HomeMy WebLinkAboutagenda.drac.overlay.19950316AGENDA OVERLAY SIIHCOMMITTEE March 16, 1995 Regular Meetinq 2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall 4:00 I: Roll Call II. Comments (Committee members, Staff and public) III. New Business 4:05 4:30 V A. 1203 E. Hopkins Avenue, Bellotti Adjourn C~~CsI ~ `'Ll a,, 3 d ~~ TO: Overlay Zone District Sub-Committee FROM: Amy Amidon, Historic Preservation Officer and Kim Johnson, Planner RE: Lot 1 Promontory Subdivision (1203 E. Hopkins) DATE: March 16, 1995 SIIbII31RY: This project is located in the Smuggler Mountain neighborhood, therefore both the general guidelines (Chapter 1 of the "Neighborhood Character Guidelines") and the specific guidelines for Smuggler Mountain (Chapter 4) will be applied. The applicant requests approval for an addition to a residence. The proposed FAR for this 6,090 sq. ft. R-6 lot is 3,253 sq. ft. The allowable FAR is 3,253 sq. ft. The addition brings the structure to 100% of the maximum FAR. The special review process is mandatory as is compliance with the Committee's findings. APPLICANT: Stephen Bellotti, represented by Ted Guy LOCATION: 1203 E. Hopkins, Lot 1 Promontory Subdivision (southeast corner of E. Hopkins at Park Avenue) STAFF COMMENTS: Please refer to the application for the complete representation of the proposal. Planning staff finds that this project is substantially in compliance with the general and specific neighborhood guidelines. No conditions are recommended for approval. STAFF EVALIIATION: The additional floor area is proposed within a second floor addition. The orientation of the structure and its site elements (garage, landscaping, driveway, etc.) is not changing. The height to the tallest ridge will be 27 feet, although the majority of the new roof will be at approximately 25 feet ridge height. The added story will be centered in the structure so that the two street frontages will be minimally impacted. Mass and Scale Guideline #2. New buildings should appear to be similar in scale to those in the established neighborhood, or to the scale that is desired for the neighborhood. Response: Due to the narrow building envelope which exists on this 1 1 ly".+,P 13 '95 15:9 7!-IFOpOP.E K DIY p~rc' PC 4 APPl:CAFi; ADDRESS: 7lME D~STA~(Ct: LCT S~ (SCtJARE F~'t}: EIQSDNti FAR: At1.ONU9lE FAR: PROPOS"eD FAR E7o.StWG NET CEASA2LE { PRGPp,~llE? ° c i E~uVG %aF SITE CCYEf1ACE: PFiCPQSEr}iGt'~. CJ'1ER?~E: S1°?H~J 2d. 3II: P.z 2203 F_ [iOAtICCISIIS, ASP£`7, CCL~'0;0 R-.6 b090.1 Sruaze Feet ' 2,537 .O 3.252.5. . -0- -0- 51.L°6 -0- -~- Srr'rr~al ~7n• 19 , -0" 1 env ~ _u_ PrFI®ai 8de • ~ ~ ~'~ ri Wd~r -0- E~S31G q eF 0PED1 SPACE tCorrral~: °Fd%PCSEP. w vFwc^F S?A~ ;Camecj: EYLS7lNG ??A,YIDdLld uca:vr. PRC?C„S~ LLiXih47ri k~iGrti PflOFCSr '.3~DE'~~C.".!1 ~'!i: EI~STi1VGMJM~fiCFB~' CCeAS: Pf?C°^S.~.. '!A.".9F.t'tL`Faur"'~:~.7dA5: E~lNG CNSRE PARIO."!G ,<PACES: OM,SITE °AR7CNG S?ACc3 r'?c:1Jinc'.r.,: Se^T9AL'~ EXLTUi tG A~ 5 Comaioed FImWAear.~~~~ E'.f..'Q7ltXi yC.Yq , ~wi' E!~Cn'QAC:!~rtE'dTS: L% 3 3 2 2 ALiUYVA81.