
The Engineering Department requested a 7~ foot general
utility easement all around the lot line. A general utility
easement, as requested, has been provided.
D. Condition: The Applicant shall be subject to all
Environmental Health air Pollution/fireplace regulations in
place at the time the building permit is requested, and to all
conditions as listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum dated May
II, 1988.
The Applicant acknowledges that there is pending
legislation regarding a requirement for gas logs. Applicant is
prepared to meet whatever regulations are in place upon
acquisition of the bUilding permit.
In addition, Applicant will provide a fugitive dust plan
to insure that dust is controlled during demolition and
construction. The existing buildings will be tested for the
presence of asbestos, and if any is found, the asbestos shall
be disposed of in an approved manner.
E. Condition: If applicable, the optional employee unit
shall be restricted to the middle-income guidelines as part of
the Final Plat recorded documents.
Applicant agrees that the employee unit shall be
restricted to the middle-income guidelines.
F. Condition: The Applicant shall be required to vacate
the prior approval pursuant to 97-l007(c) prior to recordation
of the Final Plat for this approval.
Applicant acknowledges that the GMP approval for this site
must be vacated prior to the recordation of this Final Plat.
Respectfully submitted,
a Professional
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To! rtha
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C. Pickett
P.C. ,
- 3 -
therefrom that portion described in deed
recorded in Book 246 at Page 879
Also known as 170 Park Avenue, Aspen, Colorado
Lot Size
13,393 SF
1,922 SF
13,393 SF
10,110 SF
Floor Area Existing
Floor Area Allocated
Total ,Built Floor Area
Existing Units
Middle-Income Units
Free-Market Units
Parking Spaces:
The project will be completed in one phase
Submission for Building Permit:
September 12, 1988
Completion of Building:
July 15, 1989
Completion of Landscaping Improvements, including Gravel
September 15, 1989
Owner anticipates that the project will be constructed
generally in accordance with the above schedule. The time
frames are approximate, especially given the fact that Owner
will have a winter construction schedule.
Cindy Houben
Hamwi Subdivision Final Plat
October 26, 1988
On October 10, 1988 the city Council approved the Hamwi
Subdivision with the following conditions:
1. Prior to recordation of the final plat the applicants
shall vacate the prior approval for the site.
2. Prior to final approval of the condominiumization the
applicant shall submit the required condominium plat
documents to the Engineering Department.
3. The final plat shall contain 12 parking spaces
(one/bedroom) .
4. The applicant shall revise the plat prior to its
recordation to include the following: adjacent
streets, edges of pavement, proposed gravel sidewalk
locations and drainage swales.
5. Prior to issuance of any permits, the Engineering
Department shall approve the drainage plan.
6. All utility lines to the development shall be buried.
7. Prior to signature of the final plat and subdivision
improvements agreement, the subdivision improvements
agreement shall be modified as follows:
a. Page 1" General Development Plan, shall include
the book and page numbers for the approved plat.
Page 3,
Water and Sewaae Svstems The last
is not standard language and shall be
Page 3, Parkina Spaces
provide 12 parking spaces.
The applicant shall
d. Page 3, Landscapina - The gravel sidewalk shall be
constructed pursuant to the Engineering Department
standards, adjacent to the property boundary. The
landscaping plan shall be recorded and the book
and page number shall be identified in this
section of the subdivision improvements agreement.
e. Page 3, Woodburninq Devices - The last sentence
shall be deleted and the following shall be
inserted. "The development shall be subject to
all woodburning regulations in affect at the time
the building permit is issued for the
f. Page 5, Park Dedication Fee This shall be
reworded to state that the Park Dedication Fee
shall be paid at the time of issuance of a
building permit pursuant to Section 5-601 of the
Aspen Municipal Code.
g. Page 6, Financial Assurances - The price shall be
inserted to the satisfaction of the Engineering
Department and the exhibit outlining these costs
shall be inserted.
Note: The applicant I s are allowed to do gravel sidewalks with
the understanding (in Subdivision Improvements Agreement) that a
future concrete sidewalk will be built at the owners expense,
once the roadway is widened.
BOX 10001
"TEL'EFAX 925-1090
October 26, 1988
Mr. Alan Richman
Aspen/Pitkin County Planning Office
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
OCT 26
Re: Paul Hamwi: Subdivision Improvements Agreement
Dear Alan:
Attached is the original and one copy of the revised
Subdivision Improvements Agreement, executed by Paul Hamwi. I
have also enclosed a red(green)-lined version showing changes
requested by Cindy. Also enclosed is the original and one copy
of the executed Dedication of Real Property to Employee Housing
Restrictions and Guidelines for Unit B. As you know, Paul
Hamwi needs to have these documents signed by the City as soon
as possible so that he will be ready for recordation.
On the matter of vacating the prior approvals, please note
that the previous applicant for this property, Mr. Conviser,
never got to the stage of recordation of the Final Plat.
The condition of Hamwi's Final Plat approval was to vacate the
prior "approvals". I believe that the City Council, by its
approval of this Final Plat, agreed to vacation of those
approvals. In addition, the approvals lapsed automatically as
of September 1, 1988. Although we had requested an extension
of the approvals, in the event this Final Plat was not
approved, such an extension did not have to be sought. I have
spoken with Fred Gannett, who suggested that Mr. Hamwi execute
an affidavit waiving any right to the 1985 approvals. This
affidavit is enclosed for your review. It is our understanding
that the affidavit will be recorded with the Sunny Park Final
If you have any questions or comments regarding any of
these items, please do not hesitate to call me.
a Professional
By Y
cc: Paul Hamwi
Aspen City Council
Robert Anderson, Jr., City Manager
Cindy Houben, Planning Office \'"""'''
Hamwi SUbdivision/Final Plat and Condominiumization
October 10, 1988
REQUEST: Final Plat and Condominiumization approval/Subdivision
(replacement of existing units} and a request for Exemption from
Growth Management for an employee unit.
LOCATION: Lot 4, Sunny Park SUbdivision, address 170 N. Park
Avenue, located at the intersection of Park Avenue and Park
HISTORY: The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the
Preliminary Plan on September 6, 1988 with conditions.
The site received a growth management approval in 1985 for 11
units (7 free market and 4 employee units). The applicants have
requested an extension of this approval while they were in this
review process.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to demolish
3 existing units on the 13,000+ square foot lot and reconstruct 3
new free market townhouse structures and one employee unit. The
3 free market units are proposed 'to be approximately 2,930 square
feet each. The optional employee unit is proposed to be
approximately 1,300 square feet.
SITE DESCRIPTION: The site is a relatively flat site which is
bordered on two sides by public roadways (Park Circle and Park
Avenue) . The parcel is 13,393 square feet. The RMF zone
district allows a 1:1 FAR. The proposed square footage and unit
size is as follows:
Three free market units, each containing 3 bedrooms and
approximately 2,930 sq. ft.
