HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.su.Mikkelsen.50C-88 ----"-.- :t-.; ~ i CASELOAD SUMMARY SHEET city of Aspen DATE RECEIVED: 11/16/88 DATE COMPLETE: PARCEL ID AND CASE NO. 2737-073-27-002 50C-88 STAFF MEMBER: PROJECT NAME: Project Address: Legal Address: Mikkelsen - 700 East Main: PUD/Subdivision 700 East Main Street East Aspen Addition Townsite APPLICANT: Applicant Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Joe Edwards Representative Address/Phone: 201 North Mill Steet (303) 925-7116 Dorothv M. Mikkelsen Suite 109 PAID: YES NO AMOUNT : $1.020.00 TYPE OF APPLICATION: 1 STEP: x 2 STEP: P&Z Meeting Date PUBLIC HEARING: YES NO VESTED RIGHTS: YES NO CC Meeting Date PUBLIC HEARING: YES NO VESTED RIGHTS: YES NO Planning Director Approval: Insubstantial Amendment or Exemption: Paid: Date: REFERRALS: City Attorney City Engineer Housing Dir. Aspen Water City Electric Envir. Hlth. Aspen Consolo S.D. Mtn. Bell Parks Dept. Holy Cross Fire Marshall Building Inspector Roaring Fork Energy Center School District Rocky Mtn Nat Gas State Hwy Dept(GW) State Hwy Dept(GJ) Other DATE REFERRED: INITIALS: DATE ROUTED:~INITIAL: f'JA~ FINAL ROUTING: --- City Atty ____ City Engineer ___ Zoning ___ Housing Other: Env. Health FILE STATUS AND LOCATION: ,.....,. ,,-., DEC-7 LAW OFFICES JOSEPH E.EDWARDS, JR. THE. .;e:A.OME PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SUITE 109,2.01 NORTH MILL STREET ASPEN, COLORADO 81ell ,JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, ..JR. ,JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, III TELEPHONE (303) 925-7116 December 2, 1988 Jim Gibbord Aspen Engineering Department 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: 700 East Main Final Plat Dear Jim: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation on November 30, 1988, during which we reviewed the letter dated April 27 from Rea, Cassens & Associates, Inc., contained in the land use application file and the attached calculations. That letter noted that the calculations included with that letter were the calculations to be included with the final plat submission. The letter further noted that, in final design development, there may be some minor changes to the run off and that final calculations were to be prepared prior to construction. The letter stated that they had over designed the system by approximately 25% in order to absorb any changes within that range in the actual final design run-off plan. After reviewing these matters, you indicated that it was satisfactory with the Engineering Department to proceed to final plat based on the calculations tendered with the April 27, 1988, letter already contained in the application file and that we add a condition to the final PUD Subdivision Agreement to require that, after final design was complete and prior to the issuance of any building permit, final calculations would be done and submitted to the Engineering Department prior to issuance of any building permits. ( \ ;' i,; Jri :'-- JEE ch L3/20 Enclosure ,-., ,-, MEMORANDUM TO: Fred Gannett, City Attorney FROM: Jim Gibbard, Engineering Department ~ DATE: December 1, 1988 RE: 700 E. Main Final Plat ======================================================= The calculations which will quantify the historic ground water recharge rate for the above project will not be required by the Engineering Department for Final Plat submission. These calcula- tions will, however, be required before a building permit is issued for this project. For use in the preparation of these calculations, we will also require that there be sufficient data from this site which is acquired during the peak of the high runoff period. jg/700Main6 cc: Jay Hammond Chuck Roth Cindy Houben ~ ~. ^ /t ' . ,.,'" /)~ ' "L//<.-&J , ",~ ~'!..iiiJ'+ CITY,~OF,~~2\SPEN i~..;..i"~" . ,...~".4""'-;'".,,>>:t},7.';o.\!;..d.~ .,,~ ","~~,",::,r,:~" 'f,~~Y"':;!..",i"""";t.\~ 13 oS'Olnh'~ii(lf'ij~#r~tre e t asp eif~?t'6)j.<tt~1I?6c'<<th 611 ,!.~,:,::.'!J,;: ":":':.1<,.',;::'" .:~~.,.",...,''''iu.'J 303~925:2020 November 30, 1988 Joseph E. Edwards, Jr., Esq. 201 North Mill street, #109 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Amendments to PUD/Subdivision Agreement for 700 East Main Dear Joe: Enclosed are comments and requests for changes to the PUD/Sub- division Agreement for 700 East Main. In order to make the process as simple as possible, I have followed your paragraph numbering and topical heading with accompanying comments. Paqe 1 1. "Project": In the first paragraph, immediately after the' two four-bedroom units, delete the word "and" and insert the following words: "a recreational building", to be followed by underground parking. Paqe 2 At the top of the page in which you indicate the square footage for the project, you have 60.016. You may want to double check that figure; it should probably be 60,016. Paragraph 2, "Final Plat": With respect to Pages 1-3 submitted as part of the application, you will have to amend those docu- ments in compliance with the comments of Cindy Houben in a separate letter. Paragraph 3, "Construction Schedule", subparagraph (d). In the clause immediately after December 31, 1989, please delete the words "as soon as possible". Paragraph 4, "Landscaping". With respect to all landscaping " issues, there needs to be, as part of the final plat submission, a landscaping plan. In the second sentence, same paragraph, immediately after the words "landscaping shall be installed", please delete the words "as soon as feasible". I"""\^ Letter to Joseph E. Edwards, Jr., Esq. November 30, 1988 Page 2 Paqe 3 Paragraph 5 "Public Improvements", subparagraph (a). At the conclusion of the first sentence, which ends as follows: "filed with the project PUD/Subdivision application", please insert immediately after the word "application", the fOllowing words: "and as shown on the final plat." The same words should be added to the third sentence in the same paragraph, and these items must be shown on the final plat. With respect to subparagraph (b), "Water Lines". This section too will need to be reflected on the final plat; please see Cindy Houben's letter with respect to needed changes. Paqe 4 Subparagraph (f), "Security for Public Improvements". Please add the terlll "financial assurances" in front of your heading so as to read as follows: "(f) Financial Assurances: Security for Public Imorovements and Landscaoing." . With respect to the language in Paragraph (g), I am unhappy with the manner in which it reads. I would prefer to substitute, verbatim, the language contained in the document prepared by Marti Pickett. That language was standardized in the course of three or four PUD applications, and, to the extent that it represents a balancing of developer and city issues, I prefer to see it used. However, if you choose not to use that language, would you please insert somewhere in the context of this para- graph, a requirement that all improvements be inspected and approved by the City Engineer, and that Upon such inspection and approval, that funds, up to ninety percent of the financial assurance, excepting landscaping, may be released by the City Engineer in proportion to the completed work. Subparagraph (g), "Electrical Transformers". Please delete the word "northerly" in the beginning of the sentence and substitute, after the clause "near the vacated alley", the following words, "as described hereinbelow." "'" ,-" Letter to Joseph E. Edwards, Jr., Esq. November 30, 1988 Page 3 Paqe 5 Paragraph 