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AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW APPEALS COMMITTEE February 27,1997 Special Meeting Sister Cities Meeting Room, City Hall 4:00 I. Roll Call II. Minutes III. Committee Comments IV. New Business g~~ ~~ 4:05 A. 377 SilverLode Drive ~ Appeal from Garage Standard ~,,~'~ ~~ B. 533 West Smuggler o ~;'~ Appeal of "Inflection" Standard ~Q~ ~o 3 C. 926 East Durant -Brass Bed %~ Appeal of Window Standard ~~ (staff report will be available Tues. 2/25) V. Adjourn REMINDER: THIS COMMITTEE MEETS THE SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH (IF NEEDED) AT 4:00 P.M. MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review Appeal Committee THRU: Stan Clauson, Community Development Directoi c~ Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Deputy Director FROM: Saza Thomas, Zoning Enforcement Officer DATE: February 19, 1997 RE: 377 Silverlode Drive -Appeal from Design Standazds SUMMARY: The applicant requests a waiver of the Ordinance #30 standazd related to the garage setback requirement. APPLICANT: Alice Brien, represented by David Panico LOCATION: 377 Silverlode Drive ZONING: AH-PUD PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS AND STAFF EVALUATION I. Background -The proposed project is a new single family residence, of approximately 2800 gross square feet, located in the Silverlode Subdivision. II. Site Description -The proposed project is located on a steep, hillside lot of 12,374 squaze feet. The lot is on the uphill side of Silverlode Drive. III. Waiver Requested Standard: All portions of a gazage, carport or storage area pazallel to the street shall be recessed behind the front facade a minimum often (10) feet. IV. Staff Evaluation -The Committee may grant an exception to the design standards if the project as proposed is found to meet one of the following criteria: a). yields greater compliance with the goals of the Aspen Area Community Plan; Staff response: The project does not further any goals of the AACP. b) more effectively addresses the issue or problem a given standazd or provision responds to; or Staff response: The waiver request does not address this criteria. c) be cleazly necessary for reason of fairness related to unusual site specific constraints. Staff response: Given the constraints placed on the building lot due to the steepness of the terrain, staff feels that the proposed location of the gazage is acceptable. The gazage has been angled so that is does not directly pazallel the street, which staff feels has reduced the visual impact of the garage. In addition, the building site is significantly elevated in relation to Silverlode Drive and therefore has a minimal visual impact from the street. V. Recommendation - Staff recommends that the Design Review Appeal Committee waive the standazd that the garage must be setback ten feet from the facade of the house for the property located at 377 Silverlode Drive, finding that criteria "c" has been met. vO~(Id210~~'ITTOpD~'I~I~(~1Sd '~AfrI84 ~Q~OT'IvN~~A'II~S~rLEE e7L ~ 1~ sll ~l ~ ~ s7L ~. 1~Y s7L ~ ~l / Or ~^, A L : f a w ca aY: ~ ~& ~~= e _ - ire- -- r ~ t z.e. _ .i`d. ~ ; r.~• llb' Harr f~J i -- - -- --7 -t r-~--~ ~ _r - - I ~~~ -_- I-#f i ,: i d a ¢~ ..__ ___ ___ ____ __ __ ~ I cr 'I c 9 ~ i•;a z z z > ~ ..~._- J W v..: i > w J K IT W a -_ ~ e•f ~~,*. ._ I I ~ I J J a = ' a o I ~ ' I I e V % \ . ~ p1 _ ~% v - w~-~o u-a F w w x ~~ ~ o _ isi.o~ _~~, ~ ~~ 1 J u J al _i 1'. O 4 vO~Qd1i0~'ITOvD~'AI:idSd'~ARIQ ~QO'IZI~~\'IIyS~L£~£r X71 s1'' AMY ~1 ~1t Jl ~ eP11 ~ ~ e7L ~ ~1 ~1l l,~Ilil~. ill it l~~l. I I~~I i~~j~ I~~ 'I~ .I. ~ I~ i I I I ~ ~ ' ~I II I ' I II ,I ~II I~ i VIII. II ':~~LI.~ ~'I ~i i I s .i,. I i~ . l~l~l i';il ~.~ ~~ W 00 t- Q j ~ :, .1 W I I II s it ~~ ~j 7 II s __T._ i I S ~! i ~~ II I;j~ ~; ~~, L;~il ~. ,~ , ~I I ~~1~ ~ ,, ~~~ ,, ~ .~ I~ . I; I ~ - I~,~'~~~ ,: i I ~ ! ~~ ~ I', ~: ,I~I!~il~l~~.'llllilii ~_~ ~W 1 ~I _l ~.q§~1 I j I .. ".. _. __i I, I I ~I ~I ,i II I, II II r- I I I I' I I I. I I I , I~ II I ---lJ w F 7 I, I' it ~~ it it 'I ~:, a ~ q G: a ~ F ~ w %: ~ ~ ~ w w~'QT~ ~: "" a 5 ~ w Q ~ I i fl ---- - I ~I i I i I I I I I I ~I I ~ i I I ii II II li __ _ I I ~ _ _. J I r I f~ ~ ~i s' ~ II j ,,, ..; . - II ~l~i II I~ ii I I ~I I ii I' I ~i _ .~ 7 II II II II II II I i.l II I~ II it I --~1 z 0 F a w J Ill N Q W r 0 Z `o a w J W F- s w 3 T t- n 0 z ATTACHMENT1 LAND USE APPLICATION FORM 1. Project name_ 2. Project location ~~i ~ N {? E ~ I D~NGE I^llt,i.-tt`.NI~~ 2G~i~iGf~ SuP~,~IVtZtC~f (indicate street address, lot and block number or metes and bounds descrpticn) 3. Present zoning P LI • ~• 4. Lot size ~ 2 , 3 7$ 5. Applicant's name, address and phone number M5- QL1L]/ t3fLIEN , j21(O VIf.IF ~"T• 1~-71,~C0. P-•ICGIZ 6. Representative's name, address, and phone number b,~Vl ~ Pfl-VI LO 7. Type of application (check all that apply): Conditional Use _ Special Review 8040 Greenline _ Stream Margin _ _ Subdivision .GMQS allotment _ View Plane _ Lot Spiit/Lot Line Adjustment Conceptual SPA Final SPA Conceptual PUD _ Final PUD _ Text/Map Amend. _ GMQS exemption _ Condominiumization X Conceptual HPC Finai HPC Minor HPC Relocation HPC Historic Landmark Demo/Partial Demo Design Review . Appeal Committee 8. Description of existing uses (number and type of existing structures, approximate sq. tt., number of bedrooms, any previous approvals granted to the property) V/kG/a~yT' t.-L~NI~ 9. Description of development ~~cE ~= I,ArtD . 10. Have you completed and attached the following? Y Attachment 1-Land use application form ~ Response to Attachment 2 ~ Response to Attachment 3 u1 0 0 ., J r 1 ti J ~~~ ~I ,~~~JJf ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ 24 , j ~/ ~ v' "~ ~ ,, z ~F ~~ ~; ~ r 16 37~ad5 \_ )~ ~';' \'' /~, / ~~ J ~_~ L 3 ml ~l ,~ o ~/ ~~~ ~. •..-~ r 0 1Z W V~ d /' J ((~ ., ~. \' ..... ____._..... ~~ ~. ~S\ ~\~~ \,:; v 7 ~. ~_~ .~~ \~~~\ W n V \~ ~~ ~~ • t:.... r . ;~ Q~ L ~. J ~ j(f1 I / \ Y ~ / ~ ~~ $((j[f + t -- - - -.