~ Frorm 10•-0,~ FiPR~ SED: ~ ~ _3.. Rear: ZO''~- 4~- Side: 1~` ~ 30'rTr Compered FNRr: ~'~"~' Comtined FraneRaar. ~- £ront setEack, si@e set..act, sitz coverage Lac., oce F~+- VAAIA i IONS RE4 FS7F roliniHP (pf I ~n+marks Qntir d~~r'ar m Qafb~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ hPGI: FAR SE78ACXS: Frcnc ' -~°~ ~8 Aeat: ~ S-~a {Caomerckik Side: Fip1gM (CAtGtgE hfi C'nly): C~tined Fi1Rr ~ Cow.ragg (Cotr~ge ~ Cny}: THEODORE K GUY ASSOCIATES PC ARCHITECTS ANO STRUCTURAL ENOINEER9 Memorandum TO Aspen/Pitkin Community Development FROM Ted Guy, THEODORE K GUY ASSOCIATES, PC DATE February 24, 1995 RE Bellotti Residence - 1203 E. Hopkins Street, Aspen, Colorado Lot 1, Promontory Subdivision, City of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado Item 6 of Neighborhood Character Guidelines Review Submission The current proposal is for a new owner who must conduct his business from an office in his home. The Master Suite will be constructed on the second level since the existing house already exceeds the allowable site coverage permitted by the last round of zoning code revisions. No new construction can occur outside of the existing building envelope on the ground level. The new space will be enclosed on the upper level with a roof that matches the primary architectural element of existing house-the 4 in 12 pitched roof. The proposed construction will match the neighbor in massing, materials, and proportion. The resultant home will be lower than its neighbor to the east, lower than the allowable height and will not alter the street facade along either Hopkins or Park: - No changes will be made to the fences and landscape features that currently provide seclusion for the yard areas. Window sizes and types will match those now found on the existing 1960's style design. The entry will remain at ground elevation, fences and mature landscaping will buffer the house from adjacent properties. TKG/tkg 95110 M4 232Bq ST4TF, HIGHWAY 82 ,V.O..Ci[]%t6A0 0A9ALT, COlG9AGG Bt Sgt 13031 92 7 31 6 7 '~-FEE-19'35 17.4 FROPt SE~ELLOTTI ~IFiIlE7 23 February 1945 Community llevelopment Uept 130 South Galena Street Aspen CO 81G11 Dear Sirs. TO 9U1L11~J9='^421' P.Eti Merrill Lynch Imemational limited Ropemaker Place 25 Ropemaker street Cordon GC2Y 9L1' Teleplnne:071-867 43ttOV4450 Faz:07 t -867 8318 Fmm the office of 5tepeen M. Beliaitl ~knerjng Director Olfatare Debt Trading The existing neigliborhocY3"is one of transition with a miE-htre of ~iDall atii9 large' cfnirtiirc~ built between 1960 and gresent day. There is no cenuuon theme or sh'le other than the individualism of low cost orr~ter constructed 1960's housing now beitlg updated to roday's professionally built architecturally designed residences. The home to the cast r•.us rnlntged reoautly into a hvo story duple. The homes to the north aze still primarily one story. The homes along Park Avenue to the west are a tnix of one and two story structures wYth no couvnon style or theme. Fouls fait}tfillly, Stephen M Bellotti Td. ,X NO~u~ ATl ENT101V AF FROM .~ COMPANY: ~. it-^~. ~.~,P FAX. N0: !-Yl DATE ~_ OF:. ~- 4e' Nri; 789" post- ..- Fesienee m P~IanO trw. zuzo; o~ Reei6tered OIFee~ L' Ropemrkn $nce'.taiG~n EC..Y a.r ACUCFHUnd Mrrtlll lynch b. Co.lne-. `~elsaere. US/. Member orTh. v:~,r.:r:~ ora rua,~ n4,hor;y t;n,a.a Mernperotttre tondm slack Eachanp' ~'-FECi-1995 1~~~3=1 FFOPI SE:ELLUTTI-~~7AHET Merrill Lgncio 23 February 19y5 Theodore K Guy Associates PC PU Box 1640 Basalt Colorado $1621 TO 9tJ101_,aJ927a;=1' P.IJ Merrill LyncJ+Ittternatiottal Limited . ... ~. ...