One employee unit containing 3 bedrooms and approximately
1,300 sq. ft.
Total of 12 bedrooms and 10,110 sq. ft.
The surrounding land uses are mixed. Directly to the north and
east of the site are mUlti-family structures. To the south and
west of the site are mUlti-family, duplex and single family
structures. The Smuggler Mountain area consists of some old and
new structures which have traditionally been owned and rented by
individuals who live and work in the community.
Engineering: In a memorandum dated October 4, 1988, Chuck Roth
made the following comments:
1. Gravel sidewalks are not in accordance with City
specifications which require concrete sidewalks. Council
should be consulted about whether or not they want a
concrete sidewalk at the project site.
The "improvement district"
agreement, item F, does not
City standards, specifically
language in the subdivision
appear to be in agreement with
the last four lines.
3. The letter of September 22, 1988, from Schmueser Gordon
Meyer refers to the drainage on the property saying that the
design "will increase thla historic rate of recharge." This
is not permissible. Current standards are that the historic
rate be maintained with no increase or decrease either to
run-off from the site or recharging of the aquifer.
4. The applicant will be required to submit a plat in
accordance with the Code requirements for final plat. The
adjacent street must be shown as well as edges of pavements
proposed sidewalk locations, and proposed drainage swales.
If platting is required for other pUrposes (condo-
miniumization) prior to construction, the certificate of
occupancy should be conditional on recording an amended
plat reflecting as-built conditions.
5. It is required by code that the electric service be
provided underground. The Engineering Department requests
that the applicant be required to bury its telephone and
television service connections also.
1. This application was made pursuant to the old code. The
proposal to replace three existing units is exempt from the
Growth Management system. In addition, the applicant is
requesting exemption from Growth Management in order to
build a deed restricted employee unit. The Planning
Conunission also granted the applicants exemption from the
mandatory PUD provisions of the Code. The Council granted
the applicant an exemption from the demolition moratorium
since the application had already been reviewed by the
Planning Conunission and was in the review process.
2. The proposed setbacks for the design are as follows:
Front yard - 12'
Rear yard - 10'
Side yard - 25' NORTH
Side yard - 10' SOUTH
3. The application states that a gravel sidewalk will be
provided by the applicant until such time the City
Engineering Department determines the exact location of the
road alignment and R.O.W. along the property lines. At such
time this is determined the applicants will construct a
sidewalk meeting code requirements. The Engineering
Department referral notes that gravel is not acceptable.
This site is in a dense neighborhood, on a bus route where
adequate pedestrian facilities are needed. In discussions
with Chuck Roth he made the suggestion that the applicants
place the sidewalk directly adjacent to their property line
in order to avoid any future problems.
The maximum height in the RMF zone district is 25 feet (with
allowance for 5 additional feet to the peak of the roof).
The proposed elevations illustrate a maximum height of 30
feet to the top of the roof line from existing grade. This
meets, the code requirements. The individuals who will be
most affected by the project are those living in the multi-
family structures to the north and northeast. These
individuals will lose a great deal of their existing views
towards the south and west due to the height and location of
the proposal. The only way to mitigate the impact is to
require that the applicants build a single story structure.
This design however would require the units be totally
reconfigured on the parcel and that the applicants resubmit
a plan. As compared to the prior approval, the new proposal
reduces the overall buildout on the site and leaves a
greater ~~ffer at the intersection of Park Avenue and Park
Circle. None of the adjacent land owners came to voice
concerns at the public hearing before the Planning and
Zoning Conunission.
The access to the site is proposed off of Park Circle. Each
free market unit will contain a 2 car garage and one
additional space per unit is supplied in the northwest
corner of the lot. This meets the requirements of the code
with regard to parking for the free market units. The
employee unit has 3 bedrooms and requires 3 parking spaces
as well. The application only supplies 2 spaces for this
unit. Since the Planning Commission did not waive the
requirement for the 3rd space, the plat must be amended to
show one additional space.
The proposal
buildings. The
provides limited landscaping
yard area is proposed to be
around the
seeded with
4. The applicant is requesting exemption from the Growth
Management competition pursuant to section 24-11. 2. The
proposed employee unit is a three bedroom 1,300 square feet
unit. The Planning Office and Housing Authority recognize
the need in the community for additional employee housing
and strongly encourage the Council to approve this exemption
request for a deed restricted unit on site.
Additionally, the Housing Authority has worked closely with
the applicant with regard to the employee unit space. The
Housing Authority has actually fronted the financing f~r the
unit and will recoup its cost when the unit is sold.,
5. The request fot the four units is consistent with the area
and bulk requirements for the RMF zone district.
6. The 1973 Aspen Area Comprehensive Plan designates this area
as a mUlti-family area which is consistent with the proposed
7. The Planning Commission approved the preliminary Plat with
the following conditions of approval:
a. Prior to review by the city Council the applicants
shall submit a final plat and associated final plat
documents pursuant to the Code requirements. These
documents should include drawings and, language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation, if the
developer so chooses this option.
RESPONSE: The applicant and the Housing Authority have
developed a way to allow the optional employee unit to
be built as part of the proposal.
b. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within
the side yard setback by either moving the bUilding to
the north or making the patio areas smaller.
The patios have been moved out of the
c. The applicants shall submit a letter to the Planning
Office from the Water Department noting whether the
water line connection between Neale Street and King
street is necessary.
RESPONSE: This letter has been submitted. The
referenced water connection was established as part of
the Centennial development.
d. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June
27, 1988.
RESPONSE: This easement has been created and is shown
on the final plat.
e. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental
health air pOllution/fireplace regulations in place at
the time a building permit is requested and to all
conditions as listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum
dated May 11, 1988.
RESPONSE: The application states that all these
requirements will be met.
f. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle
income guidelines prior to recordation of the final
RESPONSE: The applicant agrees to deed restrict the
employee unit to the middle income guidelines.
g. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior
approval pursuant to section 7-1007 (c), prior to the
recordation of the final plat for this approval.
RESPONSE: The applicant acknowledges that the prior
GMP approval for this site must be vacated prior to the
recordation of this final plat.
8. The applicants are requesting approval to condominiumize the
4 units. The Engineering Department requires that an as
built plat be submitted pursuant to the code requirements.
Section 7-1008 of the Aspen Municipal Code has the following
criteria for condominiumization:
a. The existing tenants must be given notice of sale and
first right of refusal.
The applicants have been unable to reach
this tenant to date but state that this
accomplished. This should be accomplished
recordation of the condominium plat.
b. All units must be restricted to 6 month minimum lease
restrictions with no more than two shorter tenancies
per year.
will be
prior to
RESPONSE: The applicant agrees to the 6 month minimum
lease restriction.
c. An Employee Housing Impact Fee is assessed to each free
market unit which is condominiumized unless the project
has provided employee housing pursuant to Section 8-106
(E) (5), in which case the project shall be exempt from
the Affordable Housing Impact Fee.
