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April 5, 1995
Regular Meeting
2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall
4:00 I. Roll Call
II. Comments (Committee members, Staff and public)
III. New Business
4:05 A. 844 Roaring Fork DriveTabl~ap jul(~ ~T~•~~, ~~~~ ~~Op
4:15 B. 936 King Street )u,~~ ~~~F ~~~ ~~~~~~~~,
4:45 C. Moore Property, S. Spring Streetla~L~~~~•~ /g"i~
5:15 V. Adjourn 11 '
TO: Overlay Zone District Sub-Committee
FROM: Kim Johnson, Planner
RE: Farish Residence - 844 Roaring Fork Drive
DATE: April 5, 1995
SIIMMARY: This project is located outside of the six neighborhoods
with specific design guidelines, therefore only the general
guidelines (Chapter 1 of the "Neighborhood Character Guidelines")
will be applied. The subject lot is 30,400 s.f. with a maximum and
proposed FAR of 5,424 s.f. (100 0 . Because the lot size exceeds
9,000 s.f. the special review process is mandatory but compliance
with the Committee's findings is advisory only.
~f1~'~p ~nac
APPLICANT: Mrs. Steven Farish, represented by Di Fal 'n
LOCATION: 844 Roaring Fork Drive, directly north of Hallam Lake
and ACES.
y- STAFF COMMENTS: Please refer to the application for the complete
representation of the proposal. Planning staff finds that this
project is substantially in compliance with the city-wide general
guidelines. No conditions are recommended for approval.
This project has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning
Commission for compliance with the Hallam Lake Bluff
Environmentally Sensitive Area review. The P&Z approved their
review with some conditions that do not impact this FAR review.
STAFF EVALIIATION: The existing 1,878 s.f single story home will
be demolished except for some of the original foundation and
replaced with a 5,424 s.f. two story building. There are
substantial trees on the site which have directed for the most part
where development can reasonably occur. The orientation of the
structure and its site elements (garage, landscaping, driveway,
etc.) is not changing, although the structure does come forward to
the 25' front setback. The proposed height is 25 feet, up from the
existing 10' 8".
The added story will be approximately centered in the structure so
that the street frontage will be minimally impacted.
cry 1
Mass and Scale
,~ Guideline #2. New buildings should appear to be similar in scale
to those in the established neighborhood, or to the scale that is
desired for the neighborhood.
Response: The Roaring Fork Drive area is composed of relatively
new, large homes in a wooded, large lot configuration. The
proposed building will be a substantial change from the existing
building, but not a -radical departure from the feel of the
neighborhood. The applicant is adding square footage mainly to the
second floor which is consistent with other additions and building
forms in the neighborhood. There is variety in the proposed
rooflines which helps break up the mass of the building. The
entryway is set back into the dwelling, avoiding a "grand entry"
approach. Maintaining the large spruce trees in the front of the
home retains the set-back feeling of the site.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Committee approve the
request to exceed 85's of the allowed FAR at 844 Roaring Fork Drive
with no conditions.
Additional Comments:
-IL ~ )
TO: Temporary Overlay Subcommittee
FROM: Amy Amidon, Historic Preservation Officer
RE: 936 King Street
DATE: April 5, 1995
SUMMARY: This project is located in the Smuggler Mountain
neighborhood, therefore both the general guidelines (Chapter i of
the "Neighborhood Character Guidelines") and the specific
guidelines for Smuggler Neighborhood (Chapter 4) will be applied.
The special review process is mandatory, but compliance with the
Committee's findings is advisory, because the lot is 20,123 sq.ft.
The proposed project is 4,791 sq. ft. above grade. Allowable
F.A.R. for the site is 4,807 sq.ft.
APPLICANT: Sunnybrook Colorado, Inc.
LOCATION: 936 King Street.
STAFF COMMENTS: Please refer to the application for the complete
_, representation of the proposal. Planning staff finds that this
project is not in compliance with several of the general and
specific neighborhood guidelines. Rather than discuss each
guideline (including those which are met), only the elements of the
proposal which significantly warrant further discussion are
highlighted below. The applicable general and specific guidelines
have been grouped together by subject.