5, "Site Drainage. Please see notes from Jim Gibbard of the Engineering Department with relation to this section. The site drainage needs to be reflected on the final plat in a manner acceptable to the Engineering Department. Paragraph 8, "Employee Housing Requirements". Please insert after the words "(initially $360.00 per month) or sale guide- lines" the words "as currently defined or hereinafter amended by the Aspen/Pitkin Housing Authority". Paqe 6 In the first paragraph at the top of the page, please insert after "$685,000"00 to be paid", the words "in a lump sum". Paragraph 9, "Park Dedication", paragraph (d), please insert after the words "these fees shall be paid 'in a lump sum' prior to the issuance of 'any' building pernlits for the project." Paragraph 10, "Condominiumization". In the twelfth line at the end of the sentence after the, words "incorporation and bylaws" add "prior to the sale or transfer of any unit". Paqe 7 Paragraph 12, "Representations", after the words "all representa- tions" please insert the following words "included, but not limited to, those materials, plans, reports received by the City of Aspen in furtherance of this application and filed by the City to preserve those representations made on the records during the course of this application process". Paragraph 13, "Maximum Floor Area". Please add at the end of the sentence, "as calculated under the FAR calculation process in effect on June 13, 1988". Paragraph 14, "Variance". Change the heading to "Variations", and make a similar substitution in the body of the paragraph. . ,-. ......., Letter to Joseph E. Edwards, Jr., Esq. November 30, 1988 Page 4 Paqe 8 Add as a new Paragraph 21, "Acceptance of Plat, Ratification by Owner". Insert the plat language which reflects the incorpora- tion by reference of all materials received by the city in the course of the application process and recorded in the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder'S office to preserve those representa- tions. FWG/mc ~ ,-" " Aspen/Pitki 130 so '\ aspen Ding Office November 28, 1988 Joe Edwards 201 N. Mill street, Suite 109 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Joe, After review of the 700 East Main Final Plat Submission, the Engineering Department and Planning Office have found that the following areas of the sUbmission are deficient and must be corrected prior to recordation of the plat. Please refer to pages 7-78 through 7-80 of the Land Use Code to see that the following additional items are required to be included on the final plat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The The Need Mylar copies of Sheets 1-3, 2-3, 3-3. #2(a) (1) (a) - streets and setbacks. #2 (a) (1) (c) #2(a) (1) (d) -show areas dedicated to public use ie. Riverside Park (including benches and rocks) and the benches on the corner of Spring and Main. #2 (a) (1) (e) #2(a) (3) #2(a)(5) - Planning Director signature. #2(a)(8) - also include 2nd area of Riverbank stabilization. #2 (a) (9) #2 (a) (10), , #2 (a)( 121, - r:r:uf. GtrrvliltH f}ldj~~ .w! a.. (df;...., M.~~-Io ~~~~~tt.~. supplemental mylar sheets must be on one sheet (not taped). Clerk's office will not accept a taped myler. If you any questions, please call. As you know the deadline for recordation is December 19, 1988. Sincerely, ~-#zd~ Cindy Houben, Planner CH/ds 1"'\ ^ LAW OFFICES GIDEON I. KAUFMAN A .PROFESSIONAL CORPORAnON BOX 10001 315 EAST HYMAN AVENUE, SUITE 305 ASPEN, COLORADO S1Eill TELEPHONE AREA CODE 303 925-8166 TELEFAX 925-1090 GIDEON I. KAUFMAN MARTHA C. PICKETT November 22, 1988 HAND-DELIVERED .'22198B Ms. Cindy Houben, City Planner Mr. Fred Gannett, City Attorney Aspen/Pitkin County Planning Office 130 South Galena street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: 700 East Main Project Dear Cindy and Fred: On Friday, November 18, 1988, I attempted to place Fine Associates' copyright notice on the Final Plat documents which are on file in the Aspen City offices, as well as on the form of Planned Unit Development/Subdivision Agreement for PUD/SUbdivision at 700 East Main which is also on file in the Aspen City offices. As you are aware, I was prevented from doing so by representatives of the City. Fine Associates hereby demands that the City place, or allow Fine Associates to place, the notice " @ 1988 Fine Associates" on all Final Plat documents, and on all drafts of the Subdivision Agreement which are on file or otherwise in the possession of the City or its agents and employees. Fine Associates is required by the Copyright Act of 1976 to put this notice on the above-referenced documents and Agreement in order to secure all the protections of that Act. The refusal of the City of Aspen to'permit Fine Associates to do so may impair Fine Associates' ability to enforce its copyright and its ability to collect monetary damages for any infringement. Fine Associates reserves all rights and claims it may have against the City of Aspen arising out of the City's refusal to permit the copyright notice to be placed on the above-referenced documents and Agreement. Sincerely, LAW OFFICES OF GIDEON I. KAUFMAN, P.C., a Professional ~orporation By MCP/bw cc: Paul Taddune cc: Bob Kueppers r" Final Draft: 4/25/88 ~ electricity, telephones, sanitary sewer, water, and fire protection facilities stating they can service the proposed subdivision. 2. Review bv city council. a. Additional application contents prior to review bv citv Council. Subsequent to review by the commission and prior to review of the Development Application for Plat by the city council, the applicant shall submit the following additional application contents. (1) A Final Plat drawn with permanent ink on reproducible linen or mylar. Sheet size shall be twenty-four (24") inches by thirty-six (36") inches with an unencum- bered margin of one and one-half (1!") inches on the left hand side of the sheet and a one-half inch margin around the other three (3) sides of the sheet. It shall include: ~ (a) Accurate dimensions for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common use and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, tangent, arc and chord distances. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one (1) in ten thousand (10,000). (b) A systematic identification of all lots and blocks and names for all streets. >- (c) Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. :( . . -7 (d) An identification of the streets, . 7 -78 ~ .i:"',""""';'),:-:'V:~ '-, . ( Final Draft: 4/25/88 alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities, and a dedica- tion thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as dedicated to public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisi- tion shall also be shown. ) (e) A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest one-thousandth (0.001) of an acre. (f) A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. The Colorado Coordinate System may be used. (2) A statement explaining how determined. by the land surveyor bearings, if used, were . ') (3) A certificate by the ,registered land surveyor as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and a statement that the survey was performed in accordance - ;>with Colorado__~~vi~~g__SJ:;g.tui:.e.s- 1973, Title 38, Article 51, as amended from time to time. (4) A certificate by a corporate title insurer, that the person or persons dedicating to the public the public rights-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and' clear of all liens and encumbrances. -7 (5) Certificates showing approval of the Final Plat by the City Engineer, ~lanning Director and the Commission. (6) A certificate showing approval of the plat and acceptance of dedications and easements by the City Council, with signature by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk. . 