RESPONSE: This application was not
through growth management, however
housing (25 % of the development) is
the applicants have requested a
Affordable Housing Impact Fee.
required to go
since employee
being provided,
waiver of the
The residential growth management quota system requires
that 35 % of the project's population be supplied with
employee housing. The application states that 25% of
the population of the project is employee housing.
Based on the Affordable Housing Fee methodology, the
applicant should pay 10% of the Affordable Housing
Impact Fee of the 3 (3 bedroom) units. This amounts to
$2,415. Both the Housing Authority and the Planning
Office feel that, in this case only, the fee should be
waived. The rationale is that the Housing Authority
participation in this development is a pilot project
which should be analyzed after the unit is in place.
The $2,415 is a negligible amount which need not be
imposed on this applicant who intends to supply a
critically needed unit for the community.
In summary, the applicants have adequately responded to the
conditions imposed by the Planning Commission at preliminary plat
"Move to approve the Hamwi Subdivision Final Plat, exemption
from the growth management process for the employee unit and
condominiumization of the tnynits with the l~lowing conditions
of approval: l'df'~jV'-I(xlrcf..e-J rM;1P{/
1. Prior to recordation of the final plat the applicants
shall vacate the prior approval for the site.
2. Prior to the
applicant shall submit the required condominium plat
documents to tfte^ ;:ngineering Department. SuJ, .
sidewalk ~o~n~h~Jf~r~~ll be~or::tc:1-zt&~/
5. The applicant shall revise the plat prior to its
recordation to include the following: adjacent
streets, edges of pavement, proposed sidewalk locations
and drainage swales.
~Ui;"'~~~S ~rt~~~agecu%;.,"h p:~~~l to ~~t;~~~ce t~f
permits, the Engineering Department shall approve
drainage plan.
7. All utility lines to the development shall be buried.
8. Prior to signature of the final plat and subdivision
improvements agreement, the subdivision improvements
agreement shall be modified as follows:
Page 1, General Development Plan, shall include
the book and page numbers for the approved plat.
Page 3, Water and Sewaqe Svstems The last
paragraph is not standard language and shall be
Page 3, Parkinq Spaces The applicants shall
provide 12 parking spaces.
Page 3, Landscapinq The~alk shall be 'V/
constructed pursuant to the Engineering Department
standards, adjacent to the property boundary. The
landscaping plan shall be recorded and the book
and page number shall be identified in this
section of the subdivision improvements agreement;
Page 3, Woodburninq Devices - The last sentence
shall be deleted and the following shall be
inserted. "The development shall be subject to
all woodburning regulations in affect at the time
the building permit is issued for the
f. Page 5, Park Dedication Fee This shall be
reworded to state that the Park Dedication Fee
shall be paid at the time of issuance of a
building permit pursuant to Section 5-601 of the
Aspen Municipal Code.
Page 6, Financial Assurances - The price shall be
inserted to the satisfaction of the Engineering
Department and the exhibit outlining these costs
shall be inserted.
CftnM / '.
RECOMMEiuff~ q.;
To: Cindy M. Houben, Planning Office
From: Chuck Roth, Assistant City Engineer (!~
Date: October 4, 1988
Re: Hamwi Subdivision Final Plat
Having reviewed the above referenced application, and having made
a site inspection, the Engineering Department has the following
1. Gravel sidewalks are not in accordance with City specifica-
tions which require concrete sidewalks, Council should be
consulted about whether or not they want a concrete sidewalk at
the project site.
2. The "improvement district" language in the subdivision
agreement, item F, does not appear to be in agreement with City
standards, specifically the last four lines.
3. The letter of September 22, 1988, from Schmueser Gordon Meyer
refers to the drainage on the property saying that the design
"will increase the historic rate of recharge." This is not
permissible. Current standards are that the historic rate be
maintained with no increase or decrease either to run-off from
the site or recharging of the aquifer.
4. For subdivision exemption approval, the applicant will be
required to submit a plat in accordance with Section 20-15. The
adjacent streets must be shown as well as edges of pavements,
proposed sidewalk locations, and proposed drainage swales.
If platting is required for other purposes prior to construction,
the certificate of occupancy should be conditional on recording
an amended plat reflecting as-built conditions.
5. It is required by code that the electric service be provided
underground. The Engineering Department requests that the
applicant be required to bury its telephone and television
service connections also,
cc: Jay Hammond
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PrOject Name
PrOject Location Lot 4, Sunny Park, corner of ,Gibson and Park Avenues
(iIxlicate street address, lot & block I1IllIiler, legal description where
P.resent Zoning
4) rot Size
5) Applicant's Name, Address & Phone # PAUL R. l~lWI, d/b/a EQUITIES DIVERSIFIED
OF COLORADO; P,O. Box 350, Aspen, CO 81612 925-1914
6) Representative's Name, Address & Ehcne # Martha C, Pickett, Law Offices of
Gideon I. Kaufman. P,C.. 315 E, Hyman, Suite 305, Aspen, CO 81611 925-8166
7) Type of Application (please dJeck all ~t awly):
O:ln:litional Use
_ Qn:ept:ual SPA
Final SPA
Concepb.1al Historic Dev.
_ Final Historic Dev.
_ Special Review
8040 Greenline
_ Qn:ept:ual roD
_ Minor Historic Dev.
_ stream Mazgin _ Final roo
Mountain view Plane SUbdivision '
_ Historic Denolition
_ Historic Designation
......lL Corrlaniniumization _ Text,IMap Ameudmel.L
_ rot SplitjIDt Line
_ G03 Allotment
_ G03 Exarption
prcperty) .
of Existin:J Uses (J'1Imh<>r ani type of existin:J structures,
sq. ft., 1'0",*,= of Lc..h.~, any pI:eII'i.aJs aw=vaIs granted to the
The DrooertV h,q!=: n:'f"&:l;"r,::.,r! .preliminarv aUDroval of GHP annU~mn,qtory PTm ~vj::llnption.
The property will be reviewed by City Council on October 10, 1988, for Final Plat
9) Description of Devel~.t Application
Applicant requests approval of condominiumization of the four Sunny Park units.
10) Have}'Ql attac:hed the followin]?
2- Response to Att:adlment 2, Mini.num Snhn;"""ian O:lntents
2- Response to Att:adlment 3, Specific Sl1hn; """ion O:lntents
2- Response to AttadJment 4, Review stamards for Yoor Application
-~ ~,
THAT the undersigned, PAUL R. HAMWI, d/b/a EQUITIES
DIVERSIFIED OF COLORADO, being the sole owner of the property
described as Lot 4, Sunny Park Subdivision, hereby consents to
the submission of a Condominiumization Application to the City
of Aspen for the subject roperty.