Mass and Scale
Gsneral Guidelines- 1. Buildings should help establish a sense of
human scale that is inviting to pedestrians, 2. New buildings
should appear to be similar in scale to those in the established
neighborhood, or to the scale that is desired for the neighborhood,
3. The street elevation of a building should be designed to appear
in scale with those seen traditionally.
Specific Guidelines- 17. New buildings should be similar in scale
to traditional residential buildings of Aspen.
Response: The parcel appears to be somewhat larger than some of
~,,. the adjacent properties and therefore has a greater allowable
F.A.R. The proposed design does not make any effort to recognize
the smaller size and scale of neighboring structures or to design
the large amount of mass allowed on this site in a sympathetic
manner. The south facade of the building is dominated by a large
atrium space and window wells which are excavated out to expose a
three story wall surface.
On the north facade, the design presents a thirty foot long wall
to the neighboring properties, with almost no change in surface or
materials or preservation of views of Aspen Mountain.
In order to be compatible with the neighborhood, the project
requires substantial modifications. Breaking the mass up into a
group of smaller elements, incorporating some single story
elements, creating detached accessory structures for the garage and
other spaces, and greater variety in roof height would be helpful.
Imuact on Historic Buildincs
General Guidelines-16. New buildings should avoid negative impacts
on adjacent historic properties.
Reaponae: There are several historically designated parcels on
King Street, which contain miner's cabins. The proposed project
does not recognize their contribution to the traditional mass and
scale of this residential neighborhood.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the temporary overlay committee
deny approval for this project, with the following comments:
1) Reduce the perceived mass of the project by breaking the house
down into a group of smaller elements and forms.
2) Redesign the atrium to make more efficient use of the volume
and to be of a pedestrian scale.
3) Place lightwells to the side and rear of the property.
Excavating the lightwells along the streetscape is inappropriate
and exposes a three story wall on the public facade.
4) Modify the north facade to offer more visual interest to the
neighboring property and to preserve some view corridors.
_~_ __ __
Three sets of clear. fully Jabal .d drawings must be submitted in a format no larger than
11"x17", OR one dozen sets of blueprints may be submitted in lieu of the 11"x17" format.
Front: 30
Rear. ,~~
Side: 29 + 81
Combined Front/Rear: a5
_ Sunnybrook Colorado, Inc.
936 King Street, Aspen, CO
R 15A
_ NrA
PrinaoalBldo.: 23 ft fp~~,8~• N/A
~oalBldo: 24'-7" IAccessorvBl~q: N/A
_Approximately 90~: Reusing existing fount
3 plus A.D.U.
Front: ~ s
Rear: _~g
Side: 10
Combined Fri/Rr: ~ 5
Combined FronURear.
VARIATIONS R O I T D (gligible far Landmarks Only ~haracrar comoatibiliN finding mutt be made by HPCI:
FAR: No n P Minimum Distance Between Build~rgs:
SETBACKS: Front: Parking Spaces:
Rear: Open Space (Commerdal):
Side: Height (Cottage Infill Only):
Combined FrtJRr: Site Coverage (Cottage Infill Only):
09/15/05 11:50 '(~91 hil 56950 ALPRI LOGER C~j007
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h1AR-15-1995 10:57 __--~_ - _ ~ 91 871 56959 ~~ ~ ~~ P.O3
936 King Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
A parcel of land being part of Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 14 of the original
Hughes Addition to Aspen, Colorado, and being fully within Tract 40, East Aspen
Addition. Said parcel is more fully described as follows:
Beginning at the point whence comer 11 of said Tract 40 bears North 13
degrees 44 minutes West, 176.64 feet; thence South 22, degrees 33 minutes
West, 110.07 feet; thence North 64 degrees 25 minutes West, 98.87 feet to the
easterly line of the patented portion of the Sunset Lode U.S.M.S. No. 5310;
thence North 34 degrees 47 minutes 42 seconds East 109.03 feet along said
Easterly line, thence South 66 degrees 09 minutes East, 75.63 feet to the point
of beginning.
A parcel of land being part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Block 14, of the original
Hughes Addition and being wholly within the patented portion of the Sunset
Lode U.S.M.S. No. 5310. Said parcel is more fully described as follows:
Commencing at a point whence Corner 11 of Tract 40, East Aspen Addition
bears North 13 degrees 44 minutes West, 176.64 feet; thence North 66 degrees
09 minutes West, 75.63 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the patented
portion of said Sunset Lode, the true point of beginning; thence South 34
degrees 47 minutes 43 seconds West, 109.03 feet along said Easterly line;
thence North 64 degrees 25 minutes West, 93.41 feet; thence North 26 degrees
52 minutes East, 103.58 feet; thence South 66 degrees 34 minutes East, 108.65
feet to the true point of beginning.