~ Ropemaker Plaee . TS Ropemttker Street London fC2Y 9L1' Teleplrorte:0i I.06i 43RW4450 Fax:0i1-B6i 4TI5 From the office of Stepbep M. Bellottl MnrwIDng Director Olfkbge Debt Trad'mg 1]ear Sirs, I hereby authorise Theodore h. Guy and his staff at Thendnre K Guy llssociat~s PC as my representative in the special review application for deterniination of compliance with Neighborhood Chazacter Guidelines altd the submission and review of documents for securing a Building Permit for the property currently under contract to purchase also known as Lot 1, Proutontory Subdivision, Aspen, Colorado. Xours faithfully, Stephen M Bellotti Reguceree tnrp,natra. nlxa~s) RtpnMn+lcM5ce:251R~yerrFrrStreet, lvn6»r EC1Y 9LY . ,. .. ... .. .. ....Af+tbsidary at M.,niRl}+Kft6Cu. Inc.,Pelaw.x UFA. kkmhetdThe 3!'~wl0a er-0FUWM auenx,~lirr~ted Men+Oet d the lotdan Stxk 6artmnpe BROONE A. PETERSON GIDEON I. HAUFMAN ERIN L. FERNAN DEZ '• ROBYN J. MYLER "' • g120 gDMITiCD IN M,1 gTlANO gL50 ~DMITlCO IN fIORIDrv RLSO 1DMITiCO IN NCW YORK nqD COggtcncur LAIVUPPIUiSUP xnt ~rntnN ~ Prrt;ttsoN, P.c. 315 CAST HYMAN AVENUE ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 February 23, 1995 The City of Aspen Community Development Office 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 RE: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: TELEPHONE (303) 925-8166 FACSIMILE (303) 925-1090 Please allow this letter to serve as the disclosure of ownership required pursuant to Section 6-202 (B)(3) of the City of Aspen land use regulations. The undersigned is an attorney duly licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado. Based upon the examination of the title insurance commitment for Lot 1, Promontory Subdivision in the City of Aspen, the undersigned hereby certifies that the property, at present, is owned by Robert L. Birenbaum and Deena Birenbaum. Mr. Steve Bellotti is the contract vendee of this property. At the present time, the outstanding mortgages, judgements, liens, easements, contracts, or agreements affecting the property are as follows: 1.) A Deed of Trust for the use of Ute City Mortgage Company securing the sum of $400,000.00 recorded in book 665 at Page 870. 2.) A Deed of Trust for the use of Pitkin County Bank and Trust securing the sum of $100,000 recorded in Book 753 at Page 978. 3. ) Mineral rights and Rights of Way as set forth in U.S. Patents recorded in Book 175 at Page 246. 4.) Easements as shown on the Plat of Promontory Subdivision, recorded in Ditch Plat Book 2A at Page 240. Mr. Bellotti, as the contract vendee of the Property, has the - right to pursue this ar~plication in accordance with the terms of the Amendment to hi.s contract with the Birenbaums, a copy of which is attached. Paragraph 1 of the Addendum to this Amendment addresses the :issue of Mr. Bellotti's land use approvals. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. BAP:cem Enclosure letters \betlotti.asp fours Very Truiy, KAUFMAN & PETERSON, P.C., A ofessi na1 Cor ation ey: 'A. ~Pet~rsA~r~ F LI; c.~ "J:> 1~. ~i ;Iola i~w 11rc prinrcd pmrion: of tbis form, x.rcepl (ilalituad) ~dif(xftnlialCJ) adJiuom, nave peep approved by the C:alorudo Reul trswle Commission. (AUf tl L94) L. ES SNOUL6 CONSULT LEGAL ANO'fA~ O R O'l'FlBR 'J"H(S i'G R.'.4 FL1S 1F,FVOh'PAN'f LEGAL GQNSEAU~ENCFS AnG THB COL'NiEL N8F0ItE SLGNWG. AGREEMENT' TC1 CONTRACT Feb><uXrY 71 "'" ,19 95_ _ _ II ?; (:GnlfaCl e9rtd '~n'r'rV 30 „V,_•Y,~1995 _6eewcln S'1'[{PHCti M. BELLQ2TI uycrj and RC•••?D~HT AFID DEEN4 BIytIa$ ~ (Seller), relating 141h6 tale And purehuaa of ;ht following dtaaribcJ sl es;ulemine C:uumy,( Pitk1 ,Colorado. , Lot !, Promontory ;ubdiv1a10n, City 61 Aapen Id..n ]; Iti~•i SI(CGI AUdrx>s uyar .ltd Sehcr hemgy J~rxe to amend Ih< a(UtaSaid emHracl of lollgwi: I. The d+¢ Icf cladng and Jclivcry 4f daU i> chongcJ to ~1' Q ?. 