7 -79 rr ,-. Final Draft: 4/25/88 (7) A certificate of filing for the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder. . "'" ~ Complete engineering plans and specifi- / ~ cations for all improvements to be rfI i>5 H installed in the proposed subdivision, , () ~ including but not limited to water and " _ ~.JJ:::1;'~-, sewer utilities, streets and :r;elated_ ~.r..J.~ .iJnp:oveme~ts,_ trails, bridges and storm ,p~' , ...~.,' fV>--" draJ.nage J.mprovements., , '17\ ,,)'vU;:~p,J ./'- ~ ~ ~ 1'tJ, ~(),w, qn~ f'~-(a.n InNr.J('~~ tlr vJ': \y' C"'. ' ~ P (9) A landscape plan show:mg 10catJ.on, sJ.ze, *~/\ /' and type of proposed landscape features. (11) Any agreements with utility or ditch companies, when applicable. > (12) Any subdivision agreements C;S required by Sec. 7-1004 (C) (3). . b. Submission of Development Application to city Council. The Development Application shall be submitted to the City Council for final review. The Development Application for Plat shall be approved or approved with conditions by the City Council if it conforms to the standards of Section 7-1004(c), or it shall be denied. Sec. 7-1006. Subdivision Aqreement. A. General. Prior to approval of Plat for a subdivision, the applicant and City Council shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement binding the sUbdivision to any ,conditions placed on the development order. B. Common Park and Recreation Areas. The Subdivision Agreement shall outline any agreement on the part of the applicant," to deed public lands, open space, public facilities, and, other improvements to the City or other entity. C. Landscape Guarantee. In order to ensure implementation and maintenance of the landscape plan, the City Council may require the applicant to provide a guarantee for no 7 -80 ~ t1"""", ,i ,-..., LAW OFFICES .JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, .JR. THE .JEROME PROFESSIONAL. BUILDING SUITE 109,201 NORTH MIL.L STREET ASPE.N, COL~RAOO BU511 ....OSEPH E. EOWARDS, ,JR. .JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, III TELEPHONE (303) 925-7116 November 15, 1988 Fred Gannett City of Aspen 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 NOV' 6 1988 Cindy Houben City of Aspen 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Mikkelsen/700 East Main; PUD/Subdivision Dear Fred and Cindy: I am enclosing four copies of a revised PUD/Subdivision Agreement, dedication of the employee housing unit and Encroachment License for the regrading in the right of way north of Main Street and south of the project. I have reviewed the Planning Office conceptual, preliminary and final plan approval files and all the notes, referral comments, minutes, etc., and have incorporated all of the conditions and requirements I was able to locate into this revised agreement. You can discard the earlier draft I sent last week, as it needed some significant additions. Also enclosed is a copy of the first three pages of the proposed plat. We are submitting this approximately one month in advance of the date that these documents need to be placed of record in order to allow sufficient time for the City and its staff to adequately review these documents. After review, if you have any required changes, please let us know; and we will immediately incorporate those changes into our final documents and obtain the signatures of the various owners and submit it to you. We are enclosing a fee for the review of those final documents. Very truly yours, JE ch L2/16 Enclosures ........~ ~ ~ EMPLOYEE HOUSING DEDICATION FOR UNIT 18, SUBDIVISION AT 700 EAST MAIN STREET THIS DEDICATION made , 1988, by DOROTHY MIKKELSEN, ARDITH WARE, ALICE GALLEGOS MIKKELSEN, and ALBERT W. BEVAN, JR. (hereinafter Owners) and the CITY OF ASPEN, Colorado (hereinafter City) . 1. Owners hold title to the following real property: A parcel of land situated in the S. E. 1/4 S.W. 1/4 of Section 7, Township 10 SOuth, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, East Aspen Additional Townsite, Pitkin County, Colorado, more fully described as follows: Beginning at the N.W. Corner of Block 21, East Aspen Additional Townsite; Thence S 75009'11" E 150.00 feet along the North line of said Block 21; Thence departing said line S 59018'00" E 56.37 feet; Thence S 50014'11" E 118.32 feet; Thence S 52057'39" W 47.02 feet; Thence S 4~058'47" W 21.71 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 21; Thence S 14050'49" W 100.00 feet along the East line of said Block 21 to the Southeast corner of said Block 21; Thence N 75009'11" W 2.31 feet along the South line of said Block 21; Thence 62.88 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 868.51 feet (the chord of which bears S 10018'25" E 62.87 feet); Thence 145.72 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 176.18 feet (the chord of which bears N 51027'27" W 141.60 feet); Thence N 75009'11" W 164.75 feet along the South line of said Block 21 to the Southwest corner of said Block 21; Thence N 14050'49" E 220.00 feet along the West line of said Block 21 to the point of beginning, containing 60.016 square feet, more or less. 2. The Owners covenant and agree that the use and occupancy of Condominium Unit 18, to be constructed as part of the P.U.D. Subdivision at 700 East Main Street, shall be restricted to City of Aspen "low-income" employee housing occupancy and rental guidelines and qualifications as in effect from time to time. Owners shall have the right to select rental occupants and may give first priority to an employee or caretaker of the Project. Owners may sell or rent Unit 18 to the Condominium Homeowners' Association or an employee of the Project without the purchaser or renter needing to comply with the income and assets limitations of the low-income guidelines. 3. This dedication shall be a burden on and shall run wi th the title to Unit 18 and be binding on the Owners, their successors and assigns, to the benefit of and enforceable by the City of Aspen by legal action including a.. ~'" \" t' ,'~ [.) :Ld:lbu .__..__,,:, ~ l r'" i /,-" 6. This encroachment license may be terminated by the City on 30 days' written notice in the event it determines that the use of this right of way is necessary for public purposes and that the regrading authorized by this license is incompatible with the necessary public purpose. The Owners may terminate the encroachment agreement on 30 days' written notice. 7. Any regrading of such right of way within 16 feet north of the curb line of Main Street shall not change the elevation of the right of way more than one foot. Beyond the 16-foot area, the Owners may construct a berm at the southeast edge of the project and may thereafter regrade within the right of way to slope downward towards the project boundary. 8. The maintenance of good, safe and Owners shall be responsible for the the area of encroachment easement area in a satisfactory condition. 