HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.028-01 ORDINANCE NO. 28, (SERIES OF 2001) AN ORDINANCE OF THE ASPEN CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A PROJECT PRESENTED BY THE ASPENXLPS CONDOMINIUMXSSOCIX~TiO~ F~ X CONSOLIDATED PLANNED UNIT OEVELOPMENTi REZONING} SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT} AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT QUOTA SYSTEM EXEMPTION FOR LOT2B OF MOSES EOT SPLIT ~D A REZONING OF THE LANDS' WHICH INCLUDE LOT ~ THg ~00~ ~00~ AND 700 BUILDINGS OF THE ASPEN ALPS, AND SURROUNDING LANDS OWNEB BY THE ASPEN ALPS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONCWHICH X~ CURRENTLY ZONED EITHER R-i5 PUD OR CONSERVATION TO LODGE / TOURIST RESIDENTIAL PUD (L/TR PUD)TYIEXSPEN XLPS CONDOMINIUMS, CITY OF ASPEN, PITKIN COUNTY, COLO~DO2 Parcel ID: 2 73 7-182-56-004 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application from the Aspen Alps Condominium Association (Applicant), represented by Alan Richman, requesting land use approvals for a consolidated planned unit development, rezoning, subdivision amendment, and growth management quota system exemption for the construction of 3 employee-housing units and a two level sub-grade parking garage. The property on which the construction is proposed to occur is described as Lot 2B of the Moses Lot Split, City of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado of the Aspen Alps Condonfiniums; and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received referral comments from the Aspen Consolidated Waste District, City Engineering, Building, Fire, Streets, Housing, Envirotunental Health, Parks, and Water Departments; and, WHEREAS, upon review of the application, referral comments, and the applicable Land Use Code standards, the Community Development Department recommended approval for the proposed land use requests for Lot 2B of the Moses Lot Split including a consolidated Plmmed unit development, subdivision amendment, rezoning for the lands which include Lot 2B, the 300, 400, and 700 buildings of the Aspen Alps, and surrounding lands owned by the Aspen Alps Condominium Association, which are currently zoned either R-15 PUD oi ConservatiOn to Lodge / Tourist Residential PUD (L/TR/PUD)from R-15 PUD to L/TR PUD, and GMQS Exemption; and WHEREAS, the City of Aspen / Pitkin County Housing Authority forwarded a recommendation of approval, by an m~animous vote of six to zero (6 - 0), to the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the proposed three affordable housing units for the employees of the Aspen Alps Condominium Association; and WHEREAS, the city of Aspen planning and Zoning Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, by an unanimous vote of five to zero (5 - 0), to the City Council to approve the consolidated planned unit development, subdivision amendment, rezoning for the lands which include Lot 2B, the 300, 400, and 700 buildings of the Aspen Alps, and surrounding lands owned by the Aspen Alps Condominium Association, Page: 1 of 02/08/2002 SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 35 which are currently zoned either R-15 PUD or Conservation to Lodge / Tourist Residential PUD (L/TR/PUD)from R-15 PUD to L/TR PUD, and GMQS Exemption; and WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council has reviewed and considered the development proposal under the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code as identified herein, has reviewed and considered the recon'unendation of the City of Aspen / Pitkin County Housing Authority, the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission, the Community Developmant Director, the applicable referral agencies, and has taken and considered public comment at a duly noticed public hearing on August 2712001; and, WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council acknowledged Ordinance 31, Series 1992, which placed certain conditions on the future development of Lot 2B including: a. The floor area, bedroom and density attributed to Lots 2A and 2B shall not be utilized by the Aspen Alps Condominium Unit Owners for purposes of increasing the floor area, bedroom number or density of existing or fitture Aspen Alps Condominium Units; b. No further development or additional lot area for floor area, bedrooms and additional density or major new recreational facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools shall occur on said ]Lots 2A and 2B. And after reviewing the proposal for the addition of three Affordable Housing units on Lot 2B, as part of this development, is in the best interests of the City of Aspen to modify Ordinance 31, Series 1992 regarding the addition of the three Affordable Housing units on specifically on Lot 2B; and, WltEREAS, Ordinance 28, Series 2001 shall effectively modify Ordinance 31, Series 1992, which placed certain conditions on the future development of Lots 2A and 2B and shall only apply to Lot 2B; and, WHEREAS, the City of Aspen City Council finds that the development proposal meets or exceeds all applicable development standards and that the approval of the development proposal, w/th conditions, is consistent with the goals and elements of the Aspen Area Community Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council, by a vote of five to zero (5 - 0), hereby approves a consolidated planned unit