THIS APPLICATION, submitted on behalf of PAUL R. HAMWI,
d/b/a EQUITIES DIVERSIFIED OF COLORADO, requests exception
from the full subdivision process for the condominiumization
of the four (4) units within the Sunny Park Subdivision. The
real property is described as follows:
Lot 4, Sunny Park Subdivision
Pitkin County, Colorado.
A Disclosure of Ownership has been provided to the
Planning Office as part of the Final Plat Application. A
Consent to file this Application is attached.
97-1008 of the Aspen Municipal Code sets forth the
requirements by which this condominiumization may be
approved. Included in this section are the following
(1) Existing tenants must be given notice of sale and
right of first refusal [subparagraph lea)].
(2) All units must be restricted to six (6) month
minimum leases with no more than two (2) shorter tenancies
per year [subparagraph l(b)].
(3) An Affordable Housing Impact Fee may be imposed
unless the project has provided affordable housing under
98-l06(E) (5). Applicant is requesting that this fee be
waived by virtue of the fact that this project was exempt
from the GMP; however, has provided 25% of the project's
population as employee housing [subparagraph (c)].
(4) The unit shall be inspected for fire, health and
safety conditions prior to Condominiumization [subparagraph
l(d)] .
Condominiumization permits the separate ownership of
each unit and the common ownership of certain designated
common areas. This application contemplates the creation of
a declaration of covenants and restrictions which shall
govern the subject units and a condominium map which shall
depict the areas in separate ownership and the areas in
common ownership.
The approval of this Application for Subdivision
Exception does not contravene the intent and purpose of the
full sUbdivision,procedure, and does not impact the following
concerns expressed as purposes for the subdivision
regulations: the need for public services, planned
subdivision, survey standards, and consumer protection. The
granting of this Application is not detrimental to the public
welfare or injurious to other property in the area since the
- 1 -
result of the proposed condominiumization is merely a change
in the ownership format.
There is currently only one tenant on the property.
Applicant has been unable to reach the tenant regarding a
waiver of first right of refusal. Such a waiver will be
provided, or Applicant shall provide a notice of such right
as required.
Applicant acknowledges that this project will be subject
to the six-month minimum lease restriction pursuant to
97-1008 A(1) (b). Such restriction will be set forth in the
Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Conditions to be
recorded in the Pitkin County records.
As part of the Final Plat Application, a drawing of the
project has been provided. This will be supplemented by a
condominium map after installation of drywall. Applicant
acknowledges that a condition of recordation will be
Engineering Department approval of the condominium map before
These units will be inspected to insure that they meet
current fire, health and safety requirements. A Certificate
of Occupancy will issue only if they pass the complete
inspection required for new construction.
Respectfully submitted this 30th day of September, 1988.
a Professional corWjration
I '/ J F-~
By W,' Tc./~
Mar~ C Pic ett
- 2 -
~512 Grand Avenue, Suite 212
.3lenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
(303) 945.1004
September 22, 1988
Mr. Larry McKinzie
Stan Mathis Architects
P.o. Box 1984
Aspen, CO 81612
FE: Harnwi Drainage
Dear Larry:
This letter is intended to se):ve as a report regarding the drainage
calculations (attached) and conclusions wade for the Hamwi 'lbwn-
houses. '!he existing site (and proposed) is housed upon a 0.3075
acre lot. The existing useage for the lot is separated as follows:
0.05 acres of roof area
0.02 acres of ooncrete ar'la
0.25 acres of grass area
The oombined useage as listed above represents a romposite runoff
coefficient of 0.39. The flow direction on the lot generally flows
from east to west with time of ooncentration equal to ten minutes.
Based upon the ten-minute time of ooncentration, the following
rainfall intensities are determined for the Aspen area and for this
site specifically:
125 = 3.03 inches per hour
1100 = 4.38 inches per hour
Based upon the rational method of runoff estimation and the data
representative of the site, the following historic peak flows are
025h = 0.365 cfs
Q100h = 0.606 cfs
The developed oonditions for the site are proposed to allow off-site
drainage to be diverted around the site. An approximate 20' to 25'
strip of landalonq the south property line and along the east prop-
erty line will be proposed to drain off site as well. '!his area is
proposed to be landscaped area with a coefficient of runoff equal to
0.25 in the 25-year case. and 0.31 in the 100-year case. 'Lbwards the
north portion of the site, the parking area is proposed for the Hamwi
'Lbwnhouses, along with the driveway for the Hamwi 'lbwnhouses. '!he
remainder of the site will be romposed of the structure for the Harnwi
Townhouses. '!he drainage, as developed within the parking and
driveway, will be proposed to be ooncentrated and oollected near the
northwest oorner of the site in a drywell. The roof drainage, it-
self, will also be directed to this drywell.
September 22, 1988
Mr. larry McKinzie
Stan Mathis Architects
Page two
As I discussed with you earlier, the grading on the site is such that
all the water developed on site will remain on site, and will eventu-
ally be dissipated through the drywell. The volume of water gener-
ated during the 100-year rainfall event is representative of 708
cubic feet of water. This amount of water must be stored on site
until such time the drywells are capable of dissipating the water
into the qroundwater. It is proposed that the drywell located in the
parking area is to be a 6' diameter by 12' 6" deep drywell (353 cubic
foot storage capacity). It is also proposed that the drywell located
in the lowest unit (Unit A) is to be a 4' diameter by 10' deep dry-
well, with a 125 cubic foot storage capacity.
The volumes of the drywells combined are still insufficient to store
the 100-year developed event on site. Therefore, it is determined
that the grading be adjusted such that above-surface storage is also
needed to acco!ll1lodate the remaining volumes. Rim elevations shown on
each drywell represent elevations needed to obtain a pond located
both in the parking lot above the 6' diameter drywell, and in the
garage area above the 4' diameter drywel1. The amount of storage in
the pond above the 6' diameter drywell is proposed to be 99 cubic
feet; the volume above the 4' diameter drywell is proposed to be
approximately 131 cubic feet.
The City of Aspen I s drainage requirements state that - the developed
runoff cannot be higher than the historic case. If a 60 gpn pump
were utilized as a sump pump, this would represent a rate of flow
from the site of much less than the historic rate of runoff. In
essence, if a pump were deemed needed to discharge excess flows from
the site above the drywells, then a 60 gpn pump could be used to
maintain historic rates of runoff. 1Ilso, as per City of Aspen
Drainage requirements, the recharae rate in the developed case be
maintained at a rate equal to the historic case. This particular
drainage plan will not only maintain the historic rate of recharge,
but will increase the historic rate of recharge.
I trust this report and the accompanying drainage plan serve their
intended fUrpose. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to call.
130 S. Galena street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
(303) 925-2020
Date: 9/21/88
Marty pickett
Law Offices of Gideon Kaufman P.C.