9. Owners shall carry public liability insurance on the right of way belonging to the City north of the Main Street curb line and south of the project boundary for the benefit of the City with limits specified in S 24-10-114, C.R.S., as it may be amended from time to time, naming the City as a coinsured and further providing that such policy shall not be terminable as to the City without 30 days' advance written notice by certified mail to the City and shall provide to City copies of the current policy in effect from time to time and a certificate evidencing that such policy is in force and effect at all times during the term of this license. 10. The Owners shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims for damages, costs and expenses to any persons or property resulting from the regrading, occupancy or maintenance by Owners of the area of the right of way covered by this encroachment license. 11. In the event of termination of this agreement by either party, the Owners shall, at their expense, restore the licensed right-of-way property to a condition and grade within one foot of the grade existing at the time of the execution of this agreement or such other grade as may then be satisfactory to the City; and it shall be the responsibility of the Owners to install whatever retaining wall or other structure may be necessary to satisfactorily support the right of way at such restored grade. 12. The obligations of the Owners under this license may be assigned to a condominium homeowners' association on the creation of a condominium for the project, in which event the obligations of the Owners shall be assumed by such Dll/12 -2- . - . , ~, ~, association and the Owners shall be released from these obligations. 13. In the event of any legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney fees and costs. Attest: KATHRYN KOCH, City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney DOROTHY M. MIKKELSEN ALICE GALLEGOS MIKKELSEN Dll/12 CITY OF ASPEN WILLIAM L. STIRLING, Mayor ARDITH LOUISE WARE ALBERT W. BEVAN, JR. -3- ~ ... ~ ,-. LAW OFFICES JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JR. THE ..JEROME PROF"ESSIONAL. BUILDING SUITE 109,201 NORTH MILL STREET ASPEN, COLORADO Bleil ,JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, ..JR. .JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, Itl TELEPHONE (303) 925-7116 November 9, 1988 Cindy Houben Planning Office City of Aspen 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Fred Gannett City Attorney City of Aspen 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 NOV-9 Re: 700 East Main Street, Mikkelson Property Project Dear Cindy and Fred:: For your reference, I am enclosing a copy of the short form option agreement to Fine Associates which was recorded in Book 546 at Page 919 and again on Page 921, and a letter from Martha Pickett and my response letter. You will note from the face of the document by adding up the period of the option, the one ninety-day extension allowed and the sixty days within which to close, that this option expired by its terms on August 20, 1988. That expiration is further evidenced by the letter from Martha C. Pickett, the attorney for Fine Associates, dated September 14, 1988, which acknowledges Fine Associates' default and transmitted Ms. Mikkelson's share of liquidated damages due upon the default of Fine Associates. My letter acknowledged receipt of the liquidated damages payment due upon Fine's default. These letters were recorded at Book 577 at Page 627 and 628, which evidence the expiration of the option of record. Therefore, it is the position of the property owners, Ms. Mikkelson and her sisters Ardith Ware and Alice Gallegos Mikkelson, that Fine Associates no longer has any legal or equitable interest in the property at 700 East Main Street. '-.: "" ~ ,-. Cindy Houben Fred Gannett November 9, 1988 Page 2 For the reasons set forth in the memorandum from the City Attorney to City Council dated September 21, 1988, we agree that the land use approvals, although applied for by the then option holder, Fine, revert to the owner of the property as an appurtenant to the land, and these land use approvals are now the exclusive property of the owners. Furthermore, it is our position that there has been a limited waiver of any copyright associated with any drawings or documents that were filed with the Planning Department as part of the land use approval so long as the use of such documents is limited to the purposes of the land use application and approval for which they are filed. There had been a requirement in one of the Planning Office memos that a mortgagee clause be added to the face of the Plat. I am enclosing a most recent copy of the title insurance commitment on this property which was issued November 1, 1988. You will note from paragraph 3, page 1, that there is no deed of trust of record, which is also reflected in Schedule B, Section 1 of the Requirements and therefore no need for a mortgagee clause. If you have any questions regarding any of the foregoing, feel free to contact me. Very truly yo~rs, cc: John Kelly Joe Rader Dorothy Mikkelson '.. !""l; I !'~ ~- LAW OFFICES JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JR, THE ,JEROME PROF-ESSIONAL BUIL.DING SUITE 109,201 NORTH MILL. STREET ASPEN, COLORADO erell ,JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, .JR. ,JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, III TELEPHONE (303) 925.7116 November 9, 1988 Glenn Horn Pitkin County Planning Office 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Godfrey--Landis, Subdivision Exemption Dear Glenn: We previously tendered the mylar plat of the Godfrey Landis Subdivision Exemption for the boundary line adjustment between their respective parcels and you returned the plat to me requesting that the following be added: A. A reference that the Plat is approved in accordance with Resolution 87-92. B. Certificate of Dedication and ownership language above the signatures of the owners as shown in the appendix to the Land Use Code. C. A signature line for the lienholders. I have added all three of those provisions to the Plat and obtained the signature of the Vice-President of Aspen Savings & Loan which holds the only lien on these properties and which is a lien only against the Landis parcel. Mr. Godfrey holds his title free and clear. Therefore, I am resubmitting the Plat to the Planning Office for final review and thereafter for circulation to the Board of County Commissioners for their signatures and for the Clerk and Recorder's signature and recording. ... ""', rr Glenn Horn November 9, 1988 Page 2 ,-. Joanna indicated she still has our check to pay for the recording of this Plat. Very truly yours, --c:- ras~J2w-Gc( cc: Peter E. Godfrey B. Joseph Krabacher Frederick Gannett Cindy Houben , ~, ]' ,-. 1'__' LAW OFFICES JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JR. THE .JEROME PROFESSIONAL BUILelNO SUIT!!. IQQ, 201 NORTH MILL STREET ASPEN, COLORADO Bleil .JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, .JR. .JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, III TELEPHONE {3031 92!!5-'71l6 September 19, 1988 Martha C. Pickett Law Offices of Gideon I. KaUfman, P.C. 315 East Hyman Avenue, Suite 305 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Mikkelsen Property Sale Dear Ms. Pickett: I acknOWledge the receipt of Dorothy Mikkelsen's share of the liquidated damages owed to her pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Option Agreement between Fine Associates and Dorothy Mikkelsen, which was payable upon the default of Fine. I have not returned your form since there was no obligation under that contract for Ms. Mikkelsen to release present or future claims that she may have under the Option Agreement. Very truly ~:s, \. fJ\ Jr.U JEE-kl L/35 cc: Dorothy M. Mikkelsen ~ ~ .