development, rezoning for the lands which include Lot 2B, the 300, 400, and 700 buildings of the Aspen Alps, and surrounding lands owned by the Aspen Alps Condominium Association to L/TR PUD, the subdivision amendment, and growth management quota system exemptions for the construction of 3 employee- housing units and a two level sub-grade parking garage on Lot 2B of the Moses Lot Split, · City of Aspen; and, WHEREAS, the City of Aspen City Council finds that this Resolution furthers and is necessary for the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ASPEN CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Pursuant ro the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the request for a consolidated planned unit development, rezon/ng, subdivision amendment, and growth management quota system exemption, are approved for the construction of 3 employee-housing units and a two level sub-grade parking garage located on Lot 2B; the 300, 400. and 700 buildings of the Aspen Alps, and surrounding lands owned by the Aspen Alps Condominium Association, which are currently zoned either R-15 PUD or Conservation to Lodge Tourist Residential are hereby mzoned m L/TR PUD. City of Aspen with the following conditions: 1) That the Applicant shall provide full accessibility to the tennis courts located on top of the garage and that all bathrooms and office and laundry rooms require full accessibility as required by the City of Aspen Building Department; 2) That the Applicant shall designate specific parking spaces in the garage for the deed-restricted affordable housing units; 3) That the Applicant shall submit the following plans to the Engineering Department for approval prior to application for building permit: )~ Construction Traffic Maintenance Plan )~ Construction Erosion Control Plan )~ Drainage and Dewatering Mitigation Plan > Noise and Dust Control Plan )~ Soils report ~ Full set of construction plans 4) That the Applicant shall, prior to excavation, conduct two bores on the Southeast and Southwest comers of the proposed parking garage to determine the level of groundwater. If groundwater is encountered within the proposed excavation, a plan detailing how it will be diverted to the nearby mine drainage ditch is to be submitted to the City of Aspen Water DePartment for approval; 5) The Applicant shall agree that if seasonal water, groundwater, or dampness is encountered during excavation, the applicant will need to employ extra measures to make sure the proposed affordable housing units do not have mold or mildew problems. The Applicant shall agree to consult an engineer if this is the case; 6) That the Applicant shall conform to the approved dimensional requirement s for Lot 2B as stated in Table 1 below: Page: 3 o¢ 7 02/03/2002 1! _SILVIR._ D~4V~$ PlTKIN COUNTY CO R 35.00 O e.oe Table I. Dimensional Requirements Comparison (units measured in feet or square feet) 6,000 35,327 35,327 1 bedroom / 1,000 sq. N/A 5 proposed bedrooms ft. on 35,327 ft. 60 feet 197 feet 197 feet 10 feet 12 feet 12 feet 15 (west side) 15 (west side) 5 feet 20 feet (east side) 20 feet (east side 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 28 feet N/A N/A 10 feet N/A N/A 25% 17.5% 17.5% 1:1 N/A 0.20:1 (7,065 sq. ft.) 2 spaces per two 5 Spaces in the garage bedroom unit; 1 space N/A will be devoted to the unit three units 7) That the Applicant shall be required by the City of Aspen Environmental Health Department to have the Aspen Alps management notify its contractors about City ordinances prohibiting vehicle idling for more than five minutes, and not starting construction work before 7 am; 8) That the Applicant shall be required to submit a Fugitive Dust Control Plan to the Environmental Health Department prior to the application of building Permits. In addition, the Applicant is aware that there are no special regulations pertaining to movement of mine tailings in any area of the County or City of Aspen except those within the Smuggler Mountain Superfund Site boundary. However, these soils may contain more lead or other heavy metals than other dirt in the area, and nearby neighbors have already expressed concern to the applicants. Therefore, the Applicant shall require their contractor to keep all mine-related soils damp at all times as a dust suppression measure to prohibit the release of particulates into the air. The Applicant Shall contact the Pitkin County Solid Waste Center to determine whether these soils can be taken to the landfill. If not, the Applicant shall contact this office before moving soils off the site. The Applicant shall consult with the Environmental Health Department once they have soils test Page: 4 of' 7 o2/o8/2ee2 ~.1 results. Finally, the Applicant shall maintain constant dialogue with the Environmental Health Department and include them as a monitor during the excavation of the soils for the project. 9) That the Applicant shall be aware that the Director of the Environmental Health Department my require any person undertaking to conduct activity or development within the site to test any soil or material to establish it's total lead (Pb) content. All testing shall utilize and adhere to pmt0cols established or approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (pursuant to Ordinance 25, Series 1994). 