'lTc dslc fot fumiihing:nmmitmenl for ritla insu rancc pUliq•oi Febru2"L ?2 _•,,,,.,w,_,'l9 95 _ J. The aa;c inr Jcli~roriny p•i.+;t;:ipn of I'ropuny itch+ngcJ In 1~ J. The d,u (or .ppwval of new loam .S changed io 1-0areh 7 5. Thx dma Ibr IcnJcr's CUnS: aI to loan aftumQtion or lrnns(ef o! Cily 01 Iilla i3 tganoad IU (Pwpctty) Slara Xlp Ip 19 9 ~ - _. xhangad lU N[A , IY 6. Olher Jalcn Sal 1'aflh in iald aonlfi.Gt 1hn11 be changcJ Jf follows: Tha date for delivery of thra Baller'a Prope ty Dlaclosure Form aha11 be February 23, 1995 and for written notice of any unaetiafaotory condition F>uc yu:l r.c tc >'axagraph IO 5ha11 be Maroh 7, 955 7. ,\doinanal:~mxndmem:: sae Exhibit ^A^ aCGechad hereto and Snot AO oty. r I ms and c• nd' M • hall rmuin tllc fanu. :.ner R'~ ERT BIRI! AU14 JarcUi~c!ler'i$;gnatu(c February ~Z W,19 95 L'ay<r S'PEPIi EtI 14. BELLGTTIw~~ ~.._.__~..._<._..,~~.~... Dam Uf 6uya'n $ibnmulr, F'ebru it __„•._~ ___ . - , 19 95 herein by this reference. OEENn BIRINBAUFI otScllCiiSignalorc F=6ruerv Z2' .ly ~_ d[ lluycr'cSlanamrc February ~ , 19 95 Agrctnunl w Amuld/6~ctuld ,.V c; V. iitx r Pcgli,nd;g (3.fi))5rrl fi;7 I .u1 t>rt 11 • ~ ] RHVr I'IHI'1 ~ I L I tN.S',.'I'I. ..1'. l,l • ~ ~' ~ai -~ .' 1 __.._._...__ The Primed portions oI tnis form, euepl (isalirizcd) (Jltlerontlmul) utltl111unr, have been apprrrveJ by thu Cuwrndu R¢al Estnse Commission. (AGI IA4) THIS FORM tLiS IbiPORTAN7~ LaoAL cunset)UHNCHS AND THH PART185 SHOULD CONSULT LHGAL AND TAX OA O'il-ER COUCISL'L DCPOrtC SIONlNO, AGRBBMEN 1"'i'Cl AMEND/~XTEND CONTRACT ~ FObYUdYV 21 .1') ri rr RE Cumm~tlaleU JanV arv JO ,19 ~5 _betw (Dayer)anU ROBERT AND GLLNA 9YRY NBAUM .cis rarurc in the (:vunty of pitkin .Lot 1, .Fromvntory 6ubdivieioh, City Of Aspen ST£PNEN Ma BELLOTTY~ , , (8¢IICQ, 1CIasrng to the sale and purcbaSC of the 1-ollowing JescribeJ . Coloredo, InUwn aS?lo_120J Ea9t Errom .~ddre.a (I'ropenv) f"ary Ssutc Ztp 1)uycr anJ $cllcr he reby n9roe to amend Ih¢ a(ornLaiJ cuntracl at lollrxx: m .~ n 1 .in •. ,. r ,•r 1 ix nr 2. 'llro dmc w, mrnixhing commdm¢m for side insurance pokey or abssraFs of true is enanyco 10 ~'ablaary_ Z2 .79 95 J. The dale f x Jclivering possession of Yrupeny q Caad~Cd to 19 d. ThE ume fur +ppu,vel v( new Ivan n uhmgcJ is NarGh 7 1 i l9 95 3. The acre ror IenJer'e consent In loan assumpnon or trmtSlerof PrvPent' Is changed Io N/A , l9 6. Other UatlS s!r rorlh in a¢lU con«act uhall be changed as hillave: Th• date for delivery of the Sellez'a Prapoxty Disclosure Form shall be 1'eLa nary zJ, 1995 and for written notl.ce oil any uneacisiectory condition pursuant to paragraph 10 shall be March 7r 999 7. AJJhwnulamcnJmcnn: Sea tnlri4i'_ "A" awaulleV hG1~Lu mrQ a ~aQ Leaeiu Ly LLin lesfel aus.e. nll mncr Idn1Y una cOntllilbn7 rhall Ionlnln Iht seine. Scher ROBERS BIRINBAUM DauofSdkr's5lgnatorc Februarv ,Iv 95 D££NA BIRINBAUM olleucrsAgnumrc Februarv ,19 ~yar 9TEFNEU M. HELLUTTa Dele at Buyer's 5ignemre Februarv r,C rN ,19 95 of Buyer's Signature FebYUaYV .1'7 9S Api!!dllJI lJ AdIldd~I~rElld hlcAllusnr Puhlixhing (gW)331i• IU17 EXHIBIT "A" TO THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT TO AMEND/EXTEND CONTRACT BETWEEN STEPHEN M. BELLOTTI EBUYER) AND ROBERT AND DEENA