315 E. Hyman Avenue
Aspen, Colorado 81611
RE: Hamwi Subdivision Final Plat
Dear Marty,
This is to inform you that the Planning Office has completed its
preliminary review of the captioned application. We have
determined that your application IS complete.
We have scheduled your application for review by the city
Council on October 10, 1988. The Friday before the meeting
date, we will call to inform you that a copy of the memo
pertaining to your application is available at the Planning
If you have any other questions, please call Cindy Houben
the planner assigned to your case.
Debbie Skehan
Administrative Assistant
,~ 1512 Grand Avenue, Suite 212
, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
(303) 945-1004
September 12, 1988
Mr. Larry McKinzie
c/o Stan Mathis Architects
P.O. Box 1984
Aspen, co 81612
RE: Engineering Site Analysis
Hamwi Townhouses
Dear Larry:
Please find detailed herein our engineering report for the above-refer-
enced property. It is our understanding that the project will consist
of three attached single-family residences situated on property located
on the corner of Park Circle and Park Drive. '!he purpose of this re-
port is to provide the necessary supplemental engineering information
necessary for a Detailed Submission.
There currently exists three rental units on the property 1 this pro-
posal is to replace those three units with the same number of units.
Normal engineering design analysis would treat the service requirements
of the existing and proposed property uses as identical and, therefore,
the total impact on service systems is very limited.
Our evaluation of the drainage characteristics of the project site is
based upon a site visit, as well as a review of the proposed and exist-
ing topographic data provided by yourself.
The site generally drains from east to west across the site. Because
of the proposed grading, the garage areas and paving/parking areas will
be serviced by drywells located on the property. There will be no sur-
face water discharge from the drywells. 'llle periphery of the property
will generally be allowed to drain off site. '!he proposed surface run-
off rate from the porperty will be kept at, or below, the historic run-
off rate. Installation of the drywells will allow subsurface recharge
to occur. Subsurface recharge rates will be kept at, or above, the
historic recharge rates.
There are no significant problems anticipated with respect to erosion
on the site. An inspection of the site indicates there are currently
no existing problems related to intermittent runoff flow. '!he proposed
development will result in the surface area of the project oampletely
covered with either impervious surfaces or heavily landscaped areas.
September 12, 1988
Me. Larry McKinzie
c/o Stan Mathis Architects
Page two
Construction activities will totally disrupt the site while the con-
struction is actually taking place. It will be necessary to remove
topsoil materials, stockpile the topsoil and return it to prop:>sed
landscaped areas. Because of the intensity of use of the site during
construction, it is anticipated that excavated materials will effect-
ively berm the property preventing any surface water flow through the
site onto adjacent properties or into adjacent drainage systems.
Collection facilities of the Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District are
located in adjacent roadways. A service line extension only will be
required for collection. Treatment of wastewater flows will be at the
ACSD wastewater treatment facility.
The project can be served from existing City of Aspen water system
lines located in adjacent roadways. Existing fire hydrants are located
in the vicinity of the project on both Park Drive and Park Circle. We
would not anticipate the need for any additional fire hdyrants directly
adjacent to this project.
IMPAC'l'S CN ROAD ::;1/:>-1__
The project will be serviced by
system adjacent to the project.
Park Circle and Park Drive.
the local City of Aspen urban street
Immediate access will be provided by
Because the ntm1ber of units is not increasing, there is no anticipated
increase in the amount of vehicle trips generated. The street system
in this p:>rtion of the City can be characterized as having relatively
narrow streets with limited on-street parking. This project is prop:>s-
ing off-street parking and is not expected to impact the on-street
parking problem. It is reasonable to assume that the streets in this
p:>rtion of town will need to be upgraded at some p:>int in the future,
and would probably use a Special Improvement District as a mechanism
for funding. There is no reason to make any roadway improvements ad-
jacent to this property, since they would not be consistent with any of
the existing p:>rtion of the roadway and, most likely, would prove to be
incomotible with any Master Plan for the area. The existing driveway
access is from Park Drive; the prop:>sed access is to be from Park
Circle at the farthest p:>int p:>ssible from the Park DrivejPark Circle
intersection on the property, and adjacent to the driveway entrance to
the property immediately to the north. Driveway access will be from a
roadway which has less traffic count than the current access p:>int.
September 12, 1988
Mr. Larry McKinzie
c/o Stan Mathis Architects
Page three
Telephone, electric, cable TV and gas utilities are all available in
the adjacent roadways. Service is already provided to this property
with the exception of gas. Either the existing service lines or new
service lines would be extended to provide service. 'Ibis project would
oot require the extension of any main utility lines, oor would create
new properties requiring utility service.
There are no apparent geologic hazards associated with this property.
There are no identified mine adits or tunnels: there is not a rockfall
hazard. 'Ihe site is close to the identified Superfund hazard area, but
not designated as ]:art of the hazard area. However, if mine tailings
are exposed during excavation, they should be analyzed and removed as
The site is not in a designated floodplain hazard area.
I trust the above information is sufficient to address the sul:rnittal
requirements for this project. Under se]:arate rover, we are forwarding
detailed calculations with respect to sizing of drainage system compon-
ents. In sumnary, from an engineering standpoint, this project basi-
cally has 00 impacts on adjacent public roadway and utility systems. I
will remain available to answer any questions roncerning the informa-
tion presented herein, and to provide whatever additional clarifica-
tions or roodifications to this report which are required.
Respectfully sul:rnitted,
. ec/8164
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
Cindy Houben, Planner
Hamwi Subdivision
September 6, 1988
On July 19, 1988 the Planning Commission reviewed the Hamwi
Subdivision application and set the Public Hearing for August 9,
1988. The City Council passed an Administrative Delay Resolution
on August 8, resulting in the delay of the Hamwi SUbdivision. On
August 30 the City Council approved an exemption from the
Administrative Delay for the Hamwi project.
At the July 19 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the
application and made preliminary comments indicating the approval
of the subdivision request with an option to place an employee
unit on site. The Planning Commission reviewed the conditions
recommended by the Planning Office as listed below. Several
modifications to these conditions were made at the meeting. I
have placed the applicants response to these conditions below
each condition.
L The applicants shall submit a final landscape plan to the
Planning Office no later than August 2nd in order for the
Planning Office to review the plan prior to the August 9th
Public Hearing before the Planning Commission.
RESPONSE: The applicants have submitted a final landscaping plan
as was requested. The landscaping plan provides a variety of
deciduous blooming species as well as cottonwoods and one 8 foot
blue spruce. This plan will be available for review at the
Planning Commission meeting.
2. The applicants shall submit a final plat and associated
final plat documents pursuant to the Code requirements.
These documents should include drawings and language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation.
RESPONSE: This is to be submitted prior to the City Council
review of Final Plat.
3. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within the
side yard setback by either moving the building to the north
or making the patio areas smaller.