County of Pitkin, State of Colorado
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MRR-15-1995 10 56 91 871 56959 p, 02
Kim Johnson
Community Development Department
City of Aspen
130 South Galena
Aspen, CO 81611
Dear Kim,
Baker Fallin Associates, Inc. submits the enclosed application and drawings for
major alterations and additions to an existing residence at 936 King Street in
Aspen, for the F.A.R. overlay review process.
The existing two story house was built in 1987. Part of the foundation and a few
other minor existing features are to be incorporated in the new house which will
also be two stories. An accessory unit is to be built at Garden Level. The
garage is to remain in its present location at the rear of the house. .
The following discussion addresses questions pertinent to the Smuggler
Mountain Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the City of Aspen.
Mass and Scale
The longest elevations are North and South facing and are treated differently as
befits the site. The South elevation facing King Street is broken into six different
vertical planes with roof lines comparably varied. The North elevation, while one
continuous wall on the second story, is relieved on the first floor by the flat-
roofed garage. The privacy of the neighboring house to the North is preserved
both by the simple massing of the North wall and by the absence of many
The narrower elevations are those on the East and West and they share the
same articulation as the South elevation so that the house appears in scale to
passers-by on King Street. Also, the new house will be closer to the small
clumps of cottonwood trees and thus more "nestled" than the existing house.
It is felt that the extremely different treatment of the North as opposed to the
combined East-West-South facade reflects, respectively, the private versus the
public appearance of the house.
~~OfIN R. $.ll:ER, AIA, President • RICFI.4RD A. FALLIN Vice President • DAVID E.K. PaulcO Associate
1280 UrE AVENUE • eL-ceN, COLORADO 81611 • 303/925-4252 • FAx 303/925-2639
515 Grave AaENUe • GLENIX'OJD $PRINI'S, Cot.oRADO 81601 • 303/928-9704 • FAx 303/928-9628
Page Two
March 17, 1995
Also, the nearest house, a large two story chalet-like structure to the North, is on
higher ground so that when the new house is viewed from King Street it will
appear both smaller and lower and, by contrast, more articulated than this
neighbor. And in terms of solid-to-void ratios it will be in scale with the three
other houses on the North side of King Street.
Site Plan
The existing house faces almost due South and is well sited on the Westerly half
of the property leaving a large useful open yard to the East. The new house will
do the same. The many small and one or two large cottonwood trees are to be
retained on the front where they will eventually mature and serve to join visually
with the larger neighborhood cottonwoods characteristic of this sub-area in the
Smuggler neighborhood.
Building Materials
Rough sawn cedar siding and cedar shingles are the predominant surface
materials with portions of the foundation and the front patio walls and entry way
walls to be stone masonry similar to the neighboring house to the Northeast.
Architectural Features
The entry porch is directly off the concrete paved driveway and although clearly
differentiated from the rest of the house by its use of masonry, it is very much in
scale. A simple stone parapet wall and stairs identify the entrance at slightly
above ground level.
While the south facade contains many windows, they are broken up visually by
mullions every 24 to 30 inches. The large living room window walls are likewise
broken visually and in scale with the second story, and by glass doors onto the
stone walled patio.
Baker Fallin feels that the proposed major alterations to the existing house will
be in keeping with the character of the existing King Street area.
Richard A. Fallin,
TO: Overlay Zone District Sub-Committee
FROM: Kim Johnson, Planner
RE: Moore Residence, N. Spring St.
DATE: April 5, 1995
SUMMARY: This project is located in the Smuggler neighborhood,
therefore both the general guidelines (Chapter 1 of the
"Neighborhood Character Guidelines") and the specific guidelines
for Smuggler (Chapter 4) will be applied. The applicant requests
approval for a new residence. The proposed FAR for this 12,632 sq.
ft. lot is 4,150 sq. ft., plus a 250 s.f. FAR bonus because of an
Accessory Dwelling Unit. Allowable FAR by the underlying zoning
is 4,150 s.f.