~ - .---- .--- NOV-8 l.AW OFFICES GIDEON I. KAUFMAN A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION BOX 10001 315 EAST HYMAN AVENUE, SUITE 305 Sept'e"nibC~f:ORi~O, 8''Y988 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 303 925-8166 TELEFAX 925'1090 GIDEON I. KAUFMAN MARTHA C. PICKETT Mr. Joe Edwards 210 N. Mill street Aspen, Colorado 81611 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: Option Agreement between Fine Associates and Dorothy Mikkelson Dear Joe: Pursuant to paragraph 21 of the above-referenced Option and your ,letter dated September 9, 1988, please find check' e amount of $8,333.33, payable to Dorothy . to "I. ~i'j Your signature below acknowledges receipt of the liquidated damages, and represents that Fine Associates' payment of the $8,333.33 represents Fine Associates' full obligation under the Option Agreement. Your signature below further represents that, by accepting the liquidated damages, your client releases any and all claims she may have, now or in the future, against Fine Associates in relation to the Option Agreement dated September 25, 1987. Please sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter to my office as soon as possible. Personally, and on behalf of Fine Associates, I would like to thank you for your continued cooperation throughout negotiations on the transaction between Ms. Mikkelsen and Fine Associates. Sincerely, LAW OFFICES OF a Professional GIDEON I. KAUFMAN, c~r, pf"rati,on fA i ,'r )tu:k-:::- Piickett P.C. , BY~MAP~ artha C ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO this day of September, 1988. MCP/bw Enclosure cc: Fine Associates Joseph Edwards, on behalf of Dorothy Mikkelsen ( I::. . ,,,,*,,. ,-. SHORT FORM OF OPTION THIS SHORT FORM OF OPTION is made this fff r:A day of September , 1987, by and between ARDITH WAR , DOROTHY M. MIKKELSEN, AND ALICE J. MIKKELSEN (collectively "Optionor"), and FINE ASSOCIATES, a Minnesota general partnership ("Optionee"), jointly called the .Parties". 1. Grant of Option. For and in consideration of $ 37.500.00 paid by Optionee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by Optionor, Optionor grants to Optionee an exclusive option to purchase ("Option") the real property and improvements thereon ("Property") described as follows: See EXHIBIT A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 2. The term of the Option is from the date hereof to 11: 00 p.m., Barch 23 I 1988, sub:Ject to one 90-day extension, with closing of the sale and purchase of the Property to occur no later than sixty (60) days after exercise of' the Option. 3. The Parties have entered into an Option Agreement dated Seotember 25 , 1987 ("Option Agreement") which contains additional agreements of the Parties regarding the Property. This Short FOrm of Option is not a complete summary of the Option Agreement provisions and this ShOrt Form shall not be used for interpretation or construction of any provisions of the Option Agreement. In the event of any differences between this Short Form of Option Agreement and the Option Agreement, the Option shall control. 4. The rights and obligations of the Parties under the Option Agreement and this Short Form of Option Agreement are binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties, their heirs, successors and assigns. 5. Addresses of the Parties are: Optionor: Ardith Ware and Dorothy M. Mikkelsen c/o John Doremus Carol Ann Jacobson Realty, Inc. 606 East Hyman Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 Alice Mikkelsen c/-o Joe Rader, Esq. 1050 Walnut Street Suite 401 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Optionee: Fine Associates 1916 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attn: William I. Fine - -:/i;':i. ,;~, '" I ,1 \ . '~ \ /--' ,/ " ~ -' , --'--,.~ ',,-----, ^ ,-" IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed and delivered this Short FOrm of Option on the dates indicated in the acknowledgements set forth below. OPTIONOR: ARDITH WARE DOROTHY M. MIKKELSEN ALICE J. MIKKELSEN, formerly known as Alice J. Gallegos OPTIONEE: FINE ASSOCIATES, a Minnesota general partnership 'yON ~i'~7 T~l~ : I?.-. STATE OF ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1987 by ARDITH WARE. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF / The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of I 1987 by DOROTHY M. MIKKELSEN. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: . Notary PUblic f :,~ . '\ . ""\ " .:V'i !'/<I.' fi~;'::L . ti:1/,:."', \'1 i;)(: . Ii . _'0The following are the li!!;.. . t_ "'ITEM (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured: ITEM (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record to-wit: I ' ~ ~wyersl.itle Insurance @poration ~ ......,...' '~i.-./ , NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS I RICHMOND, VIRGINIA SCHEDULE B-SECTION, 1 REQUIREMENTS i requirements to be complied with: of ,1. Deed from: Dorothy Marie Mikkelsen, Ardith Louise Ware, Alice Juanita Gallegos and Albert W_ Bevan, Jr. to '!: ' 2! Trad Nametfi~av t o~artnersh p Ai:5r em~n of Fine Assv2a es, dis losing he na es of the part ers, nd t other info mat ~ r uired b '73 RS 7- 1-101 (1 (1) e iden 1ng the exi enc of said P rtnershi pri r to ts acqui ition of ti le to said and ~er in. 3: Evidence satisfactory that the Real Estate Transfer Tax as "!,established by Ordinance No. 20 (series of 1979) has been paid or exempted: " " j., I'. 4. Certificate of nonforeign status executed by the transferors. , " , ,5. Certificate from a Registered Colorado Land Surveyor certifying the legal description contained herein is fhe same property as conveyed to Dorothy Marie Mikkelsen, Ardit~ouise Ware, Alice Juanita Gallegos and Albert W. Bevan. ,I I I that ", , , I', i , II" : '. I j II :!I .' ~ j , :'r ~ . . ,.: I ..Ill: :,1' ,', -1"1' ': .1,1 J'I' :',1':1""1' ;'i": I, I' .II ,'" ! I; J . i'ii J i I II I" I' '''1,,1 of 'I ,I 'r f "II iI, ' I)" I I' 1[, ,'1,1. 'I" I' , ,I , '1, ,\1 , i ~ .~' 1", r".d i ,::1, J 1 ;!:!I<jjl':""';'!r;J,! I)' !," illl' I') I "1-.':'1): ! I'. f . ,,','1 L,""' '" (II ,:J' ' " I ' '.r'" . '.1". '1 I: i'>i;I' I.i' I.,", 'I i.1 .,' I 11 :,.1 t . (',' ':!; I I I 'I; , ",This; Commitment is 'invalid unless ': ", i ~ ',I' "the 'Insuning 'Prov.isions and Schedules '\A:andi8J~re attached. ; ~ I ~ .' ; I" : ,"-';.\""':.i " . I . "".."t. " j I , ' r Schedule B-Section 1 Pg. '1 Commitment No. PCT-1232 C4 h.lllRllIlll'il.l'llllrW{'l.[~.I(l.m.llml.'ll[mDIIMlIIIIIl!lIfI[n!lllalnnIIUlIIIIMl.~1_1I1l~IlI~Jl'.l\IlnN\ll,II_.U""U'OII.'",",,".,~_. ,W~i: 'oUt ':'1':/1: ri I " '~ll~ii,1 Ii Ii Ii': : I ,-... ,( )1,1'1 1'" il,l I I' J 011)1 I) ) /1 l?rlltlllll'il I I I I , ",'.'111", 'i',' I I II "" I, 1 I' I I ''''''/' 'I I ", I " f'l! ~I,; i I I 'i ,li";':I' 1 I " '~lr' :i i!j~ '11,11 I , 'II" III' ! 1,1'11, 1/ ',I Wf'j'l I I 'I II. ,I II , )1 Ij , II, ; I I' I'I" )11, I '! \rJ fir I, I : I r I I ! 