10)That the Applicant agree~ to provide the Aspen Parks Department with an excavation plan that indicates how the proposed excavation will take place for the project; 11) That the Applicant shall provide the City Parks Department with an excavation and landscaping plan for their approval prior to the application of building permits that includes protection techniques to be employed in the areas marked "trees to be saved if possible" on the current landscape plan. If the spruce trees on the adjacent property directly to the south (along the fence) that are not marked on the site plan are damaged during excavation, the Applicant agrees to replace all the trees damaged at the Applicant's expense; 12) That the Applicant shall file an appropriate deed restriction agreed to by the City of Aspen Attorney with the City of Aspen / Pitkin County Housing Authority prior to the issuance of building permits and the Applicant shall conduct a site visit and tour of the three employee units with the City of Aspen / Pitkin County Housing Authority Staff prior to the Certification of Occupancy; 13) That the Applicant shall draft a modified subdivision agreement that shall include the decision by City Council to amend the current restrictions associated with Lot 2B of the Moses Lot Split and the subject of this application and present it to the City of Aspen Attorney for approval and shall have this docmnent recorded with the Pitkin County Clerk and recorders office; 14) That the Applicant understands that the existing restrictions on Lots 2A and 2B continue after the rezoning occurs. The Applicant agrees'the deed restrictions will not be dissolved by the rezoning; 15) That the Applicant amends the plan to provide better access from the employee units to the parking spaces in the garage. Specifically, the Applicant shall add a garage access door from the walk around patio in front of the employee units to the top level of the garage where space 41 is currently proposed. Parking spaces for the employee units shall be required to be dedicated as close to that access door as possible; Page: 5 of 7 02/08/2002 21:51!c SlLVlA DRVI$ PITKIN COUNTY CO R 35.00 D 0.00 16) That the Applicant utilize a color treatment such as earth tones for the employee units so that they are effectively blended into the hillside; 17) That the Applicant shall not operate a dry cleaning service in the laundry facility proposed in the sub-grade garage; 18) That no night time lighting be installed for the tennis courts located above the sub-grade garage; 19) That the Applicant agrees that only Aspen Alps associated vehicles be permitted to use the garage. Specifically, those would be vehicles of the unit owners, visitors, employee unit residents, for maintenance and Laundry, and Aspen Alps fleet vehicles; and 20) That the Applicant has agreed to begin and conduct the excavation for the project only between October 1 and May 30 of the year(s) of construction of the project; 21)That the Applicant agrees to file for recordation a Final Plat / Plan PUD / Subdivision Improvement Agreement to the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder's Office within 180 days of approval by the City Council indicating all current improvements and conditions of approval for the entire Aspen Alps property as described herein; 22) The Applicant shall convey an undivided fractional interest (one tenth of 0.01%} in the ownership of deed restricted affordable housing units to the Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority for the purposes of complying with the mcem Colorado Supreme Court Decision regarding rent control legislation. The Applicant may submit an alternative option to satisfy the rent control ~ssue acceptable to the City Attorney. 23)The Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority and City of Aspen from any claims, liability, fees or similar charges related to ownership of the deed restricted affordable housing units. Section 2: The Official Zone District Map of the City of Aspen shall be, and is hereby amended by the Community Development Director to reflect rezoning of the lands which include Lot 2B. the 300, 400, and 700 buildings of the Aspen Alps, and surrounding lands owned by the Aspen Alps Condominium Association. which are currently zoned either R-15 PUD or Conservation to Lodge / Tourist Residential PUD (L/TR/PUD). Section 3: All material representations and commitments made by the applicant pursuant to this application, whether in public hearings or documentation presented before the Historic Preservation Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, or City Council, are hereby 02/08/2002 SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO ~ 35,00 D 0.00 incorporated in such plan approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by an authorized entity. Section 4: This Ordinance shall not effect any existing htigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, Clause, phrase, or portion Of this ordinance is for any roason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. INTRODUCED, READ ~ ORDERED PUBLISHED ~ provided b~ iaw~ by the City .... ~gii~'cjl of,the City of Aspen on this 23d day of July, 2001. Attest: '- ~.:../~t/hry.n.~. ~>qh, City Clerk I~led~I~lin ~Jal~d~; Ma'y~r ~'' : ~ :~.~.~,,,,,,o...eh, City Clerkt "~ ~).p~ir, av' :~as to form: {tq:fli~or~es~o~ C~t~ Attorney SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 35,00 D ~.00 ~