RESPONSE: The applicants were to discuss this with Bill Dreuding,
Zoning Officer prior to tonights meeting. At the time this memo
was written this still had not been accomplished.
4. The applicants shall submit a letter to the Planning Office
from the Water Department noting whether the water line
connection between Neale Street and King Street is
RESPONSE: Larry McKenzie of Stan Mathis I s office assured the
Planning Office that the Water Department will no longer require
this connection. No letter has been submitted. However, a
representative from the Water Department did call me to confirm
that the Water Department had installed the necessary lines when
Centennial was constructed. The Planning Office recommends that
this condition be eliminated.
5. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June 27,
RESPONSE: The applicants have stated that they will supply
whatever easement is necessary.
6. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental health
air pollution/fireplace regulations in place at the time a
building permit is requested and to all conditions as
listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum dated May II, 1988.
RESPONSE: This shall become a condition of Final Plat submission.
7. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle income
guidelines prior to recordation of the final plat.
RESPONSE: The subdivision improvements agreement shall reflect
this restriction.
8. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior approval
pursuant to section 7-1007 (c) prior to the recordation of
the plat for this project.
Other discussions at that meeting revolved around the ability for
the applicant to place more employee units on site. The Planning
Commission directed the Planning Office to speak with the Housing
Authority about the possibility of the Housing Authority helping
build on site employee units in some of these projects and/or
helping defray the cost of the fees involved in developing a
unit (water tap fees, impact fees etc.). At the last meeting on
August 8 these issues were discussed with the applicant, Jim
Adamski and the Planning Commission.
RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request for exemption from
mandatory PUD, approve the request for exemption from GMP for the
optional employee unit and approve the application as the
preliminary submittal for the Hamwi Subdivision with the
conditions as listed.
(Please refer to the July 19, 1988 memorandum from the Planning
Office) .
1. Prior to review by the city Council the applicants
shall submit a Final Plat and associated Final Plat
documents pursuant to the Code requirements. These
documents should include drawings and language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation.
2. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within
the side yard setback by either moving the building to
the north or making the patio areas smaller.
3. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June
27, 1988.
4. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental
health air pollution/fireplace regulations in place at
the time a bUilding permit is requested and to all
conditions as listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum
dated May 11, 1988.
5. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle
income guidelines as part of the Final Plat recorded
6. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior
approval pursuant to section 7-1007 (c) prior to the
recordation of the Final Plat for this approval.
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
Cindy Houben, Planner
Hamwi Subdivision
August 9, 1988
On July 19, 1988 the Planning Commission reviewed the Hamwi
Subdivision application and set the Public hearing for August 9,
The Planning Commission reviewed the application and made
preliminary comments that they approve the subdivision request
with an option to place an employee unit on site. The Planning
Commission reviewed the conditions recommended by the Planning
Office as listed below. Several modifications to these conditions
were made at the meeting. I have placed the applicants response
to these conditions below each condition.
1. The applicants submit a final landscape plan to the Planning
Office no later than August 2nd in order for the Planning
Office to review the plan prior to the August 9th Public
Hearing before the Planning Commission.
RESPONSE: The applicants have not submitted this plan. They
intend to submit a plan at the meeting. Unfortunately this will
not give the Planning Office time to review the plan prior to the
2. The applicants shall submit a final plat and associated
final plat documents pursuant to the Code requirements.
These documents should include drawings and language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation.
RESPONSE: This is to be submitted prior to the City Council
review of Final Plat.
3. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within the
side yard setback by either moving the building to the north
or making the patio areas smaller.
RESPONSE: The applicants were to discuss this with Bill Dreuding
in the Zoning Dept. prior tonights meeting. At the time this memo
was written this still had not been accomplished.
4. The applicants shall submit a letter to the Planning Office
from the Water Department noting whether the water line
connection between Neale street and King Street is
RESPONSE: Larry McKenzie of Stan Mathis I s office assured the
Planning Office that the Water Department will no longer require
this connection. No letter has been submitted.
5. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June 27,
RESPONSE: The applicants have stated that they will supply
whatever easement is necessary.
6. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental health
air pollution/fireplace regulations in place at the time a
building permit is requested and to all conditions as
listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum dated May 11, 1988.
RESPONSE: This shall become a condition of Final Plat SUbmission.
7. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle income
guidelines prior to recordation of the final plat.
RESPONSE: The SUbdivision improvements agreement shall reflect
this restriction.
8. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior approval
pursuant to section 7-1007 (c) prior to the recordation of
the plat for this project.
Other discussions at that meeting revolved around the ability for
the applicant to place more employee units on site. The Planning
Commission directed the Planning Office to speak with the Housing
Authority about the possibility of the Housing Authority helping
build on site employee units in some of these projects and or
helping defray the cost of the fees involved in developing a
unit (water tap fees, impact fees etc.). Please see the attached
memo from Jim Adamski which notes that the applicants never gave
the Housing Authority a proposal which could be evaluated. Jim
Adamski will be present at the meeting to answer any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request for exemption from
mandatory PUD, approve the request for exemption from GMP for the
optional employee unit and approve the application as the
preliminary submittal for the Hamwi SUbdivision with the
conditions as listed.
(Please refer to the July 19, 1988 memorandum from the Planning
1. The applicants submit a final landscape plan to the
Planning Office no later than August 2nd in order for the
Planning Office to review the plan prior to the August 9th
PUblic Hearing before the Planning Commission.
2. The applicants shall submit a final plat and associated
final plat documents pursuant to the Code requirements.
These documents should include drawings and language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation.
3. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within the
side yard setback by either moving the bUilding to the north
or making the patio areas smaller.
4. The applicants shall submi t a letter to the Planning
Office from the Water Department noting whether the water
line connection between Neale Street and King street is
5. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June 27,
6. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental
health air pollution/ fireplace regulations in place at the
time a building permit is requested and to all conditions as
listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum dated May 11, 1988.
7. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle
income guidelines prior to recordation of the final plat.
8. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior
approval pursuant to section 7-1007 (c).
AUGUST 9, 1988
This memo concerns the Hamwi SUbdivision and PUD and request for
exemption for Growth management for an employee unit. It
specifically response to Paul Hamwi and his architect Stan Mathes
comments at the June 7, 1988 meeting with the Aspen City Planning
and Zoning Commission regarding employee housing and the Housing
Authority's interaction with this applicant.
Paul Hamwi made reference to two issues concerning the Housing
Authority (1) the payment-in-lieu and (2) the Authority's
inability to work with him. First, the payment-in-lieu program-
the applicant states that we are sitting on this money and that
it should be put to use to construct employee housing. The
payment-in-lieu fund is approximately $500,000 and is scheduled
to be used as seed money in 1989 for the construction of rental
and sales deed restricted units. The Housing Authority has
spent a small amount to initiate the development of one small
rental projected and to research potential development sites.