1', 'A 'pi!lrcel ,llof," li!lnd' situi!lted lin the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 7, Township 10 . .':' , .1 " .. . I ' I, ~ ,:~' !iSouth,{, Ri!lnge: 84' West of ,the 6th P.M., Ei!lst Aspen Additioni!ll Townsite,' ' . ;' ,,:,' ~ : ~ : i ' I '1!:Pil,t;~lhjC~untyl,Colorado, more fully described as follows: i'll-r:r" I 'I 8eg1nning at the NWGorner of 810ck 21, East Aspen Addiiioni!ll Townsite; t/;lence Si75'09'lli E 150.00 feet along the North line of Si!lid 810ck 21; " thence departing si!lid line S 59'18'00" E 56.37 feet; ',thence S{I:50'14'11~ E 118.32 feet; thence S 52.57'39. W 47.02 feet; ~hence S 4~.58'47" W 21.17 feet to i!l point on the Ei!lst line of Si!lid Block 21; I , thence S 14.50'49" W 100.00 feet i!llong the Ei!lst line of Si!lid Slock 21 "I to the Southei!lst cornel" of si!lid Block 21: 'thence Ni75"09'll',' W 2.31 feet along the South line of si!lid Slock 21; thence 62.88 feet i!llong i!l curve to the right hi!lving i!l ri!ldius of 868.51 feet (the chord of which bei!lrs S 10.18'25" E 62.87 feet); thence 14S.72 feet i!llong i!l curve to the left hi!lving a radius of 176.18 feet (the chord of which bears N 51.27'27" W 141.60 feet); thence N 7S.d)'11" W 164.75 feet along the South line of si!lid Block 21 to the Southwest cornel" of si!lid Block 21; ,.thence N 14.50'49" E 220.00 feet i!llong the West line of said Block 21 to the point of beginning. tlithiYers litlf} Insurance @porat~on , , j' , , , ,.. '-' NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS i , ~ICHMOND. VIRGINIA I', te~AL,DESCR~PTION 'i: Portions of the i!lbove described property formerly described i!lS: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 21, East Aspen Additional Townsite i!lnd Lots A, B, C, D & E, Block 21, East Aspen Additional Townsite COUNTY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO. . ' " 'i "..; ; I ~ "I , ! 'I.;" ,,',:; l' ",:;';:.:>f~' . /1,!!ttji;,;J'j, 'I ...~ 1';,::)L).:j>;~'h )", , ) ~~;;:::' .'''"'''','7;~'f_BI'~''''''.'';''.''-'"""."".,,7''''_.''_''~'''.''_'_'''''.''''........._........._..............._........___ <Xl Lllho In U,$,A""" , , , ,~.~ Ii, Ii' { , G.lialllI.'.."III_.",...II.....r_.IIInI.II_.II_all..IIII...r..II_.II_..(_."11I.11"_11...'_..1__11__11__11__11__11_.'1__11".11__11__IIiR..r-. .N"I.I:.i ii, I c'klliyersptle cr' \i' ' .' Irurance @poratlpn .' I : I ' I NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS I RICHMOND, VIRGINIA ";' , COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE : ' SCHEDULE A I , 1. Effective date: 11/1/88 @ 8:00 A.M. Case No. PCT-1232 C4 2. Policy or policies to be issued: (a)ALTA Owner's Policy-Form 8-1970 (Rev. 10-17-70 & 10-17-84) or 10/21/87 PROPOSED INSURED: Amount $ 2,204,000_00 Premium $ 4,258.00 (b)ALTA Loan Policy, (Rev. 10-17-70 & 10-17-84) or 10/21/87 PROPOSED INSURED: Amount $ Premium $ (c)Alta Loan Construction Policy, 1975 (Rev. 10-17-84) Amount $ Premium $ I' Tax Cert. $ T8D SIMPLE estat~) interest in the land described or Commitment is at the effective date hereof vested 3. Title to the FEE referred to in this / in: DOROTHY GALLEGOS AND I MARIE MIKKELSEN, ARDITH AL8ERTW. 8EVAN. JR. ... LOUISE WARE, ALICE JUANITA 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: PLEASE REFER TO DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO. I ' )1 !,f \" .' i, :1 1,1, ' ,I' 'r. i. 1:-1 i( I i'i "1':1: i I ' :. . i . . : I.,!: . , ~ It. j I 'ICountersigned' at! I; ~. , "! I ,':..! ! I 'I i I .' I~: Iii ' . I,' ;. " ~ J . I I' , ,I 'j I " I iii'> f;:i i ,.'i.\,I. ,"'j ..: I "IJ, Ii.;.' " I !,', 1'1,'- I I I' ,t I' I ~'i :f~lr~~?~,E!~;, ~ftl i cer;- I' ,I: l~/ /,',", II:' I ;':).il: i : r;, V'/' v '1,1.' I :i' ,,'!' , .1 I' '," '" 'I 'j". 1'1' ,',I', ' . '.:: 11: ; ~ . i I . "., j 'i j' "I ;j i PITKIN IFOUNTY TITLE, 601 E. HOPKINS ASPEN. CO.'81611 303-925-1766 I or agen,t I I INC. Schedule A-Pg. 1 I This Commitment is invalid' I unless the Insuring , ", iP~ovisions and Schedules' iA and 8 are attached. ' Ii ,1." ~ 1 : ~ \ "1 ,".j "!."::-;': i. " , , !.' I.::; " '''':",1 J\lu1._~(.~~~IMIiI.II_.lr_.IIIIII.II_II'I_III'rnI.IIIIII'.'(_DII"III1"'.II..RIllm.I[lP.II.II"lnl_.IIIYIUI_UIIIIII.II_lJ.llfIII.II".II".I["IIl',J.II"~II~.'Irp"~ ; ..... ~wyerslide ~ Insurance @rporation '! I, ',i! : I NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA SCHEDULE B-SECTION 2 EXCEPTIONS I The' policy'or' policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the fpJlowing~unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. '::! 1. 'Rights 01" claims 01" parties in possession not shown by the publio records. 2. Easements, .01" claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, 'encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, 01" right to a heretofore 01" hereafter the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims 01" other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records 01" attaching subsequen{ to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquire~ of record for value the estate 01" interest 01" mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lien, for service, furnished, imposed , labor 01" material by law and not shown by 6. Taxes due and payable: and any tax, special assessment, charge 01" lien imposed for water 01" sewer service, 01" for any other special taxing district. 7. Reservations and exceptions as contained in United States Patent recorded August 29, 195. in Book 185 at Page 69 as ~ollows: right of way for ditches 01" canals constructed by the authority of the United States. ,8. Terms, conditions, obligations and provisions of Letter relating to use of driveway from William R. Tiedt to Dorothy Marie Mikkelsen, Ardith Louise Ware and Alice Juanita Gallegos as set forth in o",tJ$ J instrument recorded November~8,2 in Book 435~1i-Fr!r~e J8,ll ~WN $ {'f'(iT .. ""fHOTE: Upon acquisition of th~ect property^"b~ I"".w.s ~sele~ates, t,..t-t~ ,,',,'the title, wil 1 merge in the aoove exception and it will not appeal" buJrJ 1lt€ ,c';!id,i:j:onjt?e, Fi7a 1 Owner' s Pol icy to be issued hereunder. ~~~~ :d:,:,::"Hi;,<' ; ',:', I I ' ','iEg';:;'!ITerms; c ditions, obligation and provis ns of Sho~ Form 9Ptions ;'>:"::'1' 'i' by and etween A ert W. Be" n, Jr., an Fine Asso ates,,y" ~'!'W":~f,'I:Mil'1ne ta, Gener 1 Partn~rs i pas set f rth. ,in ,in rument recorded :I'f\~',.sep mber'29, 987inBo 546 at, Pa e 919;.) an Short ormOption ~b~4J',bY~d betwe ,Ardith re, Doroth 't.1il<l<erse and A ce J. ,:j\?I!I.1 1<:,tM kkelsen i a .dFine As ociates, a innesota enera Partnersh_,~~l!!. '~i!,~,,'" jl,~",:,jr,::,f',',~t, fnrtb' n' 'instru ent record Septemb 29, 87 in Boo 1".546 lit) '1?:'IJI;h",.PageJ921. . ~ ~WJ:d::'rP,tNO'F-E:<+U On"I1l5tis equiremen No.1, under Sc dule B- ',' ~\!'I,1l1":l;il,\I,~J,\i'"S,e',c,ti,o 1.1,ih,ere will ot appeal" n the F al ::;. lC\.\j'l(i:';'i"Ownel" s. Pol ic .::!\! ~/ ,,':j~iJ:f,l:'li~!~l<"" ~:, ,I~/. 'I ~ "~',,;il'~d.ll, ~'.::f;'i"+'i"/,:,,(, I'Y 8-Sect"1 on 2 P I 1 :;<<~;:.AJi;~,:[!Y: -\" '," (:q ;;~ie;.:;j"}~,,; u.. :It! ' -.._- '~-I ,\,~~'~~~~:,'~",i' ,~ , ~lUyersptle Insurance @:poration , , I NATIONAL HEADQUARTE~S RICHMONO. VIRGINIA SCHEDULE 8-SECTION 2 CONTINUED .3IIE '....' " ,I, I I', 'i: I i ,:,1 I'il' 1,1'li' 1:,':11, i " .., :', 'II' :,:, j'll : li'!I,:,11 : Exceptions numbered , ~ ' 'j, '," : Iii I ,IThe Owner's Policy to be issued, if Ilny, shall : items in addition to the ones set forth Ilbove: '0(~) The Deed of Trust, if any, required under I' t(2) Wllter rights, claims or title to water. ,I ! NONE are hereby omitted. contllin the following Schedule 8-Section 1. " Ii: II 1 I: I I :i .' I' .i) " 1 , , :.IJ ":: ,.,," ,::,!' );ifl :il'.:' tr::i "':~ ';~;.:; ii' "!\~!J :,';j,j 1:;'ltrh!~s Commitment is invalid unless ."dj;he Insuring Provisions and Schedules :!,A"jllnd ::,8' Ilre IlttllC hed . ".:t!'ff}L:d:,::,(., ,~>;: .~,!;}<; .i4';J~id' i'j :\r;'i','.'" '.!k'j:f. ~ :'. ',:, ' IU.'__.~_.I_~.'__.I..._.i~_II'_".'_"'~I~_~I.".,__.,__.,__..__.J~_.._Ili~,_~.,__.,__.,__.,__.,_.~,__.,__.,_..,_..,_-.....III.