~ i ~ y ,_ , I '1 - -~ _--~_ ~' S ~~ s r ~ ~ Q ~ Z . \_ 0, ~NL 1 O J ~ Q ~ N~'°~ ~ u r '/, iD~~l~': B Y >D~v><~ ~ 9i11~C® Ms. Sara Thomas Aspen/P'dkin Community Development 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, Co. Re: Lot 7 Silverlode, Brien Residence D.R.A.C. Application February 16, 1997 Dear Sara, Accompanying this letter is the completed application to the Design Review Appeal Committee. A letter of summation follows and addresses the Ordinance 30 review standards point by point. General By Aspen standards the proposed structure is a bit of an anomaly for a free market residence. The Applicant is proposing to build a residence that is well below the allowable F.A.R. even if it were 100% above grade. The allowable F.A.R. for lot 7 is 3117 sq. ft. The proposed residence is comprised of approximately 2800 gross sq. ft., and will use up only about 1400 sq. ft. of the available F.A.R. The design attempts to relate to the structures that probably existed on the hillside site atone time. The two elements of the proposed structure are intended to mimic the appearance of two miner's cottage's in shape and state. The fenestration tries to relate to the traditional organization of street facing windows typical of the building that house's Gracys. The variance from Ordinance 30 that is being requested is site driven and ultimately does not deviate from the intent of the ordinance. The variance relates to the location of the garage. The point of this section of the code is to try to move what is considered an undesirable architectural element from the most prominent side of a residence, on a normal residential street, to a less offensive location. The lots in the Silverlode Subdivision are all substantially elevated above the street they front on thereby mitigating the visual impact of the garage. The practical reasons for the garage being where it is are related to the steep slope of the driveway which, without a massive amount of excavation, only allows access to the lower part (the frontmost part) of the building envelope. If the applicant were forced to locate the garage per Ordinance 30 standards the apparent vertical mass would be increased by 1/3 due to the resulting need to dig the garage entrance into the hillside. For these reasons I request that the Design Review Appeal Committee grant the Applicant the requested variance. * Denotes points where this application varies from the intent of Ordinance 30. Building Orierrtation BOX F-3 ~VSrc. "ILOR.IDO 81612 PHONE 970 923 5394 F2~X 970 923 1260 The proposed residence is comprised of two main elements with a connecting element and deck between them. The larger of the two elemerds is tangential to Silveriode Drive. The entrance is oriented to the street. There is a street facing principal window that opens into the living room that is parallel to the street. The width of the house exceeds the width of the garage by more than 5 feet * The proposed garage does not set back the desired 10 feet from the facade of the house. Building Elements The garage/deck element comprises a one story street facing element that exceeds the 20% minimum. Build to Lines This part of Ordinance 30 does not apply due to the fact that all of the adjacent lots are vacant. Primary Mass As can be seen in the enclosed elevations the proposed structure is divided into two distinct elements with separate roof structures, thereby satisfying the intent of this section of the ordinance. Inflection This part of Ordinance 30 does not apply due to the fact that both of the adjacent lots are vacant. The residence under construction on Lot 6 (adjacent lotto the west) is two stories tall at it's easternmost elevation though, like the proposed residence on Lot 7, more than half of it's mass is below grade. Garages and Driveways * As stated previously, the garage for the proposed structure does not set back frorc the facade of the house the desired 10 Feet. The proposed garage is partially below grade, but does not exceed 24 feet in width, nor does it comprise more than 40% of the front facade. Areaways There are no areaways on the front facade of this residence. Calculating floor area ratio All aspects of ordinance 30 regarding the calculation of floor area ratio will be met. As stated previously, the proposed residence will be well under the allowable floor area. BOX F-3 ?.SPEN COLOR \DO 81612 PHONE 970 923 5394 FLY 970 923 1260 Height As is noted graphically on the. elevations the.proposed residence is well under the maximum height. Parking The proposed residence will exceed the parking requirements by providing two spaces in the garage and at least one in the driveway. ff you have any further questions I will be glad to respond to them at the meeting on the 27th. BOX F-3 ASPEN COLORADO 81612 PHONE 970 923 5394 FAX 970 923 1260 FLOO(Z AREA TAP~ULATION I LO N I N G NOT E TIT ~tJII..DING SITE Ih ~61zTOF7}-I C- W11-IGM~/ ~ANLI-1 P.~-I•D. T~1~ ALLOwA6LE f'A.IZ. I/~ mil I-1 -~quAR>= F-EETAh DE5G2.13ED IN T1-FE RIJ D. ~.- u.MF_NT~. SY W21 n~EN AGREEMENT I~ITl+ THE AGpEN/pIT'LIN CUMMLININ DE~/EI~PMENT DEPrt THE MET4IC0 F~ DPTERMINI NU -M>= FA,R. FC+Z Tuwj Lor I~T1-IE METUOD IN PI1~-E FREVIOU~TD THE ApGPiION CF ORDINANC ~ 30 [3~( TIE UTY pF A6t~r=N Ah FINED IN ~jEC-TION 3-IOIOFT~-aE A~/PEtJ M u N I GI PAL CODE. ~EGb.L DESGRIPT~ON LOT 1, hlILL14MvJ IZANCI-1 SUFiDNIGiION I ALLOWABLE P.A.R. ?j I I -1 d7 Pazo~oseo F•1a.rz. 5EE PDGEy f.A.K. I AND fA.~.2 ~ PLL.D AC,2F RE.h I DENCF' K.LER L/Y` BAG uo~~ +~oc.15E I GD~~ h~cri' wCAt~ --- - --- - -- / - --- _ ;- ~% '~ - i --_ -- ~~ h ~7°kV LSE' ~.:~.. i-• ~Yg-IS~~ __--- ,_,. ~ %' -- ' --- ~' _. ~ l ~ -- -' ~ - - _ ,, ;- _- - ~ ,, __ _, _. r - -- = -- ,. -_= --- - -- ~ ,. __ ~-- i ~-~ ~ -- ~ _ ~ - - - - ~ -- ,~ ~ _ ~ ~.- %.. ~ ' YXJUV~f¢ ~Fi'fkIN~N~I ~~ ~ _. ". _ . /~ (S(JJ r Q ~ I ' ,/ ~ '/ / 11 \ { ~ ~ ,~. ~ ~ _~ ~~ fr~=- ~ 'ate . r~ ,~:yT~i' . ~ NG Nof~GE ~ ~ , ` ty DATE - ' ~" -', TIME - PLACE 'E.Y~' `s`~ PURPOSE• --s ' s _. MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review Appeal Co'ImI~(mittee (DRAG) FROM: Mitch Haas, City Planner,j J~}~ THRU: Stan Clauson, Community Development Director ~ Julie Ann Woods, Deputy Director RE: 533 West Smuggler Street, App al~ of "Inflection" Standazd (26.58.040(E)) DATE: February 27, 1997 Pursuant to Chapter 26.58, Residential Design Standards, Section 26.58.020(8), of the Aspen Municipal Code, "an applicant shall prepare an application for review and approval by staff. In order to proceed with additional land use reviews or obtain a De- velopment Order, staff shall find the submitted development application consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines." This Section goes on to state that "if an application is found to be inconsistent with any item of the Residential Design Guidelines the applic- ant may either amend the application or appeal staff's findings to the Design Review Appeal Board (DRAG] pursuant to Chapter 26.22, Design Review Appeal Board." Community Development Department staff has reviewed the application to construct a residential unit at 533 West Smuggler Street for compliance with the "Residential Design Standards," (See attached Exhibit A). Staff found that the proposal is not in compliance with the "Inflection" standard, Section 26.58.040(E), which reads as follows: If the street frontage of an adjacent structure is one (I) story in height for a distance of more than twelve (!2) feet on the side facing a proposed building, then the adjacent portion of the proposed building must also be one (I) story in height for a distance of twelve (12) feet. It is staffs feeling that this standard requires that, in those areas where the house to the east of 533 W. Smuggler is one (1) story, all adjacent portions of the house proposed for 533 