The special review process is mandatory but compliance with any
Committee findings is voluntary as the parcel is greater than 9,000
APPLICANT: Gary and Debra Moore
LOCATION: North Spring Street, Oklahoma Flats (Lot 1 and 2 and
south 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 1, Oklahoma Flats Addition). The parcel
is in the bend of the Roaring Fork River, across the river from the
start of the "kayak course" in the Rio Grande Park area.
STAFF COMMENTS: Please refer to the application for the complete
representation of the proposal. Planning staff finds that the
garage and entryway elements of the proposed structure are not
sympathetic to the characteristic mass and scale of most of the
residences in this neighborhood. It is not in substantial
compliance with the several general and specific neighborhood
guidelines. In addition to the Spring Street frontage, this parcel
borders the Roaring Fork River and a major City park across the
river. Thus, the rear of the site shall be considered in this
This site will also be subject to a Stream Margin review and
Conditional Use review for the ADU by the P&Z. At this point, it
appears that the ADU exceeds the square footage maximum allowed by
the land use regulations.
Rather than discuss each individual review guideline, staff finds
the following guidelines are pertinent to this proposal:
h u+y
2.d Locate some floor area in secondary structures, to reduce
overall mass and scale of the building on the site.
response: Provision of an attached three car garage not only
is inconsistent with the surrounding properties, it greatly
adds to the bulk of this home. The garage should be detached
from the principal building. The third garage bay should be
eliminated as excessive space.
3. The street elevation of a building should be designed to appear
in scale with those seen traditionally.
response: The three garage doors facing the street are a
detriment to the streetscape.
4. Building entrances should be similar in scale to those seen
traditionally; and
6. Orient the primary entrance toward the street; and
10.e. The primary entrance should be clearly defined; and
43. Porches clearly identify the primary entrance.
response: The main entry is not visible from the front of the
house which is not a typical or desired design. The proposed
porch faces north towards the garage.
12. Garages. Minimize visual impact of garages.
response: As mentioned earlier, these three garage bays
constitute a major elevation element of this design. The
width of the garage is 31 feet. This is very inconsistent
with small garages in the neighborhood. The garage should be
detached and moved back from the street to lessen its impact.
As a less preferred alternative, the garage entry should be
moved to the side of the structure, although this would
maintain the bulk on the street elevation.
13. Driveways. Minimize the visual appearance of driveways and
parking surfaces.
c) minimize the amount of hard paving surfaces that are used for
response: This is a four bedroom house with a proposed ADU.
The site plan indicates a triple-wide driveway fronting the
three car garage, for a parking capacity of six cars. This
is an excessive amount of parking/paving for this site. The
City Engineer will probably not permit the proposed extra-
wide driveway and the second parking pad per the driveway
regulations. Staff recommends that the driveway be narrowed
to a maximum of 18' width. Any additional parking apron
adjacent to the drive should be grasscrete type of surface.
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendations from this review is advisory only.
However, staff strongly recommends that the developer revise the
design in the following manner:
2) Delete one garage bay. Detach the garage or relocate the
garage doors to the side of the building.
2) Reduce the driveway width to a maximum of 18'. Any additional
parking apron adjacent to the driveway should be grasscrete
type paving.
3) Relocate the home's entrance so that it is visible and
inviting from the front of the structure.
Additional Comments
Mrs. Steven P. Farish
- R44 Roarino Fork Drive , ng~,on rp
30,400 '
1878.59 sg. ft.
X424 sa. ft.
5424 sq. ft.
2815.74 sq. ft. = 0.0'93
4537 sq. ft. = 0.1498
EXISTING MAXIMUM HEIGHT: PrindoalBlda.: 10'-8° IPccessorv8lda: N/A
PROPOSEDMAXUAUMHEIGHT: _PrcxsoalBldo.: 25'-0" IPccessorvBlda: N/A
PflOPOSEDYaOFDEMOLfTION:- ~~~i ~-nFl-tt (YP71S1na partial foundation)
T8A K :
Franc: 25 , front: Front:
Rear. ,~,~ Rear. 10 Rear: 9,Q'=],SLQ'
Side: 1 ~ Side: 10 Side: 10
CombinedFrontlRear. ~s Combined FrVRr: ~~ CambinedFronVRear. 115'-125'
EXISTING NONCONFORMITIES! Due to Hallam Lake Bluff Top of Slope Requi
ENCROACHMENTS: a ~n'-~S' Pncroa hment at southeast corner;
no R-15 encroachments.