~..,-.w...r_ Schedule 8-Section 2 Commitment No. PCT-1232 C4 ; ~,r" ' I' I I Iii!) I " .1 " I . I li..II",;'/.",II, "~, " " . , ,;::;1.1.. ;1' " ! ' .!, 'J'i. I {: '! ! t:" :,: ,j IV. ',' I .' I' " 'ill,I!!I;,' . I'i!/il. ,I ENi~~RSEMENT Ii . : I d' Th~ tolJo~ing end9rsements will be issued in connection ,Mort~age/Owners' Policy to be issued hereunder. I 11,;:: I' , ; ,,,' !.: ~,. i < !, ,FORM 116.4 (CONTIGUOUS PARCELS) $601.40 FORM 103~1 (EXCEPTION NO.7) 20.00 f"'t, !I ~ ~wyer811tle Insurance @poration ~ ~ ,il NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA SCHEDULE FOR MORTGAGE/OWNERS POLICY with the NOTES: UPON EVIDENCE OF PAYMENT OF 1987 TAXES, EXCEPTION NO. 6 WIL~ BE , REVISED TO SHOW: Taxes for the year 1988 not yet due or payable. UPON EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY THAT THE SEWER LINE AS NOTED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 8 OF LETTER FROM CALKINS, KRAMER, GRIMSHAW & HARRING HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND A NEW SEWER LINE HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR OR CONSTRUCTED PRINTED E,XCEPTION NO. 2 WILL BE DELETED. Ii , EXCEPTIONS NUMBERED 1, 2, 3 & 4 WILL BE DELETED FROM THE MORTGAGE/OWNERS POLICY. NOTE: Mechanic's Lien Indemnity Agreement executed by the Seller and/or Borrower must be delivered to and approved by the Company for deletion of Printed Exception No.4. " NOTE: Current survey, certified by a Registered Colorado Land Surveyor must be delivered to and approved by the Company for deletion of Printed Exception N. 3. "'1 ! 'This Commitment is invalid unless the,'Insuring Provisions and Schedules ;A~nd B are attached. ~:~,i, H':::' Schedule A-Section 1 Commitment No. PCT-1232 C3 "'~{r!~~;Y;;:" ,,"---' ".01_ ..........~. ,:,'". .,. ". ", ~'--.'~-a."";"_..~_.._';'".~_';~~;;j,li.-'i.iii.' ~r,iiliill.'_..~~ '.~.;u~;~ii~ ~';';'~';';":;;';.;~*~:.:MiiiI"-'ijlilliGii[J&ii~;'~'~'~ "':i'~'iiillil,BDiiIlifIil.lirnlill~ ...... , I; I, ~., .~wyers l1tle . I~urance'@porat1on <,..'; :' I',i .1 ".1.11:'1 li,"lli''I' 'I""'.' "'I'.' ,1:'1">'1',','11 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE i," ~I, I "" I , ! ], ,,!liiiI.AVYYERSJITLE :'N~LJRANcE: CORPORATION,: a Virginia' corporation, herein caUed the Company, for valuable ',"il. ppnsid, e. ~~ti.~..~. '. ~erebv ,!,omm.its to issue it.S policy or, POI.icies.of title. insurance, as identified in Schedule "I, in favor of the , ;:!~ IJiproposed Insured named in Schedule A~ as owner orl mortgagee of the estate or irlterest covered hereby in :the land ""',!,'l'I.'ide.$cr.ibe.d "r.'re.f.er./.ed to.' in SCh. edule A, Jpon payment of the premiums and charges therefor;. all subjeclto the provisions: I'i!~~f srridUlejlt .~~~i t to th'T ~ondltlons an~ Stipulations hereof. i .' '/ :!; 'iThis Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies'committed'for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this JI',.:'I' . II I : I!:: '.~9~rl1:j~,"1!~R,t !o~ .:~Y iS~bseq,uent endorsement. , ' , !1.",I:g.:'I." '::l'lil I, ':.;,::',' i' .', ",,' '. , ,', " ',i.i'" IThis;9ommitm~nt is preliminary to the issua~ce of such policy or policies ,of titl~ insurance and all liability and i;' ;ob"~atl?ns ~ereunder,shaU cease and term mate SIX (6) months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or "., . ,:!i,policies committed for ~hJU issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the ":'iJfa~it"f,lhe,<i()mpany. This rommitment shall. not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. ",I~i)i,i," l 'i ':':'! ,: I ' F,'i'~ WITNES~ ,W~EREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when I",countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitmenl is :.[il! .'j I,,!' ,", . '. , . ' i'i',~!fect.iy~,as"fi t~e date ,shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." .. I:, </~" ,,;, ,I!' i!;,' Ii ' ...:1..'.]:.. . i, > I",,' "I" C.ONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS ,I ^. j't.: ';, !di , "I':'" i "II ,.1, i:';,,11;r!';T~:)er"1i(,!T!ortgage," when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or Other security instrument, ':1 "; ""'I ,i:"!'~'~i.'ilf the!proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect. lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other Ilf ",': :''::~matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Comf!litment other than those shown in i [I,', 'Schedule'B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge tothe Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved : fr6m lia~i1ity for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so'disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knOWledge to the Company, or if ' - ,the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other . matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND. VIRGINIA " 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties . included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed fQr and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaki'!g in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate lexceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability excead the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or poliCies ,committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the j!.Exclusions f.rom Coverage of the form of policy or poliCies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are I "ii,' hereby i"corporated by reference and are made a pari of this Commitment except as expressly modified here~n. ,,',i:, ::,: ' .: t . 'I' 1:' : I! ; ; " : 'I :: ~ , . I ! . , 'J' 'riU:I,L~~: :,Any action or ;action~or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company :~;i!ii,,~'!1H,f:!':!',~iiariSing qut of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered bY this f!,!~,>Y}~"fi,;,:)ii~'~Com~itme~t must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. ' .^ ..,<if":I!;"";' ",' I' , )., ,:;~.iJ. \'!.: ...... .... ~rs lltle 11l8UJ: <9rpor6llon >",::}!,:.. 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'..' '.,',.h,.'!7, .~'. ...' '. ' / '~'''S..''''''' ,.'... , '-" . '. ,'"0" / , ~ 6';'-1/ ---Z,'.' ,."..." . '., h."... . .' .,~ 6' ....,~ --,91' , , ' "'-::',",' .')1 <fOd '., -;:::::: , . ~.- '. . -----.. ----. ... J.li1d 1'1NI.:l " , o ,~ , ., ..~~ H~ < ~ ~ r---'--I , , , ., ,..-: I I ~ I . ,-.... : r, , ~~___ .J 'I :,\ -;\ ~: '(( ~ ~ Q ~ 0 ~ n ~ ~ ~ f . C ~ ~~~~~f-~Oi~ ~ ~ f- ~ Ex Ii 00 tdn~n.~S~ l~~~~f-%o,..,~ ,,~;< Q: g ~ ~ i ~~~1-~~f-2"~ ~>3~o~~ ~o: ~~ oH'j~~ ~dg~n~ ~ ~ Go. ~ c ~ <<~?