Second, regarding working with the applicant, Mr. Hamwi states
"...In fact up until yesterday was trying to crunch numbers with
the Housing Authority to make it (an 11 unit project) work before
we came before you people so we wouldn't have to give up on the
11 units." Neither Mr. Hamwi nor any of his representatives have
presented any numbers to the Housing Authority for the production
of employee housing. Mr. Hamwi, his agents and persons inter-
ested in purchasing his property, have approached me (by tele-
phone) with vague concepts for employee housing on the Hamwi
site. I gave them what information I could based on "what if
scenarios" and requested that tliey reduce their thoughts to
writing and SChedule a meeting with the Housing Authority to
review how we could best assist them in the production of
employee housing the Housing Authority has not received
anything from this applicant.
In summary, the Housing Authority's intent is to use the payment
-in-lieu funds as seed money to assist the private and non-profit
sectors in the production of deed restricted employee housing.
This assistance can range from the research and development stage
to production and can take any form that is practical and cost
effective. We are interested in sitting down with Mr. Hamwi to
determine how we can be of assistance to him for the production
of employee housing.
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
Cindy Houben, Planning Office
Hamwi SUbdivision
July 19, 1988
REQUEST: Subdivision and PUD (replacement of existing units) and
a request for exemption from Growth management for an employee
LOCATION: Lot 4, Sunny Park SUbdivision, address 170 N. Park
Avenue, located at the intersection of Park Avenue and Park
HISTORY: This parcel received a Growth management approval in
1985 for 11 units (4 new free market, 3 replacement free market
and 4 employee units). This approval expires on September 1,
1988. The applicant has applied for an extension of this approval
while he is in this review process. A copy of the approved site
design is attached for comparison purposes.
This application was not given adequate public notice for this
meeting. Therefore the Planning Office is requesting that the
Planning Commission review the application at this meeting and
open the Public Hearing at a special meeting on August 9th in
order for adjacent landowners and other concerned citizens to
respond. No formal action should be taken by the Planning
Commission at tonight's meeting.
The applicant proposes to demolish 3 existing units on the
13,000+ square foot lot and reconstruct 3 new townhouse
structures and an optional employee unit. The 3 free market units
are proposed to be approximately 2,950 square feet each. The
optional employee unit is proposed to be approximately 1,600
square feet.
The applicants desire is to construct one employee unit on site,
however he is unsure as to whether or not he can afford to build
the employee unit at this time. Therefore, he is requesting an
exemption from growth management for the employee unit in order
to allow him to construct the unit if it turns out to be
financially feasible. Attached are copies of the design of the
development with and without the employee unit.
SITE DESCRIPTION: The site is a relatively flat site which is
bordered on two sides by public roadways (Park Circle and Park
Aveue). The parcel is 13,393 square feet. The RMF zone district
allows a I: 1 FAR. The proposed square footage and unit size is
as follows:
three (3) bedroom units ranging between 2,920 and 2,980
sq. ft.
one (1) bedroom employee unit of 1,660 sq. ft.
Total of 15 bedrooms and 10,510 sq. ft.
The surrounding land uses are mixed. Directly to the north and
east of the site are multi-family structures. To the south and
west of the site are multi-family, duplex and single family
structures. The Smuggler Mountain area consists of some old and
new structures which have traditionally been owned and rented by
individuals who live and work in the community.
1. ENGINEERING: In a memo dated June 27, 1988 Chuck Roth of the
Engineering Department made the following comments:
1. This parcel has previously been reviewed for development
in 1981, 1982, and 1985.
2. The sal ient item from previous reviews, in terms of
engineering considerations, appears to be the possible need
of a water line connection between the 6" line on King
street and the 6" line on Neale Street. The Water
Department should be contacted to determine if this
requirement should be carried forward from previous
3. The electric utility serving the project site is Holy
Cross. They would like, and the City Engineering Department
supports, a seven and a half foot general utility easement
all around the lot line.
4. For SUbdivision exemption approval, the applicant will
be required to submit a plat in accordance with Section 20-
15. If platting is required for other purposes prior to
construction, the certificate of occupancy should be
conditional on recording an amended plat reflecting as-built
2. FIRE MARSHAL: The Fire Marshal noted in a memo dated May
10, 1988 that the site is within a four minute response time and
that adequate water is available to service the area.
3. HOUSING AUTHORITY: In a memorandum dated June 22, 1988 Jim
Adamski of the Housing Authority notes that the proposal does not
require that employee housing be provided and that he encourages
the applicant to provide the deed restricted housing. This unit
should be restricted to the middle income guidelines.
4. WATER DEPARTMENT: In a memo dated May 18, 1988 Jim Markalunas
of the Water Department notes that the proposal can be served by
the Water Department.
5. Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District: In a memo dated June
30, 1988 Heiko Kuhn of the ACSD states that the project can be
served with the existing facilities.
6. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: In a memo dated May 11, 1988 Lee Cassin
of the Environmental Health Dept. notes the following:
1. The Environmental Heal th Department assumes that the
proposal will be served by City Water and sewer.
2. There is no statement as to how many fireplaces and
stoves are planned. The entire project is allowed one
fireplace (which will have to contain gas logs if pending
legislation passes on second reading) and one certified
stove (or a second fireplace containing gas logs if pending
legislation passes.) Unlimited numbers of natural gas
fireplace appliances are allowed. Each of these devices
requires a permit from the Aspen/Pitkin Environmental Health
3. A fugitive dust plan must be submitted to this office to
ensure that dust is controlled during demolition and
construction. Prior to demolition, the eXisting building
should be tested to determine whether asbestos is present.
If any is found, it must be disposed of in an approved
4. The applicant is advised to contact this office for
comment should mine waste, waste rock or mine dumps be
encountered during the excavation phase of the project.
Disposal of such materials Off-site is discouraged due to
the possibility of excessive heavy metals being present in
the soil.
5. Since this project is located within the Smuggler
Mountain Hazardous Waste Site, the applicant is urged to
contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA
contact person is Marilyn Null at 293-1698 (Denver). The
EPA requires information on any building project within the
hazardous waste boundaries.
6. Construction activities should be limited to the hours
of 7 am until 10 pm.
1. This application was made pursuant to the old code. The
proposal to replace three eXisting units is exempt from the
Growth Management system. In addition, the applicant is
requesting exemption from Growth Management in order to build a
deed restricted employee unit. The applicant is also requesting
exemption from the mandatory PUD provisions of the Code.
2. The three existing units were verified in the process of
reviewing the previous approvals for this property.
3. The application requests exemption from mandatory PUD
(section 24-8.13). The Planning and Zoning Commission has the
ability to exempt an application from mandatory PUD if you make
the determination that the proposal meets the objectives of the
PUD regulations and therefore is not required to go through the
entire PUD development review. The mandatory PUD development
criteria and the applicants response to those criteria are as
1. Criterion.
pressure and
Response. In the 1985 Residential GMP process, the Planning
Department noted the fOllowing: "The Water Department
reported that the proposed development can be serviced with
no problem due to the extension (looping) of the eXisting
water line in Park Circle Drive which was accomplished by
Centennial. The existing eight inch (8") trunk line in Park
CirCle and sewage treatment plant can service this Project."