BIRINBAUM (SELLER). ADDITIONAL 1. Paragraph F of the Additional Provisions Addendum. Paragraph F of the Additional Provisions Addendum shall be rewritten in its entirety as follows: Buyer's performance under this Contract is expressly contingent upon Buyer receiving a design review approval, pursuant to Ordinance No. 35, Series of 1994, by the Historic Preservation Committee/Planning and Zoning Commission Design Review Committee process on or before April 14, 1995 for an addition to -the improvements on the Real Property of a design acceptable to the Buyer in his sole and absolute discretion. Within two (2) business days from the execution of this amendment, Buyer agrees to contract Theodore Guy Associates, P.C. to prepare plans necessary for these approvals. If the Buyer does not receive design review approval of the design acceptably to him on or before Apri_1 14, 1995, Buyer may, at his option, within three (3) business days thereafter, terminate this Contract upon written notice to the Seller or to Seller's agent. In the event the Buyer does not so terminate this Contract, the parties shall proceed to closing hereunder, and .the. closing date shall be deemed to be June 1, 1995, and the date for delivery of possession of the Property shall be September 8, 1995, unless the Buyer commences construction in which event the possession date shall be thirty (30) days after written notice to the Seller to vacate, but in no event earlier than July 31, 1995. 2. Paragraph G of the Additional Provisions Addendum. Paragraph G of the Additional Provisions Addendum shall be rewritten to read in its entirety as follows: For $].0.00 and good consideration, Seller agrees to lease said property from date of closing through September 8, 1995. Seller agrees to vacate said Property on or after July 31, 1995 should Buyer needs access to commence construction. Seller agrees to pay $500.00 per day for each additional day in which Seller continues to occupy the said Property on or after the date on which Buyer has notified Seller to vacate. The Buyer shall give the Seller at least thirty (30) days written notice of the date for vacation of the Property. Anythiny in this paragraph to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event Buyer does not exercise his option to terminate this Contract as contained in Paragraph F above and in the event he does not notify the Seller in writing of his desire to commence construction on or after July 31, 1995, the date of delivery of possession shall be September 8, 1995. 3. Paragraph H of the Additional Provisions Addendum Date of Closing. Paragraph H of the Additional Provisions Addendum, Date of Closing, shall be rewritten in its entirety as follows: The closing shall take place on June 1, 1995, in the event that Buyer has not terminated the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph F above. 4. Amendment to Paragraph I. Paragraph I of the Additional Provisions Addendum shall be rewritten in its entirety as follows: If after March 1, 1995, but prior to any notification ~~~~ pursuant to Paragraph F above, Seller enters into another contract which is contingent upon the termination of this Contract, Seller shall provide to Buyer or Buyer's agent~a fully executed copy of said contract. Stephen ,Bellotti and/or leis agent agree not to enter into negotiations with this identified Buyer. The Buyer shall then have five (5) business days