W. Smuggler must also be one (1) story for a distance of at least twelve (12) feet inward from that portion of the proposed structure closest to the shared lot line toward the opposite lot line. The DRAG may find that, either: • The design, as proposed, complies with standard 26.58.040(E); • The design, as proposed, does not comply with standard 26.58.040(E), and must be redesigned to comply with said standard; or, • The design, as proposed, does not comply with standard 26.58.040(E), but that the DRAG will grant a variance from said standard ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit "A" -Letter from Amy Amidon, former Historic Preservation Officer Exhibit "B" -Submitted application package '"~, January 28, 1997 _:,,.;A: Charles Cunniffe Architects Attn: Jan Derrington ASPEN ~ PITKIN , 520 ~. Hyman, SUIte 301 GDmmuNrry DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Aspen, CO 81611 Re: 533 W. Smuggler . ' _ Dear Jan: The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for compliance with the "Residential Design Standards." We find that the project is -not in compliance with the "inflection" standard, Section 26:58.040. E, which reads as follows: If the street frontage of an adjacent structure is one (1) story in height for a distance more than twelve (12) feet on the side facing a proposed building, then the adjacent portion of the proposed building must also. be one (1) story in height for a distance of twelve (12) feet. ,.,,.,,, This standard requires that in those areas where the house to the east of 533 W. Smuggler is one story, the residence proposed for 533 W. Smuggler must also be one story and at least 12 feet across. Your options for addressing the "inflection" standard are to restudy the proposed design or to apply to the Design Review Appeals Board. Please tail me at 920- 5096 with any further questions, or Julie Ann Woods at 920-5100 after February 3. Sincerely, , ~'- ~- ~ ;: c./ ~,, Amy A ~ don Preservation Officer 13O SOUTH GALENA STREET ~ ASPEN, COLORADO S16]I-1975 ~ PHO6E 970.92O.SO9O ~ PAX 970.92O.SQ39 Primed on Rxyoled Paper J I F~ rl _ _~ .~ ,os = N`d-Id 11 0-18 ]Or°'' 'li08 J13N ~~ ~: ~~~~ ~~1~ ~_: ~~ ~`~` 1S ~13"7J0~1WS M EES i ""44 BOUNDARIES SETBACKS ""'~, BOUNDARIES SMUGGLER STREET A RESIDENCE FOR CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS A1.3 ~ 533 W. SMUGGLER .SITE PLAN ~~ y16" = 7'-0" ASPEN, COLORADO yo cat m~ •vc • zm[ n . ,wfn,m nm • mF: ~mmsvsa • tnc mvss~smc ua E odauno n~ • ttuumr.m nw • tar: ~asnstm • inc xanrssv A2.1 LOWER LEVEL PLW ~. _ ~,-0• A RESIDENCE FOR CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 533 W. SMUGGLER ASPEN, COLO m usr mxw ~~ • sort m• ~ve+.m nm •>~ mnum • me masaan ~^ ~~ ,..,q A2.2 MAIN LEVEL PLAN ~. _ ~,-0. ASPEN, COLORADO nu un mxw nvE' wm m • A9Pym nm • m[:~ms~sssa • iAx>otnsamc LO E mICAYIO AVE' 1fLLI1PIX.m WnM' 1BE:IOYllYllll' iK NY)]6i56> A RESIDENCE FOR CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 533 W. SMUGGLER DECK ~ ~ / ~M.! .c ` `~ A RESIDENCE FOR AA'' l1G,3 533 W.SMUGGLER UPPER LEVEL ~ PIAN 18' = 1'-0" ASPEN, COLORADO BREPXFPST AR ~ ~~' ~~ ~~ ~~ KRCHEN I \ PANTRY 1 SITTING MEW TO BE!(M' DECK ~~ ~---}N-----, DINING ROOM SEE THM/ fMEPLY£ LMNG ROOM WET W14R 9A9 A4EA CHARLES--C~}NNlF-E€ tlREkfITECTS sa Elf} mww AVE • sort m • AvW~,m nm • tWemrisssw • )Ax )ms)sson ]30 E mIOMAW AVE • 1pWWgm P~)f ' TBF: MNtb)l)! • )Al INT1M1i)N io i i i i i i ~ i ~~ ~~ L T ~ pd2 TYP. UND. I ~Y \ \~ ~ /E +~z _~ I/3 PT.OF PITCNfO \ ROOF HEttilT AT 25'P ABOVE EXISTING GRADE 7D.FLAT RWF T 'flAr RWF CI/Re /s u'a I ~ / AEO/E EXISTING GRADE W -~ AA'' A RESIDENCE FOR ~ l1G.4 ~ 533 W.SMUGGLER ROOF PIAN ~~ - ~~'~~ ASPEN, COLORADO E-- ~ I ^ ^ /Pl2 TYP.I E- ~ W / IR PT.Of PITCHED R017F Hf/GM AT 2C$/JOIE E- -~ - EX/STING GRADE \ ~ ~ 90 fAfT lfrMW AK • fUl[ ]01 • A9B4m MT • 19f: ]m9Y35f0 • fAY ]m413.NR IIO E mICGCO AYE • 191U41F. C0 !N]S ' 19F: ]OYlIY3]!! • fAl 1YY11695A) 1 ~t 1 i~ 0 N N C~ ~_ 0 Z v __ _ A3.1 -~~?~ ~- : ~01s ~ ~~ a~ r ,max, CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 57U E NYMAN BUffE 7lll ABPFII, CD 81811 TELF: 517/245590 FAX UDJ/975~SW8 7l0 ECOLOAA00 AYE • 80%2BGi • fFLIVNDEC081475 • TELESgRBdiJB • FAltStl/Tl&9561 e D7flAWMI7~pWUFS OIIIIFFf ARDIIfD,79 . ........... f i : ~ i~ ~" 0 1' T ` ~ 0 r--- ~~ k- ~ V ,- ,(1, r •~ •_ ~ I II i ~~ ~~ {` I I (_ ' I ~ 11 ~ L ~~~1~~ "' -~1, ~I RLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS A3: ~ ~ ~ u ~~ L ~ Sal E HYINAM • SURE 901 • ASPfB, W 81611 • TELE 9m/97S 5590 • FAL E1I8SSDf8 /'~ iJ ~~ ~ , T~ J (~ '~'~ ~`~~ lam.- TAECOLORAOOAVE •80X7861 • TELLBAIDEC081195 • TELF:303(R&3798 • FAIC~9lR&45h7 e~OPYBWXf 7992.01~WlF5 WAl1AE AAGrtEfS 1 ~J r--- ~ ~ ~ IT -f ~ ~ ~~ ~,___~ d~ 0 Z A3.3 Sj~(,~~(~ ~'~ CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS ©^ 5 ~~~~ t ~ ~~~ 520 E HYAIAX • SURE 301 • ASPEN. CO 81611 • TEES 303/9755590 • EAL 307/42SS076 710ECOEORA00 AVE. ~ BOX 2863 •1ELLUAI0EC061135 • TELE303R18-37JB • EAX 3RV77&9567 ~~ ~ TT9MIR Im1 N1M tY f11YYl6t tYN11ORe tass~ueocxri • ar~~cumen33 • a[suro~a~ann33 • aaezoa • 3nraarao3m3au ams~ca 1(N3 • o~aiAJmC aaa3 • «au ro'r3nr • is Suns • rrn3x 3 azs S1.~311H~?lY ~~ ~ ~~ 4'£tl r _~ r = -~~ ~ ~I x__11 r- - I ~ -- r--~f~ L_ r- _~ ., ~1. S1P1-0173!l111(0 S31a/W iSal IN91YIdPJ o~~ - February 14, 1997 Design Review Appeals Committee ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Aspen, Colorado re: Submission for Appeal Review Residence for 533 W. Smuggler Aspen, Colorado Gentlemen: ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS We have submitted the proposed project to the Aspen Planning Staff for as recommended in Application Procedure and were found to be in compliance with all but one of the Residential Design Standards in the Aspen Land Use Code. Please refer to the attached letter from Amy Amidon. The standard in question is 26.58.040, E. Inflection. We believe that the interpretation taken by Amy is excessive and goes beyond the reasonably inferable intent of this standard. Specifically, she has told us that the minimum 12 foot side yard inflection of the street frontage elevation must continue all the way back along the side yard elevation facing the one story element of the adjacent structure to the alley. If this were the case, it would become the side elevation of the house, not the street frontage elevation if required to continue back past the stated twelve jl2j foot point. In the proposed design for this project, we have a one story element which is sixteen (l 6j feet along the street frontage elevation and sixteen (16) feet along the side yard elevation facing the adjacent structure. The one story element of the adjacent structure on the side facing the proposed project is a one-car garage and entry which is backed up by a two story element which is the full width of the total structure all the way back to the alley. The two story stair element of the proposed