Whether there exists sufficient water
other utilities to service the intended
2. Criterion. The existence of adequate roads to insure
fire protection, snow removal and road maintenance.
Response. The project is accessible by Park CirCle and Park
Avenue; fire protection is adequate by virtue of a fire
hydrant approximately fifty feet (50') from the property and
response time is under four (4) minutes.
3. Criterion. The suitability of the site for development
considering the slope, ground and stability, and the
possibility of mud flow, rock falls and avalanche dangers.
Response. There are no potential environmental problems
related with the site.
4. Criterion. The effects of the development of the
natural water shed, runoff, drainage, soil erosion and
consequent effects on water pollution.
Response. The proposed drainage plan is shown on the Site
Plan. The development will have minimum impact upon
drainage because of the natural terrain of the site. All
drainage from pavement of the site will be retained on-site
through dry wells.
5. Criterion. The possible effects on air quality in the
area and city-wide.
Response. The Applicant acknowledges that the
maximum of one (1) woodburning fireplace
woodburning stove for the proposed structure.
6. Criterion. The design and location of any proposed
structure, roads, driveways or trils and their compatibility
with the terrain, which is basically flat. Some vegetation
is being relocated on-site.
Code allows a
and one (1)
Response. The proposed structure is compatible with the
terrain, which is basically flat. Some vegetation is being
relocated on-site.
7. Criterion. Whether proposed grading will result in the
least disturbance to the terrain and other natural land
Response. Proposed excavation and grading are designed to
have minimum effect upon the naturally flat terrain. (See
Grading and Excavation Plan.)
8. Criterion. The placement and Clustering of structures
and reduction of building height and scale to increase open
space and preserve natural features of the terrain.
Response. The proposed structure is placed away from
existing structures, and is within the available height and
FAR restrictions.
In summary the Planning Office does not object to the waiver of
the mandatory PUD procedures for the proposal. The applicants
have adequately addressed the criteria listed above. Given the
form of the development (multi-family) the applicants have
addressed the clustering aspects of the intention of the PUD
regulations. In regard to the design aspects of the structure the
applicants propose a three story bUilding with lap wood siding
and pitched roof lines (see attached design). The applicants did
not provide us with a copy of the elevation and design of the
structure if the employee unit is not to be included. The
Planning Office assumption is that the structure will look
basically the same with the smaller inside (employee unit) taken
The proposed setbacks for the two optional designs are as
4 UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Front yard - 14' 10'
Rear yard - 11' 10'
Side yard - 10' 5'
Side yard - 10' 5'
3 UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Front yard - 22.5'
Rear yard - 10.5'
Side (north) - 30'
Side (south) - 10.5'
In both cases the patios for the structures encroach into the
north side yard setback. The Planning Office recommendation is to
ei ther cut down the size of these patios or move the buildings
further to the south side of the lot. No request for a variation
of the setback was requested in the application.
The application states that a gravel sidewalk will be provided by
the applicant until such time the City Engineering Department
determines the exact location of the road alignment and R.O.w.
along the property lines. At such time this is determined the
applicants will construct a sidewalk meeting code requirements.
The maximum height in the RMF zone district is 25 feet (with
allowance for 5 additional feet to the peak of the roof). The
proposed elevations illustrate a maximum height of 30 feet to the
top of the roof line from existing grade. This meets the code
requirements. The individuals who will be most affected by the
project are those living in the multi-family structures to the
north and northeast. These individuals will lose a great deal of
their existing views towards the south and west due to the height
and location of the proposal. The only way to mitigate the
impact is to require that the applicants build a single story
structure. This design however would require the units be totally
reconfigured on the parcel and that the applicants resubmit a
plan. As you can tell from the prior approval, the new proposal
reduces the overall buildout on the site and leaves a greater
buffer at the intersection of Park Avenue and Park Circle. The
staff feels that the current proposal is a much less intensive
site design than what is currently approved and will have less
impact on the neighborhood.
The access to the site is proposed off of Park Circle. Each unit
will contain a 2 car garage and one additional space per unit is
supplied in the northwest corner of the lot. This meets the
requirements of the code with regard to parking.
The proposal is to provide limited landscaping around the
buildings. The exact size and type of trees has not been
submitted by the applicant at this time. The Planning Office
recommends that the corner of the property (at the intersection
of the two streets) have the most concentrated area of
landscaping since it will be the most visible from a public
perspective. We also recommend that the applicants supply the
Planning Office with a more detailed landscape plan to be
reviewed by the Planning Commission on the 9th of August. At that
time a final recommendation from the Planning Commission can be
sent to the City Council.
4. The applicant is requesting exemption from the Growth
Management competition pursuant to section 24-11.2. The proposed
employee unit is a two bedroom 1,600 square feet unit. The
Planning Office and Housing Authority recognize the need in the
community for additional employee housing and strongly encourage
the Planning Commission to approve this exemption request for a
deed restricted unit on site.
5. The request for the three units is consistent with the area
and bulk requirements for the RMF zone district.
6. The 1973 Aspen Area Comprehensive Plan designates this area as
a multi-family area which is consistent with the proposed use.
RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Office advises the Planning
Commission to withhold a final approval of the application until
August 9, 1988 after the Public Hearing on the application has
been Officially held.
The Planning Office recommends that at that time, the Planning
Commission approve the request for exemption from mandatory PUD,
approve the request for exemption from Growth Management for the
optional employee unit and approve the application as the
preliminary submittal for the Hamwi subdivision with the
following conditions:
1. The applicants submit a final landscape plan to the
Planning Office no later than August 2nd in order for the
Planning Office to review the plan prior to the August 9th
Public Hearing before the Planning Commission.
2. The applicants shall submit a final plat and associated
final plat documents pursuant to the Code requirements.
These documents should include drawings and language which
clarifies the optional employee unit situation.
3. The applicants shall eliminate the patios from within the
side yard setback by either moving the building to the north
or making the patio areas smaller.
4. The applicants shall submit a letter to the Planning
Office from the Water Department noting whether the water
line connection between Neale Street and King Street is
5. The applicants shall supply a general utility easement
pursuant to the Engineering Department memo dated June 27,
6. The applicants shall be subject to all environmental
health air pollution/ fireplace regulations in place at the
time a building permit is requested and to all conditions as
listed by Lee Cassin in her memorandum dated May II, 1988.
7. The employee unit shall be restricted to the middle
income guidelines prior to recordation of the final plat.
8. The applicant shall be required to vacate the prior
approval pursuant to section 7-1007 (c).