~~n,,~~ i~~~~~g~~ ~ 7" Z -. n3ed~~'~~ ~~I,r3[~~q8 n~~g7~5~~i ~ 0 \1 0' ~ <J H~~~~~~~~~ ] ,- Ii' "" '" f- "' z >Ii " w '15 SiNII:Jd5 'N 8X*\ (~ft ~ f"6s , y,: " , ti t $ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ s~L~ ~ ~ ~ . Z g 't ~ ~ :""10" '" "- o '" f- W W " :0') f- W W '" f-' '" ..J >Ii W Z I i , I I I , , o 1 , , se ',1 " , " " " , ! rj. ~ , 1. Masterson v. McCroskie, 194 Colo, 460, 573 P.2d 547 (1978). This is an action for an alleged infringement of a common law copyright in which the lower court concluded that the copyright had been lost by general publication. The court of appeals reversed. This case is different than ours ~n that the architect had assigned his rights to the plans to the owners of the house, and they were the persons attempting to receive the copyright, They won this case because the courts stated that the property owner's limited cOllununication of the plans to selected individuals, contractors, subcontractor, building inspector, etc., did not constitute publication, ....11.1.,:) , owners did own the copyr~ght case establ1shed, that the architect had assigned h1s to the plans, S111ce the I t as the owners who owne~ ri hts to the owner,s. w assi ned his rights, 1t th~m Had, the arclutect not 1: fect would own them, 1 . id be surmised t~at the arCl1 , S lOU .,' l' _ . .' . '. otects archi tectural proper:::., "ColI\mon law copyr1ght ir 1 IS until the property 1.. including arch~ tecturad lecflca'ted to the public." generally publ1shed an n "....., .2, Smith v, Paul, 345 P.2d 546 (California 1959) NOT SHEPARDIZED. This is an action to recover damages for duplica tion of house constructed under common law copyright. "As we have pointed out, the forced filing of the plans in the building department of a municipality constitutes only a limited publication of the cOllunon law copyright, a limited PUblication which gives no person the right to tlse a copy thereof. In view of 'the limited purpose of the filing of architects' plans in a building department the plans do not become a public record in the sense that the public has the right to use such plans. .,. The filed plans are open to public inspection for the purpose of determining whether or not the building planned will comply with the law but not for the purpose of giving anyone the right to use them. ." It would be unreasonable to deprive an architect of his property right merely because he is required to file his plans with a public officer for reasons completely independent of any requirement that he thereby lose such right." This is a long California case of first impression, and I have included it for its discussion of several cases that hold the opposite and its thereafter adoption of the new principle that the architect retains his conunon law copyright. 3. Aitken, Hazen, Hoffman, etc., v. Empire Constructioll ~, 542 F,Supp, 252 (1982) (Nebraska--NOT SHEPARDIZED), An architectural firm brought an action against developer and company it employed to construct multi-unit apartment complex claiming copyright infringement, The courts held that the defelldants were liable for copyright infringement of archi tectural drawings which they copied and used in construction of an apartment complex on a neighboring parcel's land, In this case, an architect prepared plans for a specific 22-unit apartment at a specific address, ~~e plans were paid for and the constructioll completed in 1979. In 1979, the developer employed the same contractor to construct another complex on the parcel next door. The contractor without the permission or knowledge of the architect copied the plans and used those plans for the construction of the second apartment house, which was completed in 1.980. The plaintiff architect discovered this in March, 1980, and delivered a bill to the contractor and developer for services rendered. Both the contractor and developer denied any liability for claimed services, and the architect filed a mechanic's lien on the second piece of real estate. That action was dismissed for failure to establish an express or implied contract. In April, the architect placed a copyright on the original of the plans it had prepared, Prior to that date, no such notice had appeared on the plans. The plaintiff '-'1 ~ applied for a copyright in the U.S. copyright office and, in May, notified each of the defendants of its claim for infringement. In June, 1980, the plaintiff ini tia ted the lawsuit under the copyright act, ,The question also arose whether or not these plans were a work made for hire, The case goes into great deal to explain the copyright code of the United States and held this architectural work fits into it. Our case, of course, is not based on any claim under the copyright act; however, all the discussion here is good as to'generalities of ownership of the plans and work for hire. The federal court establishes that, where a company employed to construct mul ti-uni t apartment complex did not exercise and did not have right to exercise control over professional architectural and engineering firm, architectural firm was independent contractor and not employee of company and thus, under copyright act of 1976, copyright ownership of architectural drawings vested in architectural firm. They also established that the developer which infringed the plaintiffs' copyright of architectural drawings by copying drawings and using copies in construction of an apartment complex on neighboring parcel was not a copyright owner under either the work made for hire or joint ownership provisions of the copyright act, "No educational scientific or historical purposes were served by Belmont's use of the plaintiffs' plans. The evidence before me indicates that there was no ready market for architectural plans for apartment complexes and that Belmont was the plaintiffs' only potential market source. Thus, by copying the plaintiffs' plans and using them for the same functional purpose as that which the plaintiffs' plans would have been used for had Belmont not copied the plans, Belmont destroyed the plaintiffs' potential market. This was not a fair use of the plans under copyright law." The court also finds that "each of the bills received by Belmont from the plaintiff was 'for architectural and engineering services rendered' in connection with the above mentioned project, plus reimbursable expenses, The personnel services for which Belmont paid were based on an hourly rate for each of the plaintiff's employees working on the project. 'rhus, it appears that Belmont paid for the plaintiff's services in preparing the plans, and not for the plans themselves." 4. 18 C.J.S. Copyrig.ht and Literary Property. highlighted various sentences and sections C.J.S. Copyright and Literary Property book with architectural plans. I have of the that deal 5. 5 Am. Jur. Second Archi teets. I have included this section because I had it out and xeroxed it, It dOB~ .~ '. REA, CASSENS & ASSOCIATES, INC. ,....,. I ,,......., f! (, t IP'~ i:.' ", ~'- ,: '..'^ ('f' , ; ~ t",. ,.;.po Exhibit "D" I\pri I 27, 1988 Mr. Hark Hershberger Design Workshop Inc. 710 E. Durant Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Mr. Hershberger: Transmitted herewith are the Peak Flow and Stormwater Detention Vulullle Calculations prepared for the 700 E. Main Project. If.Iet~;c(j1l;e:Cl"1:',j"ti'!:fl'rS nl'W rnl'""~li~A:w~'~""IB2~a;d'.:RJ)'il~I~..,';S.g~ll,,k',,~::i"'!m. All calculations were prepared in accordance with the criteria called for in the City of Aspen Urban Run-off Management Plan. A detention volume of 1500 cubic feet has been provided, and represents an approximate 25 per cent overdesign to account for changes during the de sign deve I opme n t p roces s . ~~~J;(.:t;:l:<ttm:mrs;.:vIil~p-e,'7J3:re'P'3'f'eo'p'r<io I' ~gJ.~,1J,t,;:t;tP;~-;::;;;;2 In order to coriform with the City of Aspen Code which requires that historic ground water recharge rates be maintained, a dry well will be constructe~ on the southwest corner of the site. The dry well will be sized to accommodate the historic rate of ground water recharge and the flow from the foundation drains. Calculations are currently being prepared to quantify the historic ground ~ater recharge rate. These calculations will be submitted to the City Engineering Department upon completion. If further information is required, please advise. Sincerely yours, Rea, Cassens and Associates, Inc. 1~~'( KOC/lllbf Enclosures clc "1artha Pickett, ltr only Hi chac 1 TholllDson, , tI' Old)' Kevin O'Connell, Project Engineer I I Consultinq EnQineers L