project is roughly parallel to this two story adjacent structure in relation to the street frontage. Furthermore, the conical roof shape of this proposed stair element is reminiscent of the numerous huge spruce trees that exist on the subject property and the adjacent property. The steep roof pitches and massing of this design are in keeping with the intent of the Residential Design Standards to be compatible with the predominantly Victorian West End neighborhood. We would also like to point out that the rear (alley) portion of the proposed project steps back down to a one story element for the last twenty four (24j feet of the structure. CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 520 EAST HYMAN SUITE 301 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970/925-5590 FAX 970/925-5076 In conclusion, we believe we have in fact met both the letter and the intent of the Inflection Standard in question. We respectfully request that you give your approval to our application regarding this matter. You will find attached the required supportive documentation. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, N~ Ja ver Derrington, P ject Architect enclosures M ATTACHMENTI LAND USE APPLICATION FORM 1. Project name A residence for 533 W. Smuggler 2. Project location 533 W. Smuggler Street, Aspen, CO, Parcel 2 of CarrisCh Lot Split (Lots C & D, Block 27) (indicate street address, lot and block number or metes and bounds description) 3. Present zoning R-6 4. Lot size 6000 SF 5. Applicant's name, address and phone number Farrell & Patrice Kahn/ PO Box 7665, Aspen, CO 81612 (970) 925-5531 AKA Smuggler Partners, LLC 6. Representative's name, address, and phone number Janve>~ Derrington of Charles Cunniffe Architects, 520 E. Hyman Ave. Aspen, CO 81611 970) 925-5590 7. Type of application (check all that apply): Conditional Use Special Review 8040 Greenline Stream Margin _ Subdivision GMQS allotment _ View Plane Lot Split/Lot Line Adjustment Conceptual SPA _ Final SPA _ Conceptual PUD _ _ Final PUD _ _ Text/Map Amend. GMQS exemption Condominiumization~ Conceptual HPC Final HPC Minor HPC Relocation HPC Historic Landmark Demo/Partial Demo Design Review Appeal Committee 8. Description of existing uses (number and type of existing structures, approximate sq. ft., number of bedrooms, any previous approvals granted to the property) The existing residence is single family use with five (5) bedrooms and a studio caretaker unit comprising approximately 3500 SF. The property is four (4) city lots which has been legally subdivided into two (21 oarcels, known as the Carisch Lot Split. 9. Description of development application Anew single family residence on one of two parcels previously subdivided out of an existing residential site containing four (q)ycity lots (30' x 100' each). The existing residence is to be demolished. 10. Have you completed and attached the following? x Attachment 1-Land use application form X Response to Attachment 2 X Response to Attachment 3 ATTACHMENT2 GENERAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS All development applications must include the following information: The applicant's name, address, and telephone number, contained within a letter signed by the applicant stating the name, address, and telephone number of any representative authorized to act on behalf of the applicant. (See Attached) The street address and legal description of the parcel on which the development is proposed to occur. (See Attached) A disclosure of ownership of the parcel on which the development is proposed to occur, consisting of a current certificate from a title insurance company, or attorney licensed to practice in the State of Colorado, listing the names of all owners of the property, and all mortgages, judgments, liens, easements, contracts and agreements affecting the parcel, and demonstrating the owner's right to apply for the development review. (See Attached ) 4. An 8 1/2"x11" vicinity map locating the subject parcel within the City of Aspen.(See Attached) ATTACHMENT3 SPECIFIC SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applications for DRAC review must include the following information: Neighborhood block plan at 1"=50' (available in the City Engineering Department). Graphically show the front portions of all existing buildings on both sides of the block and their setback from the street in feet. Identify parking and front entry for each building and. locate any accessory dwelling units along the alley. Indicate whether any portions of the houses immediately adjacent to the subject parcel are one story (only one living level). (See Attached) 2. Site plan at 1"=10'. Show ground floors of all buildings on the subject parcel, as proposed, and footprints of adjacent buildings for a distance of 100' from the side property lines. Show topography of the subject site with 2' contours. (See Attached) 3. All building elevations, roof and floor plans at 1/8"= 1'0. (See Attached) 4. A graphic verification that the project meets or does not meet the "Primary Mass" standard. (See Attached) 5. Photographic panorama. Show elevations of all buildings on both sides of the block, including present condition of the subject property. Label photos and mount on a presentation board. (Previously Submitted) 6. A written explanation of the requested variance and a discussion of why a variance would be appropriate and would not compromise the intended goals of the "Residential Design Standards." The applicant may provide any offsetting design features that may mitigate impacts of the variance requested. (See Attached) ~.... - JnN 31 '97 11~09raM CHRRlES CUNNIFFE January 28, 1997 Charles Cunniffe Architects Attn: Jan Derrington 520 E. Hyman, Suite 301 Aspen, CO f11611 Re: 533 Vv'. Smuggler . .Dear ,lan: W i~. z~.~ Asrerl • Pm:ru C(f41UNRY D[YrIGrMINt DVAX.NYNT i he Ccmmurtity Development Department has reviewed your application for L;~~rrpliance vrith the "Residential Design Standards." We find that the protect is got in compli;3nce with the "inflectien" standard. Sr~etion 26:58.040.E, which reads as follows: if the street outage of an adjacent structure is one (1) story in height for a distance more than twelve (12) feet on the side far..Ing a proposed building, then; the adjacent portion of the proposed building mus!• also 6e one (1J story in heigfa for a distances of twelve (12,1 feet. This standard requires that in those areas where the house to the east of 533 lA+. ~m:.lggler is one story, the residence proposed for 533 W. Smuggler must also be one story and at least 12 feet across. Your ~~ptions for addressing the "inflection" standard are to restudy the proposerz desiSn or'to apply to the Design Review Appeals [3oard. Please call me at 920 5096 with any funkier questions, or Julie Ann Wocds at 920-5100 after February; 3. '•Sincerely, ~~% ~~ 7 ,~ /f ` ,. ' Amy An(idon ~\ Hlstori~Preservation Officer ~ , ~.. 110 Soutx Gau-xa Sraeer • Atr¢a, Cixuanoo 81611.1975 • Pxox~ 970.920.5090 • N.a 970.930.!179 Mn•+a rK~nr r.rn CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 9 2 7 7 Smuggler Partners Project:DRAC Deposit Fee ~,,.... TEL: Feb 13 97 13:26 No .011 P.02 $MUGrGL'ER PAR'TN~RS. ~-C• p.0. BOx 76fiS A,SP~eta, ~;plo~gpo 81612 I~broaty 13.1997 ~~~ m Rt/nn~rt vd~ CumtftmnitY ~ t Dept. ~~ ~~1 NAND ~ 'Fo whom it TnaY ooh nruiod indi~klval~ to ~P flu Tbu ~' dap ar.TVe as authoriza~ ~ the i rcJ~16 m ~ipQl l and 2, Culrch La- paTtoctt. ~.. Ia ceenecxl~n ~ ~ 7~ ~ 1995 in Met 130 37 ~r p+Be 73. The r1gW of il~e ro ~ flat 1hAreof Sp1~, °1°g B~vuw App11~ the p~ehase Co~ueet ,~aigned tg fl>6 and process the ri~ ~ ooh m ~~ ~ ae.c~ea ~ $tam ~ • atd Sbu~fi ~ "~~ ~ ~ ("~r1Ca '~~ 533 at 57+0 F~ut liyo~ Avmue, ~ps'n• Qolaado end Osex HnRI~ A'~'~ do ~• Tsad Hopldaa. AsPa-. ~lncado. Slncctcly. . f/d'd ~~q R.,~JF{'331H0 ZT:ET lb. ET Hai-"-~. Sasr1GGL1iR PAS'~~~.I.I.C. FEB-13-97 TNU 14;19 CARISCH FRX N0. 6124767293 P. 03 ,_ City of Aspen Community 7)evelopment Depattrnent February 13,1997 Page 2 Conferred by legal tide holder: ~~ __ _ George L. Cazisch ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~h Sharon G. Carte ti F$/amc Enclosuz'es rnxU'c~tisGUOdsa.~m~ir.cw~anazu~e ~ .~ ~. FNT T- CONIMITIVIE SCH~DUL~ ~ INSURANCE 1. Effective Date: 11/01/96 at 08:30 A.M. Case No. PCT11390 2. Policy or Policies to be issued (a) ALTA Owner's Policy-Form 1992 Amount$ ~~ Premium$ ~ Proposed Insured: Rate:RE-ISSUE RATE SMUGGLER PARTNERS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (b) ALTA Loan Policy-Form 1992 Proposed Insured: GEORGE L. CARISCH AND SHARON G. CARISCH Amount$ Premium$~ Rate:COMPANION Tax Certificate $20.00 3. Title to the FEE SIMPLE estate or interest in the land described or referred to in, ;this Commitment is at the effective date hereof vested in: GEORGE L. CARISCH and SHARON G. CARISCH 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is situated in the County of PITKIN, State of COLORADO and is described as follows: PARCEL 1 AND PARCEL 2, CARISCH LOT SPLIT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JULY 24, 1995 IN PLAT BOOK 37 AT PAGE 75. ISSUING COMPANY: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: PITKIN COUNTY TITLE, INC. Schedule A-PG.1 601 E. HOPKINS This Commitment is invalid ASPEN, CO. 81611 unless the Insuring 970-925-1766 Provisions and Schedules 970-925-6527 FAX A and B are attached. AUTHORIZED AGENT ~.~ SCHEDULE B - SECTION 1 REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied with: ITEM (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. ITEM (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record to-wit: 1. Release by the Public Trustee of the, Deed of Trust from GEORGE L. CARISCH and SHARON G. CARISCH to the Public Trustee of the County of PITKIN for the use of PITKIN COUNTY BANK & TRUST COMPANY original amount $500,000.00 dated March 16, 1992 recorded March 31, 1992 in Book 673 at Page 276 reception no. 343081 2. Deed from GEORGE L. CARISCH and SHARON G. CARISCH To SMUGGLER PARTNERS LLC, A COLORADO 3. Copy of the RegiStxation duly stamped by the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado evidencing registration of Smuggler Partners LLC and Trade Name Affidavit or Certificate of Authority of Smuggler Partners LLC evidencing the names and addresses of the Members and/or Managers authorized to act on behalf of said Limited Liability Company. 4. Deed of Trust from SMUGGLER PARTNERS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY to the Public Trustee of the County of Pitkin for the use of THE LENDER TO BE INSURED HEREUNDER to secure $500,000.00 5. Evidence satisfactory to the Company that the Real Estate Transfer Tax as established by Ordinance No. 20 (Series of 1979) and Ordinance No. 13 (Series of 1990) has been paid or exempted. 6. Certificate of nonforeign status executed by the transferor(s). (This instrument is not required to be recorded) 7. Completion of Form DR 1079 regarding the witholding of Colorado Tax on the sale by certain persons, corporations and firms selling Real Property in the State of Colorado. (This instrument is not required to be recorded) e. Evidence satisfactory to the Company that the Declaration of Sale, Notice to County Assessor as required by H.B. 1288 has been complied with. (This instrument is not required to be recorded, but must be delivered to and retained by the Assessors Office in the County in which the property,ais situated) .~ FNT `~.... SCHEDULE B SECTION 2 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, enchroachments, any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessment, charge or lien imposed for water or sewer service or for any other special taxing district. 7. Reservations and exceptions as set forth in the Deed from the City of Aspen recorded in Book 59 at Page 433 providing as follows: "That no title shall be hereby acquired to any mine of gold, silver, cinnabar or copper or to any valid mining claim or possession held under existing laws". 8. Basements, rights of way and all matters as disclosed on Plat of subject property recorded July 24, 1995 in Plat Book 37 at Page 75. This commitment is invalid unless the Insuring Provisions and Schedules A and B are attached. Schedule B-Section 2 Commitment No. PCT11390 a 'mil FNT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURES The Owner's Policy to be issued, if any shall contain the following ~"`"" items in addition to the ones set forth above: (1) The Deed of Trust, if any, required under Schedule B-Section 1. (2) Water rights, claims or title to water. (NOTE: THIS EXCEPTION WILL APPEAR ON THE OWNER'S AND MORTGAGE POLICY TO BE ISSUED HEREUNDER) Pursuant to Insurance Regulation 89-2; NOTE: Each title entity shall notify in writing every prospective insured in an owner's title insurance policy for a single family residence (including a condominim or townhouse unit) (i) of that title entity's general requirements for the deletion of an exception or exclusion to coverage relating to unfiled mechanics or materialmens liens, except when said coverage or insurance is extended to the insured under the terms of the policy. A satisfactory affidavit and agreement indemnifying the Company against unfiled mechanics' and/or Materialmen's Liens executed by the persons indicated in the attached copy of said affidavit must be furnished to the Company. Upon receipt of these items and any others requirements to be specified by the Company upon request, Pre.-printed Item Number 4 may be deleted from the Owner's policy when issued. Please contact the Company for further information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained in this Paragraph shall be deemed to impose any requirement upon any title insurer to provide mechanics or materialmens lien coverage. NOTE: If the Company conducts the owners' closing under circumstances where it is responsible for the recording or filing of legal documents from said transaction, the Company will be deemed to have provided "Gap Coverage". Pursuant (a) (b) (c) to Senate Sill 91-14 (CRS 10-11-122); The Subject Real Property may be located in a Special Taxing District; A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained form the County treasurer of the County Treasurer's Authorized Agent; Information regarding Special Districts and the boundaries such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. NOTE: A tax Certificate will be ordered from the County Treasurer by the Company and the costs thereof charged to the proposed insured unless written instruction to the contrary are received by the company prior to the issuance the Title Policy anticipated by this Commitment. This commitment is invalid unless Schedule B-Section 2 the Insuring Provisions and Schedules Commitment No. PCT11390 A and B are attachecP. of of Nov iB '96 12~47PN CI-~g~S d.NJNiFPE Nov 18 96 12.53 Na P:31 P.03 ~}! ~ •.'~' .p3'.irP.i~ lJYi01. PfN JACdY~ON iILPLTY r~'^ _. , ~ •~ ~ , p~ MD. lit OIAZUI>pp Y* ~ Oily OerrCZL q? l/1/M Zy/ , pOfOiti/i0Y ^/olp7is0i Apo ~ /~Y>~ a!>11091i.. ~~ Ira tlft/0= i/0! /pLiY lLlf/ / 0~ f~'0~ rT.00Y /y~ ptlY lYp y01pAi~/ dl fJ/pr1 ' 0/>n<>tY- ssctim fl-'1-ipW~l.o o! Cua Lsp.e tlunieip.l Oose .pzovldos /oz pity Oeuhpil .Dprv-M1 ter loi /p1itD to //edlvisisn fwxDsirns~ sna ~q~, thr'lppileant~ fihrroa ln/ aorys Osrirob~ ouLaittod AT ap'pllaelon ter ^ Sot rpiit sN OHgs sitaioption to tho;risnll~M ' ' Ottlosl end ' .. 't7gRl~t/~ thr City jpgihrlrliq. Ot!!er hrr, p;ovld.d zrtr.ir-1 oas^rhts en t>as psoporra sppliationi ln/ , frplAtZhl~ thr slaenliy o!liss tovier.d tbo psrposed nppllOatlsn '~~~ pyr^usnt so /notion fa-7-loof.A.f o! ~ Arpoh llwAlelpsl pe/s lnd thr oo~wntr ree.ivad troll =nginsstlny And rlesiwondr /pprov/i s! the pubdivisi0n iicoption for A let rplit vitb osndioionsl ~~ ~~~ the lrpon olty punoil Aar1nY sMriis>r^l ~' llsey~lef otliae~s roaea+undrtlan •~ /4otti~oas~divlsion =r.r~tim torrtas , lpuiiaipaL' pods dos^ brtebY 5~ . , . psrirsA Let /p11t. >tDr~ ~M/yQ~. D/ i0 ptp,/igp lY ~ OiOY p//fIGSL OY !Rp Oily ' .ties ft that 1. +rrr hazwy pen0 rubdlrirlan 1MabptlOl and ' pNq/ px.wptien ,ppror^1 for ~ 1at ^plit'Wi1~suAht to ^satlOn ia.7. 10of.a.f ona f/•f-sol.G.l ot•th. i~Psn xynioipAl pods iubjrot.sl /~, thr tdiloVl>+f- oohditisnri ' ' ~ •, . ~' NOV 18 '96 12~47PM CFI(~L~S CLI~NIFFE ~,~ ~ re~ ~1L,~F~1 ~- ~!/ ]I100HtOM !1[ji.TY y„y.~ r~ Nov 18 96 12:54 NoP:~i P.04 ~p~f ' 1, is reeowrndsa Ln ttu airy bnClne-r~r s.l.~-i .a~oatr d,trd 1lrsah f, 10lt thr rpplirtat0! tN s1Mi girt, the appllo"'C a, lore to the rign~n~ ~lltehnoteitr ~ I:risdrvalx, ouch, aMd quttes Nefrasna M. ' su~ibiiatip.es hd+ibvan~txi~ Cq^ vst Qps vvs.eab r~ tMe P=ointy 11iN an Meth ferartf. .. , '. i:it on it 9 ioila~ i se ehr el~e~°i srr~wiepia~it ~ oe ppppliarnt eps11 rOrcM t0 iOih r11y tttYse ~pveVaMnt a• d~iatirlatr vntah arr. Ms fpkaed !is thp_ u~'DO.. .t aomftxuatlnq iapsayraentr lM tra Fobllo s ~r-et-vfY• ., a9-a toliwlna inporµeier ibrli b• notra en tba sinal pira i,a~r nw wrrtarr neiu:kY °~ ine~tr~ Ketoaa•+" ^ ^• ~`i~rt tMr rypliaeMS rna nra en .eaeaont spty~OV}drd b1' fbe Puaii~a sldht-o4•,,•y, Shu should L• atttrf in . ysnesrl veto on thr plat. t, mre ausveyerrf erstltiette, sr oete on' for jla4 trerb atrte etut oii . a,~ ~r ~w hi-nnihera hosioastlo feiioy Me. ~r t City Met~feeinq (efo~foffl , q, Thf appliorrt d+ril earwi et d•velopae„t ritkin paMlla tp~ eei r roNidoassions t (Or0-11101 for r t^~~w^y, pKks Dapr11k14en asmits or anY v.got-tion rpp•rles, enf r,all ho~in.lM D ll within work or diVileolDwa'y ~~„Clrylptitiit~b.prr~iRt fOfO~ pubiyyo xlOh OiiC1. t f. '!ho neY iuMalviOir yP1,~~1~~^r p~iQj~ej ~f~i~rk '~ nest be p~~Lth' eMe iishin owosl~' Ceuneii. DePrvtaent and seooldea v Aeeosdar within SAO deYr o! fpProvrl by Y yrlluse to do fo ,.y srnCrr for .pprwrels 1nvllld. a_ prior Co thr issasaoe e! rhN Molldl arAlta, bath fib ~~ nnqq unit (ADOI s~qulsed to pu110 fn aoosssory pusli eo ~p:aaepen ~~ Vse~r~aY ~ti~ons tr Nation if-i-1001.~.7•ti of ~t t~uai.yFeisi krprrrlnt.tiohr arde r71 ~~ appliesnt is tha ei happllrrtloe end Mueis9_AY~ia'a'•t;,yo with tns cit~r Csunoil ' , . i . .~ NoV 1B '% 12~48PM CFI(j~ES CUNNIFFE NOV 18 96 12:54 No P:91 P.05 ' ~+,ip 'af ~FUSrt+Ltr~- ae+ mcouon ~st.rr• r~+• . . rhrss ~ he rdhesrd ra en0 aeluldNeed erndltioN of alpxevei, .r. ynieee ath•svLa• earnded in the eondiCioer. , ~ a !e hrarln4 em shr Ordlnrrer shed be acid ea ter ~ solr •e roe •.r: !a the airy aeunrii f~ daY oR , ~yue, -lhen mty Nrli~ ynpeh, 8oirrrdo.' flttrrn,(~1 /W~ , ptler to tba hearlnp ^ yuf~ila iwtlw r!' the hurl:+0 rhril h•. ~ , pWOlsehea !a + nrreyeoee of 4ereras e!=ruiaelen vishlM th+ CSty oR , LrDefl. xy*rawam. Ri1~e at:e ~:~ paats~ rN previdea by 1w. 1q1 sw oe the alRy eeunrii o[ the elry et ~eplln . on the , ~, lace, f - / ~~~ , - ., ~~~~. drY e.! ' /~~ .~sY~Y. w~ea~ weed ufd aPPSavM this ~,.~ ' .:~ ri • ~ era,ee.te.eerieoh ;~ 7 r ' ~r t ;.. o ~t ,, ~~ is ~'b r ~I, •, •~ ti R ''.,- It - r~ •'~ fit''[ tr[/.T[n, .~r ~~~ - . ~ ~, ti~ ~ ~.' f ...~ •i , ,, r , »~ .~ Z \~~i~f~~ ~ Zi o 4' ~ ( ' i'\\~~~ 04 e(kr'-t"'"`^tia4~.!.~' .' rn 9nbtT1,~ '.. Z FrQ ri l':r '~~ ~1,. `~ ~' ~~i O?; T rrf. `. ~ ~. ~ , ~ ~ ,tip r C ~~ ~ ~~ 1S ~~~t/~ 1 ~~ J ~ 3 ` / ~ / ~ V/ \\ J ~ 1: ,•V i; .m 5 '%' s i ~ , ...- • • .tt O ~• , ,r ~ ~ Q /~ ~'il ~ ~ . r ~ r_ • • • C; x , ?t o .,• _: ,~:~, , a~ ~ '~ ` r ;. ~ ~ v Z~ U '~ N C ~' . . ~. ..'~'! 'f.~:'~'tr r.'. , 1.. I . _ i f~c ~j~ ~,"~ " ~, r ~' i` (! ~ . P~ `~Q) J .1 /1. ~; • •r , ,~" ~., Z ~^ r f5' 8 i~ ~S. t~ J~ ~fs' `ti _ '/ ,, s~ ry 1 gas -n(~~' ~ c,~ '' ~ ` , ~ ,~ 1 +-'/~/u ~? S~ ~ ~ `i~.), i , ' ' _ ,. r , / "ri. ~ r1: .., m ~ ' ~ .. , ~:.. ,~,i .m s. 4V I r. ~ , ,~, ', ~~.• U , ~,,Ilvor dunon {~I ~• L) •.. (.~ ' ~ ~ Pr °F1 ~^ Q ~ ~ ~ 1.1 / / *[ w ~.~, r. ,7 __ c~~y ASf~Et W SMUGGLER ST _ ~ K 0 NEIG BORHOOD BLO K PLAN -- SCALE ~ ~_ Sp• a 0 ALLEY BOUNDARIES CD SETBACKS BOUNDARIES SMUGGLER STREET ~..- ~7 A RESIDENCE FOR CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS ~^ Al .3 ~ 533 W. SMUGGLER SITE PLAN Y16' s 1'-0" ASPEN, COLORADO ao un mares Ara • swrt ~ • Aw+,m nm • re[: mavsaso • vAx m»xswn IIL E fpGMILO AN.' lFLL1M1#. W fl~]5 • 19E: ]6YllF3)39 • FAi MM6950 .__ __.._ Y<z:::. ~... A2.1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN A RESIDENCE FOR 533 W. SMUGGLER ASPEN, COLORADO CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS so un mww nra•wmm•nwri,m nm•ree~msu-ssso•fnc mvsann \~J~~.] ao E caowoo nvf. • ieiwa. m n~u • me: wmsane • Inc wmssw~ A2.2 hWN LEVEL PLVJ Y8' . 7'-0" ASPEN, COLORADO no usr mrAw AN. • sm[ ~m • A9fN,m nm • m[: ]mricseo • SAS: xas~saon EO E LRCA•N AVE• IOWCIF.m fl135 ' 10E: ]6Y11F]]i•' iK NYRH56) A RESIDENCE FOR CHARLES CUNNIFFE ARCHITECTS 533 W. SMUGGLER A2.3 UPPER LEVEL PIAN ~. a ~,-0. J ~~ A RESIDENCE FOR 533 W. SMUGGLER ASPEN, COLORADO CHARS- -E€ ~LRC-k#ITECTS SUI GST IhMW .1Yf • WI[ PI • ASHM.ID IX~ • 19f: ]WYd590' iAl W91S-b]f 3]0 f. W1C0.100 ~Vf. • RIWY[N. (D flfli • lflf: SIIYJl4i7Jf ' fK' ]0Y/IHS[I I/J PT.OF PRCHEO RGOf HEMr//T AT 25'O ABOVE EXIST/NG GRAOE~ I/J PT.Of P/TCHED ROOF HE/GRT AT 2I~B'ABtNE EXISTING GRAOf A2.4 ROOF PIAN ~. _ ~,-0. A RESIDENCE FOR 533 W. SMUGGLER ASPEN, COLORAC7O Sl0 FKi MM41 AVf' SLtIF ]01 • AWI, fO Ytll • 1fIE:.NMSdf90 • tM: ]OYll3&Ilt ]IO L CIX00.b0 µT. • ifLLUPIOE CO M35 • RIF: %IY!!Fl>1! • iK ]ON319561 51731NpYtl i111NNA1 A11WA7'k'81 IN~ktlAdA] o 195A~BAUCAC #Yd • AC3CAAlCAC7131 • %YlBQA7AltlA1131 • C98Z%AA • 7AYOAYtlOlAA70lL BlASSiBIfAC ~%Yd OASSS26ILR 7131 IIAIB PJ'N3dSY IAC 311AS NYMJIN 3035 51~311H~21V 3ddINN~1~ 537~11A/H~ ~sf~~i~ •~ds_ L'Etl _J iL 11 ~ •-• J W 22 ~~ C ~ 0 ~~ .~ ', I :Q ,1 11 ~~ SL73llNMf 3iilNYlq S31Y/l0 2561 LMJ6IMRI o ~{~ ~ ~ ~ (1 ~~~ ®® 1950471/COC7IYi • Af'iC9t!/COC3131 • SCYlB IX130HIH1131 ~ C9BZ%OA ~ 3AY OOYtl010930R ~~ ~~ 91954d6/fDC 1fY1 O6s'~,S16/000 3131 ~ 11919 00'If3d5Y l0E 31105 NYWAH 3 OSS J • [~~/ ~~ 51~311H~?JV 3ddINNf1~ 53121 V ~i Y ~- --~- L .-.r ----~ A Q- 2 Q Q 1L! 0 11 S1AllIgXY 3tl9XMR1531n1q'~611N9tlANN7 0 - 19S0-BZ!/FDC ](Yf • Bf1C$C!/0007131 • SE4180.170N01131 • C98Z I(OA •'3Atl00tlN010:130ZZ 9llISSi61fbC 11Y3 03SSSZOIfMIC 3131 11918 07 •M3dSY l0E 31105 XYWAN 3 OZS 51~311H~21V 3ddINNf1~ S3121U/H~ /~~~Y~ r Z 0 .~_.> h it L__11 ~} ----a I 1 0 ~n _~ fIf111NSW 1111AAA1 f11WN1'i661 INSItlAdW o ~~ L99A~BZLI000d(N3 • BCICWl/COC7131 • SCYIB 0370A1A7131 • C9BC YOB • 7AYWYY01007DCL BlOS~RBIt9C ~BY3 A69S-S38ICBC 7131 119IB W'N3dSY IOC 31109 NYIIAN 3 OC9 ~~ 51~311H~Ld 3d~IN ~E _.FI? ~i-7j ~~ _ •, .: •, ~,. ,;• .... --~ r~~Y ,f---n ell I z w w ~. w ~ ~0 ~ 1 ~~ o w- ~ ._ ~ v i• • w: , ~.' .. L ,. ~ i~ ~--_-~ 3- I ~.••.,. L_ r--~I ' ~--.il r-~ ... --1 i. ~_ Z 0 ~_ 0 `'\ p County of Pitkin } AFF'IDAVTT OF NOTICE PURSUANT } ss. TO ASPEN LAND USE REGULATION State of Colorado } SECTION 26.SZ.060 (E) ~ ~ n v? -'1 / " C ar/¢~ N he H~e ~ being or representing an Applicant to the City of Aspen, nail certify thaz I have complied with the public notice re4uuzments pursuant to Section 26.52.060 (~ of the Aspen Land Use Regulazions in the following manner. 1. By mailing of notice, a copy of which is attached hereto, by rust-~.iass. postage C~"~ J prepaid U.S. Mail to all owners of property within three hundred (3001 feet of the subject property, as indicated on the attached list, on the - day of ,199_ which is _ davs prior to the public hearing date of ;. ~o v- 'p, ~Z .~, G. r-av i~cv 2. By posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the subject property i as it could be seen from the nearest public wayj and that the said sign was posted and visible continuously from the Z~_day of C!~ 1997(Must be posted for ~-vt C5 at least full days before the hearing date;. .~ ahotograph or the posted ,, t. • ;. ~ESS MY T~~iD i-11~ ~ TAI. SiAL .,,~,;~'' M commission es fires : ~ ~ ~ ~~' ~'- Y P ,, , •. ~~r 3, b11C `"' ~. ~ ~ ~ . ~-: Notary Public's Si~ature P-~k~ v~ Ca~.~-~~, ~-~-~~. ~ Co-t~~~d a Memorandum TO: Design Review Appeal Committee /1. J THRU: Stan Clauson, Community Development Director ~ r" FROM: Julie Ann Woods, Deputy Director DATE: February 24, 1997 RE: Brass Bed Lodge--926 E. Durant Ave.--Appeal from Design Standards SUMMARY: The applicant requests a waiver of the Ordinance #30 standard related to FAR increase due to volume for glazing in the "no window" zone. Though the applicant is also requesting a waiver to allow new dormers in excess of the maximum height allowed in this zone district, the DRAC does not have authority to consider this item. This would require a hearing before the Board of Appeals. APPLICANT: Silverstream LLP LOCATION: 926 E. Durant Ave. ZONING: R-MF PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS AND STAFF EVALUATION Background: The proposed project is an existing lodge which was approved for a change in use to allow six free-market residential units and one employee deed restricted unit. It is approximately 15,356 s.f. Site Description: The structure is located on a relatively flat site east of the downtown core. Waiver Requested: Standard: "All areas with an exterior expression of a plate height greater than ten (10) feet, shall be counted as two (2) square feet for each one (1) square foot offloor area. Exterior expression shall be defined as facade penetrations between nine (9) and twelve (12) feet above the level of the finished floor... " Staff Evaluation: The Committee may grant an exception to the design standards if the project as proposed is found to meet one of the following criteria: a) yields greater compliance with the goals of the Aspen Area Community Plan: Staff Response: The project does not further any goals of the AACP. February 24, 1997 Aspen/Pitkin County Community Development Dept. 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 RE: The Brass Bed Design Review Appeal Committee 926 E. Durant Street Aspen, Colorado We are submitting the enclosed application for a Design Review Appeal for the proposed residences located at 926 E. Durant in Aspen, Colorado. Enclosed is Attachment 1, Land Use application Form and Attachment 3, Specific Submission Requirements. The following addresses Attachment 2, General Submission Requirements: 1. See enclosed authorization letter. 2. The street address is: 926 East Durant Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 The legal description is: Lots P,Q,R and S Block 118 City of Aspen 3. See enclosed Disclosure of Ownership 4. See enclosed vicinity map Thank you for your time in reviewing our request for the Design Review Appeal. Please contact me with any further questions regarding this application. n J/ Reno, enclosures DAVID GIBBON. AIA AUGUST RENO. AIA scorn SMITH. AIA GIBBON ~ RENO A R C H[ T G C T S I I 210 E. HYMAN N° 202 ASPEN COLORADO 81611 303.925.5968 FACSIMILE 303.925.5993 P.O. BOX 278 117 N. WILLOW N°2 TELLURIDE COLORADO 81435 303.728.6607 FACSIMILE 303.728.6658 ATTACHMENT 1 LAND USE APPLICATION FORM 1) Project Name 2) Project Location 926 Fast Dnrant St. T ors P .R and S. Blnek 11 R City of Amen (Indicate street address, lot & block number, legal description where appropriate) 3) Present Zoning RMF t1..P. Overla^1 4) Lot Size I'1 ROO SF 5) Applicant's Name, Address & Phone No. Sitverstream T..T..P_ 'T07 So ~ h Mill St_ A ~nen. CO. R1611 925-7RR'1 6) Representative's Name, Address & Phone No. Cehsnn-Reno Architects. i-.T _C. 21~ F- HYmran S pit . 0 A nen. CO. R1611 7) Type of Application (please check all tltat apply): _ Conditional Use _ Conceptual SPA _ Conceptual Historic Dev. _ Special Review _ Final SPA _ Final Fistoric Dev. 8040 Greenline _ Conceptual PUD _ Minor Historic Dev. Stream Mazgin _ Final PUD _ Historic Demolition Mountain View Plane _ Subdivision _ Historic Designation Condominiumization _ Text/Map Amendment _GMQS Allotrnent Lot SplidLot Line X Desien Review _GMQS Exemption Adjustment Anngal Committee 8) Description of Existing Uses (number and type of existing structures; approximate sq. ft.; number of bedrooms; any previous approvals granted to the property). 