after receipt of this contract by either Buyer of Buyer's agent in which to notify Seller or Seller's agent in writing, that he has agreed to waive all remaining contingencies in this Contract. The closing date shall then be thirty days after notification. If Buyer does not notify Seller or Seller's agent in writing within the above-mentioned five (5) business days of his intention to waive the remaining contin- gencies, then this Contract shall be declared null and void and all earnest money and interest earned thereon shall be returned to the Buyer within two (2) business days. This right to "put" another contract to the Buyer shall expire on the earlier of a)' Buyer's written notification of design review approval pursuant to Paragraph F above or b) April 19, 1995. 5. Facsimile. The parties hereby agree that this Contract may be offered and or accepted, and that all notices may be given by facsimile communication and that communication of facsimile signatures shall be deemed the same as delivery of original signatures, so long as the evidence can be presented by the sending party of receipt by the other party of any communication sent by facsimile. 6. Validity of Contract. Except as modified hereby, the Contract, as modified by the Sellers in their handwriting, shall be deemed to be in full force and effect. A copy of th.e Contract is attached hereto. real es to\exa-bell.ott a -2- .lZl1.N3/ZI3N?~07 15`d3 H1?JON a ?~3N?JO'~ 15'd3 H1ZlON 35f10H ~O 3QI5 Hl(105 35f10H ~O 3QI5 153Tvf QOOH2109H913N ~NIQNf1C r' • '•y 1~ 1 ^ ~./ ~~ x :~._ > r~' -..Y' i~a. k E*~~ ........ _.._..... FLE' 1`+ '__. U!'~sUl'PI L~iI ILA I11LL. fiL.I `IJI O ~N v U p w w b X ~ J tD I-' i M ID .3 r+ ~,' p• cn _ O ~ a o rQ d N -.] mH 0 0 " 0 N ~ oalo N m ry ~ .~ ~,. . r 3 N Q. nRa G ( D ID ry ~ r y ry r 0 ~ rn rt ,7 (D tD ~ ~n ~• ~ N d N C~ ~ O K 0 a i ~m ~~ r~ ~I LI N r• t•~• v r' w w N I••~ J i b y H fD W N Is r ~ ~' o ~ J • o b N w N O 7 E N N m N t7 O (b ~.1 p rNr m0 ~k r N• r ,7 N a H a K 8 w ~~. 0 v U n ~ r; p• f, r•~ m m r n ,"~~ ~ O pro J O W O N I~ ~ rr Y a w a m ~ N n~ r• I_, OG au cD o tD N O O ~ ~ r• w N .] i 4 ~ W i, ~ ~ N O R O A (Jl ~ro N ~ ~ ~ o '~ w Nv m N N m N a' ~ w g w wo~ a A. p ti ~ p z7 r3 a~o N r~+~ G7 0 ~~ ~ a fn ON o R a a 1O ~+• N• M rrj~ N C am rr rom (D fD N , w r N N N 4 N O ~. a m ~ rr C I~+ n W U. w or o fD r.>y r 4 a m F w R a .~ P ..i m N N h N O n N ~o a r{ n fD N z ro ri a ~~ m N N _ . _ . ._ IL.L 1 '!`_~ lip _ ~,I-I'I Lf~illU 1111 __ 1_ ~l tl; _ _._ ~• I' , h7 N .j N N N F'• a a M , N ~~ a E IrJ •D W W ID W W Fj Fj W . ~ ~~ J N J ri .t ~1 ~t r• N• .~ ' r n - a w~ ; F'- ~ J r• r ry r r F ~ r of m W r 'C r r m rw ~~ r ~ ro o w ca n o ARi w w ~ o r) a• o rt ao £ W ,~ ~ d ~ N o b a ' N o W u i u i W p, o fpm ~ r N a ~ r Nw r r ~• N r• a N O a ~ A+ X ] ~ E ~ 0 p a N rt w 0 a H ~ ~, b U7 r y. 'v G~ ~ N N 'O G w O o v O m .. ' O r l w ~~ N a ~ ~ rn a o as o ~ m ~ p ~ tiR nk "a n x ~ N ~ ° ~ 0 ~ .. ... r7 . N ~ f] H ~ w HI r . G N y N m r y. ' C ~ N r I C . R r O (D r O',y N W tD N OG N O fi N N N w N y r rr r• R m W 0 I! i r ~~..~. r ', ~~_ n N ~ N _ .. ~ ,a N W N w F j ' n ' r i r i rD r ra V1 ~ G7 m rJ N U1 I I o x a ~~ m o R1 i ~ I o g g a F'• ~ ' t~ w ~ ~ ro' roo (D p ~ 0 Y. N a r m r N ~, ial,al~, ~ I ~, .ro ,~ o (D .] ~ nx° 0 m N Co N r~ m N N oro N ~D ~ w 0 N v "mz ~ N N r H c., 4~ ~ ,7 ',7 N m 7 a a ro ~O p ~ n ~°e 0 r m r N H N N..... J ~ w 0 J rt a' ~~ ~ w U w 0 O a ~ "G O .