VARIATIONS REQUESTED (eliable for Landmarks Only: character comoafibiliN finding must to made by HPC1:
FAR: Mirumum Distance Between BuikSrgs:
SETBACKS: FronL• Parldrg Spaces:
pear. .Open Space (Commerdaf):
' Side: Height (Cotlage Nfifi Only):
Combined FrtJRr: Site Coverage (Cottage Nfill Only):
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February 14,1995
IGm .lohnson
Plarming & Zonirt9 Office
City of Aspen
180 S. Galena
Aspen, CO 81611
Dear iGrn, .
Regarding my application for F.AR Overlay Review, for my property
located at 844 Roaring Fork Drive, Aspen, Colorado, I am authorizing ih9
fotlowina people to act on my behalf.
Gideon Kaufman Dick Fallin
~Attomey at Law Baker Fattin Assaaffies, Inc.
315 E Hyman Avenue 1280 the Avenue
Aspen, CO 816ii Aspen, C4 81671
i $25$16$ 825^4252
Sincerely, ,
Mrs.. Steven P. Farish
2304 Wlllowick Apt 16E
Houston, TX 77027
February 13, 1995
IGm Johnsa~
Planning & 7aning Department
City of Aspen
13Q S. Galena
Aspen, CO 81611
Gear Krm,
This letter is my response to the FAR. Overiay requirement to describe
the existing character of the~neighborhood and block where my property is
RAy house is located st 844 Roaring Fork Drive and is in a neigfibofiood
that borders i-1a11am t_aice, tFie Roaring Fork River, the historic West End and the
Music Tenvlnstrtute faciiity, and is, with the exception of ttte MuslcAssociates
property, entirely residential.
_ I woukt descr~e my "block" as being made up of larger lots and houses
than in the West End, and with a great degree of design diversity of a mare
.contemporary nature with no structures of historic significance. The Hallam
Lake side of Roaring Fork Drive is blessed with an abundance of mature
cottonwood, pine and fir trees which gives the area a wooded, country feeling,
quite unlike the West End.
`- .
Mrs.~Steven Parish
2204 Wtttawick #18E
tioustor,, 7x no27
844 Roaring Fork Drive
Aspen, Colorado
The applicant proposes to significantly alter and made additions to her existing
single family residence. The lot area is 30,400 sq. ft. in area and is in the City of
Aspen Zone District R-15, which allows a 5424 sq. ft. F.A.R. plus a 500 sq. ft.
garage. This lot is not located in an identifiable neighborhood zone as shown on
the Neighborhood Character Design Guideline Map.
The existing structure is a small, one-story two bedroom house adjacent to
Hallam Lake. The location on Hallam Lake requires that this project undergo a
special review for the Hallam Lake Environmentally Sensitive Area. The Hallam
Lake Bluff Review standards specify that a "top-of-slope" is to be established
that restricts above grade development within fifteen feet of this line. This top-
of-slope effectively determines the rear set back line for the property, which in
this instance, reduces the development area by approximately one-half. In
addition, the lot has many mature trees within this area that the applicant
requires to remain.
These restrictions determined that few options were available for the new
development as can be seen on the site survey plan.
The new house will be a one-and two-story structure massed to allow one-story
elements around the perimeter and atwo-story element in the middle. Access to
the house determined that the garage and entrance face the street, which most
of the houses on Roaring Fork Drive do since there is no alley.
The following are responses to the General Guidelines for All Core Area
Neighborhoods of the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for Core Area
Neighborhoods in the City of Aspen.
"All buildings should help establish a sense of human scale that is inviting
to pedestrians."
The proposed development is composed of small facade areas along the
street surrounding a central two-story element, and is screened by the
existing mature trees.
2. "New buildings should appear to be similar in scale to those in the
established neighborhood or to the scale that is desired for the
With few exceptions, the houses in this area are on lots similar in size to
the applicant's, and all recent development has been two-story. This
proposal is compatible with this area and has attempted to reduce the
perceived size by the one-story massing as described above.
3. 'The street elevation of a building should be designed to appear in scale
with those seen traditionally."
The proposed elevations meet this standard.
4. "Building entrances should be in similar scale to those seen traditionally."
The proposed entry is within a one-story alcove.
Building Form
5. "All buildings should use roof and building forms that establish a sense of
visual continuity for the community, by repeating typical forms."
The proposed structure utilizes rectangular forms combined for a simple
overall mass. Steep roof pitches are used with overhangs that vary.
-Site Design
6. "Orient the primary entrance of a building towards the street."
The proposed structure has it's entrance facing the street, on grade; the
adjacent setbacks along the street are similar and for the most part linear.
Therefore, reinforcing the perception of the neighborhood's grid.
7. "Place the building entry at an elevation that is similar to those seen
traditionally in the neighborhood."
The proposed entry is at grade as are most entries on this street.
8. "When feasible, locate structures so that they maintain solar access to
adjacent properties."
The proposed development accomplishes this standard.
Building Materials
9. "Use natural, indigenous building materials to establish a sense of
continuity throughout the community."
This proposals uses vertical cedar siding and cedar shingle roofing.
Architectural Features
10. "Architectural features that enhance the pedestrian experience are
The applicant believes this guideline has been met for the proposed
11. "Minimize the visual appearance of solar collectors and skylights."
There are no solar collectors proposed. Skylights occur at the west end
of the house as part of an octagonal room element which will be almost
entirely concealed by trees from the street.
12. "Minimize the visual impact of garages."
The sites restrictions discussed previously precluded any options for the
location of the garage. The garage will be one-story with a hipped roof,
two doors with applied siding and trim to repeat the window scale used on
the main house. The slight oblique angle to the street should help
minimize the impact.
13. "Minimize the visual appearance of driveways and parking surfaces."
This proposal utilizes all the suggestions except parking areas.
Service Areas
14. "Minimize the visual impacts of service areas as seen from the street."
The service area is on the east side of the house and will be screened
from the street with a fence and gate.
1~lpact on Historic Building
15. "Preserve historic structures throughout the community."
not applicable to this proposal.
16. "New buildings should avoid negative impacts on adjacent historic
There are no adjacent historic properties with the exception of Hallam
Lake which has its own special review process.
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THIS ~)EED, Made this ~ 7 ~ day of December , 19 77,
between LYDIA L.T.`"JONAS, also known as LYDIA T. JONAS,
an unmarried woman, 1150-A Coast Village Road, Santa slak _;_,,,~; ~~ ~ .-:
Barbara, California 43108
aFC ~ z pAlp
` California
of the Cuunty o£ Santa Barbar~nd State of 48Jifigi; A ,~°`~ 3~'~.5_ f~
of the fintpart, and ANNE F, FARZSH, an unmarried woman, ~~~ "--"' ~"
P.O. Sox 69, Aapen, Colorado 81.611
01 khe County of Yltkin and State of C°lorado, el the seooad part;
R'ITNB.9SErR, That the xald part y of the fast part, for and in consideration of the sum o~-------
.~_~______ -_~~-----__---- ~-.,~___- ONE tIUNDRED DOLLARS,
($100.00) and other good and valuable consideration
t0 the said pal't y of the first Dart in hand paid by khe said part y of the wend part, the rersipt nhcrset is
hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha a granted, hergained, sold and eonvayad, and by tlmse preaenta do Ea
grant, bargain, cdl, convey and eonfkrm, unto the sold party of the second 'part, her
hcJn and assigns Sorever, aN the fonowing describod lot a or parcels of land, si Watc, lying and being in the
ity o£ Aspen County of Pitkin and Statc of Colorado, to-wit:
Parcel A:
A11 of Lota 5, 6, 7, B and 9, Block 4,
that part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 4,
ASPEN COI~ANY SUBDIVISIl7N lying Southwesterly of the following described lines
Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly 11ne of said Lot 11 whence the
mast Northerly Corner oP said Lot 11 beaxa North 36°59' East 2.03 feet and
the most Northerly Corner of Lot 14, Block 4 of the Aapen Company Subdivision
(which earner is described in document No. 111989 recorded in Baok 195, page
106, oP the office of the Pitkin Countq Clerk and Hecarder) bears North 27°50'30"
Past 55.67 Feet;
thence South 26°54'10" East 120.24 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Lot 10.
Parcel B:
A tract of land situated is the Northeast Quarter, Seerion 11, Township 10, South
Range 85 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian and more fully described ae follows
Beginning at a,point on Che Southeasterly line of Block 90 of the Rallam's
Addition to the town of Aapen, Colorado whence Corner 911 of the Fowler Placer,
O.s. Mineral Survey 96786 beers 6outh 22°16' Hest 221.7 feet;
thence South 20°57' East 63.0 feet;
thence North 80°28' East 152.0 feet; '
thence North 6Z°48',East 45.50 feat;
thence North 41°Ol` West 90.0 feat to the Southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 90
of said Ballam's Addition;
thence Southerly and Westerly along the Easterly line of said Block 90 to the
point of beginning.
EXCEPTING FRGM parcel B, any portion thereof lyia$ within Bloclr. 4, ASPEN COMPANY
All in the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado.
TOCIil'HI:R with all and einqule,• thu hereditament. and appurfananuea thereto belongtng, or Jn anywise
appertnininq, and the rarorsien and reveralons, remainder and mnwinders, renka, [seats. and ptofi4 thereof; and all
the e.Ytnts, ,fight. tltle, h,tettel, claim and demand whateoawr of the said Pori y of the first part, aithar in Iaw
of enulty, of. in and to rho above bargained premis°a, with the heredifamen4a and aypurtmraneea.
JRN-24-1995 14 41 713 BBB 9014 P. 09
v,~~,. lr.r Au.Jq
U,1J uos vula 111:01 UL;N'1'lAL aUlll'
. .. ~,~x34U =~:~8G5
'f0 EIAYE AND 1b tiOT.D the said pnmiaes above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, nnto the
said parb~ of she second part, her heirs sad saeigna forever. And the said party oL the first part,
Lor harself,het~uin, axeeutotra, sad sdminietnton, do as eoveaant, grant, bsrgaln and agree to and with
the said party of the second part, her hairs and us[gas, that at the time of the stesesliog and delivery of
thna presents she is well se[sed of the premises abeva conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and
indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fsa ein+pla, end bs s good right, full poarar and lawful authority m
Brant, bargain, sell and Convey !ha same in manner and form ee aforesaid, and Ihai tho rains ass arse and
dear from all Lormar sad other grants, b^rsalna, salsa, llena, taxes, asasasmemts and eacurabrances of whatever
ldndornatureweser, EXCBPT taxes and assessments Por 1977 and subsequent years,
mineral rights reserved in United States Patent recorded June 8, 1888 in Book
55 at page 2, and any tax,aesessment. fees or charges for 1977 and aubsequewt
years by raaaoa o! the inclusion oP subject property in Aspea Fire protection
District, Aspen Metropolitan Sanitation District, 171a City of Aspen and Aspea
Valley Hospital Diettitt.
,IN WCCNE99 WHEREOF, the apld party of the Lirai part ha a hoseuulo eel her band
and seal ~ the day and ye-r tint stave writGn. ISL.. p ~ ~ ~ ~ ^
' • /lJ~ , y
$igaed, sealed and Deliaerad In the Prrsosee of ~' ~ ,_. _...__
.... _......~.yy_.,,.,,........_ ................._......._..
.. o Ly~r+rlJf ~J~Y' _ T. ~i.n
and the above bargained promises in tits gdet and perceshle posaesakn of iJte uid part y o! the second part,
heY heirs and assigns against all sad svasy parson or persona IawtaBy elalnting ox to delm the whole or any
prrt thataef, the said par{ y of the iftst part shag and will WARRANT AND FOBEYE$ DEBEND.
J} sa.
COUAtp Of Sat1tQ BAYbtltB n
The Icragotng inetwnent waa aelmowledgod before ma this ~7'^ day of December
1e771hy LYDIr~ L.T. JONAS, also kndwtl as I.YDIA T, JOfUtS. ,
My eseamiesioa ®cplr,u January 18
A.hAR1l.YN ll. AflTIt7DUN1
• ' sa>irs FiAg~.',.11 trAlnlY
l.p rastn. Ctplr~ :A.[ IiS 1490
a i.
19 8 0. Witaase my bard and nlftcial seal ,
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