9) Description of Development Application: 10) Have you attached the following? X R@Spnnse to Attachment 2. General Sobmissitm Contents X Re~nse to Attachment ~. Specific Snhmissinn Contents bblandap.doc February 24, 1997 Silverstream L.L.P. C/O Swift Property Fun Inc. 307 South Mill Aspen, Colorado 81611 (970) 925-3883 Aspen/Pitkin Community Development Department 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Please accept this letter as authorization for the firm of Gibson-Reno Architects, L.L.C., located at 210 E. Hyman Avenue, Suite 202, Aspen, Colorado 81611, (970) 925-5968 to submit and process the Application for the Design Review Appeal Committee on my behalf, and to represent my interests at any related meetings, hearing, or presentations. Sincerely, ~\~~itu-a-~- Robert J. Tobias, Managing Partner, Silverstream LLP LAND TITLE GUARANTEE. COMPANY C U S T O M E R D I S T R I B U T I O N October 16, 1996 Our Order No.: Q371443 Property Address: ASPEN, CO ' SWIFT PROPERTY FUND, INC. 307 SOUTH MILL ASPEN, CO 81611 . Attn: ROB TOBIAS 303 925-3883 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. s ~, Project Site <:~::.~::::: i~ ::. .. ._ 99~~ I~ Vicmrty Map I § Mou~t~ ~ To Twin '; This section is to be included as part of the Design Review Appeal for 926 East Durant. Enclosed is a Neighborhood Block Plana 1" = 50'. 2. Enclosed is a Site Plan (reduced to 11x17). 3. Enclosed are Building Elevations at 1/8" - 1'-0". 4. Primary Mass is an existing condition, proposed new construction does not increase primary mass. 5. Enclosed aze photos of site and surrounding buildings. Additional photos will be available at the review hearing if needed. 6. As outlined in Section 26.58.20, Procedure, of the Residential Design Standards, we wish to appeal Staffs findings. The guidelines we wish to appeal aze as follows: A) Existing height is non-conforming therefore, new dormers are non- conforming. B) FAR Increase due to volume for glazing in the "no window" zone. A written explanation of our appeal is as follows: A) Height Non-Conformity: The interpretation of Staff, as we understand it, is that because of a change in zoning as it applies to height calculations since the original project was completed, causes the existing building to be in non-conformity. We wish to appeal this finding and/or waive the height requirement for the following reasons: The height of the existing buikling is non-conforming only because the finish grade of a portion of the lowest level is below the previous natural grade. Grades at the North, East and West Elevations as well as grade directly in front of the lower level terraces on the South side do not contribute to the "Non- conformity". 2. The portions of the South Elevation that aze below the previous natural grade aze set back from the furthest south facade by 32-48 feet and set back from the street by 63-81 feet. Therefore creating very little visual impact on the street facing facade. Attachemnt 3 Specific Submission Requirements 926 East Durant Page 2 3. The proposed dormers added to the existing roof help to visually break up the mass of the main roof and lessen the severity of what is now considered a "non-conforming" element. If the dormer heights are reduced, more of the main roof mass will be visible. B. The interpretation of Staff, as we understand it, is that portions of the new dormers have glazing in some locations that is within the identified 9' to 12' above finished floor "No Window Zone" and therefore the FAR for spaces behind those locations must be counted twice. We wish to appeal this finding and/or waive the FAR increase for the following reasons: 1. The intent of this guideline, as we understand it, is to discourage large two-story glazing elements but not to discourage the use of dormers to break up roof mass or not to allow views and natural light. The portions of glazing in question (see Elevations) is minimal and part of upper level dormers. 2. Several of the glazing elements have sills above the floor level. Although they have glazing above the 9'-0" AFF height, the overall height of the window does not exceed 9'-0". 3. The result of deleting the glazing from these location is a possible reduction in the size of the dormers or eliminating them all together. This would detract from the overall design of the project and would not improve the intent of the Residential Design Guidelines. bbattch3.doc ~~ 'I 1 ~I - ~~~ ~', ~ I ~~ s ~ ~~~ 1 ~ ', ~ i ' i ~ 11 ~ ;I 1 i V t ~` i ~ cj ~i ~; -,---~ U ~i -~ ~ ~ ~,, i j --- `1 ~~ I ~~ r--~ ~ ~' I r ,~ _ /f ~~ \\ - V C ~ .a. `~ > ~\ `; < I 1° r- ,' r ~ ~, t l~ r i I ~~ _ ,- r- ~~_ d a '~ ~~ ~~ ~ - -~-- '. i ~ i ~ i ~ ~_ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ i ' ~ i l ~ I li _. ___...~.. l-~~_ i ~ ~ ~~ ;~, ---~ ~---~-1 ~ I ~'--~.~ ~i i ; ~ } i C i r-- ~l ~-_----~ i~ i i ~ '; ; p _~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ rJ ~, ~~ ~ ' ~ --, --~ ', , ~`,, I _~ ri , -~ ' I ~ r ~ t ~ ~~ ,~ /__~ J j IIkOI l ;~ ' ~ 0 O .~ i ~, ~ ~1 ~ \ } 11V 1I \~ I ~I 1 III \\ :S ON3 1S3 G ~i~~~ ~, ~~ !F 1 I Z a a r N Q W m N m Z a 7 O r y Q W N m M w z w a F.. Z Q z Q ~ ~~ N r ,_ Z 1- d •} v F- a a N III va l i 4 t~. ~- 4 ~~~ lii ,ln ~~ ~_ DATE _ : = ::. ,,;. TIME _ PLACE PURPOSE ~_ ~ ~I ^ i County of Pitkin } AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE PURSUANT i} ~, TO ASPEN LAND USE REGULp,TION ~StBtC Og COlgl'dd0 } SECTION 262.060 (E) FOR D . R . A . C . AUGUST G . RENO , A I A being or teptQ4CntiIIg an Applicant to the City of Aspen. personally cutifY that I have complied with the public notice ret}uitemeats pttrsnaat to Section 2652.060 (~ of the Aspen Land Use Regulations in the following manner: NOT REQUIRED By [nailing of notice, a copy of which is attached hereto, by T'ust-class, postage prepaid U.S. Mail to all owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property, as indicated on the attached list, on the x day of xx , 199_ (which is x days prior to the public hearing date of xx j 2. By posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the subject property (as it could be seen from the nearest public way) and thaz the said sign was posted and visible continuously from the z i 5 t day of F e b r u a x y199?. (Must be posted for 1=ive(5) at least~ea-G~lfull days before the hearing date;.. photo;aph of the posted sign is attached hereto. ~~ (~.ttach photograph here) S igrted ~sfprrr~ie this z ~ t n day February 199 by August G. Reno wrrNESS MY I~~ID AND orZr-IC~.~ My commission expires : ~- y ~~ Notary Public ~N~rG(I,ivslon~ Notary Public' a G~~~/~=t-- ~ ~~