~ :° . ~ o ~ ~ n~°t O~ Ou W ~~ m N N ___ _ _ o ~ncv i . -i N aw~tm J 9rDn w o ~• m v ' ~ m ~ r m R. g g ~ , ~ tr' (D N. • W rt N N m rt L1 I c ~ ~e m v 0Ca r' la rt FD H • ~O W (D N mwm mama a :+ r O p. N M "~ W rt N fD a' h n (D l A i N G] H U' n N N (D ra• a N fD a' N (D N a trJ J N C ~ K Z 'G ~ xr N• rm rm m C rp n~ ~ K u 10 li o N• N ~,' r rD 0 _____ _.w '' F L~ 1 ~`~ l1" ?'F'I'1 Lhil1U 1 1 I LL h+; F'61 I H N N ~' J J (D W W J J Ul F' ~-~ w mm r-~ r m m 00 ~ 00 p' 0 0 (J N N H fT .b N to r ro~ m p ~ r~ a nr ow 0 a mC r ro rp G (D F^.. . x7 N O v R. W ~ a ~G r h r i a o ~ i o R a N O O d W N N p a o M o ~. r• no 0 w ~K a N 0 li' ' !^~; ~.~ ',~:''~ly3~,I'k:~ J Z~ ~~ w ~y~ O~ ut d Y K Q DALE AVENUE VICINITY MAP ~ 1/10"= 1'-0" 95110 E. HOPkINS AVENUE. OVERLAY SUBCOMMITTEE MARCH 16, 1995 Meeting was called to order by chairman Jake Vickery with Bruce Kerr, Roger Moyer and Steve Buettow present. Excused was Don Erdman. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS Jake welcomed the two new members, Steve and Roger. 1203 E. HOPKINS AVE. BELLOTTI Kim Johnson, Planner: This is straight forward and we are recommending that you approve the FAR special review and we did not apply any conditions because we felt that the scope of the addition was within the bulk and mass not only in the general terms of the structure but within the neighborhood. There is a mix of things going on in that area. The home will be within the height limits of the R6 zone district. Because of the ground floor is not being changed we couldn't make any comments on the orientation of the garage or the distance to the street. Ted Guy and Clint Watkins, architects presented the case Ted Guy: It is an old house that was first built in the 50's and has been added on to six time. Previously it was remodeled on the "° inside back in the mid 80's. This design is for a new owner who will live and work from the residence. Since we could not modify the footprint because it already reached the site coverage we were limited to what we did. We tried not to alter the streetscape on the north side so everything that we did was on the south which made good views and solar use. We stayed within the setbacks. Roger: Would their be anyway of making the garage on the side so that it didn't look like a garage with an addition. Ted: We aren't doing anything to the garage and if we changed the entrance we would be within a foot and a half from the property line. Jake: What is helpful is if we had a 50 scale map with the application. We are also interested on how projects effect the streetscape. The only architectural comment I have is related to fascia as some is single and some thick. Clint Watkins: We are matching the facing that exists. There is a double fascia which you see on some of the addition which is on the existing part of the house then it turns into a single fascia as it goes into the gable end. We tried to match. MOTION: Bruce made the motion that the Overlay Subcommittee approve the application finding that the application substantially complies with both general and specific neighborhood character `~_-- guidelines and we approve the applicants request to exceed a 850 -~ FAR as set forth in the application; second by Roger. All in favor, motion carries. MOTION: Jake made the motion to adjourn; second by Roger. All in favor, motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk